‘Dirty white man, dirty Frenchman’, ‘By the Quran, I will kill you’: suspended sentence for a man convicted several times for verbally abusing and threatening people in Saint-Malo, France. For his 80-year-old lawyer … ‘This case is unbelievable, he’s as French as you and me’

(…) On April 16, 2024, the defendant disregarded the right of way. Nevertheless, he got out of his Peugeot 206 to approach the driver, who had to stop to avoid him… and who had just unfortunately used her horn. When the driver of a minibus saw this, he tried to intervene. Without getting out of the car, he asked the driver to stop harassing the woman.

The angry driver followed the minibus for several kilometres. When he arrived at her level and opened the window, he made wild gestures and shouted racist insults: ‘Pull over, you dirty white man, you dirty Frenchman’ (…) He admitted the insults, but not that he had said: ‘I’m here to collect your welfare and fuck your women’. The driver of the minibus, who is present at the hearing, is certain that he heard these remarks.

(…) The very next day, he threatened to kill two employees of the Leclerc department stores’ in Paramé. This time it was because the shop staff had failed to activate his Google Card. He shouted insults and death threats: ‘I will kill you … I will cut your throat by the Quran, I will smash your head in with a spanner. (…)

He admits that he is impulsive, which is also reflected in his criminal record with eight criminal records.

Laurent-Callame, the defence lawyer, said she was ‘blindsided’ (…) She also pointed out the ‘improbability of this case’: ‘My client is as French as you and I, he was born in France, his father and mother are French. These insults are as if he had said: ‘I hate myself because I am French’’. (…) Actu.fr

(…) She recounts his childhood in Sarcelles (Val-d’Oise), surrounded by violence at home and on the street. ‘He was able to survive this thanks to a certain ability to react,’ she emphasises, in order to curb his impulsiveness.

The man concludes by apologising to the people he has ‘wronged’. He is convicted of death threats and public insult based on origin, ethnicity, nation, race or religion. He receives a six-month suspended prison sentence, which obliges him to undergo medical treatment and to start looking for a job. The public prosecutor’s office had applied for a further two months probation. He must pay a total of €950 to the three co-plaintiffs. (…) Ouest France

« Sale Blanc sale Français », « Sur le Coran je vais vous tuer » : sursis pour un homme multi-condamné qui a injurié et menacé des gens à Saint-Malo (35). Pour son avocate de 80 ans… « ce dossier est invraisemblable, il est aussi français que vous et moi » – Fdesouche

New study: To avert ‘greater-than-expected’ degree of warming, carbon must be stored a minimum of one… millennium

Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

By Olivia Murray

“Climate” science is almost always junk science—forecasts from human-programmed computer-based guesses, endless doomsday predictions that never manifest, and an ever-changing narrative, oscillating between global warming and global cooling.

But when junk science comes out and completely undermines progressive policy initiatives by showing how utterly irrelevant and worthless such initiatives are? It’s a silver lining, and pretty tasty schadenfreude.

According to a new article out on Tuesday from Anthropocene Magazine, new “scientific” findings suggest that all the “climate change” ideas and schemes the left foists onto taxpayers to avoid this strikingly vague “existential crisis” don’t mean anything unless they can sequester an unidentified level of carbon from the air and store it for at least a millennium.

The item’s author, Sarah DeWeerdt, reports on a study conducted in part by “climate scientist” Cyril Brunner of the Zurich-based ETH Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, writing this:

But the time scale of carbon sequestration matters a lot, Brunner and his colleagues demonstrate.

The researchers used a simplified climate model to find out how different durations of carbon storage would affect total warming. Only 1,000-year carbon storage strategies will avoid further warming from residual carbon emissions, the researchers report in the journal Communications Earth & Environment.

This only works if you store it until 3024? This is hilariously ludicrous… but it gets even more absurd:

Shorter-term strategies that only hold carbon for 100 years will result in the re-release of that carbon long before the emissions that are being offset would leave the atmosphere naturally. The result of these short-term strategies: excess, unaccounted-for emissions, and more warming.

All those “shorter-term” schemes they’ve been peddling have, according to them, been making things worse! Now, I personally don’t see a lot of evidence that humans really have any impact on the climate—except perhaps, the “cloud-seeding” and spraying of chemicals across the skies—but nonetheless, this is what they’re claiming… so thanks a lot you jack***es!

