Underwater Feminism: Marxism in science leads to women marrying brine shrimp

On September 14, 2021, two Polish female professors headed to the Great Salt Lake in Utah to marry some brine shrimp in an ecosexual wedding.

Presided over by Bonnie Baxter PhD, a biology professor at Westminster University in nearby Salt Lake City, the two Polish professor brides in clinging wedding dresses approached holding hands and together with the rest of the wedding party which included a sexologist and Elizabeth Stephens, the chair of UC Santa Cruz’s Art Department, who helped create the ‘Ecosexual’ movement, went into the lake to marry the shrimp through an exchange of psychic vows.

Artemia monica (male), Wikimedia Commons , djpmapleferryman, CC-BY-2.0

As bizarre as the officially titled ‘Cyber Wedding to the Brine Shrimp’ might seem, it involved the collaboration of academics from at least four universities, and sponsorship by the Polish Cultural Institute of New York, which operates under the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

What might seem like mental illness is by now a well-established academic field under the aegis of the environmental ‘posthumanities’ which set out to ‘decolonize’ the study of the planet. Rather than the scientific study of the ocean, ‘blue humanities’ applied the usual ‘studies’ formula to viewing the human relationship to the ocean through a Marxist lens. Blue posthumanities then set out to decenter human beings and to center marine life. Blue feminist posthumanities applied feminism to promote a non-binary sexual relationship with the water.

And that is how you end up with academics and universities holding a brine shrimp wedding.

Assistant Professor Ewelina Jarosz and Assistant Professor Justyna Górowska, the two ‘queer brides’ who married the brine shrimp, founded the ‘hydrosexual’ movement, describing themselves as ‘cyber nymphs’ who are moving the ‘ecosexual’ movement forward using ‘queer and feminist blue posthumanism’. Much of their activism is indistinguishable from pornography.

But it’s also the subject of academic papers including ‘Loving the Brine Shrimp: Exploring Queer Feminist Blue Posthumanities’ in the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics which claims to challenge “settler science by exploring the connection between the reproductive system of brine shrimp and the economy, ecology and culture” to “alter white humans’ perceptions and understanding of the brine shrimp.”

The Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics solicited “indigenous, anti-colonial, queer, gender and intersectional approaches to marine and coastal sea farming” and feminist approaches for a special issue on Feminist Blue Humanities.

The Journal has an editorial board consisting of two dozen PhDs from as far away as Finland, Oklahoma, India and South Africa under the aegis of the massive German Springer science publishing giant which decided to normalize the idea of a psychic brine shrimp wedding.

Blue Feminism got an early public exposure when a TED Talk about ‘feminist glaciology’ went viral to mass mockery. Despite the ridicule, the submission of parody papers and outrage over a 5-year National Science Foundation grant to the author of “Glaciers, gender, and science: A feminist glaciology framework for global environmental change research”: it’s here and thriving.

Feminist glaciology proposed “merging feminist postcolonial science studies and feminist political ecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust analysis of gender, power, and epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological systems, thereby leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice interactions.” It’s easy to dismiss that as mad gibberish, but it really means that glaciology (and all science) must be viewed from a Marxist perspective.

Academia has come to mostly consist of applying Marxist feminist, ‘queer’, anti-colonial and other such forms of discourse to every conceivable subject. Culture now means deconstructing every work of art and literature through the oppressed and oppressor paradigms of Marxism. History, where the infection began, has long since fallen victim to it. The various ‘Studies’ fields then spread their ‘critical readings’ of everything that human beings do.

Much like the brine shrimp wedding, ordinary people only became aware of the corruption of the field when outrageous examples of it broke through the academic wall, such as the claims emerging from American Studies that Americans drink milk because of their racism.

Feminist glaciology and brine shrimp weddings represent the colonization and replacement of actual science with the critical ‘studies’ approach to viewing the entire planet and then the universe as oppressive constructs invented by white male slave owners. And what is at stake is the end of any kind of framework of rational inquiry in favor of woke pseudoscience.

