Greta Thunberg: from media darling to muslim sister

by Giulio Meotti

Former climate icon Greta Thunberg, revered by politicians, the media and church institutions as a modern-day saint, has hit rock bottom.

The innocent girl against the forces of evil; the young woman acting for higher motives; the penniless rebel; all tropes describing Greta that have gained popularity in recent years.

You didn’t have to be an acclaimed psychologist; it only took a little common sense to know that if you elect a young adolescent girl as a prophet of salvation, and the worldly and religious leaders of the planet praise her en masse, then this teenager will quickly believe all the hype that is being made about her and think that she can allow herself any nonsense and totalitarian madness.

“Seeing heads of state applauding green parrots like Greta is humiliating,” warned Pascal Bruckner. “It is a nihilistic, megalomaniac, totalitarian ceremony.”

At the end of 2018, Greta gave a “speech” against all the world’s leaders in front of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change. Since then, there has been no way to stop her.

Greta, now 21, has chosen Mannheim to rail against Israel and European democracies, where police officer Rouven Laur was stabbed to death by Afghan Islamist and asylum seeker Sulaiman Ataee on May 31, and when Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger was seriously injured.

Next, 700 protesters gather for the “International Solidarity with Palestine and the Climate Movement” demonstration. The crowd chants the Hamas battle cry: “From the River to the Sea – Palestine Will Be Free.” Then the star enters the scene. Greta’s monologue has been mixed with grotesque laughter and shouts of: “F*** Germany! F*** Israel!”.

And to think that Katrin Göring-Eckardt, leader of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), blessed Greta as a “prophetess” in a sermon, that Catholic Bishop Franz Jung compared her to David, the king of Israel, while Thunberg reminded Heiner Koch, Catholic Bishop of Berlin, of “Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.” Why the Archbishop of Canterbury, spiritual leader of the Anglicans, compared Greta’s name to that of the prophet Jeremiah!

And Pope Francis was also fascinated by Greta; in 2019 he received her in audience and praised her. In times of secularization and despiritualization, church leaders need a figure of salvation, even if it is only in the form of a silly, narcissistic child-goddess. And it wasn’t just Bergoglio. High-ranking Catholic cardinals praised Greta. The American National Catholic Reporter even headlined “Greta, prophetess of Advent”.

Obama had an appointment with Greta in 2019 and of course Merkel in 2020; Greta spoke at the Davos summit and at the UN and was considered a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.

But it has been clear for several months that the green movement is in crisis. So a year ago, Greta left the “climate” camp with the murderous massacre of Hamas on October 7, 2023. In Germany, Greta is even classified by the police as “potentially violent” after she was caught with a keffiyeh around her neck shouting “crush Zionism”.

Now Greta screams her curses against Israel and Germany, laughing hysterically and making faces. She has revealed herself as a tragic figure who is being exploited by unscrupulous powers to propagate their sinister agenda.

The logical leap for Greta now would be to join Che Guevara’s daughter.

Aleida Guevara, a 64-year-old Cuban doctor and daughter of the communist mass murderer Guevara, spoke to the pro-Hezbollah Lebanese newspaper Al Mayadeen. On the sidelines of an “anti-fascist” event organized last week in Caracas by Venezuela’s socialist regime, Guevara praised Hezbollah. “Brothers of Lebanon, I am really proud, very proud that the people have reacted and achieved a moment of victory, of collective victory, with very brave men and women,” Guevara said. Guevara also offered to fight with Hamas. “I’m a pediatrician, but other than that, I’m a pretty good shooter. I come from a military school. I’m at your disposal.”

From the time of attending cathedrals to feeding off social media, a lot of water has passed under the bridge in the West, but the distance that separates these two worlds is disappearing. Not only has religion of a different kind returned through Islamic immigration, but also through Greta’s radical environmentalism. Greta Thunberg’s generation is culturally sick and goes from admiring the Unabomber to admiring Osama bin Laden. They were born into comfort and freedom, but they were born tired of the West and want to overthrow it.

The deep self-hatred of an ultra-free and wealthy generation projects everything it sees as hateful in the West onto the oldest scapegoat in the world: the Jews.

