Western humanitarians: the Islamist avatar

Boualem Sansal. Screengrab youtube

by Giulio Meotti

Before disappearing into an Algerian prison, where at 75 years old he now risks ending his days, the great novelist Boualem Sansal gave this last extraordinary interview to the Journal du dimanche:

“Self-flagellation is gaining ground throughout the West and is becoming a danger. I do not understand why governments are not worried about this galloping epidemic and are not taking any action to prevent the disasters that it will eventually cause. We can begin to believe that the West is committing suicide and in the most amusing way. Good deal for the BRICS and the Islamists who dream of a great replacement. We are overwhelmed by fear. And fear causes in man as in animals one or the other reaction, or even both at the same time: the subject becomes violent and attacks or submits to fear and goes as far as mutilating himself to show his submission. Self-flagellation and Wokism are acts of symbolic self-mutilation, they express atonement, submission, preparation for liberating suicide”.

And submission also comes from a corrupt humanitarianism.

After targeting Israel in favor of Islamic terrorists, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Pakistani Muslim Karim Khan, is now attacking the leaders of Myanmar for their dispute with the Rohingya Muslims. Myanmar is not a member of the Court, but Islamic Bangladesh, which is part of the dispute, is.

Khan has transformed the Court into an Islamist instrument used to wage a judicial war against non-Muslims on behalf of the Umma.

A year ago, Khan met with the Qatari ambassador to the Netherlands. Then the Turkish Erdogan.

A scandal has just broken out at the Oxford Union, where speakers have been singing the praises of October 7th. Little wonder if we consider that Qatar has filled Oxford with millions of pounds in recent years. Qatar has also filled King’s College London, the university of the Hague prosecutor Khan, with money.

Qatar did not have any moral credibility to mount a “genocide” case against Israel at the International Court of Justice. It had the money and the will, but zero ethical standing. What to do? Who better than the “rainbow democracy” to nail the Jewish state to The Hague? With the title “South Africa, Hamas, Iran and Qatar: The Hijacking of the African National Congress and the International Court of Justice”, the American think tank Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism has published an investigation into South Africa’s decision to charge Israel with genocide at the Court of Justice that prompted the Criminal Court to issue the arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu.

Or take Canadian professor William Schabas, who headed a UN commission on Gaza. A professor of international law at Middlesex University in London, Schabas had to resign when a consultancy he had done for the Palestine Liberation Organization came to light.

Former UNRWA commissioner Pierre Krahenbuhl met with leaders of Palestinian terrorist organizations during his tenure, UN Watch has just revealed. The meeting took place in Beirut and was attended by representatives of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Palestine Liberation Front.

The European Centre for Law and Justice revealed that many rapporteurs at the UN received donations from Qatar.

Boualem Sansal. An Algerian. A writer. A political prisoner. A dictatorship. The usual ingredients of the ideal martyr to defend. Instead, no. “Still no reaction from the impostors of Amnesty International who, in this affair, clearly support the Algerian dictators,” writes Clément Weill-Raynal. Last April, Palestinian Arab terrorist Walid Daqqah, who kidnapped and murdered soldier Moshe Tamam, died in prison in Israel from illness. In prison, the terrorist began writing novels. When he died, Amnesty International mourned the death of the terrorist as a “Palestinian writer”.

Now Amnesty International charges Israel, the people who survived Auschwitz and Treblinka, of “genocide” in Gaza.

Gita Sahgal, who resigned from Amnesty International as head of the gender office after having denounced its relations with the English supporters of the Taliban, explains this alliance with the devil as follows: “It is as if these organizations, Amnesty and others, felt the duty to challenge their government on the ground of rights as soon as we get close to Islam”.

But it is not a question of moral duty: some madmen may even believe it, but for most it is just a question of opportunism. Judges at The Hague, UN rapporteurs and NGO leaders, have you noticed that the Muslim Brotherhood is over the moon and starting to dream: what if everything goes much faster than expected?


