German police raided the home of a 14-year-old boy in Bavaria after he allegedly posted the hashtag #AllesFürDeutschland, which translates in English to “Everything for Germany.” The raid happened in the early morning of St. Nicholas Day, on Dec. 6.
The police stated that the term is a symbol used by an unconstitutional organization, which violates Section 86a of the German criminal code. The story, which was first reported by Junge Freiheit, details how the teen posts from the TikTok channel “deutscher.patriot1161.” The alleged crime was committed in November, when the teen posted the hashtag #AllesFürDeutschland twice, which was used by the SA during the Nazi era.
In Germany, St. Nicholas Day typically features a Santa Claus-like figure placing chocolate and fruit inside the shoes of boys and girls, who leave the shoes out the night before. Santa Claus is actually based on the historical figure of St. Nicholas, an early Christian bishop who was known for his secret gift giving.
🇩🇪🚨German police raided the house of this pensioner, pictured with his daughter Alexandra, for calling Green Economics Minister Robert Habeck an "idiot."
Habeck personally filed the criminal complaint against Stefan Niehoff.
The search warrant describes the police raid as “proportionate and “appropriate for the seriousness of the crime” It also indicates the youth was mature enough “at the time of the crime” to understand the wrongfulness of his posts and acted “in accordance with this understanding.”
The teen in question, however, has said that he did not know the term “Everything for Germany” was banned under the German criminal code.
During the search, police searched two teenagers’ rooms, including the older brother, and they photographed various items, including personal documents, email addresses, telephone numbers, and books. A phone was also seized as a “tool used in the crime.” The brother was also questioned by police during the house search.
The two brothers have no criminal record with the police.
Junge Freiheit reported that the family is considering legal action.
The phrase most notably came to public attention during the trial of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) chairman of Thuringia, Björn Höcke, who was sentenced with a fine for using the same phrase during an AfD event. Notably, Höcke is decades older than the teen in this case.
Police are increasingly raiding homes in Germany over insults directed at politicians and speech violations
Currently, Germany’s left is looking to increase penalties and empower prosecutors to go after those who insult politicians.
On April 17, 1975, Sven-Oskar Ruhmen of the leading Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet was in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. He described the arrival of the Khmer Rouge in the city as follows: “For a Swedish spectator, it was an extraordinary spectacle. Personally, I have never seen a more beautiful scene. I felt happy and relieved and could not help but cry at what I saw.”
On April 17, the first Khmer Rouge appeared on Phnom Penh’s Monivong Boulevard and responded with smiles to the greetings of the citizens, accepted the hugs of the children, and seemed to want to dispel the ghosts of the fratricidal war forever. But it was an illusion, a cruel deception. And so, almost immediately, trepidation and fear descended on the “liberated” capital of Cambodia. A few days later, Pol Pot announced: “The Year Zero begins. The past no longer exists”.
1.7 million dead, a fifth of the Cambodian population.
In April 1975, the European press celebrated the popular enthusiasm that accompanied the entry of the Khmer Rouge into Phnom Penh and the daily newspaper Libération headlined: “Seven days of celebration for a liberation”.
It was the time when “Paris loved the Khmer Rouge”.
Sent as a priest to Cambodia in 1965, François Ponchaud was one of the first to reveal to the world the extent of the crimes perpetrated by the communist Khmer Rouge regime and recounts: “I remember the Steinbachs, pure and hard communist intellectuals who worked in Phnom Penh for the French Ministry of Cooperation. They were very happy! Dressed as Khmer Rouge, with a Mao cap on their heads and a krama around their necks, they were waiting for the revolutionaries at Phnom Penh University. As soon as they saw them arrive, they told them: ‘We are with you, we are your brothers…’”.
Again on August 12, 1978, with the genocide well underway, a Swedish delegation arrived in Phnom Penh and saw flower gardens where there were fields of skeletons. Peter Frober Idling tells the story in “Pol Pot’s Smile”. The Swedish delegation was led by Jan Myrdal, one of the most influential Swedish intellectuals of the time, son of Nobel Prize winners Alva and Gunnar Myrdal. Useful Idiots in Cambodia also came from the United States.