The sad reality about this is that although this is a great example of how asinine and unrealistic the agenda and vision of the progressive left climate fantasists are, it won’t sober them up—as one would reasonably expect—and it’ll become the basis for even more maniacal “climate change mitigation” plans.

Heaven help us.


France: Afghan man on trial for attempting to kill his wife for ‘wanting to be European’

AI generator

An Afghan man has been on trial since Monday for attempted murder of his spouse and rape. He is suspected of stabbing his wife eight times and leaving her for dead because she wanted to live like a European.
A 31-year-old Afghan man has been on trial since Monday for attempted spousal murder and rape. As Le Parisien reported on Wednesday, December 4, the man named Naceer is suspected of stabbing his wife Fakhria eight times in the chest and one thigh with a knife on May 7, 2022 in Noisy-le-Sec in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. The victim was reportedly left for dead. She claimed to be a victim of domestic violence and was at her cousin’s house at the time of the serious attack on her. The trial of her husband ends on Friday December 6.

After suffering horrific hardship under the Taliban regime, this young Afghan couple came to France with Naceer’s uncle in 2021. The relationship between the young woman and her husband became strained when Fakhria started wearing shorts and jackets and attending a French course. ‘He demanded that she dress a certain way and wanted her to stay at home,’ the defendant’s uncle reported. Despite his uncle’s advice, the nephew persisted. ‘She wants to be European. I don’t want that,’ he said.

When she could take it no longer, the woman attempted suicide and so did the husband. Fakhria then began to report the domestic violence against her, although her husband denied the incidents and no charges were filed.

Finally, on May 7, 2022, Naceer’s uncle received a call from Fakhria’s cousin. ‘Naceer killed Fakhria,’ she said. The victim’s body was ‘ all covered in blood’. Worse still: Naceer was cheered for his deed by relatives in Afghanistan. ‘He was celebrated as a hero,’ the uncle reported. One of Naceer’s brothers even urged him to ‘finish the job’ and ‘kill Fakhria’. For the Afghan diaspora, the sole reason for the violence was that ‘Fakhria was meeting another man’, so it would have been right for Naceer to attack her.

Seine-Saint-Denis : un Afghan jugé pour avoir tenté de tuer sa femme qui « veut être européenne » – Valeurs actuelles

Germany: Iraqi migrant kills mother of nine in her sleep

Bismarkstrasse in the Bulmke-Hüllen district of Gelsenkirchen, where the murder took place. B227 – Google Maps

A 52-year-old Iraqi migrant walked into a police station in Germany on Tuesday and admitted to killing his 46-year-old wife — and the mother of nine children — in her sleep.

Police rushed to the scene in the Bulmke-Hüllen district of Gelsenkirchen but were too late to save her, finding evidence of a brutal attack in the family’s apartment.

The Bild newspaper reported how officers broke through the apartment door at 11:45 a.m., but emergency responders confirmed the mother of nine had been beaten and stabbed to death.

No clear reasoning for the murder has been reported by the authorities, leaving neighbors at a loss to explain what happened.

“There were no signs of trouble,” one resident of the five-story apartment building the couple shared told German media. “He always seemed kind to his wife, and they often sat on the balcony listening to music,” he said of the suspect.

The couple had six children living in Germany – three sons and three daughters – while three more children remained living in Iraq. The younger children are still at school.

The crime scene was sealed off as forensic experts collected evidence, and the woman’s body was transported for autopsy.

Investigators formed a special murder unit to uncover the motive behind the killing.

Early findings suggest the woman may have been killed maliciously in her sleep and had multiple stab wounds and evidence of beatings.

The suspect was brought before a magistrate on Wednesday, and an arrest warrant for murder was issued.

The investigation is ongoing.


Lurpak butter and other Arla dairy products face BOYCOTT amid fury at cows being stuffed with ‘re-engineering’ additives to meet net zero targets

Wikimedia Commons , Charles01CC-BY-SA-3.0

Dairy giant Arla Foods is facing growing calls for a boycott of its products, including Lurpak butter, amid controversy over trials of a methane-reducing feed additive for cows.

The Danish-Swedish company, which owns Britain’s largest dairy cooperative, has sparked outrage on social media after announcing plans to use Bovaer in cattle feed across 30 UK farms.

