Terror strikes a Christmas market in Germany — yet again

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By Eric Utter

There was another devastating terror attack on a Christmas market in Germany yesterday. The video is sickening.

This venue was targeted specifically because it was a Christmas market, whatever progressive Germans themselves may call it.

Had it been a ‘holiday market’ it wouldn’t have held quite as much allure for the Saudi terrorist.

In fact, Christmas market terror attacks have sadly become almost commonplace in Germany.

There are constant calls for ‘common-sense gun control’ in the United States. But, if firearms were banned, citizens would simply be unable to defend themselves against evil. Should there be ‘common-sense knife control’ in formerly jolly olde England where people are getting stabbed on a routine basis?

And, in Germany, should there now be talk of common-sense automobile control?

To hell with their Volkswagens, their Audis, and their BMWs, right?

They should have their right to drive automobiles taken from them because another Middle Eastern terrorist used one to murder and maim dozens and dozens of innocent folks who were enjoying the peace on earth and good will towards men that characterizes Christmas season. And doing a little shopping.

This madness has to stop. Mass-murder events are not caused by inanimate objects — or ones that can only be animated by human beings. Period. They, like all other crimes, are caused by criminals.

What a concept!

When criminals are coddled and released, when illegal immigrants are allowed into a country unchecked, when a society’s culture has become so depraved and enervated, when standards and merit are mocked, when nearly everything but standards, merit, and tradition are tolerated, a nation has entered its denouement.

But it doesn’t have to be thus. Even at this late stage, salvation is possible. But only if evil is not tolerated and civilizational confidence is restored.

Maybe more Germans will listen to Elon Musk now, and support the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Probably not. But I will tell you this: The alternatives to the AfD party are a stagnating economy, terror attacks in perpetuity, cultural dissolution, general decay—and the resultant continual nightmares, hopelessness, and familial devastation.

Say what you will about Germany, but it is filled with hard-working people who have historically made Germany the engine of the European economy. Germany gave the world the diesel engine, the electron microscope, contact lenses, bicycles, beer, the programmable computer, chip cards, helicopters, the printing press, and coffee filters, among many other inventions.

Though many of us may not agree with “Deutschland über Alles,” there is a line, repeated, in the German anthem that reads: “Unity, justice, and freedom.” Germans have long since been reunited. It is time they have justice. That they may continue to be free.

It would be beyond sad if Germany just let itself fade away, gradually absorbed by another culture…and a tad ironic if it failed to repel what amounts to a foreign invader.  
Germany has long since proved its remorse over its role in World War II. There is nothing wrong with the idea of Germany, too, making itself great again.

In fact, it would be a good thing– not only for Germans, but for the civilized world.


Christmas Market Attack Suspect Was a Saudi Arabian ‘Leftist’ Asylum Activist Promoted by BBC: Reports

Police arrests the terrorist. X

The suspected perpetrator of the Magdeburg Christmas market attack was reportedly an asylum seeker activist who was promoted by legacy media outlets, including the BBC.

“Taleb A.” has been identified in the German press as the main suspect in the attack, in which a rented car was plowed into a crowd gathered for a Christmas market, leaving multiple dead and over 200 injured.

According to reports, the Saudi Arabian man arrived in Germany in 2006 after allegedly fleeing his homeland for fear of persecution for being an atheist. He was granted asylum in Germany in 2016 and had been living in the town of Bernburg — near Magdeburg — where he worked as a psychiatrist.

After moving to Germany, the suspect reportedly established a service to assist other asylum seekers move to Germany. For this work, he was profiled in “several media outlets from FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) to BBC to promote his mission for human rights in Saudi Arabia,” Welt reports.

The BBC noted in 2019 that he focussed on helping ex-Muslims flee from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region, with a particular focus on women.

In an interview with FAZ during the same year, Taleb proclaimed that he was “the most aggressive critic of Islam in history,” claiming that he was ostracized from the Muslim community in Germany over his atheism. In the article he also detailed his move to become a pro-asylum seeker activist in Germany.

An editor’s note attached to the article following him being identified as the suspected Magdeburg attacker, FAZ wrote: “This interview with Taleb Al A. was published in June 2019. Entries of the alleged assassin in the social media indicate that he has also been increasingly quarreling with Germany and its migration policy over the five and a half years since then. There are also signs of persecution delusions. Nothing of this was felt in 2019. Here is the unchanged wording of the conversation.”

