Shortly before the election in the German state of Brandenburg: Islamist attack concealed – lorry driver is stabbed and fatally wounded

Press censorship in Germany seems to be becoming more and more arbitrary – the kind of thing that usually only happens in totalitarian systems before they collapse.Today on Friday evening, a Syrian German / German Syrian ( aged 40) armed with a knife stormed a petrol station in the north of Berlin on the A 111 motorway. He then tried – similar to the Islamist terrorist in Solingen – to kill or injure as many people as possible. A Polish lorry driver is in mortal danger.

As precarious as ever: the perpetrator is said to already be known to the police for violent offences – a ‘German’ (40) with a Syrian migration background. He was arrested.

Authorities censor ‘Allahu Akbar’ shouts

By chance, however, five members of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ‘Junge Union’ – including a police officer – were at the scene of the crime. According to their statements, the stabber is said to have shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (‘ Allah is great’) as he ran across the square.

The public prosecutor’s office quickly censored the police’s press work: the perpetrator was ‘German’ – as they announced as usual. A cynical postscript: that’s all they could say.

Deliberate censorship, according to the newspaper BILD:

‘Yet references to the ‘Allahu Akbar’ shouts were already in the first internal police situation report!’

The young politicians also complained about this on the internet:

‘We regret that no mention was made in the reporting of the perpetrator’s connection to Islam (…).’

Translation: Experiencing Islamist violence at first hand! On the evening of September 7, 2024, five members of the Junge Union Mecklenburg-Vorpommern were on their way back from the Eastern Conference of the Junge Union Deutschlands in Cottbus when they stopped at a petrol station outside Berlin.
Just as they were leaving the petrol station, a man with a clear migration background ran into the petrol station and shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’. The members, who were right outside the petrol station, were shocked to realise that the man had pulled out a knife and was attacking the people inside.The members reacted with presence of mind and got themselves to safety in order to call the police from there.We are grateful that our members are unharmed and our thoughts are with the seriously injured person.We regret that the media coverage sometimes failed to mention the perpetrator's reference to Islam through his shouting of the creed ‘Allahu Akbar’.We had to experience this: Islamist violence is real. It can affect us all.

Five days after the attack, the Junge Union wrote: ‘We regret that the news coverage sometimes failed to mention the perpetrator’s reference to Islam through his proclamation of the creed “Allahu Akbar”.’ It continues: ‘We had to experience this: Islamist violence is real. It can affect us all.’ It remains to be seen whether the CDU junior staff also communicated this great realisation to the root of the evil, the Christian Democratic Party’s ‘’We can do it‘’ Merkel.

Verschweigt Staatsanwaltschaft neue islamistische Messer-Attacke? (

One thought on “Shortly before the election in the German state of Brandenburg: Islamist attack concealed – lorry driver is stabbed and fatally wounded”

  1. Who knows how many attacks here in the United States are covered up by the “mainstream media.” I spent three great years in Heidelberg Germany in the U.S. Army at the (then) largest NATO command in Germany during the 1990s. It breaks my heart that Germany is being torn apart by all this violence just like every other country in Europe with a sizable Muslim population. In Dearborn Michigan, where there is now a Muslim majority, they were recorded on TV chanting “Death to America, death to Israel.” Yet the mainstream media didn’t bother to report it. Thanks for continuing to bring us these important stories so we can educate others about the threat all of us face.

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