UK plan gives gender-confused women, lesbians priority for IVF over heterosexual couples


If, 25 years ago, social conservatives had sat down, brainstormed, and attempted to come up with a headline that encapsulated the moral and social chaos brought about by the sexual revolution, I doubt they could have done better than this one, published by the Daily Mail on November 16: “Trans men and lesbians would get IVF priority two years ahead of heterosexual couples under NHS plan.”

According to the report, the UK’s National Health Service has put forward plans that will “give trans men and lesbians access to NHS-funded IVF two years ahead of heterosexual couples.” “Trans men,” of course, are women who identify as men, and thus can theoretically become pregnant (assuming that cross-sex hormones or other drugs haven’t rendered them infertile). To add insult to injury, the NHS plan also prioritizes single women over married couples, although it is not explained why single motherhood should be a social aspiration of the state.

To be clear: In vitro fertilization, in which children are created in petri dishes to be manually implanted into patients, is intrinsically immoral. From a pro-life perspective, the sheer cost in human lives alone is mind-boggling, and the separation of procreation from human intimacy is also a violation of the natural order. For those interested, I recently had a longform discussion with Stephanie Gray-Connors on this question in which we examined the morality of IVF in depth.

But the new NHS proposal adds layers of moral confusion on top of this. According to the report, lesbians, trans-identifying women, and singles “will be immediately eligible for IVF on the NHS — costing an estimated £5,000 a cycle – if they meet the other criteria such as a body mass index between 19 and 30, not smoking, being under age 43 and not having a partner with a child from a previous relationship” while “heterosexual couples … will still have to prove they can’t have a baby naturally within two years.”

In short, the state is facilitating and funding the procuring of children for those who cannot “have a baby naturally.” According to the Mail:

The proposed changes will cover a vast swathe of England including Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire. The plans, explained in a document called ‘The Case for Change’, are out for an eight-week public consultation ending in January, meaning the new policy could come into force next year. Heterosexual couples where one partner already has a biological child or children have also been dismayed to see that no changes are planned to the current rules barring them from NHS-funded fertility treatment.

Unfortunately, rather than questioning the policy of state-funded IVF entirely, family campaigners are instead fixating on “discrimination.” Lucy Marsh of the Family Education Trust, for example, stated, “At the very least these proposals seem grossly discriminatory towards traditional families.” Which is true, but the more fundamental issue is that these policies are discriminatory toward pre-born children, who are commodified, created artificially, and frequently abandoned in freezers. Any critique of IVF that ignores the intrinsic evils of the process is insufficient and instead affirms the morality of IVF.

Pro-life and pro-family groups in the United Kingdom should speak up firmly in opposition to this proposal — not just because the government is prioritizing the LGBT community over “traditional families” once again but because the proposal includes the mass destruction of embryonic human beings. As the culture continues to deteriorate, it can be tempting to respond to the latest outrage or the latest woke insanity while neglecting to stake out more fundamental territory. If pro-lifers do not speak out against the commodification of pre-born children, who will?

Transgender Police Officers in the British Transport Division Are Now Allowed to Strip Search Women in UK Under New Rules

Lady Gaga in scene from ‘Telephone’ video – screengrab

British authorities will now allow transgender police officers to strip-search women in custody.

According to The Daily Mail, the British Transport Police policy allows recently transitioned officers to intimately search women if they have been issued a gender recognition certificate.

The new law, “Transgender and Non-Binary Search Position,” was approved in September by the assistant chief constable for network policing.

Dr. Naomi Wolf, a women’s rights supporter, commented on the new policy.

Read more:

Italy: Cagliari, sexual assault and attempted robbery in front of a church, two Algerians arrested

Sant’Anna (Cagliari) Wikimedia Commons , cristianocani, CC-BY-2.0

Attempted robbery, sexual assault and assault: these are the charges that led to the arrest by the police of two Algerians aged 26 and 28, asylum seekers, who last November 11 had attacked a girl in via Azuni, in front of the church of Sant’Anna, in Cagliari .