Patrick Holden, one of King Charles’s farming advisers and a pioneer of organic farming in the UK, has accused the company of “re-engineering the cow” through the use of the controversial supplement.

The trial, involving major supermarkets Morrisons, Tesco and Aldi, aims to reduce cow methane emissions by 27 per cent.

Holden, founder of the Sustainable Food Trust and adviser to King Charles, criticised Arla for “resorting to feed additives to maintain positive PR for their dairy-farming industry”.

“Feeding cows potions to reduce emissions is a classic case of the dairy industry treating the symptoms rather than the cause of the problem,” he said.

He argued the real issue was “separating the dairy cow from her natural environment.”

Holden acknowledged the product had been “declared safe and therefore harmless to consumers”, but maintained such feeds were unnecessary for cattle grazed holistically outside.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has confirmed that Bovaer underwent rigorous safety assessments before being authorised for UK use in April.

Professor Alastair Hay, from the University of Leeds, stated: “There is no evidence to suggest that at the doses approved for use in animals, that the additive is a risk to humans through consumption of milk.”

An Arla Foods spokesperson emphasised: “The health and safety of both consumers and animals is always our number one priority and Arla would never compromise on the quality or high standards of the milk we produce.”

The company also dismissed claims linking the trial to Bill Gates as “completely false”.

Social media users have shared videos of themselves pouring Arla milk down sinks and toilets, while others have thrown away Lurpak butter in protest.

One TikTok user declared “Arla not in my house” while disposing of milk products. Reform UK MP Rupert Lowe has called for an urgent DEFRA review of Bovaer’s use in the food system.

The creators of Bovaer have hit back at what they call “fake news”, with a spokesperson stating: “We are scientists, we deal in facts, and we would never market a product that was not safe.”


Join the Resistance: Anti-Starmer Comedy Song Goes Viral

BIG SHOUT OUT TO JIM BEST FOR GIVING ME THE IDEA. Join the Resistance: Anti-Starmer Comedy Song Goes Viral is a hilarious satirical anthem that takes aim at Keir Starmer and the current political landscape in the UK. With witty lyrics and a catchy tune, this comedy song is quickly becoming the voice of the people who feel let down by political promises. Watch, laugh, and share with fellow Brits who are ready for a change! 🇬🇧

In Portugal, Mass Immigration is the Issue

In Portugal, a country with a native population of less than ten million, the immigrant population had risen to over one million in 2023. In 2024, the figure is bound to rise even further. Among the foreign population living in Portugal, according to official figures from the country’s border service AIMA and statistics aggregator PORDATA, one in three suffer from extreme poverty or social exclusion. This is the sombre reality of contemporary Portugal’s migratory frenzy, yet the Left seems wholly unmoved by it.

Portugal is Europe’s immigration haven. The Iberian country grants residence permits more easily than any other of its Schengen Area peers. This stems partially from a generous policy directed to immigrants originating from former imperial possessions such as Cape Verde, Guinea, Brazil, and Angola. But Eurocratic migratory enthusiasm has also helped. Following the Brussels-led Migration Pact, Lisbon granted Portuguese nationality to more than half a million foreign-born residents, including both speakers and non-speakers of the Portuguese language. Official figures further reveal that half of those immigrants are men under the age of 45, 75% of whom are from Portuguese-speaking countries or Asian states, but with a growing number of migrants from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. As is common throughout Europe, the vast majority of the inbound are poorly educated and destined for lesser, menial, and low-paying jobs.

People are increasingly fed up. Only a few years ago there was barely any talk of immigration, with the matter excluded to the unsavoury fringes of the political spectrum, but now most Portuguese think the issue is of fundamental importance. This discomfort led thousands of concerned, angry patriots to take to the streets on September 29th in a demonstration organised by the right-wing, national-conservative CHEGA party. The event followed the refusal of the president of the republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, to discuss CHEGA leader André Ventura’s demands for a referendum on further immigration.

Contrary to the media narrative, the demonstration that brought thousands of Portuguese to the streets was not an exhibition of mass racism or xenophobia, or even against the presence of immigrants in Portugal. Rather, it was a rightful outpouring of indignation against migratory chaos, the deregulation of immigration laws, and the baffling lack of political will to solve a problem which has worsened since 2017, and which has remained unsolved even after a new centre-right, EPP-aligned government took charge months ago.