Italian Woman Warned by ‘Migrants’ to Wear Hijab in Public (Video)

Screengrab youtube

In Rome, a group of Muslim men harass and warn an Italian woman: “Be careful how you leave the house, you have to wear a hijab”. “I want to live in a place where people follow Islamic law.” Moves to the literal capital city of Catholicism. Imagine the backlash if Christians were in Mecca or Medina telling Muslims to behave more Christian. Because that’s what this pretty much amounts to.

Greta Thunberg Yells ‘F**k Germany, F**k Israel!’ at Pro-Palestine Rally

Greta Thunberg has sparked outrage after a video surfaced in which the sometime climate activist turned anti-Israel campaigner is heard laughing and chorusing “F**k Germany, F**k Israel!” at a pro-Palestine rally.

She was appearing as a speaker in the south-western German city of Mannheim on Friday at a pro-Palestinian event organized by the group Zaytouna in the Rhine-Neckar region, DPA reports.

The rally was held in the city’s main market square and included a discussion focused on “solidarity with Palestine and the climate movement.”

“Mannheim does not need a platform for such dehumanizing positions and our country does not need the presence of people like Greta Thunberg,” Conservative regional parliamentary party leader Manuel Hagel said, claiming Thunberg is moving “very consciously in close proximity to antisemitism,” the Jerusalem Post reports.

Thunberg has repeatedly accused Israel of genocide in the year since the October 7 massacre by Hamas terrorists, and many critics have accused her of being one-sided in her activism, the Post report notes.

As Breitbart News reported, the career activist was arrested in September at the University of Copenhagen while part of a pro-Palestine demonstration after previously joining a mass anti-Israel protest in May.

Some 20 people blockaded the University of Copenhagen leading to six arrests as police cleared the institution.

Among those seen being arrested was Thunberg, who was photographed wearing the distinctive keffiyeh scarf and being led in handcuffs to a police van.


How Islamists Influence & Infiltrate the British Government. Connor Tomlinson

On today’s #NCFWhittle we speak with Connor Tomlinson, co-host of our weekly discussion show #NCFDeprogrammed and host of Tomlinson Talks on the Lotus Eaters platform. Connor is the author of “How Islamists Influence the UK Government”, a lengthy investigative article / report written for Courage Media, a new project run by campaigner Ayaan Hirsi Ali (who recently delivered our 2024 NCF Smith Lecture). Read the piece here: https://courage.media/2024/11/25/how-…

The Western Establishment Lacks Legitimacy

By J.B. Shurk

Romania’s Constitutional Court summarily invalidated the first-round results of its presidential election because the anti-globalist candidate, Calin Georgescu, unexpectedly won (while the globalist, Brussels-aligned, polling favorite was ignominiously booted from the race).  The high court’s official justification for defying the will of the Romanian people?  It insisted that too much “Russian disinformation” on TikTok had unfairly manipulated the minds of voters.  Wherever would the Romanian Establishment have learned that dirty trick?  Probably by watching its NATO partners repeatedly do the same thing.  

Wherever and whenever the entrenched “ruling class” in the West has suffered electoral defeat over the last decade, governments and their media lackeys have blamed the Russians.  The United Kingdom would never have voted to withdraw from the European Union had Russian Internet trolls not poisoned the thoughts of pro-Brexit citizens.  Donald Trump would never have beaten Hillary Clinton in 2016 without the help of a few Russian frat boys posting funny memes on social media.  Heck, American and European provocateurs would never have had to oust the duly elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, back in 2014 had Ukrainian voters simply chosen a pro–European Union alternative when they had the chance.  Sometimes, you have to delegitimize the results of democratic elections until the people get it right.  Other times, you have to foment civil war until citizens learn to vote “correctly.”

The Western Establishment is giving Romanian voters a second chance to obey.  In effect, NATO’s great “defenders of democracy” are saying, “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”  If you vote well, we will applaud your choice to remain a vassal of the European Union and flood your country with illegal aliens.  If you vote poorly, we will make excellent use of your lands in our nuclear-tipped proxy war against Russia, as we have done in Ukraine.  Hello, Romania — are you listening?

