‘’Shoot Jews‘’ calls and anti-Semitic agitation on New Year’s Eve in Berlin, Germany

Anti-Jewish agitation in the centre of Berlin on New Year’s Eve (Screenshot:TikTok)

The New Year’s Eve excesses of the criminal Migrantifa in Berlin are not the only thing that causes bewilderment at the turn of the year. Also on New Year’s Eve, unbelievable and more than ugly excesses of Arab Jew-hatred took place once again in the centre of the capital – just a few kilometres from the German Parliament and the Chancellery. At a pro-Hamas rally, the demand to ‘shoot Jews’ was openly proclaimed and chanted. Not even Israelis, but explicitly Jews were the focus of this latest case of extreme Islamo-fascist anti-Semitism.

The Islam critic Ahmad Mansour, himself an Israeli citizen, comments: ‘14 months have passed in which politicians have tirelessly affirmed: ’Anti-Semitism has no place here! 14 months full of vigils, sermons and promises. But none of this seems to impress the very people who will not be dissuaded from their agitation: the anti-Semites.’ And Mansour continues: ‘Patience has run out. The political leadership of this country is now faced with a clear choice: either act – decisively and without excuses – or openly declare its bankruptcy: bankruptcy in the face of the responsibility that history and the present demand in equal measure. It cannot and must not go on like this!’

Unfortunately, developments in recent years show that this will continue after all – because all the most heinous and atrocious excesses of Jew-hatred, such as those brought to light during the ‘Al-Kuz’ days, were not only tacitly tolerated by politicians and the judiciary, but remained just as inconsequential as the pro-Hamas marches by Palestinians and sympathising Arabs after the massacre on October 7, which challenged the state’s right to use force again and again and were supported by large parts of the left. Especially as the German state itself pays millions in ‘aid money’ for Israel’s mortal enemies.

The Israeli army spokesman Sharuz ‘Aro’ Shalicar, who grew up in Germany, writes in the face of Tuesday’s horrific images from Berlin: ‘They are babbling about “guns”, “Hamas” & “shooting Jews”. In the capital of Germany. Why is THIS tolerated? 2025 must be a turning point. must be held accountable. Enough is enough! Time to enforce ‘reason of state’ with action.’


Anti-Semitic rioters attack police, shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ and burn Israeli flags on New Year’s Eve in Munich, Germany

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Anti-Semitic rioters went on the rampage in Munich on New Year’s Eve. According to police reports on Thursday, police officers were attacked when they tried to prevent the burning of Israeli flags in the Pasing district. Up to ten masked rioters attacked with fireworks, firecrackers and bottles and repeatedly retreated into the crowd of bystanders.

The police received emergency calls from passers-by at around midnight: Several people were burning an Israeli flag in the street. When the police arrived at the corner of Scapinelli, Lortzing and Bodensee streets, they were immediately attacked. One Israeli flag had already been completely destroyed, another was ready to be burnt – next to it was a petrol canister. According to information from the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, shouts of ‘Free Palestine!’ and ‘Allahu akbar!’ could be heard repeatedly.

The police called in massive reinforcements, including the Support Squad (USK). Around 60 police officers were eventually deployed. Even when they issued orders to leave, the situation did not calm down at first. On the contrary, there were further attacks. It was only when the officers threatened to use pepper spray that the crowd of around 60 people dispersed. According to the police, a 49-year-old man from Munich, who was not actually involved in the riot, objected strongly when the personal details of those involved were to be taken. Pepper spray was used against him.
No officers were injured during the operation and there was no damage to the police cars. The state security department of the criminal investigation department is now investigating numerous offences. The police station 45, which is responsible for prosecuting politically motivated offences related to foreign ideologies, is looking for witnesses to the riot in Pasing.

‘Such incidents will be rigorously investigated’, promised Thomas Schelshorn, the new head of the press office at Munich police headquarters, on Thursday. On Wednesday, Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) had already spoken of attacks by ‘anti-Semitic chaos’ on the Munich police, without explicitly mentioning the Pasing incidents. ‘We cannot and will not tolerate such excesses of radical left-wing and anti-Semitic violence,’ Herrmann wrote, also referring to similar scenes on the Wittelsbacherbrücke. ‘There will be no Berlin conditions in Bavaria.’