February 1, 1979. The Air France Boeing 747 leaves Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. On board, 120 international journalists and Ayatollah Khomeini. Journalist Peter Jennings asked the Ayatollah how he felt about returning to Iran after fifteen years. Khomeini replied: “Nothing.” At 9:30 in the morning, Khomeini arrived in Iran and was welcomed by millions of Iranians. Iranologist Richard Cottam of the Washington Post called Khomeini “moderate and centrist,” a hermit who was not interested in power but who would retreat to the holy city of Qom once the Shah was defeated. Libération, the left-wing newspaper, headlined: “Victorious insurrection in Tehran.”
The destructive nature of the Islamic revolution was underestimated from the beginning. US President Jimmy Carter saw Khomeini as a sort of Gandhi, while post-structuralist philosopher Michel Foucault saw the Islamic revolution as a “spiritual alternative” to modernity. Attracted by the allure of evil, Foucault wanted to recognize a superior political morality in Islamism.
The rest is history.
August 15, 2021. The Taliban enter Kabul. Allah’s militiamen promise an “inclusive” government for all. Three years later, women have been completely erased from the face of the earth in the first “gender apartheid”.
We just saw similar scenes from Damascus. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader Abu Mohammed al-Golani (real name Ahmed al-Sharaa) arrives in Damascus after the “liberation,” the capture of the Syrian capital. He prostrated himself and kissed the ground in front of the famous Umayyad mosque. The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime is “a victory for the Islamic nation.” His men are already announcing that they will also liberate Jerusalem. For the first time, a Jihadi army defeated an Arab regime by force.
Bashar al-Assad was a ruthless dictator with a ridiculous garage of luxury cars and a worthy heir to his father Hafez, whose original surname was not el-Assad (“the lion”) but “al-Hawch” (the wild beast). Nomen omen, the Romans said, the name is an omen, and the Assad family had earned it.
But as for what will follow, I don’t trust the press releases.
We are moving, explains Myriam Benraad in L’Express, towards an “Islamic dictatorship”. It is no coincidence that in a 2021 interview with Frontline (an authoritative program on the American public network PBS) al Golani cannot help but praise sharia, calling it a guarantee of “immense goodness, justice and social solution”.
There is no doubt that, even if a Sharia emirate were to emerge from Syria, Europe would recognize it.
The UN has already announced today that it will remove jihadists from the terrorist blacklist.
Muhammad Al Bashir, who is in charge of forming the new government in Syria, studied Sharia at the University of Idlib and was a Sharia teacher, as well as director of Islamic education for the opposition government in Idlib. The new Syria will not be better than Afghanistan, it will take some time and then the Muslims will start applying Sharia.
At the time of the overthrow of the monarchy in Iran, the ayatollahs said that there would be no impositions on women’s clothing. We know how that turned out. The Taliban promised when the West withdrew that women’s rights would not be touched. We know how that turned out. Now the Syrian jihadists are circling the foolish Westerners. In a few months, maybe even before, they will show their true colors.
In a grotesque article by David D. Kirkpatrick published on February 18, 2011, the New York Times even depicted the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, the antisemite who also wanted to conquer Rome, Yusuf Qaradawi, as someone “committed to pluralism and democracy.” Kirkpatrick also wrote that “scholars who have examined his work say Sheikh al Qaradawi has always argued that Islamic law supports the idea of a pluralist, multiparty civil democracy.”
When will they ever learn? They will never learn.
We are tourists in the heart of darkness: we know nothing and we learn nothing. We have no idea who has just taken power in Damascus. I fear that a ferocious Caliphate is being built and that the short Arab autumn will soon turn into an everlasting Islamic winter.
“Why should you go back when you have everything here”, says Europe’s most famous Syrian migrant as publishers across continent heap on column inches for the case against refugees from the now-deposed Bashar al-Assad going home.
