Rifle and Koran: the new Western Woke antisemite

Nosta Lgia

by Giulio Meotti

A demonstration in Rome that praises Hamas and Hezbollah was held recently. Seeing the flags with the rifle and the Koran in the Italian capital of Catholicism was quite impressive.

But even more so were these strange girls dressed in pink, girls who Hamas would rape, torture and impale without thinking twice as they did to Israeli women on October 7, and who brandished signs that read: “October 7 is not terrorism, but resistance.”

They seemed to have come out of the latest polemic by the Algerian novelist Kamel Daoud: “In their tragedy on the margins of the useful world, Afghan women do not reproduce the effect of the decolonized, which we want to see again in the war between Israel and Hamas. Afghan women are not veiled by the Jews. We prefer the decolonized, the decolonizers, the decolonial and its positions. In the West, neo-feminism has decided and identified who its electoral clients will be. [The neo-feminist] has long since come to the conclusion that the ‘cotton fields’ of her community are on the side of Muslims and Islamists.”

In London at the same time people were marching shouting “I love Hezbollah”. And in Paris the left in Parliament declared “Hezbollah is a component of the Lebanese people”.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is right, writing in UnHerd: “Islamism is conquering the West from within”. “Hamas does not want a free Palestine but a Sharia state” writes the Dutch novelist Leon de Winter. “First it’s Israel’s turn, then Europe’s.”

The famous novelist Michel Houellebecq went to a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Paris to see with his own eyes whether the images of the rallies that appeared on TV channels were representative. He expected to meet bearded men, Sharia fundamentalists, who can’t stand the sight of a woman without a veil. Instead there were only “bobos”, bourgeois-bohemians, his left-wing, progressive friends, confesses the author of “Submission” and “Serotonin”. Houellebecq didn’t expect to find “leftists”, his former high school and university classmates, supporting Hamas after the October 7 attack. Houellebecq speaks of “Western suicidal masochism” whose root causes “are to be found more in Freud than in Marx.”

But we would be wrong to think that they are a minority. They will be the new majority.

Young English people are for Hamas after the October 7 massacre, according to a new YouGov poll. 16 percent of young English people believe that the massacre was justified. And that comes to over a quarter, 28 percent, of “very left-wing” Britons.

A good many young Americans say Israel should be “abolished and handed over to Hamas,” according to a shocking Harvard-Harris poll, which found that 51 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 said they indeed believed in “abolishing Israel and handing it over to Hamas”.

These are crazy percentages that can be replicated, to varying degrees, in all Western countries. And why not? The professor at the once prestigious Cornell University who called October 7 “exciting” has just returned to work without sanctions.

How we got here is explained by Pascal Bruckner in the latest City Journal: “Radical Islam has become the last great political narrative of the left, replacing communism and third-worldism. The shaheed, the jihadist, the martyr of Hamas or al Qaeda replaces the proletarian, the guerrilla, the Bolshevik. The followers of the Crescent will bring the Revolution”.

The unbridgeable gaps between leftism and Islamism have been pushed aside. Now, with the new impressive collapse into Islamoleftism, with the streets invaded by the Koran and the rifle, today we are at the final act of this long war against the West. Since October 7, we have been living in an unrecognizable world.

Rifle and Koran: the new Western Woke antisemite | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

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