A terrifying incident took place in Bolzano on Monday evening. A foreigner threatened passengers on a city bus. He was carrying a 28-centimetre knife.
The horrific scenes took place on a SASA city bus. A 25-year-old Tunisian asylum seeker threatened the passengers with a 28-centimetre-long kitchen knife.
In view of the seriousness of the situation and the imminent danger, the police officers who arrived used a stun gun against the violent foreigner, who continued to resist. The man was taken away by the law enforcement officers and identified as J.T. from Tunisia.
On the instructions of Quaestor Sartori, the Territorial Commission for the Recognition of Refugee Status was immediately called in to revoke the Tunisian’s residence permit and expel him from the territory.
Sven Knoll, member of parliament for ‘Süd-Tiroler Freiheit’, is shocked: ‘South Tyrol must become safe again! This can only be achieved with consistent deportations and a ban on migration from certain cultural groups!’ New and increasingly brutal attacks are occurring almost daily. The perpetrators are almost always foreigners. According to Knoll, the local population no longer feels safe in the cities, especially in the evening.
‘As long as deportations only happen on paper, we won’t be able to solve this problem! It must be ensured that criminal foreigners actually see the inside of the plane,’ emphasises Knoll.
Ausländer bedroht Fahrgäste im Bus mit Küchenmesser – UnserTirol24