Paris: Man enters clubhouse carrying a Quran and then stabs a man in the heart

On October 23, a 43-year-old man stabbed a Tunisian after trying to deposit a Quran in a clubhouse in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. He was arrested three months later.
On January 28, a man was arrested in Grenoble for an attempted murder he had committed on October 23 in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, a police source told Valeurs actuelles. On that day, the suspect had gone to the premises of the Autremonde association to deposit a Quran there. Volunteers from the association had tried to stop him, whereupon the suspect stabbed a Tunisian who was a regular at the premises for no apparent reason.
The stab was close to the heart, according to a source familiar with the investigation. The victim, who was still alive, was put on sick leave by the coroner for 15 days. The perpetrator then took back his Quran before leaving the scene.

The police investigation led to the identification of a suspect, a certain George C., 43 years old, born in Martinique, who, according to his own statements, suffers from schizophrenia and was no longer being treated at the time of the offence. The alleged perpetrator, who was taken into police custody after his arrest in Grenoble, admitted to the offences. He also stated that he had reacted to a slight push and had not known the victim before the attempted murder.

In these proceedings, a psychiatric report will be drawn up to determine his capacity for judgement at the time of the crime and thus his criminal responsibility.

Paris : un homme entre dans un local associatif avec un Coran puis poignarde un Tunisien près du cœur – Valeurs actuelles