Since then, Taleb A became increasingly critical of the German government and its migration agenda, accusing Berlin of promoting the “Islamization” of Europe. He appears to have been particularly angered over the acceptance rate of “Syrian jihadists” compared to ex-Muslims from Saudi Arabia.

While much media attention in the wake of the attack has focussed on statements Taleb made in support of the populist right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party over its critiques of Islamic immigration, he apparently considered himself to be a leftist.

“Taleb A. said in the interview that he was not a right-winger and described himself as a leftist,” Der Spiegel reports.

The German news magazine also reports that Berlin security agencies received three warnings from Saudi Arabia about the suspect. They were also warned following a 2023 post vowing “revenge” against Germany for supposed persecution of Saudi Arabian refugees and that the country would pay a “price”. However, officials allegedly dismissed the statements and reportedly did not consider him to be a threat as a potential extremist.

In another post in 2024 reported by Welt, he is claimed to have said: “I assure you: If Germany wants war, we will have it. If Germany wants to kill us, we will slaughter them, die or proudly go to prison. Because we have exhausted all peaceful means, we have only encountered more crimes from the police, the state security service, the public prosecutor’s office, the judiciary and the Ministry of the Interior. Peace is of no use to them.”

There are increasing suggestions that the suspect may have suffered from some form of mental illness, with German media describing his posts online as having been “confused”.

According to the BILD newspaper, a saliva drug test taken after the attack indicated that the suspect may have been intoxicated at the time of the attack. While it is currently unclear what drug he may have been on, the paper notes that the test scans for seven different drugs, including amphetamines, benzodiazepines, cannabis, cocaine, opiates, cocaine, and methamphetamines (MDMA, ecstasy).

At the time of this reporting, five people have died as a result of the attack and over 200 were left injured, many of whom seriously.

Christmas Market Attack Suspect Was Asylum Activist Promoted by BBC: Report

CANADA: Trans-Identified Male Found Guilty Of Murdering His Wife And Two Children, Media Reports Him As Being A “Woman”

A trans-identified male in Quebec, Canada, has been found guilty of murdering his wife and two children in a grisly triple homicide that took place at a Brossard condominium in 2022. Mohamad Al Ballouz, 38, began identifying as a woman after being arrested and now calls himself “Levana.”

As previously reported by Reduxx, Al Ballouz was first arrested in September of 2022 after firefighters responded to an alarm originating from his 12th floor condo unit. Inside, they found a bonfire had been lit in the bedroom, where Al Ballouz was found lying on his bed beside the corpse of his wife, Synthia Bussières. Their two children were also on the bed, seemingly lifeless. First responders immediately noted that Bussières’ body had a number of stab wounds.

All four were rushed to the hospital, but Bussières and her children were declared dead shortly after. Al Ballouz had reportedly consumed windshield wiper liquid in an apparent suicide attempt, but he was placed under arrest after being treated for his self-imposed illness.

Al Ballouz was initially assigned some of the best defense lawyers in Quebec, but fired all of them due to disagreements. He represented himself in court, and delivered his closing arguments at the Longueuil courthouse in Québec last week. In his statement, he alleged that Bussières had tried to kill him after murdering their children, and that she had rearranged items in their home and stabbed herself to make it look like he had attacked her.

However, according to the prosecution, Al Ballouz stabbed Bussières repeatedly before suffocating the two boys with a pillow. Expert witness Maria Fiorello, a crime scene expert with 20 years of experience, testified that traces of Al Ballouz’s blood were found in many parts of the family’s condominium.

The accused killer’s blood was identified on the walls of the children’s bedroom, inside the shower, on the handle of the front door, on the handle of a mop, and on a box of garbage bags.

“The mop was still wet, so it appears it was used to clean up blood,” Fiorello said. She further explained that in her expert opinion, the location of Al Ballouz’s blood stains indicated he had been attempting to clean up the crime scene. Not only was the mop bloody, but the accused’s blood was on the washing machine, and he had changed his clothes.

While the exact motive of the crime remains unclear despite the trial, Bussières’ mother recently came forward to reveal that her daughter appeared increasingly troubled in the two years leading up to the murder.

