Elon Musk has exposed the decades long cover up of the mass grooming of white working class girls, covered up by the British establishment.
Algerian TikToker Arrested for Promoting Terrorist Attacks in France
Just a few days before the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the Islamist attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper, the French authorities have arrested an Algerian Tiktoker based in Brittany, who was using his TikTok account to invite his followers to launch attacks in France. The man was the subject of a deportation procedure.
Based in Brest, Brittany, and known on the network as Zazou Youcef, the man, followed by 400,000 subscribers, had for several days been calling on his followers to commit acts of violence on French soil against opponents of the Algerian regime.
An initial video, since deleted, was posted on his account on New Year’s Eve—a period always marked by waves of violence in areas with a high concentration of immigrant populations. He explicitly called for French people to be shot on January 1st: “We’re going to do to you what we did in the 90s. We’re going to shoot you. You want to go out on January 1st? Shoot them, we’ve got to use the gunpowder,” he explained on camera, in Arabic, while miming shooting with his hands.
His violent remarks mixed antisemitism with anti-French hatred: “The Algerian authorities know me. Shoot the French and we’ll bury them with the Jews,” he continued.
His calls for violence then escalated in a second video, which has not yet been deleted. “We are at war,” he declared as he filmed himself in the streets of Brest, before continuing with a barrage of insults and filthy language, once again calling for the use of force, while miming throat-cutting gestures. His videos, although in Arabic, went viral within hours on social networks, attracting the attention of the authorities.
Youcef A., aged 25, had already been sentenced to one year’s imprisonment in December 2023 for his involvement in the riots in the summer of 2023. With other accomplices, he had set fire to a tennis court and damaged sports equipment. The sentence was obviously without a committal order, as the man was at liberty and had not served his prison sentence. He was also subject to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) issued by the Finistère prefecture on April 18th, 2024.
On Friday, January 3rd, Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau announced his arrest on X, under the slogan “Don’t let anything get past us.”
The case of Zazou Youcef is far from isolated. Algerian anti-regime activist Chawki Benzehra has identified other problematic profiles, such as ‘Imadtintin’ who has just posted a video with 858k views calling for people to be burnt alive, killed, and raped on French soil.
It is to be hoped that the Algerian government will not stand in the way of Youcef’s permanent return to Algeria, and that the French authorities will take firm action against the other Algerian influencers currently being identified.
Will Elon Musk bring down the British government over the grooming gang cover-up?
By Andrea Widburg
My X feed suddenly started featuring posts about the infamous and utterly heinous story that Muslim rape gangs in Northern England had, for more than three decades (from the late 1970s to 2013), exploited hundreds of thousands of British children. Worse, they were enabled by British police and politicians afraid of “inflaming tensions” with the Muslim population.
Why the sudden interest in an 11-year-old story? It turns out that Elon Musk, who is unafraid of being imprisoned by Britain’s increasingly totalitarian government, learned about what happened and went on an X rampage, forcing the story into the daylight, including PM Keir Starmer’s apparent role in the cover0up.
Here’s what I was able to piece together:
Beginning in the 1970s and accelerating hard and fast in the 1990s, Yorkshire, once the most English region in the UK, became the primary destination outside of London for Pakistani immigrants. In 2013, news broke that Muslim rape gangs had been sexually exploiting non-Muslim children in Rotherham, a town in Yorkshire. That was terrible, but what made the story a scandal was that the police and government had known about these gangs and had done nothing for fear of “inflaming” the Muslim population.

As time went by, it became clear that the grooming wasn’t limited to Rotherham. In one town and city after another across Britain (although mostly in the North and the Midlands), the same pattern was revealed: Muslims were horrifically exploiting non-Muslim British children while the authorities deliberately turned a blind eye.
The past might have stayed in the past were it not for Elon Musk, who became aware of a debate on X about Muslim immigration to the UK. The debate started by talking about Muslim immigration generally, with a leftist saying it worked wonderfully and Sam Bidwell, a conservative, giving chapter and verse about its failures. In that tweet, he said, “We still have dozens of towns which bear the scars of Pakistani grooming gangs, who targeted young girls because they were white.”
Naturally, a leftist challenged him to name those “dozens” of towns. Bidwell obliged with a list of 20 towns (and commenters added more), and Elon Musk took notice:
You want some examples of British towns scarred by migrant sex abuse gangs?
