Syrian man sentenced to life in Germany for setting ex-fiancée’s 17-year-old sister on fire with gasoline

Arnsberg regional court , Wikimedia Commons, —Machahn , CC-BY-SA-3.0-migrated

A 24-year-old Syrian man, Hamza A., has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of 17-year-old Malak in Menden, Germany.

The Arnsberg regional court found that Hamza A. doused the victim with gasoline and set her ablaze at her family’s front door in a premeditated attack aimed at inflicting maximum suffering on his ex-fiancée and her family.

As reported by Nius, the heinous act took place on March 22, 2023, when Malak, the sister of Hamza A.’s fiancée, answered the door to her family home at 10:05 p.m. Hamza A. immediately poured gasoline on her and ignited it, engulfing her body in flames within moments.

Despite medical efforts, Malak succumbed to her injuries 17 days later, after enduring excruciating pain.

The court revealed that Hamza A. sought to exact revenge on his former fiancée, whom he had violently abused before their separation in October 2023. Following the breakup, he issued repeated threats, leaving her in a state of constant fear. His plan targeted her innocent sister as a means to cause her the “greatest possible psychological damage.”

On the day of the attack, Hamza A. arrived at the family’s home with a bag containing gasoline canisters. He rang the doorbell with the intent to kill whoever answered. In addition to the murder charge, the court convicted him of grievous bodily harm and aggravated arson, as the accelerant endangered other residents in the building.

The presiding judge, Petja Pagel, emphasized the “particular gravity of the guilt,” meaning Hamza A. will not be eligible for parole after 15 years, a typical provision in life sentences under German law.

The court deemed his actions to be premeditated and extraordinarily cruel, ensuring he faces the maximum legal consequences.

Hamza A.’s defense attorney announced plans to appeal the verdict, but the decision has been met with widespread condemnation of the crime and relief that justice has been served for Malak and her grieving family.

Reading Huntington in Syria: Islamic barbarians against Islamic barbarians

Thousands celebrate the victory of the jihadists in Syria in Düsseldorf, Germany – Screengrab

by Giulio Meotti

Forget the Formula One World Constructors’ Championship and the Qatar Grand Prix. The real race right now is the race to Damascus and, as Erdogan puts it, “there is no moderate Islam”.

It’s Black Friday in Syria and in the West we sit at home watching the race, wondering who will win, the bearded Salafists, the bearded “moderate” Muslim Brotherhood or the bearded Iranian Shiites.

Iran, the regent of the Assad clan, committed so many resources to its assault on Israel on October 7 that Erdogan’s Turkey and the Emir of Qatar have discerned an opportunity. And Hezbollah, Iran’s main asset for controlling Syria, is bleeding. So the Iranian militias are coming from Iraq.

Figuring out who is on whose side in Syria is almost like a college exam in logic (or maybe Chaos Theory?) .

Hamas is Sunni but is on the side of the Shiite axis of evil; Erdogan is Sunni and is with both the Shiite axis of evil and the West and with both Hamas and the anti-Assad Syrian jihadists who in Ukraine are against Putin’s Russia which is with the Assad clan and which uses the Chechens against the Ukrainians who have come to Syria to help the Muslim brothers against the dictator aligned with Putin.

In Syria there is not only a battle between the people and the dictator; it is also a religious war.

In his book “The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy, and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State”, William McCants quotes a fighter in Aleppo:

“If you think that all these mujahideen have come from all over the world to fight Assad, you are wrong. They are all here as promised by the Prophet. This is the war he promised, it is the Great Battle.”

In the race to Damascus, the cleanest has the itch, or in this case, the shortest beard. Or as the Dutch-based Iranian academic Afshin Ellian put it, “all the jihadist terrorist groups in Syria will return to fight against each other, against Assad, against the Kurds and the Americans, and it will be a bloody battle between Islamic barbarians.”

During the first two centuries of Islam, Muslim armies faced the most prolonged fighting on the Syrian front, since it was here that Islam faced its most formidable enemy, the Byzantine Empire. Syria, therefore, is the key area for Islamic apocalyptic speculation. And the videos that are coming in prove it.