The people of Georgia apparently didn’t ,listen because they recently voted for leaders who are skeptical of joining the European Union.  Their punishment for questioning Western orthodoxy and resisting eternal subservience to NATO and the E.U.?  The U.S. Agency for International Development (the aid agency of choice for the Political Action Group of the CIA’s Special Activities Center) is doing its best to break Georgia just as it broke Ukraine ten years ago.  Riots and mob violence cost money, but American and European spooks are eager to give rebels a helping hand.  Wait a second.  If the United States and its NATO partners are actively subverting foreign elections and funding resistance movements when the “wrong” candidates win, aren’t they engaging in the exact kind of election interference operations that the West regularly blames on Russia? 

There does seem to be a pattern, doesn’t there?  When Marxist globalists and other sundry champagne socialists win office, Western governments assure voters that elections are as secure as can be and that the “people have spoken” with one loud voice.  When anti-globalists, conservatives, libertarians, and freedom-loving constitutionalists win elections, the same Western governments immediately blame the outcome on Russian disinformation, bigotry, voter suppression, ignorance, or other electoral skullduggery. 

What is worse, whenever the Establishment fails to get its way, it does its best to undermine the will of the people (in the name of “democracy,” or something).  When Marine Le Pen’s National Rally led all other parties in the first round of French elections earlier this year, Le Petit Roi Emmanuel Macron partnered with communists to deny commonsense conservatives a political victory.  When Geert Wilders’s Party for Freedom won the most seats in Dutch elections last year, the losing parties worked together to deny Wilders any chance of becoming prime minister.  When the conservative Alternative for Germany became the country’s second most popular political party, other German parties demanded that it be banned as a “security risk for people and democracy.”  When Donald Trump won the American presidency in 2016, treasonous members of the FBI and broader Intelligence Community worked with Establishment Republicans and Democrats to thwart his agenda with the continued threat of criminal investigations.

In contrast, when Joe Biden — who was never a popular politician outside his native Delaware and who is leaving the White House with some of the lowest public approval numbers in modern political history — improbably won more votes in 2020 than any past presidential candidate (including fifteen million more than Democrat demigod Barack Obama), nobody was permitted even to question his statistically implausible “victory.”  Anyone who suggested that the imposition of mail-in ballots during COVID likely opened the door to mass electoral fraud was immediately labeled an “election denier.”  Anyone who protested for free and fair elections near the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, was labeled an “insurrectionist” and “terrorist” and became a target for the politicized FBI.  

As for corruptly using the criminal justice system to lock up Donald Trump and his supporters, the United States is hardly alone in weaponizing the courts and persecuting political opponents.  Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro and France’s Marine Le Pen are defending themselves against spurious criminal charges that may effectively bar both from holding future political office, even if they manage to avoid imprisonment.  Their crimes?  Just as has been the case with the American Establishment’s persecution of President Trump, the Brazilian Establishment accuses Bolsonaro of plotting a coup against his successor, while the French Establishment accuses Le Pen of fraud and financial misconduct.  In reality, Bolsonaro and Le Pen are guilty only of being anti-globalist conservatives who threaten the Establishment’s continued hold on power.  In the United States, Brazil, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands, there is no more condemnable felony.

In the West, “the people” are afforded the “privilege” of self-government, it seems, only when they vote in accordance with the Establishment’s wishes.  Otherwise, they and their elected representatives get harassed, investigated, and censored.  Many are financially sanctioned, denied access to banking institutions, and cut off from the so-called “rules-based international order.”  Some become targets of partisan domestic prosecutors or ambitious bureaucrats at the International Criminal Court or Interpol.  Some elected officials even receive one-way tickets to prison.

The general populations fare no better.  As punishment for voting “incorrectly,” subversive elements disguised as non-governmental organizations funnel money and resources to often violent political operatives.  Chaos and rebellion become the order of the day.  Spies and paramilitary groups initiate “color revolutions” meant to overthrow legitimately elected governments.  The voting public suffers economic hardship and indiscriminate violence.  If the errantly voting countries are truly unlucky, Western powers turn their nations into battlefields, drain their populations of fighting-aged men, strip their lands of natural resources, and leave survivors impoverished and irreparably divided.  All in the name of “democracy.”