Saint Greta put on a keffiyeh. Never mind if slaves do it in China. The Vatican put a keffiyeh on baby Jesus in front of the Pope. Never mind if he was Jewish.

We live in a time of great mystification and substitution.

Brothers all. Muslim Brothers.

Greta Thunberg: from media darling to muslim sister | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

Financed by the Municipality of Vienna, Austria: Left-wing party refuses entry to Jews!

This leaves us speechless: in the socialist city of Vienna, open hatred of Jews is even subsidised with taxpayers’ money! The regular techno party series ‘hypertrash’ emphasised in an Instagram post that Zionists are not allowed to attend. A curious fact: the event is officially funded by the municipality.

This is now causing outrage: in an Instagram post, the organisers of the ‘hypertrash’ party series explicitly wrote that Zionists and FPÖ voters are not allowed to attend their parties: ‘We are trying to create safer spaces for queer and marginalised people. This actively excludes right-wing extremists, including all FPÖ/AfD voters, and Zionists.’
The highly controversial post has since been deleted. No wonder, the organisers are blatantly displaying anti-Semitism by discriminating against Zionists. The term refers to people, usually of Jewish faith, who are in favour of the state of Israel. An interesting fact: the event is subsidised by the Municipality of Vienna.
And FPÖ voters are also unlikely to be pleased that they are paying tax money for an event that they are not even allowed to attend.

The ‘hypertrash’ party was advertised on Instagram with this post – Instagram / Screenshot

The event series refers to itself as ‘queer, loud and annoying’ and explicitly positions itself as ‘left-wing, queer, feminist and anti-imperialist’.
Exxpress asked the City of Vienna how much tax money went to the left-wing party activists and why the city is funding an anti-Jewish event – an answer is still pending.
The event is advertised in a trailer. The symbol of the City of Vienna is clearly visible on the bottom right.
Following massive criticism, ‘hypertrash’ has since issued a retraction: ‘We speak out against extremist Zionism as it has been practised for decades and is currently being practised by the right-wing government of Israel. We oppose all colonial offensives, whether they come from Europe, the US or, in this case, Israel.’

The originally advertised party has since been postponed – in addition, ‘hypertrash’ is planning a debate event in the new year on ‘various topics such as anti-Semitism, extremism, neo-colonialism, safer spaces and cancelling.’
The cancellation post also states: ‘We position ourselves clearly and unambiguously against all forms of extremism and discrimination. We remain listeners and are open to dialogue.’ An apology however sounds quite different …

War against a free press: Austrian bank cancels conservative media outlet Freilich after it reported on secret AfD ban meeting

One of the major banks in Austria, Sparkasse, has canceled the bank account of the media outlet Freilich just weeks after the outlet published an investigative report on a meeting involving the German Green Party and its efforts to ban the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Since then, the Steiermärkische Sparkasse terminated Freilich’s bank account, giving the publication four weeks’ notice.

The magazine wrote in response that the bank is not offering any reason behind the cancelation.

“There is none — even when we asked, we were not given a reason. Our ‘crime’ was apparently to practice real journalism outside the left-wing mainstream,” the publication wrote, adding: “This step is more than an unusual business decision – there is clearly a deliberate attempt to silence us. Without a bank account, we are facing an organizational catastrophe: no income, no way to pay bills or salaries, no infrastructure. But one thing is clear: we are not giving up.”

The Freilich report about the Greens’ efforts to ban the AfD was widely covered in the German media, but also by some international outlets, including Remix News.

Freilich notes the pressure is coming at a particular time when parties like the AfD and the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) are at record levels — or near record levels — of popularity.

“Because this attack is not just aimed at us, but at the entire conservative-liberal movement. In a country where the Freedom Party is the party with the most votes, the political competition is clearly trying to use all means possible to eliminate unwelcome voices. After the recent electoral successes of the FPÖ and AfD, the pressure on our like-minded community is apparently increasing,” writes the paper.

It also comes at a time when the German government is not only actively trying to ban the AfD, but the FPÖ’s leader, Herbert Kickl, is also facing criminal prosecution after his immunity was lifted.