Syrian rebels in pick-ups with machine guns, carrying weapons supplied by Turkey, after having conquered Aleppo in a few hours, are on the road to Homs and Damascus. Alongside them ride British jihadists who converted to Islam after a privileged childhood spent in the Anglican Church.

The jihadists began kidnapping Kurdish girls, like the little Yazidi sex slave in Gaza.

A war of all with and against all for the sole glory of Islam.

Never has a book been so direct about Islam as “The Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel Huntington: “Islam has bloody borders”.

In Gaza, the barbarity of Hamas. In Lebanon, the barbarity of Hezbollah. In Syria, barbarians against barbarians. And in the midst of all this there is a small blue enclave, a land of Western civilization and culture: Israel.

In Syria there are the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Hezbollah militias in crisis who are shooting at the militias of Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Syrian rebels are Sunni. The Syrian regime is Alawite, a small and heretical syncretistic minority that makes them natural allies of Tehran, which cannot afford the collapse of Damascus. Assad has an ostrich neck and shifty eyes, but he is cunning and brutal. And he will do practically anything to survive.

Meanwhile the barbarians have already started cutting off heads again.

The Christians, as usual, will pay. My thoughts are with them, with the women and with the Christians.

And since Qatar and Turkey and Saudis arm Sunni Muslims and Russia arms Shiites in a new Great Game, European countries should have armed Christians, like the Christian militias that fought against ISIS in Iraq.

America is historically in the Sunni axis (the Turks who send the jihadists are actually the second largest army in NATO) and the Eurocrats just hope only to calm their internal Sunni populations who are on everyone’s side, with Iran but also with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Distinguishing the right Syrian rebels from the wrong ones is a bit complicated.

Considered the greatest living Arab poet and a major figure in world poetry, the Syrian Adonis is one of the favorites for the Nobel Prize in Literature every year. He will not win it because he is “Islamophobic”. Adonis told Libération: “In more than sixty years, we see whether the life of the Arabs has progressed or declined. Where was Iraq and where is it today? The same goes for Syria, Libya, Yemen, Egypt… All are in continuous decline. Why have all the peoples of the world made progress in knowledge and the Arabs nothing? They lack nothing and yet they continue to decline. Because we live in the past and fourteen centuries later, the references remain the caliphs.”

And it is a religious problem, says Adonis. “My position is that the Arabs will never advance as long as religion is their political reference point. The relationship between Islam and man must be based on law and freedoms, while Islam gives more rights to Muslims than to non-Muslims. Syria, for example, is full of non-Muslims. But the non-Muslim will always be second class, without the same rights as the Muslim.”

The violence in the Middle East is not caused by Israel, it is caused by Islam.

And it should concern us, as the Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal said in 2016:

“The only force deeply rooted in Arab-Muslim society is religion. The Islamist movement occupies space and prevents the emergence of any other ideology. There is, of course, a competition between Salafi Islam and traditional Islam, between Shiites and Sunnis. However, today we see that the differences are fading within the Sunni world, while the confrontation between Shiites and Sunnis is taking place. But here too, strategic alliances are being formed. Little by little, the Muslim world is rebuilding itself and regaining its original ambitions and its hegemonic will. The frontier with the West is beginning to be abolished because political Islam is opening up spaces in London, Paris and Brussels. We can imagine that in thirty years Islam will govern the entire Muslim world that it will have unified. In sixty years it will set out to conquer Western civilization.”

We have already lived it, barely ten years ago.

François Hollande, called to testify at the trial for the November 13, 2015 attacks in Paris, confessed that the government “knew that operations were being prepared.” The former president revealed in court that the socialist government of the time knew that “operations were being prepared and that individuals had put themselves in the river of refugees to deceive the surveillance.”

“All the members of the commandos, foreigners or French who remained in Syria, took the migratory route from Eastern Europe,” confirmed Jean-Charles Brisard, president of the Center for the Analysis of Terrorism, to Le Figaro. “They took the Balkan route, after Kosovo opened the passage in 2015, to get to Hungary.”

The list of terrorists in Paris and Brussels and the borders through which they entered Europe a few weeks before the massacres: Ten members of the terrorist cell responsible for the attacks in Paris and Brussels stayed or transited in Hungary between July and November 2015, taking advantage of the flow of migrants. They will all pass through Budapest’s Keleti station, which in those days was full of journalists there to tell us how bad Viktor Orban’s government was in wanting to stop the flow of migrants. In those days Hollande was busy announcing that France would welcome migrants.

