Germany: Victim of Islamic terrorism in Mannheim and critic of Islam Michael Stürzenberger convicted of incitement to hatred

Michael Stürzenberger,Wikimedia Commons , Tetzemann, CC-Zero

The critic of Islam Michael Stürzenberger, who was seriously injured with a knife by an Afghan in Mannheim at the end of May, has been convicted of incitement to hatred.

At the end of May, the well-known critic of Islam Michael Stürzenberger was stabbed with a knife and seriously injured by an Afghan in Mannheim’s market square. The attacker injured other people, including a police officer, who eventually succumbed to his injuries. The suspected Afghan, who is also considered an IS sympathiser, was charged with murder, among other things. Stürzenberger has been warning of the dangers of Islamism for years. But now he has been convicted of incitement to hatred.

The judgement is said to have been handed down on Monday at the Hamburg district court and refers to a rally at which he is said to have denigrated Muslims and migrants, as documented by a left-wing blog on X. Stürzenberger had previously been sentenced to prison in the first instance, but the regional court suspended the sentence on probation. Due to a formal error by the court, an appeal was allowed and the case had to be retried. The public prosecutor’s office had pleaded for 120 daily rates of 40 euros each, the court sentenced Stürzenberger to 120 daily rates of 30 euros each, i.e. a fine of 3,600 euros. Both parties accepted the judgement in the courtroom. It is therefore legally binding.

In the responses, some users were outraged by the judgement: ‘Didn’t an Islamist want to kill him – and thus confirm Stürzenberger’s theories?’ asked one user. ‘The man is almost massacred by a Muslim in this country and convicted of incitement to hatred. You can’t make this stuff up,’ writes another. Yet another user explains that Stürzenberger has proven ‘that he is right’. One user even describes Stürzenberger as a ‘hero in the fight against Islamisation’. His educational work in relation to political Islam is ‘unparalleled’. The fact that he is being covered in ‘ludicrous accusations and judgements’ is ‘ an irony of history’.

The free world is collapsing

International Criminal Court The Hague, Wikimedia Commons ,Vysotsky, CC-BY-SA-4.0

by Giulio Meotti

With Hague’s Court mandates to arrest Netanyahu and Gallant we are witnessing the collapse of the free world.

Hamas celebrates.

Iran rejoices.

Turkey is ready to do its part with Sultan Erdogan who always gets away with bombing Kurds, Armenians and other peoples sacrificed to his Ottoman expansionist aims.

The European Union, through the mouth of the useless Spanish socialist Josef Borrell, says it is faithful to international law.

China is tempted to celebrate, but cannot do so fully since it has not signed the Rome Statute on the Court of The Hague.

Donald Trump, who is putting together the most pro-Israel administration in American history, has already made it known that he will impose sanctions on the Hague Court.

Orban’s Hungary is the most pro-Israel. Orban also invited Netanyahu to Budapest.

Belgium, with its subjugation and Qatari penetration, is for arresting him (there is something rotten in Brussels).

Norway, with its progressive quislings, is the country with the fewest number of Jews in Europe and is the most pro-Hamas. The Norwegian Foreign Minister, Espen Barth Eide, is more pro-Hamas than the Arab countries and was photographed alongside the daughter of the Palestinian Arab terrorist involved in the Paris attack in which six people were killed at the Jewish restaurant Jo Goldenberg.

In Vichyist France, Islamogoscism will play its part.

Holland, with its pogroms, is for arresting Netanyahu. But Geert Wilders distances himself and writes: “The world has gone mad.”

Dhimmi-Labour England is for arresting the Israelis. London has enough problems with Islamists to alienate them even more. Not only because the Muslim population of the United Kingdom is growing ten times faster than the general population. Prime Minister Starmer also fears the rise of the “Communists for Islam” party led by Corbyn.

Social-communist-Eta Spain is for arresting Netanyahu. The Spanish left is with Cuba, Iran and Hamas.

Germany and Italy are taking their time.

The Canada of the super woke Trudeau wants to arrest Netanyahu (the Conservatives are against). In the streets of Canada, people are marching now shouting “Jihad Jihad Jihad”.

The Argentina of the heroic Javier Milei is with Israel. Afuera!

The Brazil of the communist Lula is for the arrest (when will Jair Bolsonaro return?).

The Colombia of the communist Gustavo Petro is for the arrest.