The FPÖ has spoken out against the de-banking efforts against Freilich, with FPÖ media spokesman and general secretary Christian Hafenecker condemning the termination of the bank account of the conservative liberal magazine.

“This is quite obvious ‘de-banking,’ with which alternative, patriotic media are to be deprived of the possibility of financing and thus their basis for existence is to be destroyed, as is repeatedly demanded by left-wing and left-wing extremist circles. The aim of these enemies of freedom of the press and freedom of expression is to silence critical voices, published opinions and classifications outside the media mainstream, which is inundated with government advertisements and subsidies,” stated Hafenecker.

The efforts to de-bank Freilich come at a time when conservative media is facing unprecedented threats — and not just the traditional types of censorship. Now, in Germany, house raids are being conducted against journalists and the banning of entire publications, most notably against Compact Magazine.

A court has since reversed the decision to ban Compact, which originally saw the entire publication wiped off the internet, but it marked a sharp escalation by the left to shut down a free press. A ban could still happen, but it must be determined by the German Constitutional Court, a step the German interior ministry completely ignored when it sicked police forces against the publisher of Compact.

Pope Prays to ‘Palestinian’ Jesus Lying on Swaddling Keffiyeh – “There are no words to describe how much of an unholy desecration this is”

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At best, the iconic keffiyeh is a provocative symbol of Palestinian resistance and solidarity with Palestinian nationalism. At worst, the checkered black-and-white scarf made most famous by the late Yasser Arafat is synonymous with the headgear worn by Islamic terrorists and antisemitic mobs baying for Jewish blood.

But last Saturday, the keffiyeh became the swaddling clothes for the baby Jesus to lie on in His cradle as a wheelchair-bound Pope Francis prayed before a politicized “Palestinian” nativity scene in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall.

Jews and Christians erupted with outrage, both reminding the pope that depicting Jesus as a “Palestinian” when he was born a “Jew” was not only historically inaccurate, but a display of partisanship with the antisemitic terrorist organization Hamas.

Earlier today, the controversial nativity scene was removed from the Paul VI Hall with no explanation.

Associating Jesus with Violence

“There are no words to describe how much of an unholy desecration this is,” wrote Elica Le Bon, an attorney, singer, activist, and speaker of Iranian extraction, blasting Francis for unveiling “the nativity scene with baby Jesus in a keffiyeh.”

“This symbol has nothing to do with Jesus who lived 2,000 years ago in Judea,” she remarked, explaining in a lengthy social media post how the “keffiyeh emerged as a symbol for [the] Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire beginning in the early 1900’s” and “subsequently became a symbol for Palestinian resistance after being popularized by Yasser Arafat in the 1960’s.

“Today, it is used as a symbol for solidarity with Palestinians in the Israel-Hamas conflict, and often worn by those advocating for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with an Arab/Muslim state, which was not the identity of the land Jesus was born in,” Le Bon observed.

“To associate Jesus with violence and wars by forcing him to wear a symbol associated with one side against the other is abhorrent, and a complete misevaluation of Jesus’s teachings. He was a Jewish rabbi and a man of peace.”

Islamic scholar Robert Spencer agreed.

“The worst aspect of it is that Pope Francis is endorsing a bloody and genocidal jihad that does not allow for the existence of a Jewish state,” he said. “‘Palestinian’ leaders have made it clear that no Jew will be allowed to live in their ‘Palestinian’ state. So what will be done with the seven million Jews in Israel? This is the real genocidal intent in the region.”

Symbol of Terrorism

In his paper “Stitched together, torn apart: The keffiyeh as cultural guide,” published in the International Journal of Cultural Studies, Evan Renfro, associate professor of political science at the University of Northern Iowa, found that Western media more frequently links the keffiyeh to terrorism than to social justice.

According to Google, the keffiyeh is the preferred headgear for terrorists. In 2021, the search engine listed the garment as the top search result for the query: “what types of headgear or scarves do terrorists wear?”.