The so-called ‘Prime Minister’ proclaimed to the world by the National Salvation Government-turned-Syrian Transitional Government Mohammed al-Bashir has called on Syrians abroad to come home and help rebuild the country, but if the picture painted by the legacy European press is anything to go by, they’d rather stay where they are.
Installed by Islamist rebel leader Abu Mohammad al-Jolani as the acceptable face of the new regime, al-Bashir gave his first interview to a Western media outlet this week and explained his priorities. Amid restoring stability, security, power, water, and food in the country, al-Jolani said he was focussed on persuading the millions of Syrians abroad to come home.
He told Italy’s Corriere della Sera he wants to “bring back the millions of Syrian refugees who are scattered around the world. Their human capital and experience will help restart the country. My appeal goes out to all Syrians abroad: Syria is now a free country that has regained its pride and dignity. Come back. We need to rebuild, to get our country on its feet again, and we need everyone’s help”.
A big claim, certainly. Nevertheless, the attitude in many European capitals is the al-Assad family being deposed in Syria means the situation for the four million Syrian refugees living in the European Union has now changed. Indeed, as reported, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Poland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Greece, Austria, Finland and Norway have all now suspended new refugee applications from Syrians as the Assad threat no longer exists.
In Germany, the likely next chancellor has already spoken of the government chartering return jets with free seats for any Syrian to take, and cash incentives to persuade them to go.
But even in the face of an expectation that, as refugees, they might be expected to return to Syria to rebuild their homeland, many appear uninterested in leaving what they profess to consider their comfortable new homes. Indeed, broadcasters and publishers across Europe rushed to publish sympathetic pieces profiling reluctant Syrians in the hours and days since Assad fled for Russia, appearing to lay groundwork for a new narrative around why, actually, Syrians can’t be pressured go home.
Britain’s The Guardian is typical of this emerging genre, citing Syrians who have now been granted German citizenship — there are more Syrians in Germany than any other European state — and have no interest in leaving now they’ve arrived. One named migrant is described thus:
Alali and her husband, Amin, have been “constantly talking to each other about the one big question: do we go back or not?”, she said… After the astonishing events of the past few days, she has come to a conclusion: “I will not take my children to Syria until I really know the situation is a lot better.”
The Daily Telegraphquotes UK-based Syrian refugees — of whom there are around 27,000 — who told the paper things are too good in their new home to give up, and in any case it is possible the new Syrian government will turn out to be as bad as the old one. They said: “after seven years of living in the UK, I don’t think I will go back… Some of those now in charge of Syria were members of al-Qaeda just a few years ago. I don’t think Syria is safe now, in a few months and possibly not even in a year.”
For others, even as European nations have suspended refugee claims from Syrians, it is still worth trying to get into Britain rather than go home. Agence France Presse found Syrians in migrant camps waiting to cross the English Channel by smuggler boat — which is very dangerous — to try and force their way into the United Kingdom. One hopeful told the wires service: “It’s very bad news, but it won’t stop us. We want to continue to go to England because we’re looking for peace”, while another laid out the basically economic reasons for their migration: “in Britain, we can offer ourselves and our children a future. There is work, there is peace, there is everything we need”.
Germany’s Die Weltreported what may be the defining remarks from a Syrian refugee on the matter, given they came from the man who may be the most famous Syrian in Europe of them all, Anas Modamani.
Modamani’s face was broadcast around the world after him taking a selfie with then German Chancellor Angela Merkel became the defining image of the 2015-16 Europe Migrant Crisis, and he has since become something of a go-to man for the German media when looking for comment on migration matters. His words this week buttress the essentially dismissive posture that is portrayed as being the position of many, when he said there was no point in going back to Syria.
Welt outlined the situation:
The 27-year-old himself does not want to go back to Syria, he said. He now works as a freelance cameraman, has studied business communication, married a Ukrainian woman and lives with her. He has had German citizenship for two years and does not have to fear deportation.
For his own part, Modamani said of his attitude to the future: “Why should you go back when you have everything here?… In Syria I no longer have a home, a job or friends. I will only fly to Syria for holidays and to visit family – probably next year when the airport is open again.”
