On January 27 and 28, the Cosec sports hall, located near the Collège des Champs-Plaisants in Sens in the department of Yonne, was vandalised. On February 7, two minors were arrested and brought before the courts, reports France Bleu. They are suspected of committing theft and damage to property and displaying the following tags: “If you don’t put your veil back on, I will burn down the Champs Plaisants college. Last warning.” Another tag read: “I am not a terrorist, don’t worry.” The suspects also showed their support for Palestine by spray-painting the slogan “Free Palestine” on the walls.
One of the two 17-year-old defendants admitted to 11 offences (damage to property, tags, thefts…) committed between October 11 and January 29 in a public gym and a school in Sens, a police source told Valeurs actuelles. The investigators explain that he is a practising Muslim, prays five times a day and does not understand that a woman is not allowed to wear a veil. He also possessed videos of Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel on his mobile phone. The suspect confesses that he wanted to spread a message of support for Palestine with the tags on the wall of the gym.He was classified as dangerous by the psychiatrist who examined him. He was to be summoned before a juvenile court judge on the 13th of May 2024.