Rapist from Afghanistan taunts in Germany: “People should realise that they can’t get rid of me”

Illerkirchberg, Wikimedia Commons , Richard Mayer, CC-BY-3.0

It is about alleged hostility from citizens of the city and a deportation authorised by the court, but which is not being enforced. The man’s lawyer, Christoph Käss from Ulm, told FOCUS online this Friday:

“My client is not allowed to work, he is obliged to live in the town where everyone knows him. He’s met with hostility everywhere. When people spot him there, they call him a criminal, spit at his feet and demand that he finally leave Germany.” He is portrayed as a “devil in disguise”.

Christoph Käss continues: “He is not allowed to leave the Alb-Donau district because of a residency requirement. The authorities have banned his attempts to leave. And so he vegetates, lives in a dump and doesn’t know what to do. That takes its toll.”

According to the lawyer, his client is “now traumatised because he no longer has a chance to live in Illerkirchberg”. Nevertheless, he wants to stay in Germany. “His girlfriend will have a child with him in the autumn.”

He has rejected a state cash reward for voluntary return to Afghanistan, and the rejected asylum seeker is currently living on “benefits in kind, a little pocket money and a payment card”.

The lawyer emphasises: “He stands by his sentence and he has served his time.” Society has to accept that. His client, who has not relapsed so far, says: “People should realise at some point that they can’t get rid of me.”

The Sigmaringen Administrative Court has already ruled that the man can be deported from a legal perspective. The 31-year-old was unable to convincingly prove to the court that he had no social connections in his home country that would support him in making a new start.

He arrived in Germany in November 2015. His asylum application was rejected in 2017 and since then he has been considered “tolerated”.

Lawyer Käss told FOCUS online: “In practice, deportation is currently not possible. Because you need a country that is willing to accept you. However, as far as I know, there are no negotiations between Germany and the Taliban in this regard.”

Mayor Markus Häußler has already spoken out unequivocally in favour of a swift repatriation of the released offender – “because it is part of regulated immigration to deport people to their countries of origin consistently and swiftly if they have committed serious crimes or have no prospect of a right to stay”.


One thought on “Rapist from Afghanistan taunts in Germany: “People should realise that they can’t get rid of me””

  1. Another Afghan “success story”.

    When will we in the West ever learn?

    As an American married to a Mexican, I have always believed in immigration as long as it was legal and people assimilated and respected our laws and values. This is something else again. This must be stopped. We cannot assimilate these people. Their belief system is contrary to our ideals of freedom and equality.

    And yes, the problem is Islam. It will always be a barrier to assimilation in the West.

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