France: The memorial plaque for the victim of Islamist terror Samuel Paty in Paris has been damaged again

Translation: The memorial plaque on Samuel Paty Square in the heart of the 5th arrondissement of Paris has been vandalized again. Just a few hundred meters from the jury court where the trial of those responsible for his beheading is taking place…
An incident that says a lot about the influence of Islamism

Nouvelle dégradation de la plaque du square Samuel Paty à Paris – Fdesouche

Putting Down Our Parent Civilisation: Do We Live in the West, or Euthan-Asia?

Eldena Monastery Ruins near Greifswald (1824) – Caspar David Friedrich (Old National Gallery, Berlin).Wikimedia Commons , GalleriX, CC-PD-Mark

The latest act of senseless Western civilisational suicide comes from Nottingham University in the allegedly Christian country of England. Here, as previously reported on this website, a module upon its undergraduate English Literature course, “Chaucer and his Contemporaries,” has gained a vital new trigger-warning for the 2024/25 academic year, alerting students that the books on its reading-list may contain “incidences of violence, mental illness and [by far the worst!] expressions of Christian faith.”

As Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales is famously about mediaeval Christians going on a long pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral, this latter news should come as no surprise to most sensible students, who surely won’t be given similar trigger-warnings making them aware that “this book may contain expressions of Islamic faith” prior to reading The 1,001 Nights. As critics pointed out, The Canterbury Tales also features quite a lot of explicit sexual content and swearing, none of which students were cautioned about prior to their lectures. It also features a fair amount of antisemitism too, but no doubt the left-wing professors responsible for the warning considered that more a selling-point than a sticking-point.

Other texts on Nottingham’s reading-list were also labelled suspect. The classic Arthurian poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight contained “Christian themes and beliefs”—woke-primed students were probably hoping it was all about environmental activism. Worse, the long narrative poem Piers Plowman, students have been warned, even goes so far as to recommend something called “Christian virtue”! Yet, for the course convenors, Christianity clearly contains precisely no virtues at all, so has to be expressly warned against.

As a University spokesman explained, the English Department’s trigger-warning “does not assume that all our students come from a Christian background,” a euphemistic admission that, given Britain’s shifting demographics, many of them these days will be Muslims: according to the 2021 census, around 12% of the city’s population is Islamic. If the Sheriff of Nottingham is increasingly now being substituted with the Sharif of Nottingham, then the traditional culture of the inhabitants must be systematically diluted and ‘problematised’ in this fashion, in a probable prelude to being replaced. 

As the French prophet of demographic doom Renaud Camus has accurately warned, in order for a Great Replacement successfully to occur, an initial prior Great Deculturation must first take place, thereby manufacturing consent for this process amongst an ignorant and deracinated populace who no longer see anything in their own ancestral heritage worth defending. 

The Battle of the Books

The Chief Executive of UK pressure group Christian Concern, Andrea Williams, responded to Nottingham University’s actions as follows: 

The Bible is foundational to understanding the history of English literature. Without an understanding of the Christian faith there will be no way for students to access the world of Chaucer and his contemporaries … It’s ludicrous to issue such trigger warnings. From what point in history are we going to censor literary texts, given most [historical ones] are steeped in [a] Christian worldview? … To censor expressions of the Christian faith is to lose our literary heritage.

Williams is correct, but perhaps she fails to see that causing the young people of the West to “lose our literary heritage” is the whole point. Curricula in many contemporary English Literature courses on either side of the Atlantic appears increasingly designed to put people off reading what we once called ‘the classics’ by filling students’ heads with the idea that such books are nothing but worthless filth packed with racism, colonialism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and all the rest. And, by deliberately murdering Great Books in this way, today’s left-wing cultural gatekeepers thereby act ultimately to murder the Good Book too—namely, the Bible.  

Everywhere we look, the West is killing its own fathers and grandfathers: Chaucer, Shakespeare, Nelson, Washington, and Churchill all are now revealed as having been worthless bigots. This strikes me as nothing so much as a form of purest civilisational euthanasia. 

