Pity, First Minister Humza Yousaf, the current head chief of the notoriously corrupt SNP, and therefore of Scotland, who took the position not realizing that the country is, dare one say it, white.
Which DEI advocate can’t empathize with the Pakistani Muslim’s rage at the persistence of white people in the highlands and all the rest of it too.
White! White! White people everywhere.
Scotland is some 96% white. And Humza Yousaf is running the place.
Yousaf’s native Pakistan is 96% Muslim and any Christian who tried running it or just tried announcing it would be murdered faster than you can say, “Shahbaz Bhatti” who was killed for criticizing Pakistan’s Islamic blasphemy laws which were being used to have Asia Bibi, a Christian woman killed.
In Pakistan, Islamic Sharia is the basis for all legislation. In Scotland, not yet.
Under Sharia law, non-Muslims must be made inferior to Muslims.
Humza Yousaf, scion of a nation where Christians are murdered and churches are burned, where all a Muslim needs to do to have a Christian killed is accuse him of blaspheming an ancient and fortunately long-dead pedophilic warlord, berates Scotland because too many of its officials are ‘white’. He’d like to change that.