Nadim Nashif, executive director of The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement, hit back at big tech for its “racist and dehumanising” association of a “historical headdress of Arabs and Palestinians” with terrorism. The keffiyeh originated with farmers and later became a symbol of Palestinian nationalism, Nashif noted.

Arafat, who founded Fatah (a group advocating armed rebellion against Israel) and was chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from 1969 to 2004, helped popularize the keffiyeh around the world by almost always wearing one in public.

Leila Khaled, a Palestinian militant who took part in hijacking a plane flying from Rome to Tel Aviv in 1969, turned the keffiyeh into a symbol of Palestinian “feminist” resistance after a journalist shot a photo of her holding a rifle while styling a keffiyeh like a woman’s headscarf.

Vatican Plays Pro-Palestinian Politics

The keffiyeh-draped crib is one of a series of nativity scenes collectively titled “Nativity of Bethlehem 2024,” designed by artists Johny Andonia and Faten Nastas Mitwasi, both Palestinians from Bethlehem, Vatican News reported.

The representation blends the traditions of local artisans with contemporary elements. The materials used include iron for the main structure, olive wood for the statues of the Holy Family, and mother-of-pearl, stone, ceramic, glass, felt, and fabric for the keffiyeh.

The nativity scene was organized by the Higher Presidential Committee for Church Affairs in Palestine (HPCCAP, an organ of the Palestine Liberation Organization) and the Palestinian embassy to the Vatican, along with Dar Al-Kalima University and the Beitcharilo Center.

Part of the HPCCAP’s mission is to bring attention to “Israeli atrocities and violations against the Palestinian people, while countering misinformation and propaganda campaigns directed at Muslim and Christian institutions, particularly in Jerusalem,” the outfit claims on its website.

PLO executive committee member Ramzi Khouri featured prominently at the dedication joining Francis in presiding over the nativity’s dedication.

Khouri conveyed “warm greetings” from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and expressed “deep gratitude for the pope’s unwavering support for the Palestinian cause and his tireless efforts to end the war on Gaza and promote justice,” according to a PLO press release.

Two Arab children presented the pope with a “Star of Bethlehem” plaque bearing peace messages in Arabic and Latin during the ceremony.

“The Pope should just keep quiet,” Jewish columnist Gila Isaacson noted. In an article titled “Pope Francis’s latest blunder: Jesus was Palestinian,” she wrote: “One would think that the Pope, of all people, would know that Jesus was a Jew who lived and died under Roman rule in Judea.

“The term ‘Palestine’ wasn’t even applied to the region until after the Bar Kokhba revolt, when the Romans deliberately renamed Judea to diminish its Jewish character.”

Belittling the Holocaust

Francis’s pro-Palestine virtue-signaling comes days after The Associated Press published incendiary anti-Israel excerpts from his forthcoming book, Hope Never Disappoints: Pilgrims Toward a Better World.

In the book, Francis asserts that the Israel Defense Force’s actions in Gaza “should be carefully investigated to determine whether it fits into the technical definition of genocide as formulated by jurists and international bodies,” The Stream has previously reported.

Edith Bruck of Rome, a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor, rebuked Francis for misusing the term “genocide.” The Hungarian-born Jew who survived incarceration in the Auschwitz, Dachau, and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps stressed that despite what Francis says, Israel is not attempting to eliminate the entire Palestinian population.

“This is how he downplays the historical significance of the Shoah,” Bruck told Italian daily La Repubblica. “Genocide is something else. When a million children are burned to death, then you can talk about genocide.”

Rather, committing genocide is “something Hamas wants to do,” she said, noting that Hamas has said it “wants to wipe out all the Jews in the entire world.”

The Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) slammed the pontiff’s remarks, warning that “Israel is currently facing a war of intended annihilation on seven fronts, and these remarks look like a possible opening of an eighth front, from of all places, the Vatican, which can also lead to the spilling of Jewish blood around the world.”

Francis has remained silent against perpetrators of genocides against Christians in China, Nigeria, and other parts of the Islamic world, as well as Azerbaijan, as The Stream has previously noted.

