Recapping some of the most erroneous ‘climate change’ predictions

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By Jack Hellner

“Experts” have been making dire predictions on the climate for over one hundred years, and their solution is always for the government to control our lives. They always falsely claim that the predictions and solutions are based on science, but science has nothing to do with it. It is always about taking more money and power for the government, or $cience. 

One hundred and two years ago, the AP predicted that the ice caps would soon be gone, coastal cities would soon be underwater, and claimed the oceans were dying; instead, the globe went into a cooling period from 1940 to 1975. The dire predictions were 100% wrong, because they were simply fabricated.

Fifty-four years ago, around the first Earth Day, billions were set to die from starvation because of disastrous global cooling; the dire predictions were 100% wrong because they were pulled out of thin air.

Once the cooling stopped in the late 1970s, the fear mongers were back to pushing global warming propaganda, of course caused by humans and our use of natural resources. 

Thirty-five years ago, the United Nations put out a dire warning, essentially repeating the false forecasts from 1922, that said that the government only had ten years left to solve the problem; these predictions were 100% wrong because, again, they were just invented. From a report at the time:

A 1989 AP Report: Nations ‘Wiped Off Face of the Earth’ by 2000

A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.

Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.

He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.

And every year, we get dire warnings about the warm oceans causing massive damage. Every once in a while, they are right. This year, it is the first time in 27 years that no named storm has developed from August 21st through September 2nd. This year, like 2023, is extremely mild.

The green pushers are disappointed that the severe storm activity that they continually predict isn’t coming true. How the heck will they convince people to get rid of their efficient gas-powered vehicles and appliances if the climate won’t cooperate with fear mongering?

From Rick Moran at PJ Media:

Hurricane forecasters are bewitched, bothered, and bewildered. The Atlantic hurricane season was supposed to be epic. Instead, it’s turned into a real dud.

Huge storms wreaking havoc on coastlines from Aruba to Long Island were supposed to line up in the Eastern Atlantic in June and hit us one at a time until late September. The damage was going to be historic and the TV coverage was going to give climate change fanatics plenty of air time to vent that ‘this is just a foretaste’ of what’s to come.

Alas, the internet is forever. And McNoldy’s ‘omen’ proved to be something much less. There hasn’t been a named storm since August 21 and the conditions, still optimum for large, dangerous storms to form, aren’t producing the killer hurricanes forecasters predicted. 

And what do the so-called experts blame for fewer storms than predicted? Dust and wind off the Saharan desert! Somehow, these experts who tell us that they can predict global temperatures and sea levels forever, couldn’t accurately predict storm activity a few months out because the dust blocked the sun and therefore storms didn’t develop; per the “experts,” the “Saharan Dust Puts Atlantic Hurricane Season On Pause”.  This natural dust and wind, from a tiny speck of land (the Sahara Desert) overcame the warm oceans, eight billion people breathing out CO2, billions of gas-powered cars and trucks, and billions of beef cows spewing methane—and we’re supposed to believe this?

Politicians, scientists, bureaucrats, the Paris Climate accord, and green slush funds (Inflation Reduction Act), had nothing to do with blocking the storms. They were blocked naturally.

I have an idea, if “man made climate change” were really an issue: Put more sand on the Sahara Desert and some industrial fans to create wind to reduce storms instead of destroying a massive number of industries which have greatly improved our quality and length of life.

Temperatures and sea levels have always changed cyclically and naturally without humans causing the change. It is pathetic that most of the media will just repeat the dire forecasts, no matter how wrong previous predictions have been, without asking questions or doing research. That makes them worthless propagandists. Human-caused climate change is the biggest scam of all time.

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