“She had been with this man for 12 years, but in the last two years, she had changed. I didn’t recognize her anymore,” Sylvie Guertin told Les 2 Rives in September of 2023. She also said that she had seen Bussières in the weeks before her death, and had observed that her daughter looked frail.

“In August [of 2022], I saw that something was wrong, but I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to look like the mother who gets involved in something that doesn’t concern her,” Guertin said. “I thought she had lost weight.”

On Monday, the jury rejected Al Ballouz’ version of the events, finding him guilty of the second-degree murder of his wife, and the first-degree murders of their two sons. He is now facing life in prison without parole for at least 25 years.

Throughout the hearings, Al Ballouz attended court wearing a blond wig and makeup. There is currently no indication that Al Ballouz was experiencing a change in his self-perceived “gender identity” prior to the trial, suggesting his claim of being transgender followed his arrest.

The court “respected” Al Ballouz’ newfound identity. According to CBC, the prosecution had to “warn” the jury that several witnesses would refer to Al Ballouz as a man to preempt any concerns about “disrespect.”

Canadian media outlets covering the trial have similarly referred to Al Ballouz as a “woman” or by using feminine pronouns. Global News opted to only refer to Al Ballouz by his feminine “chosen name,” declining to use his birth name throughout their coverage. Once sentenced, Al Ballouz will be entitled to request housing in accordance with his gender identity under Canadian law.

Largely due to the efforts of the governing Liberal Party under Justin Trudeau, the category of “gender identity” was made a protected characteristic after it was added to the Canadian Human Rights Act via a controversial piece of legislation known as Bill C-16. The amendments granted men access to single-sex female spaces like washrooms, changing rooms, prisons, and rape shelters on the basis of their identity.

While the Canadian government claimed the bill had been assessed for its impact on women prior to approval, it has refused to release any details of the assessment’s findings. In 2020, a copy of the assessment was given to journalist Anna Slatz via an Access To Information Request but was 96% redacted.

Since Bill C-16 was enacted in 2017, a number of violent and sexually depraved male inmates have been transferred to women’s prisons across Canada.

As previously reported by Reduxx, one egregious example includes a trans-identified male who raped an infant before being transferred to a women’s prison.

Tara Desousa, also known as Adam Laboucan, sexually assaulted a three-month-old baby boy in Quesnel, British Columbia in 1997. The infant was so brutally injured by the attack that he had to be flown to Vancouver, 410 miles away, to undergo reconstructive surgery. After declaring a transgender status, Desousa was transferred to the Fraser Valley Institution for Women, where he is one of multiple trans-identified males with a history of sexual violence at the facility. Desousa is designated a “dangerous offender” and is considered such a risk to public safety that he is serving an indeterminate prison sentence.


Following Magdeburg:Knife jihad in downtown Saarbrücken – perpetrator shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ – Saarbrücken Christmas market is secured

This Friday evening ( December 20, 2024), the police command and situation centre received a report at around 06:30 pm about an altercation between a large group of people in the area of Berliner Promenade / Rabbiner-Rülf-Platz, in which a knife was also used. One of the opponents is said to have shouted ‘Alluah Akbar’. Emergency services immediately called in from the city centre were only able to find the injured party, who was reluctant to give any information. The police are asking for help from the public.

According to the current state of the investigation, there was initially a verbal argument between the victim and the previously unknown suspect. In the course of the argument, the later victim grabbed a chair and held it over him in a threatening manner. His opponent then pulled out a knife and stabbed the victim. The victim suffered a superficial cut to his hand. The unknown man then fled in the direction of the lower Berliner Promenade. He is said to have held up a knife and shouted ‘Alluah Akbar’. The police were immediately called to the scene and searched the area extensively. Further reports of the suspect or other possible persons in connection with the offence in the area of Berliner Promenade, Bahnhofstraße near PizzaHut and Wilhelm-Heinrich-Brücke did not lead to the arrest of the suspect, who is described as follows:

Personal description:

  • male
  • 160-170 cm
  • scarf over face
  • slim build
  • probably of Arabic origin
  • dark green jacket – parka
  • largely dressed in dark colours

Further investigations will have to determine whether the above-mentioned visual reports are one and the same person or other persons connected with the offence.