Science pursues objectivity while the woke studies fields frame everything in terms of their unique intersectional perspective. In intersectionality, facts are unimportant and what matters above all else is the place of every participant in the oppressor/oppressed paradigm.

A feminist or ‘queer’ perspective on brine shrimp or the workings of the universe is of far more value than what an old white man like Albert Einstein or a hundred of them had to say. To the Marxist mind, everything is a matter of power relations and nothing can be known except by deconstructing and unlearning all the things that capitalism and the patriarchy had taught us.

When applied to science and mathematics, grievance culture leads to claims that whiteboards perpetuate ‘whiteness’ in physics, empiricism is a construct of ‘whiteness’ and contentions that “the idea of math being culturally neutral because two plus two equals four reeks of white supremacist patriarchy” and that “the very nature of the knowledge and who’s produced it and what has counted as mathematics is itself dominated by whiteness and racism.”

But when science is ‘decolonized’ of all its white male past, what do its new diverse intersectional pioneers with their feminist, queer and anti-colonial perspectives contribute to the sum of human knowledge? Brine shrimp weddings, research about “indigenous knowledge” in the secret advanced sciences of Africa and American Indians, and evolutionary biology papers claiming that ‘racist housing policies’ altered the genetic structure of American ants.

Woke science, like woke religion, woke culture and woke everything, is just wokeness wearing any and every subject as a disguise over its usual activism and freakish tendencies. A feminist lens on science reduces objects and phenomena outside the human spectrum to a crude ‘herstory’ binary in which life-giving forces resist male objectivity and exploitation while a queer lens sexualizes everything even right down to water ‘hydrosexuality’ and brine shrimp.

The brine shrimp cyber-wedding is not an aberration, it is exactly what applying intersectionality to science is meant to produce. Radical activism and deviant sexual posturing doesn’t enrich science: it hijacks science for the benefit of activists who view it as a radical art project.

The Soviet Union mandated that all science must be viewed from an ideological perspective, but the rigid discipline of the totalitarian regime suppressed individualism and the system soon ossified into obligatory quotes from Marx and Lenin rather than anything especially innovative. Without that ideological discipline, Marxism in academia devolves into brine shrimp weddings.

Ecosexuality abundantly expresses the narcissism at the heart of the Left. With no intellectual or ideological discipline, the entire world is rewritten to express the identities of a small group. Science must not only accept that men can become women by just thinking about it, but that even the skies and the oceans express the sexuality of the women who would marry shrimp.


Great Replacement: White British Set to Become Minority by 2050 as PM Admits Failed ‘Open Borders Experiment’ Imposed by ‘Design’

A leading demographer has warned that the white British population may become a minority by the middle of the century if current trends continue as Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer declared this week that the “open borders experiment” was a failure imposed on the country by “design”.

In an apparent confirmation of what many derided as a “conspiracy theory”, the notion of a “Great Replacement” agenda, Prime Minister Starmer said that previous Tory governments “deliberately” decided to liberalise immigration following Brexit to “turn Britain into a one-nation experiment in open borders.”

“This happened by design, not accident. Policies were reformed… Global Britain – remember that slogan… That is what they meant. A policy with no support… Well that’s unforgivable,” he said.

While the prime minister was correct in noting that the so-called Conservative governments of Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak allowed in unprecedented levels of immigration following Brexit — by refusing to put an annual cap on immigration resulting in nearly one million migrants arriving last year, alone — the open borders agenda imposed on the country pre-dates Tory rule.

Indeed, prior to the Labour government of former PM Tony Blair, the UK had net migration in the tens of thousands, however, under Blair this began to soar into the hundreds of thousands per year. In 2009, former Blair advisor Andrew Neather claimed that this was a deliberate policy to transform Britain into a multicultural society and to “rub the right’s nose in diversity.”

The mass migration policies of both Labour and Conservative governments have had a radical impact on the demographic make up of the UK, with the 2021 census finding that less than three quarters (74.4 per cent) of the population identify as a member of indigenous ethnic groups of the British Isles (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, or British). This is compared to 80 per cent in 2011 and 87.5 per cent in 2001.