Chile too. “Forward to the Bolivarian revolution!”. This is how the young and woke Chilean president Gabriel Boric supported the regime of Nicholas Maduro in Venezuela. “I die as I lived… my respects, Commander”, wrote Boric upon the death of Fidel Castro. The same Boric who promised to “bury liberalism”. Like when he calls Greta Thunberg “the best thing that has happened in a long time.”

Everything is connected: wokists, socialists (welfarists are natural allies of Islamists), Peronists, multilateral sepulchres, radical ecologists, useful idiots of the BRICS.

And so in the end, what the mainstream media calls the “populist international” (Milei, Wilders, Trump, Orban etc) in the end turns out to be the last political trench in defense of a people who refuse to be subjugated by Islamic terrorism and the alliance between Eurabia, communist remnants and satrapies. And the Western dhimmis who fall to their knees.

Hague: the countries who attack Israel and those who defend it | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

‘Secret letter’ reveals German Greens minister asked France for nuclear energy support

Feathers have been ruffled by the unearthing of a secret letter from the German Vice-Chancellor and Greens party member Robert Habeck to the then-French energy minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher in the summer of 2022.

It revealed that the German nuclear phase-out was only conceivable for Habeck at that time if his country could lean on French nuclear power.

The letter was revealed by the magazine Cicero on November 27.

Habeck, who as economy and climate minister presided over the nuclear phase-out, had written: “Dear Agnes, on the fringes of the Council of Energy Ministers, we discussed the energy situation in our countries.”

“You said that the French Government’s goal is to have 40 gigawatts of nuclear power on the grid by November 1, 2022 and 50 gigawatts by January 1, 2023. Can you confirm that I remembered that correctly?”

With the letter, he appeared to some to be fishing for more information about the French output, knowing that German energy production was set to take a heavy hit as a result of closing down its nuclear power plants.

Geheimbrief an Amtskollegin in Paris: Im Sommer 2022 fragte Habeck nach französischem Atomstrom, um den deutschen Atomausstieg zu retten.

— Daniel Gräber (@dg_graeber) November 27, 2024

Pannier-Runacher struck a different tone in her response to Habeck. Rather than “Dear Robert”, she opted for “Monsieur le Vice-Chancelier” (Mr Vice-Chancellor).

In her reply, she also pointed out her country’s disagreement with Berlin on how, she said, it tried to disadvantage nuclear power in the European regulatory framework in favour of “renewable energies”.

“In the same spirit of solidarity and mutual recognition of the different paths taken by our two states to achieve CO2 neutrality, the French authorities would like to see closer co-operation with their German partners in order to create a fair and balanced regulation in European law,” Pannier-Runacher wrote.

“The decarbonisation of the European energy mix must be a priority and at the same time strengthen our energy independence.”

In later interviews the former French energy minister pointed out: “The Greens [are] never troubled to use French nuclear power.”

“Each country must assume its responsibility to ensure its own supply and contribute to the stability of the European network,” she told German newspaper Handelsblatt in July 2023. “Germany risks becoming increasingly dependent on the nuclear energy of its neighbours.”

Habeck’s letter was seen as an embarrassing admission on the Greens’ part as it seemed the party wanted to keep the letter under wraps.

It only became public because Habeck’s ministry had to provide the letter to the current German Committee of Inquiry into the nuclear policy of the traffic-light government.

The committee was established to investigate Germany’s nuclear policy in the face of significant changes in the geopolitical landscape, particularly following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Officially known as the Second Committee of Inquiry, it was formed on July 4, 2024, tasked with examining the German government’s decision-making processes regarding the national energy supply and the potential continued operation of nuclear power plants in light of these recent geopolitical developments.

Habeck had told the public in the summer of 2022 that Germany had a gas supply problem, not an electricity one.

But the letter seemed to underscore his acute awareness of the danger of an electricity shortage.

Ever since the 2010 adoption of the German “Energiewende” (energy turnaround) policy — the country’s long-term plan to transition to a climate-neutral energy system by 2045 — it has significantly increased its import of electricity from France, which gets 70 per cent of its electricity from nuclear sources.

At the same time as Germany was completing its nuclear phase-out, France had many reactors go off the grid for necessary repairs and updates.

Greens politicians jumped on this, alleging that nuclear power was unreliable but behind the scenes, it seems the Greens in the German Government were in 2022 pleading with the French to secure electricity from nuclear power plants in the upcoming winter.

Habeck’s office manager had also written:  “I ask that the letter be treated confidentially and not forwarded.”

