Automotive supplier Bosch plans to cut 5,550 jobs, most in Germany

In a new blow for the struggling German car industry, auto parts supplier Bosch has said it wanted to cut more jobs than previously indicated in May, when the company said 2,200 jobs would go.

On November 22, a company spokeswoman announced that in the coming year, a further “need for adjustment” of up to 5,550 jobs being shed would be needed.

Over two-thirds of these layoffs, or more than 3,800, will be in Germany, it said.

Precise numbers are not decided yet and will be the result of negotiations with representatives of the employees, which are set to begin soon.

Bosch, the biggest car parts supplier in the world, promised to make the reduction in jobs as “socially acceptable” as possible.

The agreement reached in the middle of 2023, which bars mandatory layoffs in the German supplier division until the end of 2027 and, in some cases, until the end of 2029, is still in effect.

But employee representatives are unhappy with the Bosch move. Trade unionists have called it a “fatal signal”.

“The company’s announcement that it will reduce staff to this extent is a slap in the face for the employees,” said Frank Sell, the head of the works council for Bosch’s automotive division in Germany.

The firm had already decided to reduce working hours and wages for many of its employees.

“Due to the company’s unilateral intervention in the remuneration of the employees, we have also reached a new low point in our co-operation with the management,” Sell said.

“We will now organise our resistance to these plans at all levels,” he added, indicating resentment about the course of events.

According to the primary German metalworkers’ union IG Metall, all employment contracts with 40 or 38 hours would be downgraded to a 35-hour week in several areas.

“The loss in pay of up to 15 per cent will affect around 2,300 employees at various locations,” the union said.

The European Union’s push for electric vehicles is experiencing significant delays, directly impacting Bosch’s production start-ups and vehicle manufacturers’ call-off, or pre-ordered commitment, figures.

Simultaneously, the company faces substantial investment requirements to develop these technological innovations.

The new reductions have caused a drop in confidence in the firm’s management and increased uncertainty in the workforce about their future.

Most affected by the plans is the Cross-Domain Computing Solutions division, which is responsible for “intelligent-driver assistance systems” and automated driving. This division was situated in Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony.

“The Hildesheim plant has worked hard over many years to transform itself from combustion-engine products to future e-mobility products,” said Stefan Störmer, Chairman of the plant’s works council.

“If staff are now actually to be cut at this location, it would be a fatal signal for all locations that still have this transformation ahead of them.”

Stephan Hölzl, member of the Divisional Board of Management for Commercial Tasks in the Cross-Domain Computing Solutions business unit of Bosch, countered: “We have to adapt our structures to the changed market environment and sustainably reduce costs in order to strengthen our competitiveness and position ourselves for the future,”

In one factory, up to 1,300 jobs are set to be cut between 2027 and 2030, more than a third of the employees there, Die Welt reported recently.

Bosch cited the ongoing crisis in the general automobile industry as justification for the savings initiatives.

“Global vehicle production will stagnate at around 93 million units this year, if not decline slightly compared to the previous year,” the company said.

At best, a modest rebound is anticipated in the upcoming year. The industry is said to be suffering significant overcapacity, while pressure on prices and competition, in particular from China, has also increased.

That has apparently caused a drop in demand for electric car parts with Bosch.

Thousands of jobs have already been lost in the German automotive industry and more are expected to follow as sales of German cars continue to disappoint.

Thin-Skinned German Politicians File More Than 1,300 Defamation Cases Against Citizens

German Minister of Economics and Climate Protection Robert Habeck gestures on stage after being nominated as candidate for chancellor. Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung / wikimedia commons (CC BY SA 2.0)

Over the past three years, more than 1,300 citizens in Germany have faced legal proceedings for allegedly insulting public officials. The surge in cases, particularly under the current coalition government led by the Social Democrats (SPD), Greens, and Free Democrats (FDP), has prompted a nationwide debate over the limits of free speech.

Data obtained by Apollo News shows a sharp increase in such cases, with Green Party ministers Robert Habeck, the vice chancellor, and Annalena Baerbock, the foreign minister, filing a combined total of over 1,300 complaints. Many of these involve comments, memes, or social media posts deemed defamatory under Section 188 of the German Criminal Code.