Associate research fellow at Birkbeck, University of London and a senior member at St Antony’s College, Oxford, Dr Paul Morland warned this week that if the political class fails to reverse course, the native white British population could become a minority in their own country by 2050.

Dr Morland, who has been described as the UK’s leading demographer, said that since the Blair administration, the UK has seen “more immigration than we had in the whole period from the Norman Conquest to the Second World War.”

He said that if the government continues on the same course, people in the country 30 years ago were overwhelmingly the descendants of people here a thousand years ago, that’s not going to be the case in the middle of the century.” However, Dr Morland argued that “nothing is predetermined”, pointing to the example of former British colony Singapore, which strictly controls immigration.

“It’s a choice, what do we as a country want and does that manage to get expressed and implemented by our politicians. It seems quite clear to me that those two are not the same, the country wants one thing and the politicians are not prepared to follow,” he said.

Noting the “related” issue of declining birth rates, the top demographer said that cutting immigration must be accompanied with pro-natalist policies to encourage the native population have more children to mitigate the financial impacts of a declining population. Morland has previously pointed to policies implemented by the populist-conservative government of Viktor Orbán in Hungary, such as tax and other incentives for mothers, as a potential framework.

While Prime Minister Starmer committed this week to increasing economic opportunities for young people and reforming the immigration system, his government has refused to commit to an annual cap on immigration, which critics have argued is necessary to stem the massive influx of foreigners into the country.

Commentators on social media asserted that Starmer’s comments were an implicit admission of the much-derided “Great Replacement Theory”. Although often portrayed as a “racist” conspiracy theory, the concept, developed by French Renaud Camus, argues that the real aim of mass migration policies are motivated by economics, with leaders seeing their populations as little more than interchangeable cogs who can be changed out with little consequence to bolster GDP.

Speaking to Breitbart News in 2018, Camus said that globalist forces, such as those involved with the Davos-based World Economic Forum, support “the change of people and civilisation for the sake of the industry of man, the economic system which produces the Undifferentiated Human Matter, the human Nutella, spreadable at will.”


Head of Scots Muslim Police Association found guilty of embezzling from organisation

Asma Ali appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court convicted of embezzlement, Wikimedia Commons,
Stephen Sweeney,  / Glasgow Sheriff Court / CC BY-SA 2.0

The former head of the Scottish Muslim Police Association (SMPA) has been ordered to repay £8000 in compensation to the organisation after being convicted of embezzlement.

Asma Ali, 47, of Glasgow, stole that sum from the SMPA and used the money to pay for flights and rail travel to London as well as hotel stays and a shopping trip to Harrods.

She was sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court after pleading guilty to a charge of embezzlement. She was also ordered to carry out 160 hours of unpaid work within a 12-month period under supervision.

The offences took place between March 2017 and June 2019.

Fraser Gibson, Procurator Fiscal for Glasgow and Strathkelvin, said: “Asma Ali flagrantly abused the trust placed in her by the members of the Scottish Muslim Police Association (SPMA) to look after their interests. Instead, she used her position to embezzle funds that should have been set aside to help the association and used that money for her personal use.

“This case demonstrates that those who seek to exploit others for their own personal gain will be held to account for their crimes. We will always prosecute in such cases when it is in the public interest and where there is evidence to do so.”

The court heard how Ali, a founding member of the organisation which was based at Maryhill Police Station in Glasgow, was elected as chairperson in 2016. In 2017, she proposed a procedural change which would allow cheques to be issued with a single signature.

At the same time, a facility was set up allowing the SPMA bank account to be managed through online banking. Between 2017 and 2019, several association officials raised concerns over the organisation’s finances after two treasurers had stepped down.

These concerns centred on a high volume of payments made directly from the association’s account to Ali without receipts or vouching. In August 2019, Ali stepped down from her position as chairperson and 11 days later SPMA officials alerted Police Scotland’s head of professional standards over her management of the organisation.

An investigation then revealed £8,000 had been transferred from the SPMA’s account into a Bank of Scotland account belonging to the accused. An analysis of Ali’s bank transactions showed she was heavily in debt.