Drunk, at the height of a series of harassing behaviors that had caused panic among several teenagers, they allegedly committed an attack on an eighteen-year-old girl, who had come to the aid of a friend to whom the two had made some very unwelcome advances.

The twenty-eight-year-old had hit the young woman, also trying to snatch a necklace from her. The twenty-six-year-old, taking advantage of the situation, had groped her breasts.

The investigators of the Flying Squad, also thanks to the description of the victims who, courageously had described with lucidity the hectic moments of the aggression, and to the testimonies of other boys who had witnessed the facts, have collected serious evidence of guilt against both subjects, culminating in their arrest.

The twenty-six-year-old, who was tracked down in a short time, was arrested and transferred to Uta prison, while the twenty-eight-year-old, who in the meantime had become untraceable, was subjected to the measure of detention in prison issued by the investigating judge of Cagliari at the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, after being captured in Trinità d’Agultu, in a reception facility.

Unione Sarda

Former UK prime minister warns against assisted suicide, calls for more palliative care

Gordon Brown Youtube

Prominent UK leaders are stepping forward every week to warn Parliament against legalizing assisted suicide. On November 20, Labour MP Dianne Abbott and Conservative MP Edward Leigh—the longest serving parliamentarians and thus the “mother” and “father” of the House—published a joint editorial in the Guardian titled “Our politics could not be more different – but we’re united against this dangerous assisted dying bill.” In it they legislators to reject assisted suicide.  

“Evidence from elsewhere suggests those most at risk when assisted suicide is legalized are vulnerable minorities,” they wrote. “Such people, unlike privileged elites who are used to exercising autonomy over every part of their lives and who can afford good-quality social and palliative care, are most likely to resign themselves to an assisted death against their will because they are unable to access the support they require.” 

Gordon Brown, who served as prime minister and leader of the Labour Party from 2007 to 2010, yesterday announced his opposition to assisted suicide in a Guardian editorial. Brown movingly recalled the death of his newborn baby daughter Jennifer in January 2002: 

Jennifer, the baby daughter my wife Sarah brought into the world a few days after Christmas 2001, died after only 11 days. By day four, when the extent of her brain haemorrhage had been diagnosed, we were fully aware that all hope was gone and that she had no chance of survival. We could only sit with her, hold her tiny hand and be there for her as life ebbed away. She died in our arms. But those days we spent with her remain among the most precious days of my and Sarah’s lives. The experience of sitting with a fatally ill baby girl did not convince me of the case for assisted dying; it convinced me of the value and imperative of good end-of-life care. 

While some of those advocating for assisted suicide are doing so for compassionate reasons, Brown emphasized, there are other considerations, such as “how best to strike the balance between the freedom to do as you desire and the kind of society we want to be and for many, it is about the sanctity of human life itself; and whether the choice is really between dying in agony or dying with assistance. For in my view, assisted dying is not the only option available, nor even a good option when set against the palliative support that could be available in ensuring a good death.” 

Additionally, Brown pinpoints some of the key problems with the proposed legislation itself: 

[T]he proposed new law has downsides left unresolved by the suggested model of two doctors and a high court judge, not least insufficient protection against pressures, however subtle, on frail and vulnerable people who may feel their lives have become burdensome to others.Already a staggering 375,000 people over 60 in England and Wales are estimated to be victims of abuse every year, and as Dutch ethicist Professor Theo Boer – who changed his position after reviewing thousands of cases – has found,many do feel under pressure to “make way”. An assisted dying law, however well intended, would alter society’s attitude towards elderly, seriously ill and disabled people, even if only subliminally, and I also fear the caring professions would lose something irreplaceable – their position as exclusively caregivers. Add to that the slippery slope with lawmakers, undoubtedly out of compassion, finding the erosion of safeguards and the extension of eligibility hard to resist. 