Here we go again. At this very moment, future massacres in Europe are being prepared.

Reading Huntington in Syria: Islamic barbarians against Islamic barbarians | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

German university to host workshop on Christmas decorations from used tampons

image of the event via Instagram, official account asta Screen grab youtube

While many in Europe are preparing for Christmas, students from the German University of Göttingen have been setting up an event using festive decorations made from bloody tampons and “butterfly decorations from pads”.

The Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AStA), the political representation of the students, will host a lecture under the title “Oh my bloody mess. Trans and non-binary people bleed too”.

Following that lecture, the AStA will offer to create themed Christmas decorations and ornaments.

In the talk, the group said: “The basics of transitions are explained”, with ‘bloody’ insights into the different lives of menstruating trans and non-binary people.”

“Have you always wanted to hang a bloody tampon on your mom’s Christmas tree or make a beautiful butterfly decoration out of sanitary pads?,” AStA asked on its Instagram account on November 26. “Then it’s your evening. Welcome. The event is open to everyone.”

Speaker at the event on December 5 will be Alexander Hahne, who identifies as a gay trans man, specialising in sexual health, sex education, sexological bodywork, systemic sex therapy, dance and pleasure activism.

Sexological bodywork is described as a client-centred approach to empower, educate and bring attention to felt experience through movement, breath-work, touch, sound, and placement of awareness. Systemic sex therapy addresses the cognitions, emotions and behaviours surrounding sexual behaviour.

Hahne said ahead of the event: “With my work, I make a practical contribution to adults experiencing their own bodies, coming to terms with their own sexuality and the possibility of uncovering and trying out access to their pleasurable potential. The focus is on physical sexual education with adults. It is a matter close to my heart to accompany sexual learning processes and to open up and maintain spaces for experience. Taking time to feel.”

It is part of the series of topics on being trans and living trans to be held in co-operation with the university’s Break the Bloody Taboo group.

On December 3, the same student representation organisation is set to hold introduction on “queer basics” and on December 10 an interactive workshop titled “Let’s Talk Queer“.

There have previously been lectures on misogyny and the dangers of male influencers, how to argue against the Right and how “capitalism caused the climate crisis”.

German university to host workshop on Christmas decorations from used tampons

Foreign Criminals Reoffended over 10,000 Times in One Year After Being Released from Jail in Britain

HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs in London,Wikimedia Commons ,Chmee2,CC-BY-SA-3.0

Migrant criminals committed over 10,000 further crimes in a single year after being released from jail in Britain while evading deportation.

According to Ministry of Justice data, in the year up to March 2022, 3,235 foreign criminals committed 10,012 crimes after being released from prison and as they remained in the country, The Telegraph reports.

This was an increase of 25 per cent over the previous recording year, when 2,462 migrant criminals committed 8,021 offences after being set free.

Over the past four years, foreign criminals committed around 40,000 crimes after being set loose back onto the streets of Britain, rather than being deported, the MoJ told parliament. Crimes ranged from drug dealing to murder and included those who returned to the country illegally after having been deported.

While the Home Office is mandated by law to deport foreign criminals who served at least one year in prison, deportation efforts are often stymied by lengthy appeals by keenly interested lawyers.

Although deportations are often blocked by lawyers successfully appealing to rules laid out under the European Convention of Human Rights, the Labour government — like successive Tory governments before it — has so far refused to withdraw the UK from the ECHR, which the country is still bound by despite Brexit as it is despite all appearances technically a separate institution from the European Union.

The release of the data on foreign criminality has seen renewed calls for the government to release detailed statistics on the nationality and immigration status of convicted criminals in the country.

Former Tory Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick said: “Tens of thousands of offences a year would be prevented if the Government took a zero-tolerance approach to deporting foreign national offenders. The public expects robust action.”

Jenrick has proposed legislation that would mandate the government inform parliament annually on the nationality, asylum or visa status of every criminal convicted in Britain over the pervious year.

Reform UK MP Rupert Lowe, who forced the most recent release of foreign criminal data from the MoJ, also called for the government to increase transparency on foreign criminals, including those in the country illegally and legally.