Head of Scots Muslim Police Association found guilty of embezzling from organisation – Scottish Daily Express

NORWAY: Transgender Pedophile Who Expressed A Desire To Rape Children Given 420 Hours Community Service, No Jail Time

A Norwegian man who was found in possession of 10,800 videos that sexualize children or depict the sexual abuse of children has been spared a prison sentence on the basis “having personal difficulties.”

The man, whose identity and biological sex has been concealed by Norwegian press, communicated with other pedophiles online and is said to have participated in a group chat with another man who shared content showing himself raping his 8 year-old sister. In response, the trans-identified man expressed a desire to have a child of his own to abuse, and encouraged others to have sexual intercourse with children under 14 years of age.

The case was heard at the Midtre Hålogaland district court beginning in October, where the prosecution requested 320 hours of community service. When handing down a conviction on November 25, the final judgement agreed with the lenient verdict, while adding an additional 100 hours to the total sum, resulting in a sentence of 420 hours of community service in lieu of a prison term.

This was despite the fact that the court argued a suitable sentence would have been imprisonment for 4 years and 8 months if “mitigating circumstances” were not taken into account. Despite this, even this proposed sentence was initially reconsidered due to “major personal challenges” on the part of the sexual predator, and debated down to 2 years and 6 months before community service was ultimately chosen.

The trans-identified pedophile was first detained on December 6, 2023, when found to be in possession of a total of around 2,300 images and around 10,800 videos depicting the sexual abuse of children. Police confiscated his two smartphones, two computers and an external hard drive.

According to police, the man had on several occasions written about and otherwise participated in dialogues about sexual abuse of children via popular messaging app Telegram. Police documents state that he was active in a Telegram chat from December 2021 to September 2022, where he was discussing the sexual abuse of young child with another man.

The convicted predator, who is from Narvik, encouraged an Australian man known online as “Butters (Froggie)” to sexually abuse his 8 year-old sister and other children in a series of chat sessions. Images of the girl being assaulted by “Froggie” were shared within the group chat, and for this reason, the Norwegian was charged with complicity in the rape of the child. “Froggie” is in custody, having been arrested by Australian police after Norwegian authorities tipped them off.

Court documents, with identifying information redacted in accordance with Norwegian law, detailing messages sent by the Narvik man, who claims to identify as transgender. COURTESY ESPEN TEIGEN.

A report from Nettavisen News published explicit messages sent by the Narvik predator to other pedophiles. In one message, he expressed a desire to “creampie” a child. The term is used in pornography to describe ejaculating inside another person. He additionally used crude terms to describe his wish to rape a “loli,” a term used in the Japanese pornography genre “lolicon” to describe animated depictions of sexualized underage girls.

Reduxx spoke with Norwegian journalist Espen Teigen, who covered the case for Document.no earlier this week. Teigen provided redacted court records and confirmed details of the investigation, while adding that the Narvik predator underwent genital surgery in Thailand two years ago at the age of 18.

Despite being male, Norwegian press has reported on the court case while describing the pedophile simply as a “young woman.” In order to protect the victims, identifying information has been withheld. The pedophile was in contact with several young children.

Teigen highlighted the deception on the part of Norwegian press, stating that the media has “deliberately lied” in a bid to protect a child sexual abuser.

“This is a case which shows how trans ideology and gender ideology has gone completely off the rails,” Teigen said. “The state broadcaster, NRK, has deliberately lied to the Norwegian people by writing about a ‘young woman’ who was sentenced because of possession of child exploitation videos and pictures, distributed them and trying to make others have sex with children. This is a grotesque case which should result in a long prison sentence.”

“However, if you read the judgment from the court, you see immediately that it’s not a young woman. It is a man in his 20s, who started dressing as a girl when he was 12 years old. When he turned 18, he flew to Thailand to have gender surgery,” Teigen said.

“In the judgment you can read that the court believes the penalty should be four years, eight months in prison,” Teigen continued.

“However, due the ‘personal conditions’, which are later elaborated to be his transgenderism – he does not even need to go to prison. He will be serving only 420 hours of community service for depraved acts of child molestation. How the mainstream media continues to lie about this case has upset many. This is not justice.”