Brown observed that genuine end-of-life care is in short supply, with over 100,000 people with terminal or “life-limiting conditions” dying in the UK each year without receiving the specialist care they need—the UK only has 200 hospices, and only a third of the costs are borne by the NHS. It is for the reason, Brown noted, that “more than half the country is not confident that the government will be able to pay for their end-of-life care, while 51% think assisted dying will inevitably discriminate against those who cannot afford end-of-life support.”  

Consequently, 70% of the public wants the government to prioritize “social-end-of-life care before thinking about assisted dying.” Brown agrees. I pray that enough parliamentarians agree with him to make a difference.

Automotive supplier Bosch plans to cut 5,550 jobs, most in Germany

In a new blow for the struggling German car industry, auto parts supplier Bosch has said it wanted to cut more jobs than previously indicated in May, when the company said 2,200 jobs would go.

On November 22, a company spokeswoman announced that in the coming year, a further “need for adjustment” of up to 5,550 jobs being shed would be needed.

Over two-thirds of these layoffs, or more than 3,800, will be in Germany, it said.

Precise numbers are not decided yet and will be the result of negotiations with representatives of the employees, which are set to begin soon.

Bosch, the biggest car parts supplier in the world, promised to make the reduction in jobs as “socially acceptable” as possible.

The agreement reached in the middle of 2023, which bars mandatory layoffs in the German supplier division until the end of 2027 and, in some cases, until the end of 2029, is still in effect.

But employee representatives are unhappy with the Bosch move. Trade unionists have called it a “fatal signal”.

“The company’s announcement that it will reduce staff to this extent is a slap in the face for the employees,” said Frank Sell, the head of the works council for Bosch’s automotive division in Germany.

The firm had already decided to reduce working hours and wages for many of its employees.

“Due to the company’s unilateral intervention in the remuneration of the employees, we have also reached a new low point in our co-operation with the management,” Sell said.

“We will now organise our resistance to these plans at all levels,” he added, indicating resentment about the course of events.

According to the primary German metalworkers’ union IG Metall, all employment contracts with 40 or 38 hours would be downgraded to a 35-hour week in several areas.

“The loss in pay of up to 15 per cent will affect around 2,300 employees at various locations,” the union said.

The European Union’s push for electric vehicles is experiencing significant delays, directly impacting Bosch’s production start-ups and vehicle manufacturers’ call-off, or pre-ordered commitment, figures.

Simultaneously, the company faces substantial investment requirements to develop these technological innovations.

The new reductions have caused a drop in confidence in the firm’s management and increased uncertainty in the workforce about their future.

Most affected by the plans is the Cross-Domain Computing Solutions division, which is responsible for “intelligent-driver assistance systems” and automated driving. This division was situated in Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony.

“The Hildesheim plant has worked hard over many years to transform itself from combustion-engine products to future e-mobility products,” said Stefan Störmer, Chairman of the plant’s works council.

“If staff are now actually to be cut at this location, it would be a fatal signal for all locations that still have this transformation ahead of them.”

Stephan Hölzl, member of the Divisional Board of Management for Commercial Tasks in the Cross-Domain Computing Solutions business unit of Bosch, countered: “We have to adapt our structures to the changed market environment and sustainably reduce costs in order to strengthen our competitiveness and position ourselves for the future,”

In one factory, up to 1,300 jobs are set to be cut between 2027 and 2030, more than a third of the employees there, Die Welt reported recently.

Bosch cited the ongoing crisis in the general automobile industry as justification for the savings initiatives.

“Global vehicle production will stagnate at around 93 million units this year, if not decline slightly compared to the previous year,” the company said.

At best, a modest rebound is anticipated in the upcoming year. The industry is said to be suffering significant overcapacity, while pressure on prices and competition, in particular from China, has also increased.