So, Western oligarchs, hear me out.  What if we actually practiced what we preached?  What if we respected the choices of sovereign nation states and refrained from bullying their voters?  What if we acknowledged that Western NGOs effectively operate as propaganda organs for the E.U. and U.S.-NATO and are used to shape domestic politics no differently than the dreaded scourge of “Russian disinformation”?  What if we actually valued free speech, public debate, and dissent as much as our political leaders claim?  What if we arrested the growth of online censorship and the criminalization of political beliefs before these malignant self-deceptions destroy us?  What if we recommitted ourselves to the moral recognition of national self-determination and rejected global empire’s stubborn insistence that might makes right?

One thing seems increasingly certain: if the Western Establishment continues to undermine the will of Western voters, the “ruling class” won’t survive long enough to start WWIII.


France: Arrest of two pupils who had postet threats to 13 teachers with reference to an Islamist terrorist group

They threatened thirteen teachers in writing, referring to at least one Islamist terrorist group. Two pupils from the eighth grade of the Collège Raoul-Dufy in Rue Mazenod in Lyon 3e were arrested by the police on Friday.
They admitted to being the authors of the texts they had sent via Pronote, a software programme for school life. The youngsters are to be brought before the youth prosecution service on Sunday. The police identified them from the digital messages they sent.

The case falls on a special date. Eight defendants are currently on trial before the Paris Special Court for their alleged involvement in the murder of teacher Samuel Paty in October 2020 in the department of Yvelines.

Le Progrés

Trans-Identified Male Convicted of Sexually Abusing A Child Transferred to Women’s Prison Where He Exposed Himself To Female Inmate

Reduxx has learned that a trans-identified male sex offender was quietly transferred into a women’s prison in Minnesota, despite having been convicted of sexually abusing a girl under the age of 13 years old. Daniel Patrick Benz, 38, filed a civil rights complaint on February 27, 2023, which resulted in his transfer into Minnesota’s only women’s prison.

Benz legally changed his name to Danielle Marie Whitebird in June of 2023 after his petition was approved by the state of Minnesota. In addition to the name change, Benz also was supplied with a “replacement birth record” which declared his sex as female, despite not having undergone any surgeries, according to his own legal complaints.

Convicted sex offender Daniel Patrick Benz, now known as Danielle Marie Whitebird.

In 2007, Benz was convicted of criminal sexual misconduct with a victim under the age of 13. According to court records obtained by Reduxx, St. Louis county police officers responded to a tip from the Eveleth Police Department in July regarding the sexual abuse of a minor.

Eveleth police had received a text message informing law enforcement that Benz had “played a game of touch the peanuts” with a 6 year-old girl. The informant, whose name has been redacted, said the girl had been acting oddly for two weeks. The child divulged to the individual that “Dan” had sexually molested her on multiple occasions.

Benz had been staying in the same residence as the victim after having been evicted from his apartment. During an interview with a social worker, the girl stated that Benz had been touching her genitals.

“One night when her mommies went to pick up her daddy, she was with Dan at her house,” reads the 2007 complaint. “They were sitting together watching a movie… [The girl] stated that Dan reached with his hand and went inside of the left leg of her pajama pants. He then put his hand inside her panties and touched her on top of her vagina.” The victim also described other similar instances of abuse.

Benz was handed the maximum 25 year sentence. However, his long history of criminal behavior indicates that he was released in approximately 2012, when he was convicted of a misdemeanor for giving a police officer a false name – a charge that appears multiple times throughout his criminal record.

The convicted predator has recently been released after serving a brief sentence for burglary. Benz was convicted of the theft of a motor vehicle in 2018, a charge which carries a maximum ten-year sentence. Police records filed after his arrest in 2017 state that Benz had “active warrants” out of Crow Wing County for “failure to register as a predatory offender” as well as a domestic assault report.