The story about Nottingham University broke at the same time as news about the UK’s new left-wing Labour Party Government making moves to ensure a parliamentary vote takes place on the issue of medically assisted dying. This measure is intended only to speed up the demise of the terminally ill, but one fear is that it will allow people to put pressure on their ‘burdensome’ aged relations to hurry up and die so they can squander the family inheritance as they see fit. 

It strikes me that this is comparable to what professors like those at Nottingham University are seeking to do: to force the old West into hurrying up and dying, so the civilisational slate can be wiped wholly clean to Year Zero and an entirely new society then be built on its deliberately forgotten rubble. The chief long-lingering hospitalised patient in need of being put out of its misery, of course, is Christianity. In killing Christianity, we are truly killing our civilisation’s father; euthanising The Canterbury Tales is just one expression of this process.

Annihilation Nation

I thought of these issues recently whilst writing a review of the celebrated French novelist Michel Houellebecq’s latest novel Annihilation. The book is about the Annihilation of old Catholic France in a worn-out 21st century secular West being rapidly invaded by Islam, and the personal Annihilation of one of the main characters, Paul, who effectively chooses suicide by refusing treatment for his cancer.

Having no will to live, France and the character Paul alike select death for themselves. Houellebecq’s wider oeuvre as a whole tries to demonstrate how all this has come about due to the slow, lingering after-effects of the nation losing its historic Catholic faith. This loss has left the French people with no obvious reason to go on living beyond short-term pleasures of personal satisfaction like sex and consumer gratification. For this, Houellebecq has sometimes been labelled as a secret ‘crypto-Catholic,’ but this is not so. For many years an atheist, he is today an agnostic, but one who can still clearly see that, by abandoning Christianity, the West has chosen a path towards euthanizing itself—a path our politicians foolishly and blindly mislabel as ‘progress.’    

In his books, Houellebecq demonstrates clearly how this sad process occurred, demonstrating how free-market forces and the (ironically compulsory) idea of consumer choice in the modern, post-WWII world have divided Westerners from one another, thereby preventing them from so much as wishing to reproduce themselves.

As the post-war French countryside emptied itself through mass urbanisation, Houellebecq explains in his 1998 breakthrough novel Atomised, “the possible opportunities for a future spouse became almost infinite, just as the [free-market concept of consumer-] choice itself became of the utmost importance.” This especially became the case once equally free and easy access to cheap contraception appeared on the open market. Once people took advantage of these new, consumerism-modelled sexual opportunities, divorce-rates soared and the nuclear family promptly imploded. 

Houellebecq himself came from a broken home, raised by his Communist grandmother after his feckless hippie mum had swanned off to Brazil with her latest toyboy. In Atomised, he provided a fictionalised portrait of her general inadequacy, culminating with her imaginary equivalent dying, wholly unlamented, whilst her son sits by her sickbed impatiently playing Tetris until Game Over. Once he had become famous, the author’s real mother then published an egotistical 400-page roman à clef trying unsuccessfully to justify her previous actions, before embarking on a book-tour in which, to drum up further custom, she called her child “a sorry little pr*ck.” 

The cycle of emotional familial deprivation then inevitably continued, with Houellebecq becoming remote from his own son. Asked in an interview whether he loved him, Houellebecq Sr replied “I suppose so,” but added that instead of having any more kids “I’d rather have a dog, they’re easier to satisfy.” 

Merci Killing

I suppose what Houellebecq really means here is that, if you just have a dog as a ‘pet-child’ substitute for a human one, it will be easier to satisfy your own personal desires in life, rather than having to make any meaningful sacrifices for the next generation. And yet, ultimately, if this kind of attitude spreads too far across society and becomes the norm, then the simple laws of demographics mean your parent society becomes doomed in the long run. Already, falling native French birth-rates leave politicians importing young workers from other cultures en masse to fill jobs, ironically often as care-workers and nurses looking after the (frequently childless) elderly. The end result is that the nation is already around 10% Muslim, which may even become a majority a century from now. 