— Sam Bidwell (@sam_bidwell) December 30, 2024
1. Rotherham
2. Rochdale
3. Aylesbury
4. Banbury
5. Bristol
6. Derby
7. Halifax
8. Keighley
9. Newcastle
10. Oxford
11. Peterborough
12. Telford
13. Huddersfield
14. Burton-on-Trent
15. Ramsgate
16.… https://t.co/FWTgFGMRl9
When Elon Musk notices something, the world notices. On January 1, while physical bombs went off in New Orleans and Las Vegas, Musk ignited a fact bomb on X when he retweeted a post by Ian Miles Cheong about the rape gangs:
The short video tells the story of just one exploited child and the police and judicial response (which was to victimize the victim). The moment Musk reposted that tweet, he must have started receiving a lot of information, not just about what happened in the past, but about PM Keir Starmer and his government.
Suddenly, Musk was on fire, retweeting to the tens of millions who read his tweets story after story about the horrors the Muslim gangs inflicted on British children and about institutional British complicity, with everyone—the government, the police, and the media—covering up and downplaying what happened.
Musk also retweeted this thread (which I urge you to read), giving a detailed history about the rape gangs and the institutional cover-up.
After just a few of these retweets, Musk stated the obvious, which is that many in the British government need to go to jail and that Reform UK is Britain’s only hope:
There are now hundreds, perhaps thousands, of posts about the rape gangs flooding X, all because Musk got hold of a tweet thread about immigration. Tommy Robinson, whom the British government has persecuted relentlessly for speaking out about the Islamic gangs, got Musk’s attention, too:
This revisiting of past events might have died there were it not for the fact that Musk discovered PM Starmer’s role in the grooming gang story. First, he retweeted a report that, back in October, Jess Phillips, the Labour Party’s ironically named “Minister for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls,” blocked a nationwide inquiry into the gangs, saying that, while rape is bad and inquiries are good, all inquiries should be conducted at a purely local level, leaving the British government out of it:
Musk was not pleased:
(Musk later discovered that the Tories were equally complicit in covering up what happened. The British government, left and right, is a club.)
And then Musk discovered that Starmer himself may have been part of the cover-up:
With Elon Musk reminding people of what happened and exposing the fact that, even now, at least one of the gang leaders is still living comfortably in Britain despite a nine-year-old deportation order and another one received a peerage, the dam of cowed silence in Britain is beginning to break.
The British media has demonized almost everyone that spoke out against the mass rape gangs in the UK
— Shaun Maguire (@shaunmmaguire) January 2, 2025
It’s incredibly significant that the seal has broken
This never would have happened without @X https://t.co/AmVmUTY0qn
That Musk is forcing awareness on the British people matters because the British thought police are out there. If you make people (read: Muslims or so-called “transgenders”) uncomfortable (read: angry), you will be arrested. Freedom of speech and thought is dead in Britain, and that’s true whether Labour or Tory leads the government. Their politicians are afraid of alienating Muslim voters, who now make up sizable, activist voting blocs. If you’re in the government and try to speak, you will be silenced.
This has been a long post, and it could easily be ten times as long. I’ll leave you with two tweets from this morning, both affirming that Musk wants to bring down the Labour government (and, as he said, get Reform UK in power):
And as you’ll inevitably hear leftists shriek about Musk’s billions, please note that Musk isn’t effecting this change by using his money to drive secret backroom dealings. He’s doing it solely by exposing people to the truth—especially the people of Britain, who can almost certainly handle the truth but who are forbidden to speak it.
Southwest Germans told to limit electricity use

Germans living in the southwest of the country were told to limit electricity use on the morning of January 3 over issues to do with the local grid.
Regional grid operator TransnetBW announced on the evening of January 2 that local demand had led to power lines between the north and southwest of Germany becoming overloaded, leaving the State of Baden-Württemberg short.
As a result, many people in the region were urged via phone app notification to use as little electricity as possible between the hours of 8am and 11am on January 3.
Regarding the request, TransnetBW insisted there was “no need to fear power outages” but that it needed to import additional power from abroad and bring online auxiliary fossil fuel power stations to keep the lights on.
“To stabilise the grid, TransnetBW must draw on large amounts of electricity from conventional power plants and neighbouring countries,” the company wrote on its StromGedacht electricity app.
“With your help, the high costs of these measures for the general public can be reduced and CO2 emissions saved.
“There is no risk of a power outage. However, TransnetBW must do more than usual to keep the network stable.”
Residents were in particular asked to refrain from charging their laptops and electric cars during the morning, as well as to refrain from using energy-intensive domestic appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, ovens, electric heaters and vacuum cleaners.
The company added that any devices that could be operated via battery power instead of the mains should be during these hours.
The Baden-Württemberg authorities bragged on December 21 about the state having a “super-green” energy grid.
The region previously sported three nuclear power plants. All have been shut down under the outgoing government as part of Germany’s nationwide nuclear phase-out.
Deportation after two crimes? The CDU’s new plan to combat repeat migrant offenders slammed as ‘weak’

Prominent figures in Germany’s center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) — expected to become the country’s largest party after next month’s elections — have confirmed a policy proposal to deport asylum seekers once they have been convicted of two crimes. However, the rival Alternative for Germany (AfD) has already slammed the proposal as a weak proposal that will do little to stem the crime crisis involving foreigners.