One of the most controversial cases involved a 64-year-old pensioner from Bavaria, Stefan Niehoff, whose home was raided by police last week after he posted a meme calling Habeck an “imbecile.” Niehoff described the early-morning raid, during which his devices were confiscated, as reminiscent of practices in authoritarian regimes. According to prosecutors, the raid was prompted solely by the meme, which was interpreted as an effort to undermine Habeck’s role in government.

Habeck defended the action, asserting that such insults go beyond acceptable criticism. Earlier this week, he called for tighter regulations on social media to combat disinformation and enforce “rules of decency and democracy.” Critics warn that such measures curtail legitimate dissent and satire.

This is not an isolated case. Earlier this year, a Bavarian woman was fined €900 and had her home searched after sharing a meme that satirised statements by leading government officials, including Baerbock and Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Authorities deemed the meme a criminal offence despite its satirical nature.

The use of Section 188 to prosecute alleged insults has increased nationwide. In Münster, investigations rose from 17 in 2021 and 2022 combined to 137 in 2024. Halle witnessed similar growth, with cases jumping from 11 in 2022 to 81 so far this year.

The law, introduced during Angela Merkel’s tenure, allows politicians to file complaints if they believe defamatory remarks impede their official duties. Convictions can result in fines or prison sentences of up to three years. Critics say the law grants politicians disproportionate protection, stifling open criticism and satire.

When a German calls Minister Habeck a ‘moron’, the police storm his flat; when a Syrian celebrates the Holocaust and calls for the rape of a Jewish citizen, the criminal proceedings are dropped

Is the justice system applying double standards to online hate speech?
The ‘moron’ affair is causing headlines. The government has been criticised for a few days now because it has come to light how often citizens have to deal with the state authorities over trivialities. In contrast, the public prosecutor’s office seems to show conspicuous leniency when it comes to online offences committed by migrants.

While a retweet of an internet picture depicting Robert Habeck as a ‘moron professional’ can lead to the police turning up at the front door at dawn, a Syrian will probably get off scot-free despite justifying the Holocaust and violently insulting a woman, threatening to rape her and putting her in fear. This all happened on the Facebook page of the Israeli embassy.
What exactly happened? Shortly after the Hamas massacre on October 7, 2023, a Syrian welcomed and glorified the Holocaust on the Israeli embassy’s website: he wrote: ‘Nero also killed millions and burned entire Rome. Why should it be sad to burn 6 million Jews?’

He also threatened one woman, Lisa A. (name changed), with a bestial rape threat: ‘I didn’t realise how sick and disgusting you are until I looked you up on Facebook. Too bad I don’t know your address, otherwise I would come to you with my horse. My horse would train you well with his cock, which your cursed parents couldn’t do. Fuck you bitch.’ He added: ‘bitch’.

What happened next? The victim of these offences, Lisa A., made every effort to ensure that something happened: First, Lisa A. informed the Hesse report centre against hate speech and filed a criminal complaint with the Saxony-Anhalt online watchdog. An investigation was then initiated, as the public prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt considered the vile comments to be worthy of prosecution. It passed the matter on to the public prosecutor’s office in Halle, where the alleged perpetrator lives. From there, it was forwarded to the State Criminal Police Office in Berlin so that Lisa A. could be questioned on the matter.

On June 12, 2024, the investigation was finally dropped, as Lisa A. found out on request. NIUS has the letter, which states:

‘In response to your enquiry, we are informed that the proceedings were discontinued due to a lack of sufficient suspicion. As a result, it could not be ruled out that the criminal post was written by someone other than the accused.’

This ‘other’ is the accused’s brother. The theory of the public prosecutor’s office: The (now deleted) Facebook account from which the offences originated is: ‘alex.hema. 16’. The accused’s brother’s second name is ‘Iskander’, which is the Persian version of ‘Alexander’. Therefore, it could also be the brother, according to the judiciary. However, no investigations have been initiated against him.