Another attack with a possible anti-Jewish background was reported in the Schwabing district on New Year’s Eve. Four window panes of the ‘Tams Theatre’ in Haimhauserstrasse were smashed at around 3 a.m. – directly above a poster with a quote from Shoah survivor Margot Friedländer. ‘Be human. Be human,’ reads a banner with the name of the 103-year-old eyewitness below it.

‘We are dismayed and very worried,’ says Anette Spola, director of the Tams Theatre. ‘There is a strong suspicion that this was an anti-Semitic attack.’ The police were informed during the night. They say they are investigating in all directions. Similar acts of vandalism have been committed in the street before.

Meanwhile, pro-Palestinian groups have announced campaigns on social networks. The Munich branch of the ‘Palestine Speaks’ network, which is being monitored by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, shared a ‘New Year’s resolution’ on Instagram, which literally states: ‘We will take active action against any Zionist propaganda we encounter.’

Just before Christmas, unknown persons sprayed a graffito measuring almost eight square metres on the listed façade of the Philologicum University Library on Ludwigstraße, which read ‘Israeli precision – 14,000 children killed’. And below it, the silhouettes of a person running away and a soldier shooting after them.


Trans-Identified Male Inmate Launches Human Rights Lawsuit Against Washington Women’s Prison After Being Accused Of Sexually And Physically Assaulting Female Inmates

A violent trans-identified male inmate currently being held in a women’s facility in Washington is suing multiple Department of Corrections officials after they recommended he be transferred back to a men’s prison. The recommendation was made after Nonnie Lotusflower, 38, was accused of physically assaulting one female inmate, and sexually assaulting another.

In a December 26 filing obtained by Reduxx, Lotusflower claims that multiple staff members at the Washington Correctional Center for Women (WCCW) are responsible for violating his eighth amendment rights against cruel and unusual punishment. Lotusflower, born Nathan Goninan, is serving a 10-year sentence for the brutal murder of a teen girl.

In his complaint, Lotusflower says that he was placed in solitary confinement for an extended period of time, putting him at risk of self-harm and mental health episodes. He alleges a conspiracy in which multiple WCCW staff members intentionally “targeted” him for mistreatment in order to make him “blow up.”

The alleged “mistreatment” stemmed from what Lotusflower called a “fake” Prison Rape Elimination Act case in which he was cited for sexually assaulting a female inmate in 2021. Lotusflower claims multiple WCCW staff falsified infraction reports and photo evidence of the female inmate’s injuries, leading to him being designated a high risk, maximum security inmate.

Despite his claims of a conspiracy, the allegation was marked as “substantiated” after an investigation took place.

In addition to the rape investigation, Reduxx also found that Lotusflower had been cited for physically assaulting a female inmate in April of 2023.

According to a WDOC infraction report, CCTV footage showed Lotusflower punching a female inmate in the face while both had been out in the recreation yard.

From a Washington Department of Corrections infraction report detailing an incident between Lotusflower and a female inmate in 2023.

Following the assault, Lotusflower then contacted both the victim and multiple other inmates in an apparent effort to compel them to provide false testimonies denying or downplaying the assault. He was ultimately found guilty of the violations, and was sentenced to a loss of privileges for 120 days.

In July of 2023, Lotusflower was referred to transfer back to a men’s prison as a result of his repeat infractions.

In response to his maximum security designation, Lotusflower reportedly threatened a member of WCCW staff, screaming: “I will beat your ass. I will block your fucking face out. You’re an ugly fucking slut!” Lotusflower then also threatened another individual involved in making the decision, loudly declaring that he would “end her fucking life” and murder her family.

Lotusflower contacted the Washington Department of Corrections, complaining of “unfair treatment” and decrying his proposed transfer back to a men’s prison, and received a response from Deborah Wofford, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Women’s Division.

In her response, Wofford noted that Lotusflower had been an “unmitigated threat to the safety of other incarcerated individuals” and had also made serious threats of bodily harm towards staff. Wofford states that “such overtly threatening and aggressive behavior is not typical with individuals incarcerated at WCCW.”

The response from the WDOC Women’s Division Deputy Assistant Secretary, Deborah Wofford.

In response to both the threat of transfer back to a men’s prison, along with the solitary confinement he had been subjected to for his repeat incidents physical violence, Lotusflower is suing multiple staff members at WCCW, alleging a violation of his human rights.

In his complaint, he maintains that every allegation made against him was falsified, and that he is the victim of a widespread conspiracy aimed at painting him in a bad light in order to force him back into a men’s facility.