The situation spiraled out of control after António Costa—then Portugal’s PM, and now president of the European Council—revolutionised the immigration system. Until August 2017, residence permits in Portugal were granted only upon presentation of an employment contract and a record of tax contributions. This was a reasonable—if insufficient—way of ensuring that immigrants would be able to make a living in Portugal. However, against the advice of the border service (the now defunct Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras), the far Left (Left Bloc) instead proposed allowing immigrants to reside in Portugal by merely registering themselves with Social Security and presenting a ‘labour contract promise.’ The new measures were enacted by the Socialist government with the votes of the far-left parties, giving rise to a whole industry of false contracts. The results were booming human trafficking networks and the entry of hundreds of thousands of illegal workers, hostages to schemes akin to modern-day slavery. At the same time, the new rules led to a significant increase in regularisation requests for which SEF, now renamed AIMA, is unable to respond.

Indeed, one of the most tragic and readily-felt consequences of mass migration in Portugal is a general collapse of public services. This is the case in schools, in which the number of migrant pupils has increased by 160% in just five years to 140,000. Such numbers aggravate the lack of teachers and non-teaching staff, as well as the lack of equipment and infrastructure. These problems are accumulating and forcing the concentration of students in the classroom, with severe consequences for the overall quality of education.

When it comes to healthcare, the challenges are similar. Portugal’s National Healthcare Service is crumbling after decades of underinvestment, insufficient numbers of staff, inadequate facilities, and now a rapidly rising number of users. The country now counts 1.5 million people, or 15% of the population, as lacking a general practitioner. The crushing load of patients who come to hospitals every day leads to the systematic closure of services due to a lack of equipment and professionals. There are no beds, no doctors, and no quality of life to those overwhelmed professionals who stubbornly remain in service. Yet the number of patients continues to rise unabated. Between February and April of this year alone, 36,000 additional people registered with the National Healthcare System.

Apart from hospitals, most public institutions in Portugal suffer from an increasingly intolerable overload of users. The shortage of professionals makes it impossible to effectively respond to patients, yet all the pro-migration Left says is “Hire more staff.” This is a classic case of nebulous ideology colliding with cold, hard reality. Even if Portugal’s financial situation may have markedly improved in recent years, the country’s budget remains constrained, debt levels are high, and tax rates are astronomical. Hiring more civil servants, however, would mean increasing public spending by paying for new salaries and accepting the reorganisation of numerous public institutions. Yet, the current centre-right government, like previous ones, is already facing an older and more acute problem: the unfreezing of careers in the case of teachers, and decent pay raises for health and other professionals already in service. Portugal’s meagre resources are insufficient to do both.

The Portuguese Left has long claimed that immigrants contribute more to the national interest than they receive. There are even those who come up with figures that seem to come out of an ingenious magic act. But all we have to do is look at the fact that immigrants to Portugal are mostly unskilled workers who earn minimum wages, if not below the minimum. They are often seasonal, precarious labourers, and it’s easy to see that all it takes is a trip to the hospital with a few tests or medical treatments, and the Portuguese state will already be spending a lot more on that individual immigrant than he contributed to the economy. Such arithmetic is hardly complex; yet it seems woefully distant from public policy considerations. A relatively simple surgery easily costs the NHS many tens of thousands of euros. However, the 11% that the typical immigrant deducts from his minimum wage is not much more than 100 euros. Now add to this all the time spent on unemployment benefits or other social support when, inevitably, this worker becomes unemployed. The numbers speak for themselves.

The Portuguese Left has also made the recurring claim that immigrants are absolutely necessary to do the work that the Portuguese ‘don’t want’ to do. The irony here lies in the fact that they manage to say this without realising that this argument undermines all the humanism that they claim to be behind their intentions. Machines are also absolutely necessary to do the work that used to be done by hand and that required physical effort that we no longer want to do. The difference here is that immigrants are not machines. They are human beings. Yet the faux humanitarians of the Left seem content to treat them as mere factors of production.

All too often, these fellow human beings lack acceptable conditions at every level. Genuinely caring individuals could hardly look many of these immigrants in the eye and tell them come. Come where—and, indeed, for what? If coming here means being faced with living conditions that are all too often intolerable, such supposed humanitarianism is not only hypocritical, but also perverse.