On November 27, Professor Manuel Frondel, an energy economist at the Leibniz Institute, told news outlet Bild that the German nuclear power plant exit was problematic “if you want to achieve the climate protection goals cost-effectively”.

On November 28, the Bundestag Committee of Inquiry into the 2022 energy crisis will summon the then-bosses of three nuclear power plant operators to answer questions about what they may have discussed with Habeck. The company heads are Markus Krebber (of RWE), Frank Mastiaux (formerly of EnBW) and Guido Knott (of Eon subsidiary Preussen-Elektra).

There are many doubts about whether the companies wanted to stick to the nuclear phase-out plan as Habeck and other Greens politicians portrayed it.

Experts have said they believed it would have been wiser to continue operating the safe and reliable nuclear power plants for several years given the war in Ukraine, which many predicted would lead to Germany being cut off from Russian gas and thus exposed to rising electricity prices.

In April, Cicero magazine said it found evidence that Habeck’s ministry used manipulated information to close down the last working nuclear power plants in Germany.

It claimed officials from the ministries for economics and environment advised the that continued operation of the atomic facilities should be considered but “green” activists within the ministries allegedly “played dirty games” to have such advice buried, the magazine claimed.

Can’t Take a Joke? German Social Democrats Seek Harsher Penalties for Insults

Government ministers Robert Habeck (Greens) and Annalena Baerbock (Greens) on either side of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD)
Photo: @Bundeskanzler on X, 25 October 2024

The German political establishment wants to impose even stricter punishments on ordinary citizens who dare to criticise the ruling elite on social media.

Lower Saxony’s Justice Minister, Kathrin Wahlmann, a social democrat, has presented a proposal that would give prosecutors more leeway in prosecuting “insults” that target politicians. The proposed amendment would make it easier for the judiciary to take more comprehensive action, and the penalties imposed would be harsher.

Wahlmann said she found some of the “disgusting hate comments” that politicians have had to endure “unbearable.” The current rules have “not proven to be sufficiently effective,” she added.

Wahlmann’s comments come after a series of incidents where ordinary citizens were harassed by law enforcement for simply criticising leading politicians in social media posts.

A 64-year-old pensioner’s house was raided by police, after a complaint by Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, who was upset that the pensioner had called him an imbecile on social media. A woman had her house searched and was fined €900 for sharing a meme that made fun of leading government politicians. The editor-in-chief of the conservative news website Deutschland-Kurier was heavily fined and could even face prison time for mocking Interior Minister Nancy Faeser in a couple of satirical memes that he shared on his X account.

The prosecutors had taken action based on a law introduced by the previous Angela Merkel-led German government, according to which politicians have the right to file a criminal complaint if they believe that they have been the target of defamatory comments in relation to their official duties. Someone found guilty of such a crime can be fined or imprisoned for up to three years.

In the three year-period since the law came in, more than 1,300 citizens in Germany have faced legal proceedings for allegedly insulting public officials.

The cases highlight how German politicians are unable to handle criticism, and that authorities seem incapable of making a distinction between satire and real crime.

Instead of apologising to the distraught citizens who have been harassed by law enforcement, the government wants to crack down even harder on people whose views they find “unbearable.” Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck has called for tighter regulations surrounding social media, saying that “freedom of expression” must abide by “the rules of decency and democracy.”

Wahlmann claims that the “harsh tone” politicians are being targeted with is leading to “more and more people not getting involved in politics for fear of hatred.” Her latest proposal would remove the legal pre-condition for an insult to be punishable, which is that the insult has to be in connection with the politicians’ official duties.

Child Rape in Islamized Germany


As Germany succumbs to the moonbat–Muslim alliance, the punishment Islamic colonists receive for raping children may be milder than what natives get for complaining:

A man was ordered to pay a fine of 5000 euros because he had criticised a judge in an email as being ‘obviously mentally disturbed’. The reason for his anger: the judge had only imposed a suspended sentence on a 30-year-old Syrian man who had raped a 15-year-old girl in Osnabrück in 2022. … The perpetrator only had to pay 3000 euros to the victim.

Speaking of raping children,

The Omar Al Faruq Center in Mannheim … used a flyer to advertise a ‘girls’ evening in the mosque’. This alone is cause for concern, but the event was also explicitly aimed at ‘girls and women aged 13 and over’ and was garnished with the statement: ‘Whoever gets married has completed half of their faith’.

In other words, children were to be prepared for marriage – according to Islamic tradition with a man chosen by their own clan, usually a much older man, following the example of the Prophet Mohammed.