An appeal by Lisa A. against the closure of the investigation was also ultimately unsuccessful. The Public Prosecutor General of Saxony-Anhalt is sticking to the theory that it could have been the brother. The final status: no investigation. The offences have no consequences for the perpetrator. Lisa A. told NIUS: ‘Before the public prosecutor’s office practises onomastics [name research, editor’s note], they could have ordered a house search. For me, the public prosecutor’s office in Halle is completely miscast. These people shouldn’t have any decision-making powers – that’s how I see it.’

Questions remain unanswered: Why were no house searches ordered, which would be entirely appropriate in the case of Holocaust trivialisation and rape threats? Why were the Syrian brothers not questioned in order to clarify which of them committed the anti-Semitic and misogynistic offences?

How can this be if even trivialities such as a ‘moron’ meme for Robert Habeck are enough to enable house searches? Is there a double standard when perpetrators are migrants? The suspicion arises.

Islam accounts for 81% of religious incidents in French workplaces, new report finds

Wikimedia Commons, Arielinson, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Religious tensions in French workplaces have reached their highest level since records began in 2013, with Islam taking center stage in a growing number of incidents, a new study has found.

According to the 2024 Baromètre du Fait Religieux en Entreprise by Institut Montaigne, over 70 percent of companies are now experiencing incidents fuelled by religious beliefs, a sharp increase from previous years.

The report identified the rising visibility of Islamic practices as a key driver of workplace challenges, with tensions surrounding religious symbols, prayer practices, and employees’ views on women taking a toll on organizational harmony.

Islam accounted for 81 percent of religious incidents at work, a notable increase from 73 percent in 2022. This includes a surge in visible expressions such as wearing hijabs and other religious symbols, now cited in 36 percent of reported cases, up from 19 percent just two years ago.

Requests for schedule adjustments to accommodate religious observances and prayer breaks are also frequent among Muslim employees, complicating workplace management.

Muslim employees, particularly young men in lower-skilled positions, are often at the center of workplace conflicts, the report noted. Additionally, behaviors deemed disruptive, such as refusing to work with women or aggressive attempts to convert others, are disproportionately associated with Islamic practices.

As a result, reports of alleged stigmatization and hiring discrimination against Muslims have surged, with 71 percent of documented discriminatory incidents linked to the religious group.

Religious tensions extend beyond Islam. Jewish employees are increasingly stigmatized with reported incidents of professional exclusion doubling since the last survey. Nonetheless, the prominence of Islamic practices and their perceived challenges dominate workplace discussions, with companies calling for clearer frameworks to manage these issues effectively.

The report emphasized the urgent need for action, urging businesses to adopt comprehensive policies that balance religious freedom with workplace neutrality.

Training for managers, clearer guidelines, and inclusion initiatives were all recommended as critical to reducing tensions and promoting an effective environment for coexistence.

Europe is turning into one big no-go zone

by Giulio Meotti

Amid the usual laughter of commentators and Twitter users, eight years ago Donald Trump scandalized the right-thinking people by stating that “no-go zones” were being created in Europe. No-go zones? It must have been another fake by Trump, they said.

David Ignatius in the New York Times had used the expression, explaining that some areas of Paris had become “no-go zones at night”. Then Michael Nazir-Ali, bishop of Rochester, spoke of no-go zones in England.

Since then it has become an open secret, and while even Angela Merkel has admitted the existence of these areas in Europe, the former French socialist president François Hollande said: “How can we avoid secession? Because that is what is happening: secession”.

Secession. Enclave. Get immigration policy wrong and you are finished.

Botho Strauss, the celebrated German playwright, writes: “In the course of the demographic change due to the majority of Muslim population in the metropolises expected in the near future, other priorities could emerge with respect to tolerance and diversity. How ridiculous and senseless then it is to continue with the tired and saccharine tones of ‘tolerance’ towards a class of people who in our cities are rising to the majority”.