Yet a sinister, authoritarian alliance between the progressive, urban Left and an egotistical entrepreneurial class is conspiring to prevent the Portuguese from engaging in that most important of national conversations. As violence and disorder spread freely, schools and hospitals implode, and picturesque, quintessentially Portuguese villages lose all sense of uniqueness, homeliness, and community, rightly concerned citizens are being arrogantly told to shut up and accept becoming foreigners in their country.

And yet, as vast areas of Portugal find themselves transformed beyond recognition by a seemingly unstoppable movement of people, with major cities and villages alike taken over by foreign populations, the locals don’t merely have the right to protest—they have a duty to themselves, their country, and their children to make their voices heard. On October 4th, as the left-wing, globalist press was still pulling itself together from the successful CHEGA protests for a popular referendum on immigration, the far-left argued instead for a vote on the abolition of bullfights. As much as this writer might be critical of that age-old Iberian tradition, one is still surprised that the Left might consider the issue worthy of a plebiscite while denying the people the right to freely decide the future demographic makeup of the nation—indeed, on the question of whether or not the Portuguese, a 1,000-year-old people and nation, should remain in possession of their own country, culturally, ethnically, and religiously. On this, perhaps the most important political issue of our generation, André Ventura is entirely right: we must trust democracy and let the people decide for themselves.


Argentinian President Milei declares ‘cultural war’ and calls for ‘global right-wing network’

Argentina’s President Javier Milei took the stage on December 4 at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Buenos Aires, rallying right-wing leaders and supporters to unite in what he called a “cultural war” to protect Western civilisation from the influence of socialism.

In his one-hour speech, Milei argued that the West was “in danger” and right-wing leaders must not let socialism advance.

“New winds of freedom are sweeping through the world,” Milei declared, asserting that victory in what he called the ideological battle was essential for any meaningful political or economic success.

“If we don’t fight the cultural battle, it doesn’t matter how good we manage [the economy],” he said.

The libertarian president laid out a vision for a co-ordinated international right-wing alliance.

“The only way to fight socialism is from the Right,” Milei proclaimed, urging conservatives around the globe to form a “right-wing international” network.

“We must stand together, establishing channels of co-operation throughout the world. We could call ourselves a right-wing international … network of mutual assistance made up of all those interested in spreading the ideas of freedom around the world,” he said.

The event attracted prominent figures from the global conservative movement including Lara Trump, Republican Party co-chair and daughter-in-law of US President-elect Donald Trump, Santiago Abascal, leader of Spain’s nationalist Vox party, and US commentator and broadcaster Ben Shapiro.

Milei’s calls for a “cultural war” and international conservative co-operation resonate beyond Latin America.

Argentinian media reported that Milei would travel to Italy on December 13 at the invitation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, leader of the hard-right Fratelli d’Italia party.

During his upcoming visit, Milei is expected to participate in a youth event organised by Meloni’s party, further cementing ties between the two leaders and their broader conservative movements.

The two leaders, who share a mutual admiration, previously met in November in Argentina. During Meloni’s trip to South America, they expressed their commitment to defending Western freedoms.

In September, Meloni had outlined her vision for the West, echoing themes similar to those in Milei’s speech.


Total Escalation Loading

The European Parliament has passed a resolution whose strict compliance could inevitably lead to World War III.

The unelected “parliament” is not only interfering in the internal affairs of the member states, it is literally forcing them to sacrifice their own security and future existence on the altar of the supposed superiority of “Western values”.

The now hackneyed litany of military support for Ukraine until its inevitable demise is crowned by the explicit demand that Germany finally move Taurus missiles into the combat zone.

Under point 13 of this resolution:

“Calls on the EU and its Member States to increase their military support to Ukraine, including through the supply of combat aircraft, long-range cruise missiles, including Taurus cruise missiles, modern air defense systems such as the Patriot and SAMP/T systems, including ammunition, MANPADS, artillery systems and projectiles, and through programs to train the Armed Forces of Ukraine…”

The fact that 0.25 percent of Germany’s gross domestic product is set alight in Ukraine against Russia every year seems to be just a footnote under these circumstances.

And third countries that have and want to maintain a balanced relationship with Russia will undoubtedly be sanctioned, which will contribute to a global escalation. Sooner or later, such steps will lead to a political and economic confrontation.

All in all, this EU resolution shows very clearly that membership of the EU will drag all members straight into the abyss. The AfD would do well to consistently push for DEXIT and make it their priority. No matter what effects this step will have, they cannot be half as dangerous as the collective march into historical oblivion.