While incarcerated in a men’s facility, Benz began claiming to experience “gender dysphoria”. When filing a request for a change of name and legal sex in February 2023, Benz claimed to be a “transgender woman [whose] legal documents do not match my gender and gender identity”.

“It is painful, difficult, and uncomfortable for the party addressing me, when they inquire about the ‘male’ legal name, and my ‘male’ sex identifier are on my legal documents,” Benz wrote.

He continued: “I humbly request this court changes my ‘current legal name’ Daniel Patrick Benz to Danielle Marie Whitebird, and my current sex identification from ‘male’ to ‘female’, in order to match my gender and gender identity. This will alleviate my unnecessary suffering.”

Concurrently, Benz had also filed a human rights complaint requesting a transfer to the women’s prison MCF-Shakopee on the basis of the Eighth Amendment’s clause against “cruel and unusual punishment.”

“Ms. Benz-Whitebird’s case satisfies both elements of the deliberate indifference test,” Benz wrote in his complaint. “She has presented extensive evidence that, despite hormone therapy, she continues to experience gender dysphoria so significant that she continues to have thoughts of self-castration and is at serious risk of acting on that impulse again.”

The Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) violated Benz’s human rights, he claimed, by failing to transfer him to MCF-Shakopee in a “timely manner,” and “failing to house Plaintiff in a female facility according to her gender identity which would ensure safety and reduce the risk of sexual victimization”.

Reduxx has now learned that Benz had been transferred to MCF-Shakopee at the end of 2023, where he remained until September of 2024. He has since been released to the supervision of Crow Wing County. Benz’s placement in the women’s prison was confirmed both through court records and by an inmate who spoke to Reduxx via women’s prison advocate Rebeca Warmbo – herself once an inmate at the facility.

Warmbo provided documented exchanges from a woman who was a former victim of sex trafficking. In order to protect her identity, her name has been changed.

“[There was a] man who introduced me to drugs and then prostitution, which eventually led to the charges I am here for now,” said Cate, adding that while he was in MCF-Shakopee, Benz “showed me his penis… I was terrified.”

Cate went on to explain that though she had reported the incident to prison officials, “nothing was done” and “everyone turned their cheek.”

Cate stated that she believed action was not immediately taken on the basis that her report was seen as “homophobic” or bigoted.

“We just want to be protected here and not abused or taken advantage of. Most of us come from a background of abuse and we shouldn’t allow it here. We should be safe and protected, but they are allowing abusers in,” she added.

Benz’s temporary transfer into MCF-Shakopee constitutes the sixth known male convict to be placed in the women’s prison since a June of 2022 lawsuit against the Minnesota Department of Corrections resulted in changes to policies.

It was at that time that a discrimination claim was filed by the trans activist non-profit organization Gender Justice on behalf of Craig ‘Christina’ Lusk, who was serving a five-year sentence for the possession of methamphetamine at the Moose Lake correctional facility for men. In order to aid their legal fight to have violent men placed into the women’s prison, Gender Justice was granted nearly $500,000 in taxpayer funds from the administration of Governor Tim Walz.

Though Lusk was only housed at MCF-Shakopee for just under a year, the lawsuit filed on his behalf allowed for several other men to be transferred into the female facility, including two other men with previous convictions for child sexual abuse, and upon his release, Lusk was awarded a $495,000 payout on the basis of discrimination.

The legal claim, which was successful in court, demanded that Lusk be transferred to MCF-Shakopee and refers to him as “a woman who was assigned male at birth,” using feminine pronouns throughout.

Gender Justice further demanded that Lusk be given “women’s undergarments,” and claimed that DOC “punished Ms. Lusk for having breasts and for wearing women’s clothing.” Additionally it was stated that Lusk was “repeatedly misgendered and misnamed.”

In October, multiple female inmates at MCF-Shakopee told Reduxx that the transfer of violent men into the prison had caused them to feel “scared” and “unsafe.” Additionally, at least one of them male inmates had attempted to strike “deals” with some female inmates to impregnate them in order to sue the state for financial compensation.