Lotusflower is seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for “cruel and unusual punishment,” and has invoked the assistance of the ACLU. While it is unclear if the organization has formally taken on this particular iteration of case yet, the ACLU has assisted Lotusflower in the past with other suits.

As previously reported by Reduxx, Lotusflower is currently serving a 10-year sentence for the brutal murder of 17-year-old Jessica Franklin.

The violent criminal targeted Franklin just hours after being released from prison for another conviction in 2007, strangling her to death. Her body was found beneath an underpass in Bellingham, Washington, and a forensic examination revealed signs she had been sexually assaulted. Lotusflower was convicted on second-degree manslaughter charges.

Jessica Franklin, 1990-2007. Photo Credit: Find a Grave.

In 2009, while serving his sentence for Franklin’s death, Lotusflower was charged with attempting to break out of prison with another inmate. 

In 2017, Lotusflower launched a lawsuit against the Washington State Department of Corrections citing discrimination on the basis of his ‘gender identity,’ and demanding access to ‘gender affirming’ surgeries. The ACLU entered the complaint in support of Lotusflower in 2018, and the suit was ultimately successful.

Speaking to a source within WCCW in 2023, Reduxx learned that Lotusflower had apparently been gifted a costly Victoria’s Secret bra by the Washington Department of Corrections after undergoing his taxpayer-funded breast implant surgery.

Washington’s prison gender self-identification policies have been under fire since 2021 when a whistleblower came forward to reveal that 150 male inmates were being assessed for transfer to the female estate. 

Since then, a number of violent male offenders have already been moved. Among them, notorious serial killer Donna Perry, who was convicted of murdering 3 women in a 4-month timeframe in 1990, but claims to have murdered many more.

Other male transfers include Brett David Sonia, who was convicted in 2005 and 2006 on dozens of charges related to the sexual exploitation of a young girl, and Jolene Charisma Starr, born Joel Thomas Nichols, who was convicted of two horrific sex attacks on young girls.

As previously reported by Reduxx in May, another trans-identified male inmate at WCCW had also been accused of sexual assault. Reduxx spoke with an anonymous inmate on the incident, who reported that in April of 2022, transgender inmate Christopher Williams asked to be moved into her cell.

The female inmate stated that she became increasingly uncomfortable with Williams’ behavior towards her, which had a near-constant sexual undertone. At one point, Williams appeared to become frustrated with her lack of interest in him, and started issuing disturbing threats of sexual violence. One night, after the inmate had taken sleeping medication, she woke up to find Williams touching her body.

The female inmate said she was voicing her concerns to staff throughout her ordeal, but was “pretty much being ignored.”


Germany: Bishop warns that after Magdeburg attack, ‘migrants in our midst have been afraid of being attacked’

Wikimedia Commons , JWBE, CC-BY-SA-4.0

About the safety of native Germans, Bishop Kramer was apparently silent. None of that matters. Jihad doesn’t matter. Only “Islamophobia” matters. That’s what we are all supposed to believe. Also, two plus two equals five.

Read more:

France Is Trapped in the “Night of the Living Dead”

French Prime Minister Francçois Bayrou. Screengrab youtube

In extremis, just a few days before Christmas, the new French PM François Bayrou managed to form his government. Scepticism reigns as to his ability to stay in office for long. And with good reason. The crisis triggered by Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the national assembly following the European elections in June 2024 is still not over.

The parliamentary elections in the summer of 2024 resulted in three blocks of almost equal size in the French national assembly: a left-wing coalition, which came out on top by a few seats thanks to the effects of the ballot system, but was in the minority in terms of votes; a bloc of the national Right, made up of the Rassemblement National (RN) and its allies, which failed to win the National Assembly but came out on top in the French vote with 11 million voters; and a centrist conglomerate around the presidential camp, which was also unable to form a solid majority.

In these conditions, putting together a solid government is a real challenge. It took two months before former European Commissioner Michel Barnier was appointed prime minister in September. Reputed to be a man of consensus, he was nonetheless toppled by a motion of no confidence in December, having failed to present a budget capable of rallying a majority of MPs—for the first time in sixty years. 

His successor, the centrist François Bayrou, was chosen for his ability to avoid offending anyone. His first steps at the head of the government have left the French perplexed: while the department of Mayotte is in the grip of an unprecedented natural disaster, he is prioritising the interests of the little town of Pau, of which he remains mayor, and forgetting that the overseas territories are an integral part of the French nation. No one knows where he is going or how he wants to get there. Does he know himself? 