Norway has strict protections surrounding gender identity, and recent years have seen multiple women’s rights advocates threatened with criminal investigations after “misgendering” or “deadnaming” trans-identified males.

In 2022, Reduxx reported on two cases in which women were investigated by police after referring to trans-identified males as “men” or denying that trans-identified males could be “lesbians.”

In one instance, Tonje Gjevjon, a lesbian artist, was notified in November of 2022 that she was under police investigation for hate speech over a statement she posted to Facebook condemning trans activists who seek to criminalize women who oppose gender ideology. In another, Christina Ellingsen, a representative of Women’s Declaration International (WDI), was investigated under hate crime charges after referring to a trans-identified male as a “man.”

While Gjevjon and Ellingsen were able to successfully combat their charges, a Norwegian man was sentenced to 21 days in prison in 2021 after being found guilty of “insulting” and “misgendering” a trans-identified male on Facebook.


Ayaan Hirsi Ali – The West: Sleepwalking to DISASTER

On 26 November 2024, Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Lady Ferguson) delivered the New Culture Forum’s 2024 Smith Lecture to a sold-out audience in central London. The title of her lecture was “The West: Sleepwalking to Disaster”.

Today, Britain and The West seem crippled by self-loathing. Our heroes and achievements are denigrated, our history rewritten. Race and identity politics are fracturing social cohesion. Mass immigration from the Islamic world has led to a rise in illiberal cultural practices and attitudes towards women, girls and others. Our right to free speech can no longer be taken for granted.

How did we get here? And, crucially, how do we get out?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of the bravest and most prominent voices in the defence of The West. In this thought-provoking speech, she explores the multiple threats to our way of life and how to combat them.


The Smith Lecture is the NCF’s flagship annual event and is delivered by a nationally or internationally significant figure from the arts, media, politics or academia noted for their involvement in the “culture wars”.

Smith Lecturers

2017: Douglas Murray, journalist & author

2018: Nigel Farage MP

2019: Dr. David Starkey, historian & broadcaster

2021: Neil Oliver, author & broadcaster

2022: Rod Liddle, journalist & author

2024: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, campaigner, author & former politician

Poll shows Kamala Harris’ support for minor ‘sex changes’ swung voters to Trump

A poll for the American Principles Project (APP) conducted by Cygnal following the 2024 presidential election shows that most Americans were swayed to vote for President-elect Donald Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris after learning of the latter’s support for minors “transitioning” and her other radical pro-LGBT stances. 

The national poll sampled 1,500 voters and showed that 52% who were aware of Harris’s support for minors undergoing “sex change” operations were more likely to vote for Trump. The polling shows that Trump and the GOP were able to capitalize on Harris and the Democrats’ radical stances on the “transgender” and other LGBT issues in the lead-up to the election.    

The poll also showed that 50% of voters sampled who were aware of Harris’s support for taxpayer-funded surgeries for gender-confused prisoners were more likely to vote for Trump, while 47% of voters who learned of Harris’s support for allowing men to compete in women’s sports were more likely to vote for Trump, and 45% of voters who saw the “Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for you,” campaign ad was more likely to support Trump.      

“The evidence is now incontrovertible: the culture war is a winner for Republicans,” APP president Terry Schilling said in a statement.   “After trying and failing for years to neutralize cultural issues by avoiding them, the GOP under Trump finally went on offense and attacked Democrats on their radicalism, particularly on transgender issues… There should be no question now that Democrats’ gender insanity is a massive political vulnerability for them that Republicans should continue to exploit. As the GOP prepares to take power in Washington next year, we urge them not to forget the main lesson from the election and to keep the pressure on Democrats for as long as they continue to defend their extreme agenda,” he added.   

Other polling has found that most Americans oppose “gender transitioning” minors, allowing gender-confused males to compete in women’s sports, and LGBT indoctrination in schools, among other aspects of the agenda. 

The Trump campaign went all-in on the “transgender” issue, particularly on the issue of minors undergoing “gender transitioning” surgeries.    