Germany’s FM is a Special Case

Germany’s foreign minister, recently gave another textbook example in Beijing of how to raise tension by publicly insulting leaders with which her country had better maintain and develop sustainable relations.

The display of megalomania and stupidity in China was duly ignored by the system media, ensuring that the German public remain none the wiser. When Annalena Baerbock accused her hosts during her visit to Beijing of supporting Russia in the Ukraine war, the Chinese first excluded the media and then refused to issue a joint final statement.

That was a resounding diplomatic slap in the face from Germany’s most important trading partner, which will certainly have consequences for German-Chinese relations. But what does Baerbock care if German business people in China are left aghast? The Green Party’s member will not have to fear any consequences, because the Chancellor, who is fighting for his survival, will not dare to throw the Greens out of the government.

This certainty is now apparently encouraging Baerbock to consider deploying the Bundeswehr in Ukraine – not (yet) as a combat force against Russia, but as a so-called “peacekeeping force”. The Foreign Minister is thus voicing NATO’s considerations of somehow obtaining a military foothold in Ukraine. After its strategists completely miscalculated, their hopes are now focused on a post-war order in which NATO will play a role in Ukraine.

However, it is more than unlikely that Moscow will go along with such plans. Because NATO troops in Ukraine, no matter what name they use, would be the best guarantee for future conflicts. Russia has already paid far too high a price in blood to once again accept more fake solutions.

What the warmongers in Brussels, including Baerbock, apparently really intend is to prepare the European peoples for propaganda purposes to support Kiev with regular soldiers from France, Great Britain, Poland and Germany after the Trump’s expected departure from the Ukrainian disaster.

Moscow has already made it clear that it will not take this into account in its future actions. Even Baerbock, who is intellectually challenged, should know what political, military and financial consequences this will have.

AfD Remains Only Peace Party

While the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) at the first opportunity and generously dropped all demands for a peace policy in the Thuringian “exploratory paper”, the AfD is keeping its election promises: a peace initiative launched by the AfD faction is being discussed in the Saxon state parliament. The headline reads: “Peace instead of missiles”.

The press agency dpa quoted parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban as saying: “Some 62 percent of Saxons are strictly against the stationing of American medium-range missiles in Germany.”

The AfD believes that Saxony’s representatives should take this clear vote of the people and call on the government to launch a peace initiative in the Bundesrat. “Diplomacy should be the order of the day. Germany and Europe must finally pursue an independent peace policy and hold the new US President Donald Trump accountable.”

The background to this is the latest American stationing plans, which were announced to Chancellor Scholz in Washington in July. According to these plans, long-range American missiles are to be stationed again in the next few years and supplement the US nuclear bombs already stored in Germany.


Battle Scenes From War on Christmas in Europe

x.com/ @nailfreak1 /x.com/ @nailfreak1

The War on Christmas rages on in moonbat-occupied Europe.

In Aisne, France, the display of advent calendars in classrooms has been banned:

A fortnight ago, the directors of public schools in a district in the south of the Aisne department received a letter signed by an inspector from the Académie. The letter contained a clear message: Advent calendars are no longer welcome in the department’s schools. Teachers who decorate their classrooms or rely on the calendar celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ will be called to order by their superiors. ‘I have been made aware of the possible presence of Advent calendars in the classrooms,’ reads the letter sent to Valeurs actuelles. ‘I would like to remind you that Advent is a religious custom: Within the framework of neutrality, which secularism prescribes as a fundamental value of the Republic, I call on you to remind school teachers that no pupil may be confronted with an Advent calendar in a school setting.’ After the controversy surrounding nativity scenes in public places, the inspector implies that the Advent calendar violates secularism and de facto puts pupils in trouble.

Speaking of being in trouble,

[T]he inspector even asks to be informed about any calendars that still exist ‘so that [he] can look after the teacher concerned’.

Meanwhile, in Germany:

In the deeply Catholic Upper Palatinate (Bavaria), of all places, a nativity scene is now causing hilarity on social media. The reason: the Holy Family has been replaced by Christmas trees, which have sometimes been ‘creatively’ decorated with flower pots and red Christmas tree baubles as noses.

Celebrating Christmas without smirking is more than an embrace of tradition and an act of worship; it is a gesture of defiance against moonbattery.