“Everyone who commits a crime should be deported. Why are we tolerating this, particularly when we see the reoffending rates are so high,” he said.

Meanwhile, a study released from Oxford University has branded Britain as the “Illegal Immigrant Capital of Europe”, finding that one out of every 100 people residing in the country is there illegally. The report found that the UK is currently home to approximately 745,000 illegal migrants, more than any other country in Europe and twice that in nearby France.

While Prime Minsiter Sir Keir Starmer vowed to the public to “smash the gangs” smuggling migrants across the English Channel from France, over 20,000 illegals have crossed the waterway since his Labour government came into power in July, an increase of 15 per cent over the previous year.

AUSTRIA: Trans-Identified Male Convicted After Stabbing Elderly Caregiver In The Head With High-Heeled Shoes In Retaliation For Perceived Insult To His Barbie Doll “Girlfriend”

A trans-identified male in Austria is appealing his conviction after stabbing his elderly caregiver with his high heels in retaliation for a perceived insult towards a Barbie doll he considers to be his “girlfriend.” The man, who was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison, has a violent criminal record and 12 previous convictions.

Due to the strict privacy laws in Austria, neither the name of the perpetrator nor the victim has been released. For the purposes of this article, the suspect will be referred to as “Franz.”

Franz, 60, appeared before the criminal court in Graz in November on charges of serious bodily harm and sustained assault. The court heard that Franz had been physically abusing his 81-year-old caregiver, who is his adult representative, for years. In Austria, adult representatives are appointed by a court to manage a person’s assets if that person’s ability to make decisions is limited due to age, mental illness or a comparable impairment.

As the Kleine Zeitung reports, Franz had been in custody since July after he attacked his carer, punching him repeatedly and stabbing him in the head, chest, and hands, with his high-heeled shoes. As a result of the horrific assault, the caregiver suffered a severe hematoma.

During his hearings, Franz had been permitted to hold a blonde Barbie doll, which he refers to as “Carina” and considers to be his girlfriend. The doll was at the center of the case, with Franz claiming that his caregiver “provoked” him by mistreating “Carina” due to jealousy over their “relationship.” Franz claimed his caregiver wanted to have sexual relations with him, something the aide denied.

Another factor which is said to have contributed to the July assault is a dispute over finances. Franz’s caregiver had reportedly informed him that he did not have sufficient assets to continue to afford to stay in the hotel he had been living in, sending Franz into a rage.

During the trial, a psychiatric expert diagnosed Franz with an untreated personality disorder, schizoid characteristics, and a tendency to violence. The expert testified that Franz perceived “Carina” to be a “replacement for a girlfriend he never had,” and recommended Franz be admitted to a psychiatric institution for treatment.

Franz was ultimately sentenced to 2.5 years in prison, but has launched an appeal as the verdict has not yet been finalized. Despite being in custody, he has been permitted to keep “Carina,” and has been held in a solitary cell. Franz has over 12 previous convictions, eight of which are for violent crimes.

It is currently unknown if Franz is being held in a prison for male or female inmates. At his most recent court hearing, he was addressed using masculine pronouns, indicating that his legal sex has not yet been changed to “female.”

The Austrian prison system houses transgender inmates on a case-by-case basis. According to Kurier, there were ten transgender people in Austrian prisons as of 2016, and the data is not frequently published. That same year, the Vienna Regional Court ruled that prisoners must be granted the right to a “sex change” on request. Franz can request a transfer to a women’s prison a psychiatrist agrees that he has a “sense of belonging to the opposite sex.”

Ban on Advent calendars in French schools: a senator sounds the alarm

Wikimedia Commons, Turris Davidica (edited by Jaybear), CC-BY-SA-3.0

In mid-November, schools in the department of Aisne received a letter prohibiting them from displaying Advent calendars in classrooms on the grounds that they were part of a ‘religious commitment’. The senator of the Aisne department, Pierre-Jean Verzeulen (Les Indépendants), decided to strike back in the face of this new Christianophobic offensive.