In August, Trump promised to criminalize these surgeries if done without parental consent and received the endorsement of de-transitioner Chloe Cole. In the final weeks leading up to the election, the campaign ran several other ads showing Harris declaring her support of taxpayer-funded “transitioning” surgeries for inmates and incarcerated illegal aliens who identify as the opposite sex.    

At the same time, Trump has also said he supports “sex changes” for minors if done with parental consent and supports homosexual “marriage,” winning the endorsement of the pro-LGBT Log Cabin Republicans in the 2024 race.  


Germany goes NIMBY: Green Party politician leads fight against 130 migrants for Bavarian village with 280 people

Bairawies,.Gras-Ober, Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons (cc-by-sa-3.0)

A Green Party politician from Bavaria may have not gotten the memo that his party wants even more migrants for Germany, as he is currently leading a fight against 130 migrants scheduled to arrive in his village of 280 citizens.

Green politician Wolfgang Köster, a board spokesman for the local association Dietramszell-Egling, has taken the unlikely lead role in the fight against the asylum container camp for his village of Bairawies. He attended a protest involving 170 citizens who are against the new migrants, a sizeable number for a village of only 280 people. Not only that, but he even founded the citizens’ initiative “Bairawies aktiv!” to organize against the asylum home.

Köster is not necessarily against more migrants coming to Germany, he just takes issue with them coming to his village. When asked by Bild to explain his stance against the refugee accommodations in contrast to the open borders policy of his party, he stated: “I am convinced that we can help the refugees. It is difficult, it is costly, but it can be successful. There is no doubt that this includes decent accommodation and functioning care. Neither would be the case in Bairawies.”

In English-speaking countries, there is a term for people like Köster: NIMBY, which stands for not in my backyard, and usually applies to hypocritical liberals who preach one thing and practice another. NIMBY people usually come from wealthier neighborhoods and support diversity in “theory,” but do not want it where they live.

During protests over the weekend, he said that “it would be as if Munich got 750,000 new residents in one fell swoop. The ratio is simply not right.”

Other protesters chanted against the planned container village for migrants, with one saying: “The planned accommodation is crushing our village.”

Notably, Bairawies has no social facilities or supermarkets. The nearest larger towns, Geretsried and Bad Tölz, are more than 10 kilometers away.

While the local municipality has rejected the container village, there are fears the district will override that decision and grant permits to investors to start construction.

he responsible district administrator Josef Niedermaier (Free Voters) said through a spokeswoman: “The building application in Bairawies is under review, the building legislation is decisive. Since this is an ongoing process, we are not providing any information on the current status.”

It is also not the first case of the Green Party suddenly becoming anti-immigration when migrants are headed to the area. For example, in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, the Green Party and Alternative for Germany (AfD) united in opposition to a planned asylum home in the area, and there have been other such cases in Germany as well, such as in Upahl.

Bairawies joins an ongoing list of Bavarian villages and towns being asked to house unprecedented numbers of migrants, as many cities across Germany are already bursting at the seams.

Remix News has reported on close to a dozen cases where asylum homes are being built in Bavaria, including a luxury asylum home at the beautiful Lake Starnberg outside Munich, which is facing a housing crisis.

Residents in the Johanneskirchen district of Munich, which has only a population of 2,500, revolted against plans to house 900 migrants nearby just last year.

Other locations across Germany are also seeing large influxes of migrants. In Berlin, for example, 110 senior citizens were evicted to make room for refugees, notably by a Christian organization that could make more money housing refugees, also just last year.

The anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD), meanwhile, is closing in on 20 percent of the vote in wealthy Bavaria, with the party nearly doubling its support since the last elections. The German government is now working on banning the party, despite it being the second-largest party in terms of support in the country.


A Disaster Foretold

By Lars Møller

The myth of Laocoön is tragic. In vain, he warned his countrymen in Troy against opening the gate to the colossal wooden horse left behind by Greek invaders. However, he was blinded by the gods who then had him killed by giant sea serpents.

So, it is not as if it has not been foretold. As a matter of fact, it has been the subject of countless essays, speeches, and novels. We cannot plead ignorance.

