Patients have been shocked since it became known with which “ethical claims” medical professionals communicate in the Facebook group “Doctors versus Covid19”. There they discuss in the crudest jargon, they make fun of vaccination damage. Member of the National Council Christian Hafenecker ( Freedom Party of Austria) has summarised the atrocities in a video contribution:
A member of this honourable society, to which three to four thousand doctors belong according to various media reports, is also the president of the Medical Association, Thomas Szekeres, for whose resignation about 76,000 people have already signed a petition. And – particularly interesting – also senior physician Dr. Marton Széll, a Corona Commission member and part of the National Vaccination Board.
According to the member of the National Council of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), Christian Hafenecker, Dr Széll had made one of the most disgusting statements in this Facebook group. When asked what one does with a patient who refuses vaccination, Széll, a doctor of tropical medicine, said verbatim:
Shut your gob, you stupid cow. (Halt die Fresse du dumme Sau.)

So this is how the Republic’s top Corona advisor talks.According to Hafenecker, who has leaked chats from the doctors’ group, the last straw was when Mr Széll is said to have bragged about not issuing exemptions from vaccination on principle.
Particularly distasteful in these revealed chats is a message from a Carinthian doctor. When asked by a colleague what he should do with a patient who had received a Johnson&Johnson vaccination and who subsequently suffered facial paralysis, a colleague replied that he would give him the vaccination on the other side of the face so that the face would then become more straight again.

This shows the sense of responsibility and ethics with which physicians in Austria go about their work, said Hafenecker, who would now expect the President of the Chamber to intervene and face the corresponding consequences. Hafenecker also called on the federal government to immediately remove Mr Széll from both boards.
Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) party leader Herbert Kickl responded to a report by the weekly Wochenblick on this matter, saying on Facebook:
More and more alarming evidence is coming to light. The suspicion is growing that useful knowledge & “insider information” have been kept away from the general public in recent months. In the middle of it all: Medical Association President Thomas Szekeres! What is actually going on in this country? What is being covered up here?
Sorry to be a stickler to proper translation, but a sau is not a cow.
I didn’t think that there were still doctors in Austria who had studied medicine in the Mauthausen camp…