By Olivia Murray
The German progressives, who have already been famously scolded by President Trump for their short-sighted and suicidal reliance on Russian energy—which led to a historical energy crisis—are reminding us how slow on the uptake they really are as news emerges that their dependence on hostile foreign nations for crucial infrastructure needs is once again biting them in the rear.
Credit to Jo Nova, who came across the story first, but according to an article at Politico, a new report commissioned by the German government concluded that buying wind turbines for their “green” energy schemes from China wasn’t such a great idea—the threat of political coercion and sabotage is so high, that the recommendation is to restrict Chinese turbine use, and halt a new project currently underway. Nova perfectly summarizes Germany’s late-to-the-party epiphany:
After six separate incidents of underwater cables being sabotaged in the Baltic Sea, the German Defense Ministry is wondering if it is wise to buy Chinese wind turbines with all their electronic parts.
(Of course, this isn’t to suggest that wind turbines are necessary components in an energy grid, but they are when you’ve essentially banished reliable and affordable energy like gas, oil, and coal.)
Victor Jack, author of the Politico item, includes a passage from the government’s report:
‘A destabilization of both the political system, the business model of German industry and social cohesion cannot therefore be ruled out due to a lack of or insufficient planning security in the energy sector,’ it [the report] adds.
Oh, you mean to tell us that the “green” energy “transition” wasn’t exactly “sufficiently” planned or considered? Well I’ll be!
Eliminating reliable and affordable energy, at a time of historically high (government-created) inflation, using public money to prop up an energy industry to the tune of billions? I mean seriously, how failed do ideas have to be in the energy sector to be unsuccessful? It’s a product/service that essentially everyone in the world, developed and undeveloped alike, uses.
Transitioning from reliable and affordable energy to technologies that are basically still in the prototype stage as they’re all too often rife with design and material problems?
I could go on… and on… and on.
What’s most tragic is the supreme idiocy of the German progressives isn’t contained to Germany, or even the European continent—it’s the common thread of all leftist greenies—and we have to personally contend with these asinine policies and ideas too.