The team he has managed to put together around him is far from enthusiastic. It is a clumsy recycling of personalities who have been frolicking in the swamp of French political life for decades without achieving any convincing results, around a centrist credo with ill-defined contours. The centre dominates but is conspicuous by its immobility. The French are witnessing, dumbfounded, the return of old political veterans known for their opportunism and lack of backbone: Manuel Valls, former interior minister under socialist president François Hollande, who for a time tried to recycle himself in Spanish politics—without success; Élisabeth Borne, former prime minister sadly associated in the minds of the French with the chaos linked to pension reform; François Rebsamen, also a former minister under François Hollande. And of course, Prime Minister François Bayrou himself, who can boast of having been a minister dozens of times and of having no record whatsoever. Such a line-up is not convincing to anyone, Right or Left. “We were expecting Christmas Eve, but what we got was the night of the living dead,” commented Olivier Faure, first secretary of the socialist party. Some observers on the Right are pleased with the tandem formed by Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau, who was already present alongside Michel Barnier in the previous government, and Justice Minister Gérald Darmanin, who occupied the interior ministry before the elections. But what is there to celebrate? Both men are known for their tough talk on security and immigration issues, but again without any convincing results. 

For the time being, it is disarray that dominates the French political class, but also public opinion, which doubts more than ever the ability of its leaders to lead it safely through the reefs the country is traversing. Already half of the French believe—and wish—Bayrou will be toppled within a few weeks. In the absence of a budget, the state is navigating by sight, with a special law that has to be voted on monthly until an overall agreement is reached. If the French economy is in bad shape, French political life is a field of ruins. The stifling reign of a limp, pallid centre that convinces no one is completing the discrediting of elections, which now seem more futile than ever. What’s the point of voting if every ballot is bound to bring back to power the same personalities who, for thirty years, have been stubbornly ruining the country?

Yet the outlook is simple: President Macron bears overwhelming responsibility for the chaos, and only his resignation could change things. But the legislature is blocked as it stands until next summer. Even in the event of new presidential elections, a new dissolution is not possible. Long months will therefore pass without any serious legislative work being possible. 

In these conditions, some voices are calling for a new constitution. The creation of a sixth republic is an old fantasy of the Left that is resurfacing on this occasion. The belief in constitutional reform as a universal remedy is a curse that has hung over France since the French Revolution. The French are under the illusion that changing their constitution will miraculously solve all their problems. France has had no fewer than fifteen constitutions since 1791. But the country, a headless body deprived of its king, is still wandering in the fog. A semblance of stability was achieved with the constitution of the fifth republic devised by General de Gaulle in 1958. However, in order to function according to the French constitutional tradition inspired by the legacy of monarchy, it required real statesmen and a monarchical approach to power. The seven-year presidential term was thought to implement long-term policies. Being uncoupled from the legislative term, it was supposed to help the chief of state distance himself from the electoral battle. In 2000, the introduction of the five-year term of office upset this balance, forcing the president to become just another politician, concerned only with his own survival. Macron is the pure product of such an evolution. At the dawn of the New Year, a time usually marked by hope and renewal, France is plunged into an atmosphere of the end of the world.


Moroccan minors arrested in Spain for alleged jihadist plot targeting Basilica of Santa María

Wikimedia Commons, José Manuel Pérez, PD-self

The Spanish National Police arrested four migrant minors aged 14 to 17 from Elche last month on suspicion of links to jihadism, marking another alarming incident in a year that has seen 15 minors detained for terrorism-related activities.

The operation was launched after investigators identified concerning messages posted on social media by the teenagers. Authorities acted swiftly, arresting the suspects on Dec. 19 — just days before Christmas, a period of heightened security risks due to festive gatherings.

As reported by El País newspaper, the suspects, all of Moroccan origin, allegedly planned an attack targeting the Basilica of Santa María in Elche during its Jubilee Year celebrations. The basilica, a historical and cultural landmark, hosts El Misteri d’Elx, a UNESCO World Heritage medieval drama, attracting large crowds.

The arrests were made just two days before the scheduled reinforcement of anti-terrorist measures were implemented across major Christian landmarks in Spain. These measures are typically in force between Dec. 21 and Jan. 8 where places of interest can expect a heightened police presence.

