Small German town can’t get rid of Islamist terror supporter and its inhabitants must remain in a state of insecurity

Tirschenreuth, Wikimedia Commons , Zebra848CC-BY-SA-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0

In a documentary about the district town of Tirschenreuth (Bavaria), the Bavarian radio station Bayerischer Rundfunk recently revealed an acute threat situation with which the citizens are being left alone by politicians. They have to live with a highly dangerous Islamist because the Christian Social Union (CSU) state government wants it that way: ever since Abdulhadi B., a Syrian with a criminal record, was accommodated in Tirschenreuth, fear has been running rampant in the town of 8,000 inhabitants. B. is classified as highly dangerous and is only allowed to move around the town with an ankle bracelet under strict conditions. He is not allowed to leave the city and is banned from using the internet.

But the people of Tirschenreuth would like nothing more than for the 36-year-old alien to leave their town for good. Preferably back to where he came from. A request that has so far been thwarted by the responsible state government, as deportation to Syria is still not being authorised.

Above all, the measures imposed are probably fruitless. One resident reports that the Syrian is meeting up with other migrants in the city who he can influence and who also all have smartphones. She is appalled that ‘such a person is allowed to be here’. Other citizens interviewed by the broadcaster agree on what should happen: ‘Deport him’. However, this is not happening because it is supposedly so dangerous in the ‘civil war country’ of Syria. This is a bogus argument, as it was only in July that the Münster Higher Administrative Court ( state of North Rhine-Westphalia) ruled that deportations to certain regions of Syria were possible.

The Syrian is a ticking time bomb that could explode at any time and cause fatalities. In August 2018, he was sentenced to a total prison sentence of five years and three months for two counts of soliciting supporters for the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS), attempted incitement to manslaughter and assault. But he is at large.

According to the indictment, he had sent chat messages to two men in Syria asking them to carry out a suicide attack or an explosive attack for IS and even wanted to turn his own son into a child soldier for the terrorist organisation. But once again, the ruling class is more concerned about the welfare of criminal invaders than the safety of its own population.

Bürger müssen in Angst leben, weil Regierung Gefährder nicht abschieben will – Unzensuriert

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