Due to the possible exclamation of the unknown person, additional forces were deployed in the city centre of Saarbrücken directly in the areas of the Christmas market, Europagalerie as well as additional support forces of the federal police in the area of the main railway station as a precautionary measure.

The police are asking possible witnesses who can provide information on the course of events, in particular on the exclamation in question, to contact them by calling 0681/962-2133 or any other police station.

POL-SL: Nach Messerangriff in der Saarbrücker Innenstadt / Polizei fahndet nach … | Presseportal

11 dead in apparent terror attack in Magdeburg, Germany

The terrorist is arrested. Allegedly it’s a Syrian.
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At least 11 people were killed while 60 others suffered injuries when two cars drove into a crowd at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, the media reported on Friday.

Police forces intervened on the scene and the market was closed, the reports said, citing eyewitnesses. It was further stated one driver has been apprehended by security forces.

The details and possible motives of the attack are currently under investigation.


From Festive Cheer to Hamas Gear: Scandal at German Christmas Market

Wikimedia Commons, Artem KorzhimanovCC-BY-3.0

Not content with frequent planned attacks on Yuletide Christmas markets,  it seems that Islamists are now infiltrating them. Along the usual seasonal fare, a festive gathering in Darmstadt, Hesse, organized by the Evangelical Michaelsgemeinde, offered a wide range of pro-Hamas and antisemitic products to its attendees.

Backed by a From the River to the Sea poster, activists sold a variety of radical-chic tat. This included:

  • Keychains emblazoned with the Hamas logo
  • Cloth bags featuring a map of Israel inscribed with the word Palestine
  • Gingerbread hearts displaying political messages
  • Items applying the Holocaust-inspired slogan ‘Never Again’ to the Israel-Hamas war sparked by the October 7th Islamist pogrom.

Campaigners also distributed flyers accusing the Jewish state of genocide against the Palestinians of Gaza.

According to Hesse’s antisemitism commissioner Uwe Becker of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the event was being misused to spread hatred of Jews:

Unbelievable, completely unacceptable and absolutely scandalous how a platform was infamously provided for Hamas propaganda and Holocaust relativization in Darmstadt.

The Jewish Community of Darmstadt organisation, backed by several allies, responded with a formal criminal complaint against the Michaelsgemeinde (Michael’s Community) parish and the “Darmstadt4Palestine” group. 

The parish is affiliated to the larger Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau, which described the Christmas market as “scandalous”:

The desire to stand up for people in need—including in Gaza—is fundamentally legitimate. However, a general anti-Israel and delegitimizing choice of words and the sale of objects with symbols that are connected to the terrorist organization Hamas and the questioning of Israel’s right to exist are unacceptable to us.

Perhaps the only positive news about this particular event is that it wasn’t the target of an Islamist attack.

From Festive Cheer to Hamas Gear: Scandal at German Christmas Market ━ The European Conservative

‘Only the AfD can save Germany’, says Elon Musk

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American tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has publicly backed the hard-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

In a reaction on X to a video by Naomi Seibt, a German political activist, Musk posted on December 20: “Only the AfD can save Germany.”

AfD co-leader Alice Weidel said she was pleased about his support and claimed the Left was destroying the country.

Seibt, a right-wing activist sometimes nicknamed “the anti-Greta” due to her opposition to climate activist Greta Thunberg, had uploaded a video on X. In it she claimed the Christian Democratic (CDU) politician Friedrich Merz had been declared presumptive future chancellor of Germany by many, disregarding the AfD.

She went on to point out that Merz was open to collaborating with the Greens, meaning, she said, Germany would largely continue its economic struggles.

Seibt added that Merz had slammed Libertarian Argentinian President Javier Milei and Musk himself over what Merz had called their free-market approach.

AfD MP Alice Weidel said in reaction to Musk’s comment: “Yes! You are perfectly right, Elon Musk!”

“Please also have a look into my interview on President Trump, how socialist Merkel ruined our country, how the Soviet European Union destroys the country’s economic backbone and malfunctioning Germany!,” she said.

Following that, the AfD party’s official page on X posted: “Clear words from Elon Musk.”

The party used the tech billionaire’s apparent endorsement to appeal for more members. “If you also want to save Germany, then join in and fill out the membership application right away!”