The National Court has ordered the four African-born minors to be placed in a juvenile center in Madrid while the investigation continues.

One of the accused, a fourth-year secondary school student, reportedly showed no prior behavior that might have raised alarms among classmates or teachers, adding to the concerns over hidden radicalization.

The arrests in Elche come just days after a separate operation in Barcelona, where the Civil Guard detained a 19-year-old man in what was dubbed “Operation Kerkoporta.” Born in Melilla, the suspect is accused of attempting to indoctrinate others and seeking information on how to carry out mass poisoning using arsenic.

Experts warn of a growing trend of youth radicalization through online platforms, where extremist groups exploit vulnerabilities to indoctrinate and recruit individuals. This year alone, 15 minors have been arrested across Spain for terrorism-related offenses, sparking calls for urgent action to counter extremist propaganda and prevent radicalization.

“In many investigations, minors appear involved when this was not the case before,” a high-ranking Spanish police officer told El Confidencial.

Minors can serve a maximum of five years in a closed juvenile facility for such offenses, with a further three years of supervised release, while prison sentences can be extended to eight years for those 17 and over.


It Was Jihad in New Orleans: Attacker Identified as Shamsud Din Jabbar; killing at least 10 and injuring dozens of others

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Today, at approximately 3:15 a.m. CST, an individual drove a pickup truck into a crowd of people on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, killing at least 10 and injuring dozens of others. After hitting the crowd, he exited the vehicle and fired upon local law enforcement. Law enforcement returned fire, and the subject was pronounced deceased at the scene. Two law enforcement officers were injured and transported to a local hospital. 

The subject has been identified as 42-year-old Shamsud-Din Jabbar, a U.S. citizen from Texas. He was driving a Ford pickup truck, which appears to have been rented, and we are working to confirm how the subject came into possession of the vehicle.

An ISIS flag was located in the vehicle, and the FBI is working to determine the subject’s potential associations and affiliations with terrorist organizations. 

Weapons and a potential IED were located in the subject’s vehicle. Other potential IEDs were also located in the French Quarter. The FBI’s special agent bomb technicians are working with our law enforcement partners to determine if any of these devices are viable, and they will work to render those devices safe. 

The FBI is the lead investigative agency, and we are working with our partners to investigate this as an act of terrorism. We are aggressively running down all leads to identify any possible associates of the subject.

The FBI has set up a digital tip line, and we ask anyone with information or video of the incident to submit them to www.fbi.gov/bourbonstreetattack or call 1-800-CALL-FBI. 


Trans-Identified Male Qualifies To Compete As “Female” In 2025 Boston Marathon, Sparking Outrage From Female Runners

A trans-identified male who previously sued a spa for not allowing him to bathe with women has announced that he has been accepted to compete as a “woman” in the 2025 Boston Marathon. Riya Young Suising, born Robert Chien Hwa Young, has placed on the winner’s podium at multiple women’s running competitions.

Suising, 57, celebrated his qualification in the race via Facebook with his confirmation email from the 129th Boston Marathon: “Yay! 15th Boston next April, and I barely made it in this time,” he wrote. He has qualified for the female category. The race is set to take place in April 2025.

The Boston Marathon has age and gender qualification categories. Genders include male, female, and “non-binary.” Notably, the “non-binary” category has identical qualifying times as the corresponding female categories.

In Suising’s case, he had to demonstrate a time of 4 hours and 5 minutes or less; Suising qualified with a time of 4 hours, 1 minute, and 27 seconds. Had he been forced to compete with other males he would not have qualified for the marathon, as participants in the men’s category are required to meet a 3 hour and 35 minute performance cutoff. 

Suising has been competing in women’s running since at least 2010, and has also participated in female dance classes at the San Jose Dance Theatre. In addition to being a flight attendant with United Airlines, he works as a part-time massage therapist and Zumba instructor.

Suising competed in the 2024 San Francisco Marathon dressed in a “sexy” bumble bee costume, complete with black nylons and a mini skirt. He wore the same outfit in previous races, including a 2017 New York City Marathon and in a 2018 Los Angeles Rock and Roll Half Marathon. He also competed in the female category of the 2024 California International Marathon on December 8. 

In a since-deleted Facebook post from 2015, the Palo Alto Run Club announced that Suising was seen taking second place in the women’s category of the Brazen Racing half marathon, seizing a $500 prize. 

