Putin dreams of Third Rome. It will be a Second Mecca

by Giulio Meotti

In 1991, the Soviet Union had 120 mosques. Within twenty years, they built 8,000.

These are the numbers that make Vladimir Putin sleepless, together with the massacre against the churches and synagogue in Dagestan.

In the next 15 years, a very probable scenario will be one in which in the largest metropolitan areas of Russia – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg – the majority of the population will be made up by the Muslim community.

This is why in Moscow they blame “foreign forces” for the massacre in Dagestan. They are afraid of the immense black hole inside the country.

They are afraid of the family responsible for the attacks in Dagestan: the Omarovs. The patriarch, Magomed, provincial secretary of United Russia (the Kremlin party) who made a career in the times of the USSR when Marxist atheism was an obligation, had his children graduate from the best schools. Yet two of his sons, Osman and Adil, and a nephew, Ali, are among the terrorists who on Sunday set fire to churches and synagogues, slaughtered a pope and killed as many officers as possible.

From the videos you don’t get the impression that they are in a hurry to kill and then to run and hide. They know that someone will come to eliminate them. They are ready and remain calm. With the spray they wrote “2:120” and “8:39” on the door of the synagogue in Lenin Street which they set on fire. They are the suras of the Koran about Jews and Christians who must embrace Islam.

In January, the imam of the Grand Mosque of Moscow, Ildar Alyautdinov, said: “Muslims have a great demographic mission: due to the high birth rate to make Russia a Muslim-majority country.”

The chairman of the Committee on Family Affairs, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood, Dimitry Smirnov, responded to the statement of the head of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Ravil Gainutdin, according to which in 15 years a third of Russians will be Muslims Archpriest Smirnov said he agreed with Gainutdin’s predictions: “It will be more or less like this. Muslims have more children. Not Tatars, but Caucasians. Chechens have eight children, like the Ingush. The Russians will run out by 2050. Completely different peoples will live here: Chechens, Ingush, Arabs.” When questioned by a journalist about the possibility of changing the situation, the archpriest replied: “It’s already late.”

Journalist Ralph Schoellhammer is right: “Russia’s future is that of a semi-Islamic Chinese protectorate, not a revival of Peter’s empire”.

According to census data, the total number of representatives of traditionally Islamic peoples was in 1959 7 million people (6 percent of the Russian population), in 1970 9 million (7), in 1989 12 million (8), in 2002 15 million (10), in 2022 20 million people (15). If the trend continues, in 2050 Russia will have 110 million inhabitants, of which 30 million are Muslims (27 percent).

A report by the Jamestown Foundation, entitled “How Islam will change Russia,” explained what will happen:

“Given demographic changes, by 2050 Muslims will represent between a third (according to the most conservative estimates) and a half (according to the most ‘alarmistic’ assessments) of the Russian population. This ‘Islamization’ of Russia – not in the sense of radical Islam but of a number of citizens referring to Islam – will impact both Russia’s domestic situation and its medium- and long-term foreign policy options. The growing importance of Islam in Russia will shape the country’s future in five directions: the country’s demographic balance; the ‘normalisation’ strategy of the North Caucasus; Russia’s migration policy; the positioning of Russia on the international scene and the transformation of Russian identity”.

By 2035, a third of Moscow will be Islamic. And Pravda, in the English section, published an article entitled: “Will Islam be the first Russian religion in 2050?”.

Five of Russia’s republics – Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachayevo-Cherkessia – have Muslim majorities, and two others – Bashkortostan and Tatarstan – are approaching this figure (Chechnya is an Islamic state under the patronage of Moscow). Muslim nationalities are growing 60 to 90 times faster than the Russian average, with Chechens increasing by 1.82 percent per year. 7 of Russia’s 22 republics are already Islamic.

The scholar Leon Gouré in “The Russian federation: Possible disintegration scenarios” explains that, in the event of the disintegration of the Russian Federation, “a confederation of Islamic states will be born at the gates of Europe”.

Like Osman and Adil Omarov, the church and synagogue bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers, came from Dagestan. They were former students of Cambridge Rindge and Latin, one of the oldest and most illustrious schools in America, which “boasted” students from over 80 countries, a kind of Russian Federation in Massachusetts. The Tsarnaev brothers had spent most of their lives in the United States and lived the dream of “diversity”.

Six months after invading Ukraine in 2022, Putin signed a decree reinstating the Soviet-era “Mother Heroine” award, given to women with ten children. The first winner was Medni Kadyrova, wife of the Chechen dictator Ramzan Kadyrov.

The old Europe, of which Russia was culturally a part, is over and the new one can already be seen in family photos.

Putin dreams of Third Rome. It will be a Second Mecca | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

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