“Teaching in Mosques in Upper Austria” is the name of a study that was presented today, Wednesday, in Linz. These curricula should sound the alarm in political parties, authorities and the media.
Muslim children should only have Muslim friends
Hard to believe: According to the teaching materials used in mosques in Upper Austria, only Islam is the only true religion. Other religions are not valid. Moreover, it is taught that Muslim children should only have Muslim friends and that believers who question the contents of the Quran will be punished. Moreover, it is never explained why girls have to wear a headscarf at all.
Integration is prevented and undesirable
This problematic result of the study, which was conducted for the first time in Austria and in cooperation with the Islamic Religious Community, can be read between the lines, said Deputy Governor Manfred Haimbuchner and Member of the Provincial Parliament Michael Gruber (both from the Austrian Freedom Party) at the Press Club in Linz today. One could even come to the conclusion, Haimbuchner said, that integration is apparently undesirable and that integration is actively prevented by teaching in mosques. Haimbuchner said literally:
We stand for the practice of religion within the framework of religious freedom.
However, if an ideology is spread under the guise of religious freedom that is not compatible with the values of Austrian society, the state must take action.
Teaching content is tacitly tolerated
Apparently, Haimbuchner said, there is a need for action when religions do not tolerate other religions or simply negate them. In Austria, children’s books and street names were banned because they were allegedly racist. However, the content in mosques is tacitly tolerated. If integration is systematically thwarted, it is doomed to failure. Therefore, in reality, no one should be surprised if integration does not work and there are noticeable parallel societies. The fact that other parties deliberately ignore these problems is dangerous, warned the Deputy Governor of Upper Austria. And to the Federal President, he said:
So Muslims should only be friends with Muslims. That is what is taught in the Upper Austrian mosques. What does Van der Bellen say about this now? What is the opinion of the Federal President on this fact?
Not in line with the idea of a free society
The provincial party secretary of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), Michael Gruber, a member of the provincial parliament, called for promises and actions “that the Islamic faith community in Austria sees itself as an open religion. In any case, the contents of the teachings that have become known are not in line with the Austrian ideas of a free society”.
Specifically, the Austrian Freedom Party of Upper Austria demands a nationwide follow-up study on “Islam in Austria”, teaching exclusively within the framework of the Austrian system of values, and the German language as a creed of integration.