Is this not also a kind of euthanasia? Yes, but it is simultaneously something much worse: the self-centred murder of others around you who do not necessarily themselves also want to die. 

Houellebecq still retains enough of his old ancestral morality to be a public opponent of euthanasia, and makes one of his characters, Cecile, into a Catholic who chides her brother Paul when she realises he has refused cancer treatment: “You might imagine that your life belongs to you but that’s wrong. Your life belongs to the people who love you … you belong to other people, even if you don’t know it.” But, it seems many people of a left-wing bent these days don’t know it, and so are forcing shared collective civilisational suicide upon their peers, who actually wish both themselves and their wider historic way of culture to go on existing.

In Houellebecq’s pessimistic view, even France’s priests will probably ultimately knuckle down and go along with the future introduction of easy legalised medical euthanasia into society: 

[Catholics will do their best to resist, but, sad to say, we have more or less got used to the idea that the Catholics always lose … I do not have a lot of illusions … faiths will end up by giving way and submitting to the yoke of ‘Republican law.’ Their priests, rabbis, or imams will in future visit euthanasia candidates to tell them that yes, it is an ugly business, but tomorrow will be better, and that even if people have abandoned them, God will take care of them. Let us be honest about that.

In an essay about Vincent Lambert, a semi-comatose Frenchman euthanised in 2019 following a road-accident, Houellebecq quoted G.K. Chesterton’s (reputed) old assessment of Sparta, where the frail and disabled were left exposed to the elements alone to die, to the effect that this now extinct nation prided itself on efficiency, “and, for this reason, disappeared without a trace.” As Houellebecq says: “Our society, too, likes to boast of its efficiency; it will disappear, like Sparta, and maybe all that will remain is the uncertain memory of a shame, the shadow of a certain disgust.”

That “certain disgust” today is for Christianity, the aged, hospital-bed-ridden parent of us all, as demonstrated conclusively by the recent treatment of Geoffrey Chaucer and his dangerous and upsetting references to “Christian faith.” Here is a good, far more honest, trigger-warning which Nottingham University should put on their English Literature course for their students to read instead: “Your professors want to groom you to murder your own parents.” 

Will we really just lie back quietly and let such Doctors of Death go on handing out the civilisational morphine? For when some patients don’t actually want to receive it, that isn’t ‘assisted dying’ at all: it’s murder.

Communist Terror: The Evil Truths Schools DON’T Teach Our Children. James Bartholomew

On today’s #NCFWhittle we are joined by journalist and author James Bartholomew of the Museum of Communist Terror and the Foundation for the History of Totalitarianism. Book discussed: “At Dawn they Came: Soviet Terror & Repression 1917-1953” by Giles Udy. Order here: Contact or support the Foundation for the History of Totalitarianism here:…

France: A man with an automatic pistol threatens police officers and shouts “Allah Akbar”; they shoot and kill the suspect who was already known for glorifying terrorism

Screen grab youtube

A man was fatally shot and neutralised by police on Sunday morning in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (Val-de-Marne) during a police operation over a neighbourhood dispute. The suspect is said to have targeted the law enforcement officers with a handgun.
According to Actu17, the suspect was well known to the police for drug offences and glorification of terrorism.

The attack took place shortly after 6 a.m. on Place Pierre-Semard, near the commune’s RER station and about one kilometre from the police station. According to initial findings, the suspect pointed a handgun at the police officers when they arrived in the common areas of the building and shouted ‘Allah Akbar’. One of the three officers then opened fire and injured the suspect, who was seriously wounded. The emergency services treated him quickly but were unable to resuscitate him. The suspect was in an ‘agitated’ state at the time of the attack, according to a source familiar with the case. Shortly before the police arrived, the 30-year-old is said to have knocked on a neighbour’s door for reasons yet to be clarified. The neighbour then alerted the police. An autopsy will be carried out to determine whether the suspect had been consuming alcohol or drugs at the time of the offence.