In May, Francis refused to condemn Islamic extremist Tawakkol Karman for accusing Israel of “genocide” while addressing an audience at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

The Israeli Embassy to the Holy See said it was “outraged and shocked” to learn that “the place was contaminated by a flagrant anti-Semitic speech” Karman delivered at the Vatican-sponsored “World Meeting on Human Fraternity.”

“When one invites someone to his home, they expect the invitee not to abuse the good will and hospitality — and if this unfortunately happens, to respond properly and promptly,” Raphael Schutz, former Israel’s ambassador to the Holy See, told The Stream at the time.

Keffiyeh Banned in Multiple Places

In November 2023, Berlin state authorities banned the keffiyeh in schools, classifying it as a direct symbol of Hamas or Hezbollah, but one that does “not yet reach the limit of criminal liability.”

“Any demonstrative behavior or expression of opinion that can be understood as advocating or approving the attacks against Israel or supporting the terrorist organizations that carry them out, such as Hamas or Hezbollah, represents a threat to school peace in the current situation and is prohibited,” Education Senator Katharina Guenther-Wuensch stated in a letter to schools.

In April, Ted Arnott, who is speaker in the Provincial Parliament of Ontario (Canada), barred lawmakers from wearing keffiyehs inside the legislative building, noting that “having done the research, it appeared to me that the keffiyeh is being worn to make a political statement.”

Keffiyehs remain banned there after a motion that would have permitted the scarf failed to pass days later.

In May, the parliament of the Australian state of Victoria banned MPs from wearing the keffiyeh. In a joint ruling, both chambers said the scarf was a “political” symbol. Days after the ban, Victorian Legislative Council President Shaun Leane asked four Green Party lawmakers who had been wearing keffiyehs to remove them.

Germany: Salafist mosque – official partner of the city of Reutlingen – calls for the killing of infidels

The Al-Ikhlas mosque in Reutlingen shows just how dangerous political Islam and the lack of vigilance on the part of political leaders can be. A video has emerged calling for the killing of infidels. It will probably only be a matter of hours before Nanvy Faeser and her state security organisation clean up the mess, won’t it?

During a Quran recitation in the Al-Ikhlas mosque – the name of the Allah temple means ‘sincerity’ or ‘purity’ – it was literally said: ‘Kill the idolaters wherever you find them, seize them and ambush them from any ambush.’ The mosque community even admits that this video, obtained by the news portal Nius, is authentic, but claims – in the popular taqiya style, which in turn is the Arabic word for ‘deception’ – that the text has no ‘actionable character’. A representative of the mosque explained that it is ‘merely a liturgical recitation that reflects the context of the 7th century’. Perfect taqiya, because according to the orthodox, the verses written in the Quran are the eternally valid word of their Allah.

Allegedly, however, Nancy Faeser’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution is monitoring the mosque and considers it to be part of the Salafist scene.

This makes the fact that the Al-Ikhlas mosque is an official partner of the Social Democratic Party-run city of Reutlingen all the more crazy and naïve. It is not only involved in intercultural projects such as the ‘International Week against Racism’, but also takes part in the ‘Open Mosque Day’ and cares for so-called ‘refugees’. The city council, which has been unreasonably optimistic about the case, told Nius that it would get in touch with the mosque to clarify ‘the context’. But how many more red flags must there be before those responsible finally begin to wake up?

According to Nius, the fact that well-known extremists such as Abdelmalek Hibaoui – former imam of the mosque and professor at the University of Tübingen – are also said to have been in contact with this community is particularly worrying. Hibaoui hit the headlines after he took part in a conference on Islamism in Turkey, which called for a boycott of Israel and had links to extremist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. Such connections and the fact that passages from the Quran are recited in the mosque that legitimise violence against infidels raise serious questions.

However, the incident at the Al-Ikhlas mosque is not just an example of radical mosques, but also of political Islam, which is becoming increasingly influential. Political Islam seeks not only religious but also political power, and it is precisely this attempt to infiltrate society that is evident here. The mosque uses religious content to promote politically motivated goals that contradict the basic values of a democratic society.