In retrospect, the “Rivers of Blood” speech by British Member of Parliament Enoch Powell, a modern Laocoön, on April 20, 1968, ranks as a milestone. It marked a historical break with the politely restrained, purely observational attitude to large-scale immigration. The thing is that Powell — and others with allegiance to Western civilization — had a premonition of danger: they clearly saw a disaster in the making. Unless drastic measures were taken to prevent it, chances were that it would unfold in the near future, deeply affecting the lives of their own children and grandchildren.

Back then, when there was yet time to reverse the course of events, warnings went largely unheeded; they were ridiculed, trivialized, or ignored. As the West was subsequently overrun by migrants from Africa, the Middle East, and beyond, however, the political conflict intensified and — without further ado — absorbed the revolutionary, sentimental-manipulative elements of traditional “class struggle.”

Socialists without a credible cause in the “postmodern” world were thrilled to identify a new underclass of “oppressed” who could replace the white workers of the past. Showing signs of self-conscious individualism and aspiring to the middle class of society, the latter — “ungratefully” as it was perceived — tended to renounce their well-meaners and self-appointed guardians. Inarticulate, illiterate Third-World proletarians, by contrast, provided social activists with the perfect material for fake solidarity, purposeful manipulation, and violent social upheaval.

Accordingly, socialists felt strongly encouraged to revise — opportunistically “update” — their narrative. Like destitute orphans after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they threw their violent cadres into the struggle for the Third World, demanding (a) atonement for the injustices of colonialism/racism, (b) open borders, and (3) relativistic tolerance of non-Western values (e.g. intolerant creeds) as imported by endless waves of migrants.

So far, warnings against the destruction of the West, whose relative success is due to the workings of Judeo-Christian institutions rather than natural resources (e.g. oil), have been arrogantly dismissed as the politically biased exaggerations of conservatives, if not “right-wing” radicals. With the self-righteous conviction of a revolutionary tribunal, progressive elites have been clamping down on public expressions of concern, accusing the presumptuous of “bigotry,” “racism,” or “xenophobia.” Thus, for a long time, Westerners turned their backs on the ominous events to avoid ridicule and defamation.

Now, we are here, in the middle of it. In the dark land of Dystopia. We have arrived in the future. Europe is burning. The disaster has occurred exactly as foretold. Those who once ridiculed the warnings — and the people who had the courage to step forward and alert their countrymen — refuse to take responsibility but persist in their treachery, telling other lies about how we should embrace diversity, be confident, and conform to the realities of a world changed beyond recognition. We are exhorted to go global in earnest and sacrifice our prosperity, welfare, and culture to accommodate all those who approach our borders from near and far.

In suburbs all over Western Europe, belligerent members of immigrant communities have taken control whether they patrol the streets as short-tempered, reckless gangsters, harassing civilians and authority persons alike, or solemnly preach their religious claim to supremacy and disdain for “infidels” in their houses of worship. The enemy is already in our midst. That is the tragedy of our time. Yet, half of us are not even willing to admit it.

As clarified by archaeological studies, the ancient city of Troy, located on the southern bank of the Hellespont, was repeatedly destroyed by invaders and rebuilt. In our time, the enemy that threatens us with annihilation has never encamped outside the gates of our cities, allowing us to prepare for battle. Tragically, we have been thoughtless and let it in ourselves a long time ago. We have been partly outwitted. However, some have also committed treason against the rest of us. At any rate, we are divided and vulnerable to outside attacks.

Deep in the West, the thousand Trojan horses of our enemy have been driven into position. Thus, it is not about a single horse as in the Aeneid (i.e. an epic by Roman poet Virgil), but infinitely many horses: roughly speaking, a horse for each and every city. For a long time, the features of the fake animals have been blindly worshiped by post-Christian pagans of the West in much the same way that Israelites worshiped the golden calf while waiting for Moses. Hypocrites to the core, the aberrant worshipers of our time also refuse to endure the absence of God, whom they themselves have denied, and are constantly in search of idols (e.g. Lenin, Stalin, and Mao).

