Spain: Green light for the expulsion of a Moroccan accused of being a ” Salafist reference person”. He calls himself an “anti-racist activist” and is supported by the main Catalan independence parties as well as Podemos

The Spanish judiciary announced on Thursday that it had given the green light for the expulsion of Moroccan Mohamed Said Badaoui, accused of being “one of the most important figures of the most orthodox Salafism” in Spain. The 40-year-old Moroccan, who was arrested in Catalonia (north-east) on Tuesday, “has been taken to Madrid to be deported tomorrow (Thursday)”, the Audiencia Nacional Supreme Court, which rejected the accused’s appeal, said in a decision on Wednesday published on Thursday.

Mohamed Said Badaoui, a public figure in his region, is president of the Association for the Defence of the Rights of the Muslim Community (Adedcom), based in the city of Reus, and describes himself as a “social activist” and anti-racist activist. The Moroccan, who has lived in Catalonia for almost 30 years, has formally denied these accusations since this expulsion procedure was first announced in August.


He is publicly supported by the main Catalan independence parties as well as by the Catalan branch of Podemos, a radical left party that is a member of the Spanish government of the socialist Pedro Sanchez.