Actu17 / Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (94) : un homme menaçant et armé d’un pistolet automatique, braque des policiers en hurlant « Allah Akbar » ; ils tirent et neutralisent mortellement le suspect qui était déjà connu pour apologie du terrorisme (MàJ) – Fdesouche

UK: Geology is ‘racist’ and linked to ‘white supremacy’ claims university professor

Professor Kathryn Yusoff argues in her work ‘Geologic Life’ that the study of earth’s rocks and natural resources is fundamentally connected to colonial practices and racism Queen Mary University of London

A professor at Queen Mary University of London has claimed that geology is “riven by systemic racism” and linked to white supremacy in a new book.

Professor Kathryn Yusoff argues in her work ‘Geologic Life’ that the study of earth’s rocks and natural resources is fundamentally connected to colonial practices and racism.

A professor at Queen Mary University of London has claimed that geology is “riven by systemic racism” and linked to white supremacy in a new book.

Professor Kathryn Yusoff argues in her work ‘Geologic Life’ that the study of earth’s rocks and natural resources is fundamentally connected to colonial practices and racism.

She also labels palaeontology as “pale-ontology”, suggesting the study of fossils has enabled racism.

In her book, Professor Yusoff contends that geology began as a “colonial practice” that led “toward the white supremacy of the planet”.

She argues that the theft of land, mining and other geological aspects of colonialism resulted in what she terms “geotrauma”.

“Geology continues to function within a white supremacist praxis”, she claims in the book, which focuses on geological practices from the 17th to 19th centuries.

The academic also suggests that the study of rocks is “racialised”, writing that “to tell a story of rocks is to account for a eugenic materialism in which white supremacy made surfaces built on racialised undergrounds”.

Professor Yusoff, who describes herself as a professor of “inhuman geography” at Queen Mary University, makes striking claims about racial relationships with the earth.

“Broadly, black, brown, and indigenous subjects… have an intimacy with the earth that is unknown to the structural position of whiteness,” she wrote in her book.

This perspective forms part of her broader argument about the relationship between geology and racial hierarchies.

Her work examines how geological practices have shaped racial dynamics and environmental exploitation over three centuries.

This comes amid broader demands to decolonise university courses across the UK, backed by official bodies including the Quality Assurance Agency for higher education.

This movement, which began in social sciences and humanities, is now spreading to hard science and mathematics subjects.

It draws on critical race theory to argue that knowledge taught in universities is predominantly male and white.

Activists claim this knowledge has been used to attain and perpetuate Western global domination through racism and injustice.

The push for decolonisation has gained traction among activist students and lecturers at various institutions.

However, the claims have faced strong criticism from other academics who view them as undermining scientific principles.

Dr John Armstrong, a reader in financial mathematics at King’s College London, said: “The programme of decolonisation is politically contentious, anti-scientific and consistently associated with calls to lower academic standards.”

Chris McGovan, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, dismissed the assertions entirely.

He said: “Geology is no more racist than ‘fish ‘n chips’! It is an entirely neutral term. Those seeking to decolonise the curriculum are, in fact, building their own sinister empire of thought-control and intolerance.”

McGovan added that practices like mining are “almost as old as mankind and not race-dependent”.

Patriots in Paris: Orbán says Trump-style leadership is now required, “clear, decisive, and confident”

Source: Viktor Orbán X account

Fidesz EP representative Gál Kinga was also elected vice-president of the party family

“Thank you for the honor! We are building a strong Europe, proud of its traditions and based on sovereign nations. It is in vain for the left to try to stop us by any means if the majority of the people are with us. We will bring the change they voted for and make Europe great again! I will undertake the lion’s share of this work,” she wrote on Facebook.

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán also shared a part of his speech on social media.

“The first important lesson from President Trump’s campaign and victory is the following. We must take bold positions and be able to speak about them loudly and clearly. And may I say that there is no need to shift to the center because the center has already shifted toward us,” he said. 

Using migration as an example, he highlighted that Trump committed to deporting 100 percent of illegals, and this is what Americans voted for. “This is the kind of brave leadership we need: Clear, decisive, and confident,” Orbán added, emphasizing that the Patriots for Europe group will stand strong against gender ideology, war, and migration. 