Now, just over a week after the incredible events in Amsterdam (40 no-go areas have been mapped out in the Netherlands), Barbara Slowik, the head of the Berlin police, admits: “There are neighborhoods where the majority of the population is of Arab origin who also have sympathies for terrorist groups.” Slowik advised Jews and homosexuals to be careful in “certain areas” of the German capital in an interview with the Berliner Zeitung newspaper.

When asked “are there no-go areas (in Berlin)?”, Barbara Slowik replied: “Basically not. However, there are areas, and we have to be honest at this point, where I would advise people who wear a kippah or who are openly gay or lesbian to be more careful. In many cities it is important to be vigilant in certain public places to protect yourself.”

“Who represents a danger to Jews?” the Berliner Zeitung then asks him. “I will not defame any group of people here. Unfortunately, there are some neighborhoods where the majority of people of Arab origin live who have sympathies for terrorist groups. There is open anti-Semitism against people of Jewish faith and origin,” Slowik retorts.

If I were the police chief of Berlin, I would have resigned a moment after admitting that the state had lost control of its territory. The Welt went to one of these neighborhoods of Berlin to get reactions on Slowik: “The population calls for the caliphate.”

The incredible admission by Berlin’s police chief is just one piece of the puzzle. In Bonn, Potsdam, Bochum and elsewhere, Jews are hiding.

And London has also become a “no-go zone for Jews,” the government’s anti-extremism tsar, Robin Simcox, has just denounced.

And it’s not just a problem for Jews and gays.

Berlin’s Greens want “women-only” train carriages. The request was made by Berlin Green Party MP Antje Kapek, who said that “terrible attacks on women” occur “even when there are large crowds.”

Even neighborhoods in Duisburg are “no-go zones,” according to a report leaked to the weekly Der Spiegel. The report speaks of “44 no-go zones” and warns that the government is losing control of entire neighborhoods and warns that the police “will no longer be able to guarantee public order in the long term.” Duisburg, which has a population of 500,000, is estimated to be home to 60,000 mostly Turkish Muslims, making it one of the most Islamized cities in Germany (Muslims have outnumbered Christians in Duisburg schools).

Police union chairman Rainer Wendt told Spiegel: “In the north of Duisburg, there are neighborhoods where colleagues can barely stop a car, they will be surrounded by 40 or 50 men.”

Wendt, president of Europe’s largest police union, also said: “We are facing a challenge that is unprecedented in post-war history.” The risk of collapse is “very real,” Wendt warned, and the police are losing control of the situation. “Radical Islamists are questioning the power on our streets. If no action is taken, Sharia law will prevail instead of the constitution. It is time to return to the fundamental values ​​of our societies. Otherwise, the country will collapse and the law of the strongest will prevail.”

We have seen mass sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve and the mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, advise women to “keep foreigners at arm’s length.” Perhaps Jews and homosexuals should also keep them at arm’s length?

But it is not just about Germany. There is an infinite multitude of small and large enclaves, true parallel states, that threaten both the stability and the integrity of Europe.

The Migration Research Institute in Budapest, linked to the prestigious Matthias Corvinus College, estimates 900 uncontrolled areas throughout Europe.

What are they like? In these territories, the police, social workers and ambulances do not enter or must be protected. The high birth rates guarantee longevity and expansion. They are places where a woman can be openly harassed during the day. These areas constitute threats to security through crime, riots and terrorism. But the triad is not a matter of debate. In the end, Sharia law is de facto respected by the inhabitants, not de iure: over time, butchers are only halal, mixed hairdressers disappear, and women are pressured to conform to Islamic law. It goes without saying that Jews must not be seen.

With the numbers of Islamic immigration, positive law in Europe is powerless over social and cultural norms.

“There are 60 ‘risk areas’ in Sweden,” Swedish journalist Paulina Neuding writes in the Spectator. “Sweden’s immigrant integration policy has failed, leading to parallel societies and gang violence,” left-wing Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson had already said. And again: “Society is simply too weak to break the segregation and reject parallel societies.”