That has apparently caused a drop in demand for electric car parts with Bosch.

Thousands of jobs have already been lost in the German automotive industry and more are expected to follow as sales of German cars continue to disappoint.

Thin-Skinned German Politicians File More Than 1,300 Defamation Cases Against Citizens

German Minister of Economics and Climate Protection Robert Habeck gestures on stage after being nominated as candidate for chancellor. Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung / wikimedia commons (CC BY SA 2.0)

Over the past three years, more than 1,300 citizens in Germany have faced legal proceedings for allegedly insulting public officials. The surge in cases, particularly under the current coalition government led by the Social Democrats (SPD), Greens, and Free Democrats (FDP), has prompted a nationwide debate over the limits of free speech.

Data obtained by Apollo News shows a sharp increase in such cases, with Green Party ministers Robert Habeck, the vice chancellor, and Annalena Baerbock, the foreign minister, filing a combined total of over 1,300 complaints. Many of these involve comments, memes, or social media posts deemed defamatory under Section 188 of the German Criminal Code.

One of the most controversial cases involved a 64-year-old pensioner from Bavaria, Stefan Niehoff, whose home was raided by police last week after he posted a meme calling Habeck an “imbecile.” Niehoff described the early-morning raid, during which his devices were confiscated, as reminiscent of practices in authoritarian regimes. According to prosecutors, the raid was prompted solely by the meme, which was interpreted as an effort to undermine Habeck’s role in government.

Habeck defended the action, asserting that such insults go beyond acceptable criticism. Earlier this week, he called for tighter regulations on social media to combat disinformation and enforce “rules of decency and democracy.” Critics warn that such measures curtail legitimate dissent and satire.

This is not an isolated case. Earlier this year, a Bavarian woman was fined €900 and had her home searched after sharing a meme that satirised statements by leading government officials, including Baerbock and Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Authorities deemed the meme a criminal offence despite its satirical nature.

The use of Section 188 to prosecute alleged insults has increased nationwide. In Münster, investigations rose from 17 in 2021 and 2022 combined to 137 in 2024. Halle witnessed similar growth, with cases jumping from 11 in 2022 to 81 so far this year.

The law, introduced during Angela Merkel’s tenure, allows politicians to file complaints if they believe defamatory remarks impede their official duties. Convictions can result in fines or prison sentences of up to three years. Critics say the law grants politicians disproportionate protection, stifling open criticism and satire.

When a German calls Minister Habeck a ‘moron’, the police storm his flat; when a Syrian celebrates the Holocaust and calls for the rape of a Jewish citizen, the criminal proceedings are dropped

Is the justice system applying double standards to online hate speech?
The ‘moron’ affair is causing headlines. The government has been criticised for a few days now because it has come to light how often citizens have to deal with the state authorities over trivialities. In contrast, the public prosecutor’s office seems to show conspicuous leniency when it comes to online offences committed by migrants.

While a retweet of an internet picture depicting Robert Habeck as a ‘moron professional’ can lead to the police turning up at the front door at dawn, a Syrian will probably get off scot-free despite justifying the Holocaust and violently insulting a woman, threatening to rape her and putting her in fear. This all happened on the Facebook page of the Israeli embassy.
What exactly happened? Shortly after the Hamas massacre on October 7, 2023, a Syrian welcomed and glorified the Holocaust on the Israeli embassy’s website: he wrote: ‘Nero also killed millions and burned entire Rome. Why should it be sad to burn 6 million Jews?’

He also threatened one woman, Lisa A. (name changed), with a bestial rape threat: ‘I didn’t realise how sick and disgusting you are until I looked you up on Facebook. Too bad I don’t know your address, otherwise I would come to you with my horse. My horse would train you well with his cock, which your cursed parents couldn’t do. Fuck you bitch.’ He added: ‘bitch’.