However, the veil of mystery is being lifted now. The Trojan horses are cracking. In outrageous numbers, enemy invaders are spilling out of their arseholes. The damage to the West is conspicuous everywhere. Both gangsters and anti-Western protesters of foreign origin signal that they “own” the West. The social order is tottering. Ordinary people are robbed, shops looted, and cars ignited. If it occurs to anybody to protest against the deranged, supremacist behavior of the invaders, they are immediately condemned by the “secular clergy” of progressives.

If the Trojan horses were originally stabled in the suburbs, the invaders emerging from their bellies have already spread to society at large. As a result, neither women nor men visibly belonging to Western civilization can really feel safe anywhere. No sooner have they professed Christianity or declared themselves atheists than the invaders categorize them as inferior and indulge the impulse to dominate them.

The public space, where Westerners have loved to linger since antiquity, engaging in polemics, shopping for groceries or simply enjoying a family stroll, is now ravaged by the invaders. Peace and security are gone. Instead, a state of war prevails. Neither police nor courts, formerly pillars of a high-trust society, are capable of protecting anybody against the vagaries of stray barbarians. True enough, civilization has failed to put up a defense and is heading for dissolution.

No matter how woke, tolerant, and soft-spoken in political debates a person might be, it does not save his skin if he is cornered on his own in the wrong place at the wrong time. As it stands, wearing Christian or Jewish symbols in the open is tantamount to challenging fate. Sad to say, the well-organized, anti-Semitic riots taking place in Amsterdam a few weeks ago bring to mind the pogroms of tsarist Russia. The enemy is marching in our streets.

Our ancestral home in the West has been invaded and colonized by enemies from outside — Trojan horse invaders. Impatient to share in the unimaginable prosperity created by others, they have arrived at the invitation of those socialist idolaters who hate the West and strive to harm it whatever it takes. The disaster is complete.

We really should have listened to the Laocoön of our time, the late Enoch Powell, and burned the Trojan horses in time. Now, however, the West (Europe) has been taken. Those, who remain, will pay the price for the cunning of the enemy and the primary betrayal on the part of their own countrymen.

In the Aeneid, Greek soldiers jump out of the wooden horse at night and open the city gate for the rest of the invading army. Likewise, migrant invaders of the West have become so numerous by now that they can blackmail incumbent governments and cause the borders to be opened for even more migrants.

Insofar as the West has been in conflict with itself all along, the decision about the willful collapse of civilization has been characterized by ambivalence. Now, however, the suicide seems to be a reality. In Europe, at least, there is no turning back.

A Disaster Foretold – American Thinker

UK: ‘Utter woke gibberish!’ University of Cambridge issues health and safety posters on how to use stairs

Cambridge University has sparked controversy by installing health and safety posters warning some of Britain’s brightest students about the dangers of using mobile phones on stairs.

The prestigious institution has placed notices across its campus instructing undergraduates on basic stair safety, prompting criticism from students who feel they are being treated like children.

The safety campaign features stark warnings about staircase accidents.

The posters depict an image of a man lying at the bottom of stairs while holding a mobile phone.

Wikimedia Commons , Christian Richardt, CC-BY-SA-2.0

A clear message reads: “Heads up, phones down! Don’t be the next accident. Thank you for not using your phone.”

The university has gone further by including a QR code on the posters, linking students to a dedicated website, according to The Sun.

The website allows students and staff to report any accidents or near-misses related to mobile phone use on stairs.

Students have reacted with bemusement and frustration to the safety campaign.

“Why would anybody report a near miss episode of staircase use?” questioned student Gennaro Dello Ioio.

“Hi, I just saw this guy who was using his phone while going down the stairs, he tripped, and almost fell.”

He sarcastically added: “Will the university immediately send its police to arrest him?”

One student, who wished to remain anonymous, was more direct in their criticism.

“Utter woke gibberish,” they said. “Why are they treating the cleverest young people in the UK like blithering idiots?”

The university has defended its safety campaign, pointing to real incidents that prompted the measure.

“Some may find them amusing but they were put up following a number of accidents, and near misses, where people were using phones as they descended stairs,” a university spokesperson said.

The institution emphasised its commitment to student welfare.

“The university takes the health and safety of its staff and students seriously,” the spokesperson added.