Gender Justice is also currently pursuing a Supreme Court suit in a bid to allow a trans-identified male to compete against women in powerlifting. Yet Jess Braverman, the Legal Director at Gender Justice, has been received multiple honors and awards. For three consecutive years, from 2021 to 2023, Braverman was named Minnesota’s Attorney of the Year.


The ‘Second Battle Of Britain’

Image by Andrea Widburg using AI and public domain material.

By Eric Utter

Britain is slipping away.

The progenitor of the free world, the United States included, is barely recognizable these days. Lack of reverence for life and an equally troubling tolerance for extreme antisemitism have combined with an almost total intolerance for those who oppose these evils to cast a malevolent pall over the U.K. 

It is not only life and Judaism that are threatened. Christianity is increasingly under assault, as well. The English Football Association (EFA) recently issued a ‘warning’ to one of its players for having the temerity to write “I Love Jesus” over his league-mandated rainbow flag armband. Meanwhile, another league player, who is a practicing Muslim, flatly refused to wear the rainbow armband altogether…with nary a complaint from the same association.

In related news, a Catholic woman from Northern Ireland was recently convicted of praying in a ‘buffer zone’ outside an abortion mill. Convicted of praying. (She’s probably lucky she didn’t get life in prison, as she also held up a pro-life sign.)

The House of Commons, too, recently denied the sanctity of life, voting 330 to 275 to approve draft legislation that would allow terminally ill adults who are ‘expected’ to die within six months to seek help in ending their lives. There may be significant tax benefits to dying early, leading terminally ill pensioners to utilize legally assisted dying to spare their loved ones six-figure tax bills.

In fact, under current rules, pensions are passed on, free of income tax, if a person dies before turning 75 years old. What’s not to like about government tax policy rewarding early death? Lest we forget, the Nazis practiced euthanasia ever more extensively before establishing their concentration camps. 

 And there’s more. Shockingly, GB News recently reported that “leaflets with the words “every Zionist needs to leave Britain or be slaughtered” were found spread around the streets of Hendon, a predominantly Jewish neighborhood in north London.” This hate speech and, indeed, blatant death threats received very little coverage or attention, a sad testament to how antisemitism has once again become normalized in parts of Europe, as it was when Nazis ruled. People are afraid to speak up or protest, as the Starmer government has threatened them with fines or incarceration. (Speaking of Nazi-like behavior.) 

An ever-decreasing percentage of Britain’s population is native to the Isles. Not coincidentally, an ever-decreasing percentage of those who reside in Britain are Christian. Or admit to being so. What amounts to an unrecognized pogrom is stealing both the British character and the British Islands themselves…from the British. Jolly Olde England is not so jolly nor so English anymore. (To wit, Muhammad is now the most popular name for baby boys in England and Wales.)

Punished for stating “I love Jesus.” Rewarded for dying early. Overwhelmed by foreign invaders. Can this be the country that gave us Locke, Disraeli, Churchill, and Thatcher?

How is this happening? One word: appeasement—which didn’t work out so well before World War II, either. It never does. For the record, appeasement and “tolerance” are closely related. 

This is the Second Battle of Britain, whether it is recognized as such or not. If Britain loses this one, it will be just as defeated, just as lost, and just as subjugated as it would have been if it had surrendered to Hitler’s Germany. There will be no “The World At War” documentary series after this battle and no Sir Laurence Olivier narrating for the BBC. There may well be no BBC. There will only be black-clad women crying in the corners…and shouts of “Allahu Akbar” piercing the cheerless, leaden skies. 

If we in the West don’t wish to suffer through another Dark Age, we must realize it is high time to turn the lights back on. If we tarry, if we fail, if we falter, it will be too late.

Churchill once noted that if England was victorious in the first Battle of Britain, “the British Empire” might “last for a thousand years.” Speaking of early death, it now appears Britain might not make it 100 years past that remark.

If it does not, somewhere, Churchill may be heard to utter, “Never in the field of human conflict have so many so cravenly surrendered to so few.”