What happened next? The victim of these offences, Lisa A., made every effort to ensure that something happened: First, Lisa A. informed the Hesse report centre against hate speech and filed a criminal complaint with the Saxony-Anhalt online watchdog. An investigation was then initiated, as the public prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt considered the vile comments to be worthy of prosecution. It passed the matter on to the public prosecutor’s office in Halle, where the alleged perpetrator lives. From there, it was forwarded to the State Criminal Police Office in Berlin so that Lisa A. could be questioned on the matter.

On June 12, 2024, the investigation was finally dropped, as Lisa A. found out on request. NIUS has the letter, which states:

‘In response to your enquiry, we are informed that the proceedings were discontinued due to a lack of sufficient suspicion. As a result, it could not be ruled out that the criminal post was written by someone other than the accused.’

This ‘other’ is the accused’s brother. The theory of the public prosecutor’s office: The (now deleted) Facebook account from which the offences originated is: ‘alex.hema. 16’. The accused’s brother’s second name is ‘Iskander’, which is the Persian version of ‘Alexander’. Therefore, it could also be the brother, according to the judiciary. However, no investigations have been initiated against him.

An appeal by Lisa A. against the closure of the investigation was also ultimately unsuccessful. The Public Prosecutor General of Saxony-Anhalt is sticking to the theory that it could have been the brother. The final status: no investigation. The offences have no consequences for the perpetrator. Lisa A. told NIUS: ‘Before the public prosecutor’s office practises onomastics [name research, editor’s note], they could have ordered a house search. For me, the public prosecutor’s office in Halle is completely miscast. These people shouldn’t have any decision-making powers – that’s how I see it.’

Questions remain unanswered: Why were no house searches ordered, which would be entirely appropriate in the case of Holocaust trivialisation and rape threats? Why were the Syrian brothers not questioned in order to clarify which of them committed the anti-Semitic and misogynistic offences?

How can this be if even trivialities such as a ‘moron’ meme for Robert Habeck are enough to enable house searches? Is there a double standard when perpetrators are migrants? The suspicion arises.

Islam accounts for 81% of religious incidents in French workplaces, new report finds

Wikimedia Commons, Arielinson, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Religious tensions in French workplaces have reached their highest level since records began in 2013, with Islam taking center stage in a growing number of incidents, a new study has found.

According to the 2024 Baromètre du Fait Religieux en Entreprise by Institut Montaigne, over 70 percent of companies are now experiencing incidents fuelled by religious beliefs, a sharp increase from previous years.

The report identified the rising visibility of Islamic practices as a key driver of workplace challenges, with tensions surrounding religious symbols, prayer practices, and employees’ views on women taking a toll on organizational harmony.

Islam accounted for 81 percent of religious incidents at work, a notable increase from 73 percent in 2022. This includes a surge in visible expressions such as wearing hijabs and other religious symbols, now cited in 36 percent of reported cases, up from 19 percent just two years ago.

Requests for schedule adjustments to accommodate religious observances and prayer breaks are also frequent among Muslim employees, complicating workplace management.

Muslim employees, particularly young men in lower-skilled positions, are often at the center of workplace conflicts, the report noted. Additionally, behaviors deemed disruptive, such as refusing to work with women or aggressive attempts to convert others, are disproportionately associated with Islamic practices.

As a result, reports of alleged stigmatization and hiring discrimination against Muslims have surged, with 71 percent of documented discriminatory incidents linked to the religious group.

Religious tensions extend beyond Islam. Jewish employees are increasingly stigmatized with reported incidents of professional exclusion doubling since the last survey. Nonetheless, the prominence of Islamic practices and their perceived challenges dominate workplace discussions, with companies calling for clearer frameworks to manage these issues effectively.

The report emphasized the urgent need for action, urging businesses to adopt comprehensive policies that balance religious freedom with workplace neutrality.

Training for managers, clearer guidelines, and inclusion initiatives were all recommended as critical to reducing tensions and promoting an effective environment for coexistence.