In their press release from October, the Patriots reminded people that “protecting the external borders of the EU is a duty, not a crime.” It also condemned European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for her attacks on Orbán in the European Parliament over his stance on migration and European competitiveness but most pointedly regarding Orbán’s peace mission to Moscow and criticism of the EU’s response to the war; during the session, the EC president directly insinuated he was bringing shame to the Hungarian freedom fighters of 1956. 

Orbán replied bluntly at the time about the EC, “Rather than being a guardian of the treaties, it’s a political body, a political weapon.”

However, much has changed since then. After Donald Trump was elected president of the U.S., Hungary hosted a successful EPC gathering, its largest diplomatic event ever, followed by an informal meeting of the European Council. Von der Leyen issued a statement afterward thanking “dear Viktor” for his “outstanding hospitality and organisation,” further detailing a roadmap for Europe to move forward and regain its competitiveness according to the adopted Budapest Declaration. The change in tone was real. 

“Hungarian diplomacy has not been this strong in a hundred years,” Orbán said at the time, predicting that Hungary is now in a position to “inspire necessary reforms.” Such action will be the focal point of all members of the Patriots for Europe grouping in the European Parliament.

Yesterday in the French capital, the Patriots for Europe group, the third strongest faction in the European Parliament, elected its leaders. The group was formed last June by Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán, former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO), and Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Herbert Kickl, whose party recently won elections in Austria, although legacy parties controversially then refused to name him chancellor and allow him to form a government. 

Other parties in the grouping now include France’s National Rally, led by Jordan Bardella, and the Dutch Party for Freedom, led by Geert Wilders. 

Santiago Abascal, chairman of the Spanish Vox party, was elected president of the Patriots, with Hungarian PM Orbán congratulating him on X. 

“The Brussels elite wants to silence us, but we will not give in! We don’t represent Brussels bureaucrats, we represent the European people. Our mandate is clear: protecting European families, stopping migration and restoring Europe’s competitiveness,” he posted with the hashtags #MEGA and #Patriots

Fidesz EP representative Gál Kinga was also elected vice-president of the party family

“Thank you for the honor! We are building a strong Europe, proud of its traditions and based on sovereign nations. It is in vain for the left to try to stop us by any means if the majority of the people are with us. We will bring the change they voted for and make Europe great again! I will undertake the lion’s share of this work,” she wrote on Facebook.

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán also shared a part of his speech on social media.

“The first important lesson from President Trump’s campaign and victory is the following. We must take bold positions and be able to speak about them loudly and clearly. And may I say that there is no need to shift to the center because the center has already shifted toward us,” he said. 

Using migration as an example, he highlighted that Trump committed to deporting 100 percent of illegals, and this is what Americans voted for. “This is the kind of brave leadership we need: Clear, decisive, and confident,” Orbán added, emphasizing that the Patriots for Europe group will stand strong against gender ideology, war, and migration. 

In their press release from October, the Patriots reminded people that “protecting the external borders of the EU is a duty, not a crime.” It also condemned European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for her attacks on Orbán in the European Parliament over his stance on migration and European competitiveness but most pointedly regarding Orbán’s peace mission to Moscow and criticism of the EU’s response to the war; during the session, the EC president directly insinuated he was bringing shame to the Hungarian freedom fighters of 1956. 

Orbán replied bluntly at the time about the EC, “Rather than being a guardian of the treaties, it’s a political body, a political weapon.”

However, much has changed since then. After Donald Trump was elected president of the U.S., Hungary hosted a successful EPC gathering, its largest diplomatic event ever, followed by an informal meeting of the European Council. Von der Leyen issued a statement afterward thanking “dear Viktor” for his “outstanding hospitality and organisation,” further detailing a roadmap for Europe to move forward and regain its competitiveness according to the adopted Budapest Declaration. The change in tone was real. 

“Hungarian diplomacy has not been this strong in a hundred years,” Orbán said at the time, predicting that Hungary is now in a position to “inspire necessary reforms.” Such action will be the focal point of all members of the Patriots for Europe grouping in the European Parliament.