Others were less enthusiastic about the hard-right party.

Thorsten Alsleben, head of the The Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft lobby organisation, financed by employers, posted on X: “The AfD is on Putin’s leash.”

“They want to leave the EU, which would massively damage Germany as an export country (€200 billion in economic damage for Germany per year). Maybe you should find out what the AfD is planning.”

Julian Röpcke, a military analyst and senior editor with the newspaper Bild, claimed on X on December 20 that Musk’s post was a form of “interference in the German election campaign by a tech billionaire who uses algorithms to decide what is heard”.

“If the federal government and the democratic opposition do not respond with penalties, there will be no help for our eroding democracy.”

“Last but not least, Musk is not only spreading his own opinion but also election advertising for the AfD of this well-known AfD-affiliated activist [Seibt],” he said.

“This alone is forbidden to social networks under EU law by means of an algorithm push. He simply ignores it.”

‘Only the AfD can save Germany!’ — Elon Musk endorses right-wing party as Germany awaits Bundestag dissolution

Orbán offers political asylum to Polish opposition MP ‘persecuted by rainbow government’

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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s government has offered political asylum to Polish opposition Conservative (PiS) MP Marcin Romanowski. The PM said that he would offer such sanctuary to all Polish opposition members who felt themselves unjustly persecuted by Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s centre-left government. 

Orban’s decision was disclosed to the media by Romanowski’s attorney Bartosz Lewandowski. He has been representing Romanowski in a case which has seen his client accused of embezzling state funds and participating in an “organised crime group”.

“The Hungarian government has accepted Marcin Romanowski’s asylum request as a result of actions taken by the Polish government and its prosecutors which were endangering his rights and freedoms”, Lewandowski wrote on platform X on December 19. 

He added that “this is the first case of a Polish politician being granted international protection in another country since Poland regained independence in 1989.”

Commenting the decision, Balazs Orban, a key aide to the Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán, wrote on platform that Romanowski had been arrested in Poland in the summer despite of him being covered by Council of Europe immunity, even though he was later freed by the courts.

Romanowski, a former deputy justice minister in the last PiS government, had his Polish parliamentary immunity removed by Tusk’s parliamentary majority. He disappeared as a Polish court decided on December 9 that he should be detained for three months to stop the opposition MP perverting the course of justice.

Following his disappearance the prosecutors obtained an international warrant for his arrest from a Polish court on December 18. 

Romanowski, interviewed by Polish independent television wPolsce24  on December 19, said that he claimed political asylum so that he could speak publicly about both his own plight and the situation in Poland.

In his asylum application he claimed that the prosecution service in Poland had been illegally seized by the current government and that courts were under pressure to pursue political opponents of the present government. 

“Representatives of opposition parties cannot be guaranteed a fair trial in current circumstances”, Romanowski said adding that, “I want to stand before independent prosecutors and judiciary to respond to the charges levelled against me.”

He further claimed that some of the evidence used against him had been fabricated in order to claim that he had acted without authorisation with regard to his decisions on the allocation of public funds. 

Reacting to Hungary’s decision to grant Romanowski asylum, Polish foreign minister Radosław Sikorski called it an “action that is hostile towards Poland and to the values of the EU” and said Poland would soon be announcing what further action it planned to take.

However, Wiesław Szczepański, deputy interior minister, told commercial television news channel TVN24 that Poland would seek assistance from the European Commission and that the result was likely to be legal action against Hungary in the ECJ. This could lead to Hungary being heavily fined for “rule of law violations” for its refusal to hand over Romanowski to the Polish authorities. 

Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán, interviewed by news portal mandiner.hu on December 19 said that Polish-Hungarian relations are “at a low ebb” since “Polish patriots have been replaced by a rainbow coalition which regards us Hungarian patriots as enemies.” 

He slammed the Tusk government for violating the rule of law. 

“Polish liberals have invented a new concept for the rule of law which is based on using it to destroy political opponents,” he said.

When asked whether Hungary would be willing to receive Polish political refugees Orbán confirmed.

“We will offer shelter to all who are facing political persecution in their own country”, he said.

Orbán offers political asylum to Polish opposition MP ‘persecuted by rainbow government’ – Brussels Signal