Suising has also won at least two other women’s running prizes, including taking second place at the 2015 Jed Smith 50K, and third place at the 2013 Ruth Anderson Memorial Endurance Run.

In November of this year, Beth Bourne, an advocate for women’s rights and safety, recognized Suising as one of her attendants on a United Airlines flight from San Francisco to Mexico. Bourne had previously competed against Suising at multiple races in Northern California, including the 2014 Golden Gate Park cross-country women’s race.

“I first saw this man in our local racing scene here in the San Francisco/Sacramento area in 2013. It made me so uncomfortable seeing him dressed up as a woman—but I didn’t know what was happening. So I said nothing… [It’s] awful that the race directors let him compete in the women’s category, as it impacted individual and team scoring,” said Bourne.

“I find it misogynistic and degrading to see men pretending to be women, so I was upset to see a male trans-identified United Airlines flight attendant on my recent flight. As a paying customer, I don’t believe my speech should not be compelled when talking to other passengers, including my boyfriend who was seated next to me, about this flight attendant.”

Bourne says she felt particularly concerned because she was aware of a recent incident involving another United customer whose family had been removed from a flight for allegedly “misgendering” a flight attendant.

“If men want to dress up as women in the privacy of their own home that is fine – if United Airlines wants to employ men dressing up as women outside of the view of paying customers, that might also be a different circumstance but in this instant, flying between San Francisco and Mexico City, I was being held hostage to having to participate in this man’s fetish.”

On X, Bourne announced that she requested a refund from United Airlines, describing Suising’s in-flight behavior as “degrading and misogynistic to women” and noting that he had been wearing a name tag with “she/her” pronouns listed. Bourne says she has not received any communications from the company regarding her complaint.

On Suising’s participation in the Boston Marathon, Bourne says she is upset that he has been allowed to compete in the women’s category.

“The qualifying time for men in the 55-60 age group is 3:30 and 4:00 for women. Likely he would never be able to make the men’s time standard but by declaring himself a ‘woman’ he can steal a coveted spot that was meant for a woman,” Bourne says.

“I’ve competed in several international marathons, including the Boston Marathon in 2010, so I know this it’s a big deal to qualify for a spot. I’m also super disappointed that the captured Boston Athletic Association has a ‘non-binary’ division, which of course is predominantly men winning all of the top spots across all age groups.”

Biological males have won in the non-binary category both years it has been offered by the marathon, and with the accommodation of trans-identified males in the women’s category, it provides men three opportunities to take top spot.

Trans-Identified Male Qualifies To Compete As “Female” In 2025 Boston Marathon, Sparking Outrage From Female Runners – Reduxx

New Year’s Eve Chaos in EU Capital Brussels, 159 Arrests as Police Attacked, Dozens of Cars Set on Fire

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Violence reigned in the New Year in Brussels as miscreants attacked police and firefighters and set dozens of fires in the de-facto capital of the European Union.

Brussels Police said that they made at least 159 arrests during New Year’s Eve and had to intervene in over 1,700 incidents with members of the public, Le Soir reports.

Meanwhile, firefighters in the EU capital responded to at least 30 cars being set on fire, with some areas seeing several cars being set ablaze simultaneously. Three electric bikes were also set on fire during the evening.

At least 54 other fires engulfed various pieces of street furniture, trash cans, and trees, Brussels firefighters said.

Police, emergency workers, and firefighters all reported coming under attack with either fireworks or Molotov cocktails.

Several buses and trams in the city also came under attack with fireworks, resulting in a tram passenger being hospitalised.

Belgian sovereigntist political party Vlaams Belang published footage they said had been recorded overnight. Breitbart News was unable to immediately verify the origin of the footage, but it appeared to portray police coming under attack with fireworks.

Chaotic scenes also broke out in Antwerp, Belgium’s second-largest city after Brussels, with riots breaking out shortly after midnight. After coming under attack by fireworks, police were able to disperse rioters at around 2 am local time, according to De Standaard.

Antwerp Police spokeswoman Kim Bastiaens said that 49 people were arrested, including 28 minors, four of whom have been arraigned for acts of public destruction.

Elsewhere, five people died in firework-related incidents in Germany, including a 24-year-old man in North Rhine-Westphalia, two men aged 45 and 50 in separate instances in Saxony, a 20-year old man in Hamburg, and a 21-year-old man in Brandenburg.

A fourteen-year-old boy also reportedly lost his life after a firework exploded too early in The Netherlands as well.