Islamism expert Sigrid Hermann warns once again, unheard: ‘The selection of passages from the Quran is not random. For the faithful, every passage has a guiding character.’ She sharply criticises the mosque for its attempts to portray the call to violence as harmless. After all, anyone who does not want to take such passages literally should either not recite them or offer a different interpretation.

Wann lässt Faeser stürmen? Salafistische Moschee – offizieller Partner der Stadt Reutlingen – ruft zur Tötung von Ungläubigen auf » Journalistenwatch

UK: Convicted Muslim terrorist ‘deeply offended’ by pub sign sues boozer because it ‘scares him’

A convicted terrorist is suing a pub after he was allegedly “deeply offended” by a sign that “scared him”.

Khalid Baqa, 60, who has spent four years in prison for creating Jihadi propaganda, said that the “depiction of a bearded Arab/Turk” on the boozer’s sign “incites violence”.

He is now suing The ­Saracen’s Head Inn in Amersham, Buckinghamshire for almost £2,000, stating that the figure on the sign – which depicts a brown-skinned man of Arab or Turkish descent – is racist.

However, the landlord of the inn is fighting back against the lawsuit which he branded a “complete joke”.

Speaking to The Sun, Robbie Hayes said: “This has been called The Saracen’s Head for 500 years.

“He’s just chancing his hand. Of course it worries me – you never know with people like this.”

“We won’t be pushed around and change hundreds of years of history just because some loudmouth wants to cause trouble.”

It is one of the most popular names for a pub in the UK, alongside The Red Lion and The Royal Oak.

The 60-year-old told the publication that he has always been offended by names like the Amersham pubs, though has only just discovered ways to challenge them.

“I’ve stopped all the terrorism stuff now,” he added.

In 2018, Baqa was jailed for four years and eight months after admitting five counts of dissemination of Terrorist publications.

INDIA: Transgender Pedophile Claimed He Was “Female By Birth” In Effort To Avoid Child Rape Conviction

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A trans-identified male in India has been sentenced to 20 years in prison after brutally raping an 8-year-old girl. Farin Kinar reportedly tried to claim his transgender identity made it “impossible” for him to have raped the child.

The sexual assault occurred in March of 2022 in the city of Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. The child had visited the home of Kinar’s aunt to watch television, but was soon targeted by the man who led her to his own nearby residence. Kinar’s exact age is unknown, and he has been reported as being between 20 and 30 years of age.

When the girl returned to her mother, she was experiencing vaginal bleeding and had to be rushed to the hospital, where she was admitted and spent 10 days in treatment. During an interview with police, the girl revealed that Kinar had threatened her against speaking out about what happened.

According to the Times of India, Kinar was arrested on June 22, and booked on charges of “rape on a woman less than 12 years of age” and criminal intimidation. 

In a bizarre turn, Kinar’s defense lawyer attempted to argue in court that Kinar was “female transgender by birth and cannot commit rape,” adding that his gender identity made it impossible for him to have committed the assault. The court then ordered Kinar to undertake a sex test, demonstrating he was biologically male.

During final proceedings on Monday, Special Judge Umashankar Khar found Kinar guilty based on both DNA evidence and victim testimony, and sentenced him to 20 years imprisonment. Kinar was also ordered to pay a fine of 12,000 rupees (approx. $140 USD) to his victim.

While limited details on the case have been made available, likely in part due to the young age of the victim, it is speculated that Kinar may belong to the “Hijra” subculture. While initially defined as a “third gender” in India, Hijra have increasingly been referred to as “transgender” both locally and in news reports.

Hijra are primarily characterized by the development of their feminine identity through their sexual receptiveness to men as well as a castration ceremony that some, but not all, undertake. Hijra wear stereotypically feminine clothes, and often leave their families to join fictive kinship hierarchies with other Hijra, many of which are criminal gangs.

In some regions of India, Hijra were traditionally invited to bless new born children in exchange for gifts and money. But the tradition has been declining in recent years, while Hijra participation in crime, particularly sex trafficking and child abuse, has skyrocketed over the past decade.