Violence against health workers in many areas of Sweden is so endemic that they want to set up a “protection system” in no-go zones with large populations of migrants hostile to the authorities. Postal services have also stopped sending workers to areas of Stockholm with a high number of immigrants because it is too dangerous. Firefighters were forced to abandon efforts to put out a blaze in a burning building after locals attacked them.

Muslim Ed Husain has revealed numerous no-go zones for whites in the UK.

The DGSI, the French directorate general of internal counterintelligence, has mapped 150 districts “in possession” of the Islamists. Districts, neighborhoods, enclaves now in the hands of fundamentalists and who shape them according to their ideology of submission. According to the former number two of the French DGSE, Alain Chouet, who published the book “Sept pas vers l’enfer”, “these districts are in 859 cities and 4 million people live there, or 6 percent of the total population of France”.

To carry out arrests in the lost territories of Marseille, the police dress up as Muslims. Like in Fauda, ​​the Netflix series on Israeli anti-terrorism.

The French newspaper Le Parisien revealed that the “no-go zones” are now located in the heart of the capital. Like the Chapelle-Pajol neighborhood, in the eastern part of Paris.

When there were violent uprisings in the banlieues two summers ago, “Nicolas,” a member of the “Bac de nuit” (criminal police) sent to Nanterre, confessed: “We no longer have the impression of being in France. We were quickly overwhelmed, the firefighters were attacked every time we moved”.

The Europe of open borders has ended up with no-go zones.

The problem is that European governments, and this is what Barbara Slowik’s shocking admission tells us, seem to have concluded that it is too late to prevent an Islamized Europe and that all that can be done is to cushion its effects, at least in the immediate future, and hope that the destruction is limited to a few areas, hopefully not theirs. (Remember what Winston Churchill said about appeasers and crocodiles.)

We are turning into a gigantic no-go zone where the clash of civilizations is taking place.

Europe is turning into one big no-go zone | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

JK Rowling accuses Scottish council of celebrating violent trans prisoner by flying flag – ‘You’re f*****g kidding me!’

Edinburgh City Council flew the transgender flag above the City Chambers The City of Edinburgh Council Twitter

Harry Potter author JK Rowling has accused a Scottish council of honouring the death of a violent trans prisoner.

Rowling lashed out at Edinburgh City Council after they flew the transgender flag above the City Chambers to mark Transgender Day of Remembrance.

The only Scottish person on the official list of those being commemorated was Tiffany Scott, previously known as Andrew Burns, who was one of the UK’s most violent inmates before the 32-year-old’s death in February.

Scott was convicted of a series of dangerous offences, including serious violence against women and the stalking of a 13-year-old girl.

JK Rowling lashed out at Edinburgh City Council over X. Screen grab youtube

The prisoner had been deemed an “unmanageable risk to public safety,” and continued the violent spree in prison, biting prison nurses and officers, smearing excrement in a cell and ripping up “tear-proof” clothing in a suicide attempt.

The criminal was serving an indefinite sentence under an order for lifelong restriction and was said to be one of the most threatening people in the prison system.

Scott came out as trans in 2016, but did not go under any physical transitioning and did not possess a gender recognition certificate.

Despite the inmate’s convictions for serious violence against women, it was reported that a move to a women’s prison had been approved.

However this was stopped following the public outcry over trans rapist Isla Bryson being sent to a female prison.

In a post on X, JK Rowling quoted Edinburgh Council’s tweet about Trans Remembrance Day and wrote: “Really looking forward to the day a flag is flown for Scottish victims of femicide, but sure, let’s hear the list of trans people who’ve been murdered in Scotland. Ever.”

In response to a comment from feminist campaign group, For Women Scotland, which stated that the only Scottish person on the list was Scott, Rowling replied: “You have to be f*****g kidding me.”

Further questions were raised regarding Scott’s inclusion on the list, considering the criminal’s death was not reported to be linked to transphobia.

Scott died in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary after becoming unwell in February.

Marion Calder of For Women Scotland echoed Rowlings views, and said: “It’s absolutely ridiculous for Edinburgh Council to raise this flag. It’s virtue signalling for one of the most dangerous prisoners that Scotland has ever had.”