Patriots in Paris: Orbán says Trump-style leadership is now required, “clear, decisive, and confident”

UK medical staff treated Jews while wearing Free Palestine pins

London hospital, illustration St Thomas’ Hospital – Google Maps

British doctors working in hospitals and state health institutions wore badges reading ‘Free Palestine’ while treating Jewish patients.

According to The Times, lawyers from UK Lawyers For Israel have submitted a report stating that the doctors who wore the badges caused tension and fear among the Jewish patients they treated.

The lawsuit claimed that the badges violated the Equality Act and created an intimidating, hostile, and offensive environment for Israeli or Jewish patients and staff.

A number of Jewish patients allegedly complained of feeling fear and anxiety after spotting the pro-Palestinian symbols on the doctors’ uniforms. Most of the hospitals named in the report are in London.

The director of the UK Lawyers for Israel, Caroline Turner, stated “It is particularly concerning that some of the staff members wearing the Palestine Flag pin are in senior positions, setting a very poor example for other staff. It is important that hospitals promote an environment of neutrality. In such a diverse workplace, political displays can create division and discomfort.”

In one incident documented in the report, a Jewish patient arrived for dialysis treatment and photographed a medical student wearing a Palestinian soccer team uniform. After complaining that he felt uncomfortable, the nurses threatened to withhold treatment unless he deleted the photos.

Pressure may be the culprit

By John Woods

I am reading in numerous news outlets about pilots having heart attacks and other heart problems after they have had the COVID-19 shot. In the fall of 2017, I was having problems breathing and was very weak as a result of that. The doctors were having a hard time figuring out why I was not breathing, and they thought I had asthma. In December of 2017, a young physician assistant wanted to listen to my heart one final time before sending me home; when she did that, she caught me in Atrial fibrillation (AFib). My heart was jumping between regular heartbeats and AFib.

“Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is an irregular and often very rapid heart rhythm. An irregular heart rhythm is called an arrhythmia. AFib can lead to blood clots in the heart. The condition also increases the risk of stroke, heart failure, and other heart-related complications.” — Mayo Clinic

My primary care physician sent me to a cardiologist the next day, and the cardiologist sent me to the hospital immediately. One of the other things the cardiologist did was put me on his no-fly list. I was supposed to fly to Hawaii for a 10-day vacation with my family, kids, grandkids, and wife. I asked the cardiologist if I could fly to Hawaii. He said I could, but it would be very likely I would end up in the hospital when I got to Hawaii. I sent the family on vacation, and I stayed home. According to my last EKG, I am now in the lower range of a normal heart function range.

This raises a question about the pilots, the shot, and the multiple times these pilots have to go through pressure changes. If the COVID shot has weakened the heart, and the numerous pressure changes are cumulative, would this explain the multiple heart issues pilots are having now?

Trans-Identified Male on Trial for Murder of Female Roommate, Whose Body Was Discovered Locked in a Freezer

A Las Vegas court has heard details of the murder of 68 year-old Monique Gilbertson, whose body was discovered by law enforcement locked in a freezer. The victim’s roommate Daniel Roush, who identifies as transgender and also uses the name Jazlynn Marie, is accused of killing Gilbertson with fentanyl-laced cocaine before disposing of her body.

Police were dispatched for a welfare check to Gilberston’s mobile home on November 6 after a concerned acquaintance reported that the woman had been unreachable for two weeks.

A press release was issued by the Las Vegas Police Department the following day after a thorough investigation of the residence was conducted.

“Officers entered the home and located two individuals inside who could not provide officers with the location of the elderly female,” the release said. “While officers searched the home they located a deceased female in a freezer. Both individuals were detained as investigators determined their involvement.”

Photo montage of Daniel ‘Jazlynn’ Roush. Source: Facebook

Authorities arrested Roush after investigators established that he was “involved in the victim’s death.” He was booked into the Clark County Detention Center.