As previously reported by Reduxx in February, a trans-identified male was sentenced to death after a Mumbai court convicted him of raping a three-month old infant. The perpetrator, who did openly identify as a Hijra, abducted the baby girl, sexually tormented her, and murdered her in an act of vengeance against the family for not offering him a customary money gift, or “badhai,” after the child’s birth.

Israel decides to shut down its embassy in Ireland citing “extreme anti-Israel policy of the Irish government”

The Israeli embassy in Dublin. 25 Shelbourne Rd – Google Maps

The govt of Israel had decided to close its embassy in Ireland, citing the “extreme anti-Israel policy of the Irish government.” Israeli foreign ministry announced the decision taken by Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar on Sunday.

Foreign Minister Sa’ar said, “Ireland has crossed every red line in its relations with Israel. Israel will invest its resources in advancing bilateral relations with countries worldwide according to priorities that also take into account the attitudes and actions of these states toward Israel.”

He added, “The antisemitic actions and rhetoric that Ireland is taking against Israel are based on delegitimization and demonization of the Jewish state and on double standards.”

Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris called the decision “deeply regrettable”, and rejected the assertion that Ireland is anti-Israel. He tweeted, “This is a deeply regrettable decision from the Netanyahu government. I utterly reject the assertion that Ireland is anti-Israel. Ireland is pro-peace, pro-human rights and pro-International law.”

Harris further added, “Ireland wants a two state solution and for Israel and Palestine to live in peace and security. Ireland will always speak up for human rights and international law. Nothing will distract from that.”

Earlier in May this year, Israel recalled its ambassador to Ireland after the Irish govt announced that they would unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state. Ireland has not recalled its envoy to Israel yet.

Last week, Ireland joined South Africa in the case against Israel at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. South African govt has accused Israel of ‘genocide’ for its military action against Hamas in Gaza in retaliation to the 7 October 2023 terror attack.

Minister Sa’ar said that Israel will adjust its diplomatic network of missions to strengthen ties with countries that want to do the same with Israel, but do not yet have an Israeli embassy. As part of that, Israel has decided to open an embassy in Moldova, the small East European country landlocked between Ukraine and Romania. Moldova has an embassy in Israel.

Israel decides to shut down its embassy in Ireland

Germany: Federal police officers Ahmet K. and Hakan A. were dealing in drugs

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A major police raid in North Rhine-Westphalia led to the arrest of four men on Friday. According to media reports, ‘employees of the federal police are also said to be among them’.
The police in North Rhine-Westphalia have apparently uncovered a drug ring. Several special task forces were deployed. The cities of Düsseldorf, Oberhausen, Siegburg and Essen were particularly affected.

Four men were arrested during the searches, ‘including a 40-year-old Moroccan and three Germans aged 23, 25 and 43’. t-online continues: ‘Two of those arrested are said to be members of the federal police.’ One of these police officers was arrested at his workplace at Frankfurt Airport.
Investigators from the ‘Pato’ special commission of the Recklinghausen criminal investigation department had been on the trail of the coke gang for months. These detectives discovered that Mohamed D. – who was apparently the head of the gang – hired couriers who flew from Bogota (Colombia) to Frankfurt/Main with several rucksacks full of drugs.

Mohamed D. also obtained the necessary money and booked the flights. ‘He sent photos of the couriers to the accomplices – Ahmet K. and Hakan A. are Federal Police officers employed at the airport’ ( Bild newspaper). These policemen ‘’welcomed the drug couriers and smuggled them past the controls. Then one of them took the cocaine to a middleman in Bottrop’ (Bild). These federal police officers – with foreign names – have apparently been ‘Germanised’.

This was also a worthwhile sideline for the three accomplices. According to Bild, they collected up to 15,000 euros per job. In May alone, the dealers brought 12 kilos of cocaine into Germany in this way. A sales value of 800,000 euros is mentioned.

Even the Bild newspaper apparently no longer dares to say that these drug dealers are usually former ‘foreigners’ who have (additionally) acquired German citizenship legally – relatively easily.

This results in crime statistics that are correct – and yet do not contain the full truth. But who wants to be ‘xenophobic’ in these times?