A fortnight ago, the directors of public schools in a district in the south of the Aisne department received a letter signed by an inspector from the Académie. The letter contained a clear message: Advent calendars are no longer welcome in the department’s schools. Teachers who decorate their classrooms or rely on the calendar celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ will be called to order by their superiors. I have been made aware of the possible presence of Advent calendars in the classrooms,’ reads the letter sent to Valeurs actuelles. I would like to remind you that Advent is a religious custom: Within the framework of neutrality, which secularism prescribes as a fundamental value of the Republic, I call on you to remind school teachers that no pupil may be confronted with an Advent calendar in a school setting.’ After the controversy surrounding nativity scenes in public places, the inspector implies that the Advent calendar violates secularism and de facto puts pupils in trouble. In a touch of benevolence, the inspector even asks to be informed about any calendars that still exist ‘so that [he] can look after the teacher concerned’. A suffering person?

Pierre-Jean Verzelen (Les Indépendants), Senator for the Aisne, wrote a letter to Anne Genetet, Minister of Education, expressing his horror. ‘I am appalled by the refusal to accept that France is the result of the encounter between a secular and republican morality and 2000 years of Christian history,’ he wrote to her, also emphasising the value of the Advent calendar as a pedagogical tool – learning vocabulary in English, performing mathematical operations, solving puzzles, grammar rules.

Contacted by Valeurs actuelles, the senator believes that today more than ever, given the devastation woke culture has inflicted on French society, ‘we are a secular state, but we also have a sense of duty to preserve a culture and, of course, Christian roots’. With common sense, he recalled that the school calendar (school holidays, public holidays…) is itself inspired by religious holidays. The senator concluded with a quote from women’s rights activist Elisabeth Badinter: ‘A civilisation dies when it retreats’. Minister Anne Genetet should clarify her position later on Monday.

Interdiction des calendriers de l’Avent à l’école : le sénateur Pierre-Jean Verzelen tire la sonnette d’alarme – Valeurs actuelles

Syrian family terrorizes Germany with at least 154 crimes, including robberies, attempted murder, and assault in Stuttgart

A Syrian family has committed an extraordinary amount of crime in the German city of Stuttgart, leaving police and judicial authorities at a loss on how to deal with their ongoing crime spree. In total, the extended Syrian family is responsible for at least 154 crimes, while the head of the family, 43-year-old Abd Almudy H., who is also an accomplished criminal, blamed the German Youth Welfare Office for the crimes, claiming the agency “spoiled his children.”

One of the youngest criminals in the family is 17-year-old Khalil H. who has committed 34 crimes in just two and half years. He is now serving actual prison time after brutally stabbing a young woman. However, he has three brothers who are in prison as well. In the most recent case, on Wednesday last week, 21-year-old Mufed committed two violent robberies in Stuttgart’s city center within just minutes of one another. He is accused of threatening two girls, both 16, with a box cutter and then stealing their phones, according to Bild.

He then threatened another young woman with a box cutter and demanded her phone but was this time unsuccessful when she resisted. He was arrested after a local police patrol was alerted.

Mufed had just been released from prison two and half months ago after serving three years in prison in a juvenile detention center, according to Focus Magazine. Despite the massive crime spree among the family members, “deportation is currently not possible,” according to authorities.

The total crime count from the 16-person family only came to light after a parliamentary inquiry from the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which was then released by the German interior ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg. The data shows the family has conducted 47 physical assaults, 11 threats, two robberies, three robbery-related thefts, one case of smuggling of foreigners, and recently, attempted murder charges have also been added. There are various other less serious crimes on the family’s record. However, these are only the crimes the family has actually been caught doing.

The family is so infamous at this point that they openly speak to the press about their criminal careers. For example, once Mufed was released from prison, he spoke to Bild, saying: “I was in prison for three years for attempted grievous bodily harm and other things. I had to serve my entire sentence because I had problems with fellow prisoners.”

Mufed told Bild he wanted to train as a geriatric nurse, but instead, he has caused mayhem wherever he has gone, saying: “I came to Germany in 2018 and have made a lot of mistakes since then. I damaged a police van. And I hit anyone who was rude to me on the street.”

The family’s crime saga plays out on the pages of German media, but unlike some other organized crime groups in Germany, the family does not appear to be very sophisticated, often simply participating in daylight robberies and stabbings that lead to their quick apprehension.