A city council spokesman said: “We’re extremely proud to be one of the friendliest and most diverse cities in the world. Everyone is welcome to make Edinburgh their home and to live their lives with dignity and free from prejudice.”

The spokesman added that the flag has been flown annually since 2019 above the City Chambers to remember those who have lost their lives to transgender violence.

Thought Police – UK Police crack down on critics of Islamic terror

On a Sunday morning, the Essex police showed up at the home of Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson to interrogate her because she had tweeted a photo of Manchester police officers posing with the Islamist Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, some of whose leading members were recently charged with terrorism offenses.

Pearson’s crime, which resulted in the formation of a “gold group” normally used for dealing with major crimes, was tweeting “look at this lot smiling with the Jew haters” about the ugly photo.

The Essex police claimed that “a complaint of a possible criminal offence was made” of “potentially inciting racial hatred online”. Criticizing the friendliness of the police with Pakistani “Jew haters” had become a “possible criminal offence” while Islamists hating Jews was not.

According to the Essex police, “we police without fear or favour”. In truth, they appear to hardly police anything except speech. The Essex police have stopped answering calls about drug dealing and a Sun column noted that, “in the last year, Essex police have solved just 1 in 8 robberies and violent assaults, a mere 1 out of every 10 sexual assaults and 1 in 15 burglaries.”

Earlier this month, Sussex police arrested a 63-year-old Jewish man in front of his 12-year-old daughter for referring to Gabriel Kanter-Webber, a leftist activist claiming to be a ‘rabbi’ who signed a letter demanding an end to Israel’s campaign against Hamas, as a “kapo”.

Rupert Nathan, who was locked up by Sussex police for denouncing the anti-Israel activist on a private Facebook group, stated that “My daughter was in tears – completely inconsolable. Still now she has this deep fear that the police are going to take me away and put me in jail.”

Ian Christopher Austin, Baron Austin of Dudley, was told by West Midlands police that he had been investigated for a tweet describing Hamas as “a death cult of Islamist murderers and rapists”. Apparently the authorities considered the “Islamist” part to be offensive.

These are only a few of the more prominent recent examples of a police crackdown on even the mildest forms of criticism of Islamic terrorism and appeasement by the police and public figures.

These arrests and investigations come after Islamic terrorist supporters have rampaged around the streets of London, Manchester and other cities, waving the flags of illegal foreign terrorist organizations including that of Hamas with no actions or consequences. Instead an infamous viral video from last year showed London Metro police officers arresting a man for saying that he did not want to see ‘Palestinian’ flags all over the city.

British police officers have been filmed refusing to take action against terrorist supporters advocating violence, calling for the killing of Jews and expressing support for terror groups.

The authorities are not cracking down on hate speech or on the incitement to violence, but on politically incorrect speech and on journalists and elected officials whom the Left opposes.

Over the summer, the Starmer government issued a message on social media warning, “Think before you post.” It launched a ruthless suppression campaign, raiding homes, arresting and imprisoning people opposed to mass migration after a Muslim terrorist murdered 3 girls.

“Think before you post!” the Crown Prosecution Service threatened. “Remind those close to you to share responsibly or face the consequences.”

Bernadette Spofforth, a 55-year-old British woman, was dragged out of her home, arrested and held for 36 hours for posting that the murderer was a Muslim terrorist. The charge she was held under was “posting inaccurate information”. The actual inaccurate information was coming from the government which had lied about the terrorist’s religion and arrested those who spoke out.

The government’s reign of terror against critics of Islam and mass migration has dovetailed with a reign of terror by Islamists and their political allies who have held major cities hostage.

While the situation has worsened with the rise of the Starmer regime and Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood, who had her own history of ugly anti-Israel activism, it has become routine for police officers to pay such threatening house calls to people from all walks of life.

Even as crime rose 10% over the last year, thought-crimes are being pursued with added vigor.

Beyond intimidating opponents of Islamic terrorism, the police have also taken to threatening and intimidating women who are opposed to their privacy being violated by transgender men.