These stories underline the new truth of refugee status awards in European states, the rules for which were forged in European conflicts now long passed and created with those who keenly wanted to go home and rebuild in mind. The classic example to many are the quarter-million refugees welcomed in Britain with open arms during the chaos of the First World War but then, with scant exception, all went home when the war ended.
Evidently in many cases, refugees could hardly be said to be seeking refuge at all — with its implied transience — but rather permanent resettlement somewhere more to their liking. This is not unique to Syrians, of course, and surveys of fellow Europeans to their German hosts in the shape of Ukrainian refugees also show a strong preferences to never return. Speaking to this new normal of what being a refugee means is German academic and migration researcher Jochen Oltmer, quoted byWelt as saying a similar situation emerged after the Yugoslavian war in the 1990s.
“A large wave of Syrians returning from Germany to their homeland is unlikely,” he said, stating: “All experience shows that refugees develop many bonds in the community where they arrive… Return programs often overlook this rootedness in the new society”. Of Yugoslavia, Oltmer explained that by 1999, “only 17,000 of the 350,000 people seeking protection had returned to their original place of residence.”
That laws and norms governing refugee status has failed to keep up with the modern world may well become more apparent as the coming months as the extent to which Syrian refugees find new reasons to remain away their from post-Assad homelands.
The term “Woke Right” has emerged recently to describe a specific section of the right. What does the term mean? Is it justified? In this clip from our weekly show #NCFDeprogrammed, the subject is debated by hosts Harrison Pitt and Connor Tomlinson and guest Michael Murphy, a journalist who has written for the Telegraph, Spectator and many other publications.
Hundreds of tractors descended upon central London as British farmers continue their protests against the leftist government’s inheritance tax raid on farms.
Up to 500 tractors are estimated to have made their way to London on Wednesday morning, blocking off multiple lanes of traffic around Whitehall as organizers vow to step up actions against Prime Minster Sir Keir Starmer’s government if it refuses to back down.
Dairy farmer and member of the steering group of the No Farmers, No Food campaign group Charles Goadby told GB News that “this is only the beginning”.
“Everyone is pointing out that the government have got it wrong and they are refusing to admit it. The government is behaving like a petulant toddler.”
An incredible image of the farmers’ tractor convoy at Westminster, London to protest against the inheritance tax on family farms.
In addition to protests, the founder of Save British Farming, Liz Webster warned that farmers may start holding back food supplies next year if the government does not reverse course on its inheritance tax raid on farms.
Since coming into office in July, the leftist Labour government has argued that despite taxes already being at decades-high levels, billions more are required to fund public services and fill a supposed £22 billion “black hole” in the nation’s finances left by the previous Tory government.
As a part of its high-tax agenda, Chancellor Rachel Reeves has pushed forward a plan to strip family farms of their inheritance tax exemption, which has been in place since 1984. Under the plans, by 2026, farms valued at least £1 million (£2m for married couples) will now face an inheritance tax of 20 per cent.
Dairy farmer & No Farmers, No Food steering group member Charles Goadby @thisfarmlife on inheritance tax on family farms:
“Everyone is pointing out that the government have got it wrong and they are refusing to admit it. The government is behaving like a petulant toddler.”
While the government has claimed the measure is intended to target wealthy people using farms as a means of avoiding inheritance tax and that three quarters of farms would not be impacted, the National Farmers’ Union have estimated that 60 per cent of farms could be impacted and that families will likely be forced to sell land in order to merely pay the tax. This is a major concern as with modern farming practices smaller farms struggle to remain financially viable.
Speaking to The Times of London, protesting farmer Phil Cookes, 38, lamented “my dad can’t afford to die while Labour are in power.
Cookes, who attended the protest with his wife and five-month-old daughter, explained that his mother died earlier this year and had left their family farm in his father’s name. The 200-acre third-generation farm is valued at up to £3 million and would therefore fall under the tax grab should his father die and the family would have no recourse other than selling off land.
They were also supported by former Home Secretary James Cleverly, who remarked: “I stand with family farms. Labour’s tax grab will hurt UK farming and farming families. Ahead of the election Labour promised the Nation Farmers Union that they wouldn’t chance the farming tax framework. Then they did.”
