Rapist in Hamburg named a “freak”: Woman gets higher sentence than the rapists themselves

Because a 20-year-old girl insulted a rapist as a “dishonourable rapist pig” and a “disgusting freak”, she has now been deprived of her freedom for longer than eight out of nine of the rapists involved.
The gang rape in Hamburg’s City Park caused quite a stir, not only because a 15-year-old girl was sexually abused and raped by nine perpetrators aged between 16 and 20, but also because the Hamburg district court only handed down a single prison sentence and eight suspended sentences.

Now there is a new scandal: as reported by the Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper, the Hamburg district court sentenced a 20-year-old to a longer prison sentence than eight out of nine of the rapists themselves – because she had called him a “dishonourable rapist pig” and a “disgusting freak”.

She had posted the WhatsApp messages spontaneously when she learnt about the rape of the 15-year-old in the city park, the newspaper reports on the 20-year-old’s motives. She has now been sentenced to a weekend in prison for the offences – more than nine of the ten defendants.

One of the defendants has to serve two years and nine months in prison, the other eight defendants received suspended sentences. The eight who were given suspended sentences must now each complete 60 hours of community service. One defendant was acquitted.

Vergewaltiger als „Missgeburt“ bezeichnet: Höhere Strafe als für Vergewaltiger selbst | Exxpress

2 thoughts on “Rapist in Hamburg named a “freak”: Woman gets higher sentence than the rapists themselves”

  1. absolutely disgusting, these rapist need castration and sending back yo the sithole from where they came

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