If the worm is ever going to turn in Germany, it will have to be soon, before Muslims achieve majority status and turn the whole country into Syria. The moonbat establishment is trying to snuff out AfD for putting up resistance.

Moonbattery Child Rape in Islamized Germany – Moonbattery

A group of Muslim ‘youths’ beat up a young gay German politician – he was taken to hospital with serious injuries

The CDU youth organisation is in shock!
The treasurer of the Junge Union Lüneburg, Simon Schmidt (24), was assaulted.

According to a police spokesman, the hunting instructor was beaten up in the playground of a comprehensive school in Lüneburg-Kaltenmoor on Monday evening. ‘A group of youths are said to have attacked the 24-year-old. The man was injured in the face during the physical altercation. He was taken to hospital in an ambulance,’ according to a report by the Lower Saxony police.

Reporters from tabloid BILD contacted the young politician after he was allowed to leave the university hospital in Hamburg-Eppendorf on Tuesday evening. He was treated there for a facial injury. He is due to have an operation on his cheekbone before Christmas.
Schmidt explains: ‘It was an anti-gay attack. I had arranged to meet a man on a dating app. The meeting place was an ambush.’ When he arrived at the meeting point, Schmidt says, ‘a horde of seven or eight migrants from Syria or Afghanistan came out from behind bushes and attacked me with fists and kicks’. Schmidt was insulted because of his homosexuality. ‘When I was lying on the ground, one of the attackers pulled out a black penknife. Another shouted: ‘We’ll stab you! A pedestrian came to my aid. The gang ran away.’

There is great concern among party members of the Junge Union. The district association informed the press today: ‘Our esteemed board member was severely beaten up and attacked with a knife by a group of young men with a migration background in a heinous attack.’ The district executive condemns ‘this outrageous act’ in the strongest possible terms.
‘Our thoughts are with our loyal friend who is suffering terrible pain due to unnecessary excesses of violence in our city,’ said district chairman Leander Zeletzki.

The young politicians lament the ‘lack of willingness to integrate on the part of certain people with a migration background, who do not shy away from brutal violence against German citizens’. They will campaign for the police to be strengthened.

Opfer spricht von „schwulenfeindlichem Anschlag“ : CDU-Jungpolitiker von Gruppe Jugendlicher verprügelt | Politik |

France: Man threatened to ‘cause a bloodbath at the Christmas market’; he was shot dead after taking a woman hostage

Screenshot X

An armed person was shot dead in the centre of Saint-Etienne.

The incident took place late on Tuesday evening in a shopping street in the centre of Saint-Etienne. A man was shot by a municipal officer who opened fire. The person was ‘aggressive’ and ‘threatened people’ with a knife, as the public prosecutor of Saint-Etienne, David Charmatz, told the AFP news agency.

He chased several pedestrians along one of the main streets in the city centre. Among others, a woman with a knife to her throat was taken hostage near the prefecture. She was slightly injured.

Shortly before the attack, the man is said to have entered a shop and declared that he was going to ‘cause a bloodbath at the Christmas market’, Le Monde reported.

Evil Icons: The TRUTH About Che Guevara and Chairman Mao. The Far Left’s Love for Mass Murderers

James Bartholomew of the Museum of Communist Terror and the Foundation for the History of Totalitarianism reveals the truth about two contemporary “style & fashion icons” of the left: Che Guevara and Chairman Mao. This is a clip from James’s longer #NCFWhittle interview. To watch the full episode, please click here:    • Communist Terror: The Evil Truths Sch…  

Bavarian village of 280 residents rallies against plans for 130-berth asylum center

Bairawies. Gras-Ober, Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons (cc-by-sa-3.0)

The small Bavarian village of Bairawies, home to just 280 residents, is at the center of a heated debate over plans to house 130 asylum seekers in a container facility. The proposed project has sparked fear and resistance among locals, who argue the influx would overwhelm their limited resources and lead to social degradation within the community.

Around 170 residents participated in a rally on Sunday organized by the local group “Bairawies Aktiv” to voice their opposition.

The association contends that the scale of the proposed accommodation is disproportionate, with Wolfgang Köster, the chairman of the group, likening the impact to Munich suddenly absorbing 750,000 new residents.

“The ratio is simply not right,” Köster stated, explaining how the village simply does not have the necessary infrastructure to support the mass influx.

Residents highlighted the fact that the village does not even have basic social facilities like a supermarket as evidence of their inability to accommodate a significant number of migrants.