Farage Accuses Labour Gov’t of Attacking Farmers to Take Land for Migrant Housing
A Tunisian migrant is on trial for nearly stabbing his roommate to death, also a Tunisian migrant, after claiming the roommate tried to rape him. The Tunisian already admitted during his trial that he wanted to kill the man but said that the attacked was justified under Islamic law due to the roommate’s rape attempt.
The 19-year-old, who was in an asylum center in Trossingen on Gottlieb-Daimler-Strasse when the attack took place on May 1, stabbed his roommate unexpectedly in the stomach with a kitchen knife in order to kill him. He also stabbed the man in the back. The victim’s life was only saved due to emergency surgery.
The alleged perpetrator said that his roommate drugged him and raped him while he was sleeping, but then claimed it was only an “attempted” rape. He said there was semen found on his right pant leg and then said it was on his left pant leg, but that appears to be his only claim to any evidence that his roommate did anything sexual.
Not only does the victim, 34, deny that he ever raped his roommate, but said that he came to Germany to receive medical treatment after a serious traffic accident in Tunisia. Now, he has disabilities from the accident and wounds from the stabbing attack.
“He wanted to kill me,” said the victim. He said he and the alleged stabber had gotten along well before the attack, which is why he cannot comprehend why he was targeted.
The perpetrator, however, showed no guilt for the stabbing, according to Schwäbische newspaper. The paper wrote that he said that “a Muslim is allowed do that under these circumstances,” citing the alleged rape.
Now, the youth section of the Rottweil Regional Court has placed the perpetrator in a closed psychiatric ward due to a diagnosis of schizophrenia. However, the reporter for Schwäbische appears to raise questions about the psychiatric diagnosis, saying the man “patiently, succinctly, and clearly” answered questions for three hours in court “with an apparently clear mind.”
During his testimony, the man said, “I am not sick.” He also added that “I grew up completely normally.”
However, during the testimony, he also admitted that he did not make it past the seventh grade despite trying three times. He was also beaten by his father, has no vocational training, and has tried numerous jobs, including hairdressing and working as a sailor, with each position ending in failure.
He paid a lot of money to a smuggler to come to Germany for “a better life.” It should be noted that Tunisia is not a country at war, and asylum requests from migrants from the country are almost always denied. In many cases, the migrant ends up staying in Germany anyway due to difficulties managing deportations.
The man also came to Germany without knowledge of German or English and with no high school degree. He made it to the Italian island of Lampedusa after paying a smuggler €1,000. He arrived in Germany’s Freiburg in August 2023 and was transferred to different facilities. After a week in Trossingen, there were already outbursts of regular violence from the Tunisian.
On Sunday, December 8th, 11,000 Syrian migrants entered the Christmas market in Essen, Germany, chanting “Allahu Akbar” and firing shots.
Since the beginning of the week, smartphone videos of the scene have proliferated on social media, sparking a number of angry and worried reactions to the scale of the demonstration, the behaviour of the participants, and the poor police response.
This latest gathering of Syrian migrants was known to and prepared for by the police. But the planned demonstration grew in size as the fall of Bashar al-Assad was confirmed, followed by his flight from Damascus, the Syrian capital. The numbers far exceeded advance estimates: with only 300 participants expected, ultimately, thousands of Syrians lined the streets of the city carrying flags.
In the videos circulating on social media, the contrast between the aggressiveness of the demonstrators and the festive, family atmosphere of the Christmas market is striking. Online, some have asked if the choice of location was random or deliberate. They see the targeting of the Christmas market as an offensive by the demonstrators against a symbol of Christian civilisation.
Deutschland: Die Weihnachtsmärkte werden von syrischen Islamisten belagert. Sie demonstrieren, wo das Christentum gefeiert wird.
The Essen police have defended themselves by claiming to have deployed appropriate security for the gathering, including a helicopter. The concern of the local population is explained by the demonstrators’ gunfire and use of smoke grenades.