Julie Bindel, a feminist author critical of transgender identity politics, had the police show up during a family meal after a transgender man in the Netherlands reported one of her tweets.

Maya Forstater, whose case for women’s rights and against transgenderism became a cause celebre when it was embraced by Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, was investigated for 15 months over a tweet about a transgender doctor. In a Kafkaesque twist, the authorities initially refused to tell her what she was being investigated for, only that it involved a transgender person. Forstater was warned that she could be arrested if she did not cooperate.

Former MP Tom Hunt described being reported to the Suffolk police for writing diplomatically of the need to “confront the possibility that a disproportionate number of crimes are committed by individuals from certain communities”.

Many of these investigations are legally baseless and carried out in defiance of the actual law.

Back in 2021, the Merseyside police had put up billboards warning that “being offensive is an offence”. An infamous picture of one of those featured masked police officers threateningly posing in front of one such sign. The force admitted that being offensive is not actually a crime.

And yet investigations of people for offending Islamists, leftists and radical activists continue.

The purpose of these investigations is simply intimidation. Like the “being offensive is an offence” billboards and “think before you post”, the purpose is to silence those who speak out.

The UK has become a totalitarian state where free speech, not Islamic terror, is seen as the greatest threat. The rise of Islamic terror has been matched by police terror aimed at critics.

After Muslim terrorists attacked the Charlie Hebdo satire magazine over its Mohammed cartoons, anti-terror units in the UK visited newsstands to collect the names of those who had bought copies. Rather than collecting the lists of names of Muslim terrorists, the authorities were collecting lists of names of those who might be guilty of offending them. And that is true now.

British police forces have failed to act against Muslim mobs attacking Jews, but they have taken action against Jews who have been in the vicinity of those mobs. A London Met police officer warned a Jewish man near a Muslim pro-terror rally that he was “quite openly Jewish” and since “this is a pro-Palestinian march”, he might be guilty of causing a “breach of the peace.”

London Police Commissioner Mark Rowley defended the actions of the police.

Supporting Islamic terrorism is not a crime in the UK. Speaking out against it, falling victim to it or standing up against it is.

German Journalist Could Face Prison for Mocking Government Officials

David Bendels (Picture: David Bendels)

The editor-in-chief of the conservative news website Deutschland-Kurier has been heavily fined and could even face prison time for mocking the German Social Democrat Interior Minister Nancy Faeser in a couple of satirical memes that he shared on his X account.

According to the editor, David Bendels, the actions of the minister are a “new attack on the freedom of the press and freedom of expression.” He added that he would mount a legal challenge.

One of the memes in question was posted by Bendels in February. In it, Nancy Faeser is shown holding up a sign, with the words: “I hate freedom of expression.”

In another satirical image, posted by Bendels last year, Faeser, as well as the country’s president Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the head of the domestic intelligence agency, Thomas Haldenwang, can be seen wielding bats as they surround a beaten-up AfD lawmaker, Andreas Jurca. The caption next to the image reads: “Steinmeier, Haldenwang, and Faeser took part in the beating in Augsburg.” The meme refers to the brutal attack on Andreas Jurca last year. The Bavarian lawmaker, a member of the anti-immigration AfD party, sustained severe injuries after being punched and kicked to the ground by a group of foreign men.

The interior minister filed criminal charges, accusing Bendels of wanting to “defame” Faeser. As a result of court decisions, he has to pay a hefty fine. The editor-in-chief told Junge Freiheit that he is afraid that the public prosecutor’s office could even demand a prison sentence.

David Bendels said that the meme showing Faeser holding up a sign is “obviously a satirical-critical photo montage,” and the fact that the minister took issue with it only reinforces the message on the sign, namely that she “hates freedom of expression.” The editor-in-chief also criticised the judges who handed out the fines, saying they have been “politically instrumentalised,” and that they are obediently carrying out orders targeting government-critical media.

Under a law introduced by the previous Angela Merkel-led German government, politicians have the right to file a criminal complaint if they believe that they have been the target of defamatory comments in relation to their official duties. Someone found guilty of such a crime can be fined or sent to prison for up to three years.