Spain: Muslim woman wearing headscarf tears down posters commemorating Southport stabbing victims (Video)

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A video is currently circulating on social media showing a Muslim woman tearing a poster with the words ‘European Lives Matter’ off a wall. Next to it, the same poster can be seen partially torn down. The video was shared on X by a user called Quiles. He wrote: ‘You know what this is about now, don’t you?’ As the news platform The Noticer reports, the posters were created by the activist group Action Radar Europe following the attack in Southport in the UK, in which a 17-year-old whose parents are from Rwanda stabbed three girls to death. They show the names and faces of the victims and the slogan ‘Remigration saves lives’. Spanish nationalists had already put up the posters outside the British embassy in Madrid earlier this month, a week and a half after French activists had done the same in the city of Vannes, the report continues.

Hundreds of users reacted to the video on X with angry comments. ‘When a Muslim woman tears down the posters of these murdered young girls, it reveals a profound loss of humanity. This appalling act of cruelty challenges us to reflect on the fragility of compassion in our deeply divided world,’ one comment read. Freelance journalist Klaus Arminius shared the video and wrote: ‘How vile and hateful do you have to be to tear up posters of stabbed children?’ Another user wrote that there was no reason to remove the posters: ‘These are young white girls who lost their lives. This is pure hatred. And this is all happening while Europeans are still in the majority. Things can get much worse’. Many other users are calling for the woman to be deported immediately.

Video zeigt Frau mit Kopftuch beim Abreißen von „European Lives Matter“-Plakaten (

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