The people of Essen are all the more sensitive to the possibility of violence since, at the end of September, the town was the scene of a violent knife and machete attack followed by arson, in which 31 people were injured, including children. The perpetrator was a Syrian migrant.
Da ist nichts mehr von Weihnachtsstimmung und christlicher Vorfreude auf das Weihnachtsfest zu sehen. Keine glänzenden Kinderaugen, stattdessen feiern Syrer die Befreiung Syriens von #Assad. Sie treten unsere Kultur mit den Füßen und…
Romanian presidential front-runner Călin Georgescu condemns globalist wickedness and praises God’s unwavering strength.
The Eastern European country of Romania was in shock after the first round of its Presidential elections in late November as independent, rightwing candidate, Călin Georgescu, a Euroskeptic who has called the United Nations ‘satanic’ came out as the big winner.
Almost as shocking was the fact that the Prime Minister, a leftist-globalist-euro-fanatic candidate, whom all opinion polls called the favorite, came in third and was out of the race.
“With more than 99% of votes counted, ultranationalist Calin Georgescu has an unassailable lead of nearly 350,000 votes over center-right candidate Elena Lasconi, with Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, the pre-election favorite, in third.
The strong showing of Georgescu, who has no party of his own and campaigned largely on the social media platform TikTok, came as the biggest surprise of the election.”
Following his surprising win on Sunday, Călin Georgescu went out and posted a video glorifying God and condemning the emptiness and godlessness of the globalist elites.
Well, Călin Georgescu’s celebrations did not last long.
The Romanian Constitutional Court cancelled the first round of presidential elections a mere days before the second round, which was to take place earlier this month.
Still the favorite to win Romania’s controversial presidential election – whenever it gets to be held – Georgescu is firing on all cylinders, stepping up his criticism against the Romanian globalist establishment.
Now we know why this Romanian election is so important for the globalists running the West.
Mike Benz explained the weapons pipeline from Pakistan through Romania to Ukraine that will be threatened if Georgescu is “allowed” to win the election and lead Romania in a new direction.
Mike Benz was on with Natalie Winters on The War Room when he dropped this bomb.
Mike Benz: That if the Russia-neutral party, which just won the election in Romania, takes power, that party which campaigned on ending all support for Ukraine in the war against Russia. That would massively cripple NATO’s ability to carry out a successful campaign on behalf of Ukraine, because Romania is the main weapons trans-shipment point from all CIA and UK arms that are warehoused in Pakistan.
There’s a There’s a major sea bridge, there’s a major airbridge that allows US weapons, which are warehoused in Pakistan to support, initially the Mujahadeen in the 1970s, and then Al Qaeda, and now, ISIS. Serendipitously, this is happening the same week that ISIS just took effective control over Syria. Actually, they’re now the sitting government.
But those arms initially flow from Pakistan, from the south, and then obviously, Turkey through the north. But there’s There’s this trans-shipment route from Pakistan to Romania, Romania into Ukraine. If those weapons, caches, and munitions are stopped because the sitting government in Romania does not want to be hostile to Russia and therefore shuts off the military aid to Ukraine, there goes Ukraine.
Here they are sitting there essentially with their thumbs up their butts, trying to think of a reason to cancel the elections so that they can continue their war on Russia.
What they’ve done here is something that was attempted to be done here in the US in 2016. If folks remember, Norm Eisen and the legal hatchet blob team in 2016 tried to get members of Congress to annul the election results on January 6th, 2017, by arguing that Russia had interfered on US social media.
Now, they were unsuccessful in that campaign. I think something like only 13 or 16 members of the House of Representatives were on board with that plan. But evidently, they pulled that off in Romania.
My question is, who at the State Department, who at USAID, who at the National Endowment for Democracy, leaned on the Romanian Court to make this happen?
Laurence D’Hondt, Assita Kanko and Jean-Pierre Martin, Photo via Carl Deconinck
Jean-Pierre Martin and Laurence D’Hondt, who wrote a controversial book on the rising Islamism that is facing teachers in Belgium, presented their book on December 10 in the European Parliament.
