“Return to Allah”: Illegal migrants in France, who feel stigmatised since the Lola case, spread a message screenshot twitter Des sans papiers se sentent stigmatiser depuis l’affaire lola font passer un message pic.twitter.com/4Ja96fxtKx— C Pas Des Lol ♠️ (@cpasdeslol18) October 21, 2022 Fred Alan Medforthhttps://medforth.biz/france-12….-year-old-lola-foundFrance: 12-year-old Lola found with her throat cut and locked in a suitcase, two Algerians put on trial – Judicial investigation launched for “murder, rape and torture” – Allah's Willing Executioners11:39 AM October 17, 2022 https://www.fdesouche.com/2022/10/21/vous-ramenez-la-mentalite-africaine-en-europe-des-clandestins-algeriens-se-sentent-stigmatiser-depuis-laffaire-lola/