The local building committee unanimously rejected the investor’s application to construct the container facility, but the decision has done little to alleviate residents’ fears, many of whom point to the fact that towns and villages across Germany have long been opposing the mass immigration policy advocated by the federal and state governments to no avail.

Concerns persist that the district office could override the municipal ruling. According to District Administrator Josef Niedermaier, a special regulation introduced by the Bavarian state government allows state authorities to bypass local planning decisions in order to meet quotas for housing asylum seekers.

“The municipality’s planning sovereignty can effectively be undermined,” he told local media.

Niedermaier confirmed that the district is required to accommodate 100 new asylum seekers monthly, intensifying pressure on local communities.

“The Lenggries property developer Christoph Hartwig, who runs a container settlement for asylum seekers there, submitted the preliminary building request to the municipality,” explained Mayor Josef Hauser.

“That would be almost half of today’s additional population. However, it is to be expected that the district office will replace the community agreement in this case,” he added.

The “Bairawies Aktiv” association is gearing up for a legal battle and is currently calling for donations to fund a potential fight in the courts. While the group insists they are not opposed to welcoming asylum seekers, they demand that politicians consider the disproportionate impact on small villages like theirs.

“We have nothing against people who seek asylum with us,” the association stated, but argued that the voices of local residents should be heard and policies should be introduced that distribute the responsibility more equitably.

UK: Trans-Identified Male Groomed 11 Year-Old Girl, Committed “Depraved” Sexual Abuse

A trans-identified male has been convicted in Liverpool for the rape of an 11 year-old girl. Anthony “Aria” Peers, 51, is said to have used the child’s interest in the Star Wars series in order to groom her for sexual abuse. Peers was said to have subjected the child to “depraved” acts which left an “untold impact” on her.

Liverpool Crown Court heard on Monday that Peers had carried out the vile campaign in Wirral prior to declaring a transgender status. The pedophile began claiming to identify as a “transgender woman” some time after raping the child, but was referred to with feminine pronouns in court.

Though Peers denied the allegations, a jury convicted him on two counts of rape, attempted rape three charges of sexual assault and two offenses of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. According to local outlet Liverpool Echo, the predator touched the victim’s breasts and private parts before encouraging her to use a sex toy on herself. He then raped the child and told her to engage in acts which press declined to cover due to their graphic nature.

Peers was handed a 15-year prison sentence as Judge Katherine Pierpoint declared, “‘You targeted a young female child for your own sexual gratification. The impact on her is untold.”

However, the judge remarked sympathetically that the pedophile’s “gender identity” issues must have caused him inner turmoil.

“Prior to this, you worked as a support worker for a number of years. You have suffered with periods of anxiety and depression and have struggled with your gender identity throughout your life,” Judge Pierpoint said. “I appreciate that, as a transgender prisoner, there will be issues which you will have to navigate during the very long period of your sentence.”

The judge further commended the young girl for “standing up” to Peers’ sexual abuse when she confided in her friends and teachers about the assault.

Judge Pierpoint added: “I accept that, in this case, there is an element of grooming with the close bond that you developed and took advantage of. It became more sinister, with you grooming her so that you could start to abuse her. You took the opportunity to fulfill your own sexual desires.”

She continued: “You were disbelieved by the jury and convicted. You still deny these matters today. She is a brave young woman who, by coming forward, has stood up to you. I hope that, with the support of her family, she will be able to move on with her life.”

Defense counsel Anthony O’Donohoe told the court: “There is nothing I can say about the facts of the case. The defendant accepts that a significant, lengthy custodial sentence is inevitable in this case,” but expressed concern that prison would be “difficult” for Peers.

“The defendant has settled on the wing that she is on, and that is encouraging. That was a matter of some concern,” O’Donohoe said. “The custodial experience for her in her particular circumstances is likely to be more difficult to navigate than in other, more usual, cases.”

In addition to a 15-year sentence, Peers is subject to an indefinite sexual harm prevention order and a lifelong restraining order, and will be required to sign the sex offenders’ register for life.

Despite not having legally changed his name, most news outlets covering the case chose to refer to Peers by his “chosen” name rather than his legal name.

Merseyside Police conducted the investigation into the sick predator. In June, Chief Constable Serena Kennedy issued a statement apologizing for historical “ill treatment” of the “LGBTQ+ community” in response to campaigner Peter Tatchell, who has previously argued favorably for adult-child sexual activity.