Laurence D’Hondt highlighted how she and Martin have been professional journalists, working across the Islamic world, and now see how radical Islam is spreading, how Islamists “impose their views and way of life on everyone.”
She labelled this rising Islamism “a totalitarian project’ and said it was “worrisome” to see it grow so much.
A watershed moment for France came with two startling murders: the killings and decapitations of schoolteachers Samuel Paty in 2020 and Dominique Bernard in 2023 by radical Muslims.
But in Belgium, not much was generally known, and for that reason, D’hondt and Martin went out to speak with teachers in Belgium. They discovered the situation is bad as well, especially in Brussels.
“Schools in Belgium are a target of the Muslim Brotherhood,” D’hondt said.
Martin noted that since its inception in the 1920’s, the Muslim Brotherhood has targeted schools and educational institutions. For example in Turkey, when Kemal Ataturk created a secular state, Martin said the Muslim Brotherhood became experts in subversive ways.
He warned that in Europe, many have a blind spot for how they operate, leading to increasing problems.
“Now it’s a difficult situation in many schools.”
He said there was intensive proselytization in schools and that politics “didn’t take the necessary steps to safeguard secularism”.
Martin noted that the youngest generations never knew the power of faith in society and did not know the repercussions of Islamism on freedom or on the relationship between men and women.
Assita Kanko, a Belgian MEP who is a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, hosted the event. She remarked that in Brussels political Islam was on the rise, pointing to the Belgian politician Fouad Ahidar, whose party emphasises Muslim issues. He made gains in the local elections in October. Radical Muslims also were present in cultural centres showing increasing political and intellectual power of radicals in the capital of Europe.
This, of course, is visible in Brussels schools, where the authors talked with teachers, who said they see a shift in atmosphere in class, where girls say they want to wear veils.
Some children appear to be captured by the radical ideology, but many moderate Muslim children appear to be forced to follow the most radical, feeling intimidation and experiencing social pressure.
Belgian teachers say they were no longer invited to certain parties, and some suffered from burnouts.
“There is separatism at schools in Brussels”, Laurence D’hondt said.
“If it happens in schools today, it will be in our streets tomorrow”.
Organisers of the initial presentation just a few weeks ago in November, pulled out after they received threats, apparently from young Muslims who were offended by people allegedly abusing the name of Allah.
Since 2016, there is a new Islamic radicalism, Martin said, less visible, more pernicious.
“Women play a prominent role, experimental even.” They were used to spread radical Islam, often in an educational role.
D’hondt pointed out they were often well-educated, wore make up, appear open, wear a veil, look modern and so on, but did have a radical political agenda.
Wearing a veil was said to be a telling sign, and it allegedly was not a coincidence a TV channel such as Al Jazeera showed young veiled children so often.
Kanko noted that European institutions often used advertising with veiled women and girls.
The authors said there is an inverse integration ongoing, where Europe is increasingly opting for halal food instead of the other way around.
D’hondt said radical Muslims often use the judicial route, and leaned on so-called anti-discrimination laws to get what they want at schools, including the right to wear a veil.
But the radicals did not limit themselves only to this. They also used the economic route, and promoted halal food for example, or the social and cultural route, promoting ritual slaughter, Ramadan and other Islamic customs.
“Discreetly, they are using our system and liberties to impose their customs.”
According to Kanko, all political parties were too supportive of this communautarism, but in particular, the Left supported this way too much.
The authors also noticed a rise in antisemitism, where young children talk about “filthy Jews” and where parents meddle in and determine what can or cannot be said at schools.
Making everything worse is that all this radicalism was pushed via systems often receiving heavy subsidies from Brussels, where radicals allegedly could hand out money with no checks or controls.
Both authors of the bookAllah n’a rien à faire dans ma classe (Allah has nothing to do in my class) were invited to the EP by Assita Kanko, Belgian MEP for the European Conservatives and Reformists and François Bellamy, French MEP for the European People’s Party after an earlier presentation in Brussels was chancelled.
Bellamy could not attend the event due to the political situation in France.