According to the police report, Gilbertson met Roush while shopping at hardware store Home Depot, and invited him to move in with her. According to someone who knew Gilbertson, Roush had agreed to help with chores around the house in exchange for a room, but shortly after he began living with Gilbertson, she started to complain about Roush’s untidiness and his drug paraphernalia scattered about the home.

Property manager Demecia Lopez, who reported Gilberston’s disappearance to police, told investigators that Gilbertson had complained “about how filthy Roush was” in the weeks leading up to her death, allegedly telling Lopez she was “upset” and had kicked Roush out, in addition to changing her locks.

Roush pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder on Wednesday. Prosecutors, meanwhile, argued that Roush “willfully, unlawfully, feloniously, and with malice” caused Gilbertson’s death.

Reduxx found that Roush, who has a young daughter, has a lengthy criminal record, including a previous conviction for child abuse, neglect, and endangerment, a felony offense in the state of Nevada. In July 2020, Roush was sentenced to 12 months minimum suspended sentence, and was ordered to submit to drug and alcohol testing upon the request of the Division of Parole.

In March of 2022, Roush was ordered to undergo a substance abuse evaluation and a mental health assessment after he was found guilty of attempting to possess a stolen vehicle.

Despite being listed as a “male” in the Clark County Jail roster, media reports on Roush’s charges have referred to him as a “woman.”

‘No Farmers, No Food’ — UK Farmer Tractor Protest Descends on Labour Part Conference

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Hundreds of enraged farmers took to their tractors and descended upon the Labour Party conference in Wales to protest the leftist government’s planned tax raid on farmers.

Following in the footsteps of farmers’ protest movements across Europe, tractors gathered outside the Labour Party conference in Llandudno, Wales, on Saturday to demonstrate their anger over Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s government’s plans to impose inheritance tax hikes on farms, North Wales Live reports.

Since 1984, family farms were largely exempt from paying inheritance tax on farmland or on farm buildings such as barns, cottages, or houses. However, under the fledgling Labour government’s tax-grabbing reforms, farms valued at over £1 million (£2m for married couples) will face an inheritance tax of 20 per cent.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves has claimed that the tax raid would only impact “a very small number of agricultural properties.” However, farmers groups, such as the National Farmers’ Union, have warned that many farmers would be forced to sell some of their land to pay the tax.

Others have argued that while many farmers work for very little money, the value of their land has been artificially inflated by the housing crisis in Britain and the wealthy buying up farmland to escape inheritance taxes, and therefore, the tax would unfairly punish hard-working families.

The tractor protest on Saturday saw tractors clad with placards reading “Labour war on countryside”, “No farmers, no food”, and “Labour taxes = food shortages”.

A protesting farmer from the Conwy Valley, Aled Jones said outside the conference: “Farmers are working 70-hour weeks for less than the minimum wage. Their only benefit is that they can pass on a farm to their families.

“One per cent of the population is producing food for the rest of the country and it seems that this policy that’s been brought in is a left-wing, vindictive policy just to try and punish people who have any asset behind them. People have come (to the protest) from all over the country.”

“This is not about wanting money, we don’t want money. You’re taxing us on money we’ve never had. They are going to tax people on the value of something.

“They (the UK Treasury) are talking about the number of farms being impacted being very, very low, but the NFU (National Farmers’ Union of England and Wales) is saying it’s expecting that over 70 per cent of farms will be affected by this, in Wales. Land will never have a value unless it’s sold, and yet you (the UK Government) are going to tax us on it.”

Nevertheless, Prime Minsiter Starmer told his party’s conference in Wales that he would “defend our decisions in the Budget all day long.”

“I will defend the tough decisions that would necessary to stabilise our economy and I will defend protecting the pay slips of working people, fixing the foundations of our economy and investing in the future of Britain and the future of Wales, finally turning the page on austerity once and for all,” Starmer added.

The farmers have garnered support from Reform UK leader Nigel Farage, whose populist party seeks to woo disaffected working-class people in Wales away from the increasingly urban-elite Labour Party. Mr Farage has claimed that Starmer is seeking to force farmers to shut down and grab their land to build new housing projects for migrants.