Mufe’d brother, 19-year-old Edo, is currently facing charges of attempted murder for stabbing three people in a knife fight in 2023, which led to them being seriously injured. He is already in prison for other crimes but is expected to go on trial in Stuttgart along with three other defendants.

The father, Abd Almudy H., has also spoken with Bild, telling reporters that they came from Aleppo in 2015 during the migration crisis. He said one of his two wives died on the journey to Germany, although it is difficult to verify.

The man has a large number of children and even the youngest are already budding criminals.

“I have 13 children,” he said proudly. He said the German Youth Welfare Office is to blame for their massive criminal records.

“The sons who are now in prison were all placed in homes by the youth welfare office without cell phones. But there they allow the young people to smoke marijuana. That’s why they get into trouble,” he said. He blamed the office for “spoiling” his children.

Regarding his 12-year-old son Ali, who is well known to police, the father said: “He was just buying bread in an Arab supermarket. The police stopped him and found a water pistol on him. That’s all…” Whether that’s enough to be put on record by the authorities, that’s rather unlikely.”

The father of the crime clan is also, according to Bild, untruthful about his own criminal record.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. Just drove a bit fast in the car,” he said.

Bild’s reporting uncovered that he had 12 criminal convictions, and the majority of them were for violent crimes and threats.

Abd Almudy H. has high praise for Germany, a country where his family has run rampant with crime, saying: “It is very nice here. Everything that is here is better than Syria. Only the youth welfare office is bad.”

Tyranny in Britain

By K.M. Breakey

Is there hope for the United Kingdom? Imagine asking that question a century ago when the British Empire spanned 25% of the planet. Or even 50-odd years ago, when England fittingly won the World Cup. Back then, if you can imagine, the English Squad was made up entirely of actual English lads.

Cecil Rhodes once stated: “To be born an Englishman is to win first prize in God’s lottery.” Oh, how the mighty have fallen. This once green and pleasant land has become a hellscape for its natives. People in America worry about a dystopian future? Folks, Britain is living through one.

Sir Keir Starmer, Britain’s wretched new prime minister, made global headlines recently when he criticized the country’s rampant uncontrolled immigration.

“This happened by design, not accident. Policies were reformed deliberately to liberalize immigration. Brexit was used for that purpose, to turn Britain into a one-nation experiment in open borders.”

My God, to admit such treachery. He essentially said the Great Replacement is real and it’s on purpose. Until now, any Brit making this claim has been attacked, censored, deplatformed, even arrested.

And though Keir showed little contrition, he went on to say they would reform the process and crack down on abuses. People are suggesting it’s a significant moment, and maybe it is. I have my doubts. As a friend once said, never trust a filthy commie.

Let’s look at some history. Immigration into Britain is not new, and for the record, it has never been popular. Way back on June 2, 1948, the HMT Empire Windrush arrived at the Port of Tilbury carrying 492 Caribbean migrants. This is generally recognized as the start of it all.

Nowadays, the official story is that the newcomers were essential to help England rebuild after the war. They were saviours really. Furthermore, as subjects of the British Commonwealth, they were entitled to travel freely within the Empire, and that included Britain itself. It was a loophole, and it stayed open for a very long time.

How did the good people of Britain — i.e. Indigenous Brits — how did they feel about immigration? They’ve been against it since Day One. No one wanted it, no one asked for it. But the government paid them no mind, and on it went. The flavour of immigration morphed and changed through the years, as did legislation governing it. What has been consistent, however, is the government’s steadfast betrayal of the English people, as they watched their cities and towns undergo permanent demographic upheaval.

Two decades after Windrush, Enoch Powell made his famous “Rivers of Blood” speech, April 20, 1968. It was a masterpiece of Britishness — a forceful argument expressed politely, elegantly, convincingly. And his words were uncannily prescient. He was right about everything, but I doubt even he predicted it would get as bad as it has. With children butchered in broad daylight, young girls groomed and raped by the tens of thousands, innocent concertgoers blown to smithereens by suicide bombers.

Rivers of blood indeed.

After Mr. Powell’s address, many everyday Brits expressed relief: Finally, someone’s drawing attention to this. Finally, someone’s saying something. Powell became arguably the most popular politician in all of England.

What happened to him? Conservative Party leader Edward Heath dismissed Powell from the Shadow Cabinet, effectively ending his political ambitions. The press ran vicious editorials attacking Powell’s naked appeals to racial hatred. 

And the beat went on. Immigration continued unchecked through the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Cities and towns were permanently altered, as if Britain was being conquered by an enemy. Indeed, it was.

In the past 25 years, Labour and the Conservatives each held power for large blocks of time. No matter who was in charge, immigration continued unchecked. When the good people of Britain voted for Brexit, it was as if the Conservatives took revenge by ensuring record new migration. The scale of the betrayal is grotesque.

What a world they’ve created. Once lovely high-trust communities are now crime-ridden cesspools. Migrants are placed in hotels while downtrodden British are homeless, dying in the streets. Welfare and socialized medical systems crumble under the weight.

Meanwhile, today’s indigenous English, some tracing roots back to the Middle Ages, are treated with contempt. They’re insulted, defiled, humiliated. For an ugly example, look at the July 29, 2024 Southport stabbing, where three young English girls were brutally killed. It was too much to bear, and people erupted in protest.

Indeed, there was even rioting, and of course the media soon forgot about the slaughter to attack white rioters. So did the police. Many whites were arrested with an extra helping of violence. Starmer called protesters far-right thugs and unleashed the full force of the government. Sentencings were rapid and excessive.

Meanwhile, Muslims were essentially given free rein to assert dominance. To roam, to protest, to show spite (and in some cases extreme violence) toward English natives. The double standards were not subtle, nor was the message to Brits. You can’t fight us. We will come for you. We will destroy you.

Is there a feasible path for the UK? It is not an easy question, short of veering into the genre of fantasy. Mischievous dissidents on X suggest America send in troops to save the British from tyranny. Are they being facetious? Perhaps, but I put nothing past President Trump. He’s a mythical figure, not only for Americans but for the world. A singular force of nature who will be remembered for a very long time.

Aleppo falls to radical jihadists – asylum seekers cheer in the streets of Düsseldorf, Germany (Video)

Screenprint via Twitter

The first appearance of the conquerors of Aleppo left no doubt as to their nature: waving weapons and flags, chanting radical slogans and showing a raised index finger, they revealed themselves to be jihadists and radical Muslims.
So there is great astonishment and shock. But in Düsseldorf, the victory of the ‘Islamists’ seems to be a cause for celebration. Dozens or even hundreds of demonstrators marched through the streets of the North Rhine-Westphalian state capital on Saturday.
Even the faces of killed IS fighters were displayed on flags, according to experts such as exiled Syrian Manaf Hassan. Flags of the Faruq Brigades, which are responsible for the expulsion of Christians – for example against Syrian Orthodox Christians in Homs – were also on display. This was denied by the brigades. However, it can hardly be denied that it is part of the jihadist logic and is well documented by the Christian exodus from the Middle East.

This is bad news for Germany in general and North Rhine-Westphalia in particular. It proves what had long been predicted by many, but was not recognised and implemented by politicians: The indiscriminate admission of ‘Syrian refugees’, no matter how good their ‘escape story’ was, inevitably meant that countless sympathisers of radical jihadists were also admitted to Germany. In addition, there are those immigrants who first became radicalised in exile in Germany and are now more or less clearly opposed to the institutions.
This rejection of our state only takes its most extreme form in terrorism, but it begins much earlier. More and more institutions are now realising this, for example when the police report on the large number of clan crimes in North Rhine-Westphalia or warn against no-Jew zones in Berlin. The general mood has changed since the IS attack in Solingen that left three people dead. But the black-green government in Düsseldorf can still hardly be trusted to react decisively and quickly. For example, telling the demonstrators that they can seek ‘protection’ in Idlib and Aleppo if they like such a conquest.

Frankfurt – Airport: Jewish prayer room vandalised

On Thursday afternoon ( November 28, 2024), unknown persons damaged various objects in a Jewish prayer room located in the airport.

At around 3.30 pm, a witness noticed that the page of a book had been torn out. A candlestick had also been damaged and other porcelain items broken. The police have started an investigation.

POL-F: 241129 – 1147 Frankfurt – Flughafen: Sachbeschädigung in Gebetsraum | Presseportal