The move is designed to signal a tougher stance on migration policy, with CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann telling WELT TV the country needed to act decisively against criminal offenders with residence permits, advocating changes to Germany’s Residence Act to ensure that committing a crime results in automatic expulsion after a second offense.
“We need to end the cycle of repeat offenders,” Linnemann declared, referencing recent attacks, including the Christmas market massacre last month in Magdeburg, which reignited calls for stricter measures.
Crimes such as theft, assault, drug offenses, and fare evasion on public transport would all count as intentional acts warranting deportation, he added.
Linnemann clarified that these measures would apply to individuals with valid residence permits, not those already obligated to leave the country.
The CDU’s proposed migration overhaul extends beyond criminal deportation. Union Chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz echoed Linnemann’s stance, advocating deportation to unstable countries like Syria and Afghanistan. While acknowledging Syria’s instability, Merz argued that exceptions should not shield criminals, including members of the Assad regime or its militias, from being turned back at Germany’s borders.
“We cannot allow Germany to become a safe haven for those who committed atrocities elsewhere,” Merz said, emphasizing the importance of screening migrants at the border. He also criticized the current strain on Germany’s infrastructure, citing overwhelmed municipalities and calling for a separation between labor migration and asylum migration.
The right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD), however, criticized the CDU’s proposals as political posturing. AfD Chancellor candidate Alice Weidel accused Merz of failing to act despite a potential majority in the Bundestag, highlighting the Union’s refusal to collaborate with the AfD despite its gaining popularity and growing electoral success at the state level and expected gains in February’s federal election.
The party also wrote in a statement that the “‘deportation hammer’ is a CDU smokescreen: With us, criminals won’t even be able to enter the country.”
The CDU’s push for reform comes amid rising public frustration over migration and growing support for stricter policies, with the AfD gaining traction as an alternative voice. Because with consistently protected borders, we will ensure that the mass import of criminals is already prevented in advance. The CDU would have had the chance to implement such measures a long time ago if it had agreed to corresponding initiatives of the AfD — but it’s just about campaign spectacle, to then coalition with the Greens after the election and leave everything to the old Merkel politics.”
The party also raises the question of why the CDU is only waiting to act after the second offene.
“One wonders on what grounds Mr. Linnemann wants to have the right of residence abolished only during the second offense. Why not after the first one? If you don’t adhere to our culture and values and stand out here with crime, we can’t use them – and they shouldn’t even come to us. From the CDU, which has been the Prime Minister in Saxony-Anhalt for more than 20 years, and in the last year, only 449 people deported out of more than 5,000 people who had to leave, we have nothing to expect for our safety.”
The anti-mass-migration party has gained notable support from influential voices such as U.S. billionaire Elon Musk in recent times, who recently claimed that the AfD is Germany’s “only chance” to turn the tide on the demographic and cultural change enveloping the country.
With the West excusing terrorism, who needs Islamists?

by Giulio Meotti
With Westerners excusing terrorism, who needs Islamists?
July 14, 2016, Nice. During the fireworks festival, an Islamic terrorist kills 87 people, adults and children, under a truck that claimed to be carrying ice cream to the celebration of the French Revolution.
Four days later, the famous philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy, disciple and friend of Jacques Derrida, publishes an article in Libération entitled “A truck launched”. Despite having gone almost unnoticed, the article has lost none of its interest:
“A truck launched to run over children – among others – gives an unbearable image of nihilism. Nihilism itself names an end: that of our history and our civilization (…) It is not enough to declare war on it. We must attack ourselves, climb aboard and dismantle the mad trucks of our supposed progress, our fantasies of domination and our commercial obesity”.
Clear? Terrorists and Westerners are the same, for our little masters of thought.
The terrorist who killed 15 people with a pickup truck in New Orleans on New Year’s Day (what better way to start the year than with another Islamic massacre?) was named Shamsud-Din Jabbar.
The Wall Street Journal has a pretty good portrait: a native Texan, an Army veteran (he also served in Afghanistan), a state university graduate, and a father of three, he had worked his way up the corporate ladder. Jabbar was an attentive neighbor who regularly asked a retiree if she needed anything and had given her a vacuum cleaner, washer, and dryer when he moved in. A model citizen. The New York Times reveals that he had converted to Islam.
This time, no taqiya, like there was in the case of the attacker who drove the car into the Christmas market in Magdeburg (by the way, the security of the German market was contracted to a company called “Mecca Security” !! some stories are so absurd that they can’t be invented).
But according to the official media, a “vehicle” killed 15 people in New Orleans.
Worse than the media is the legion of Western idiots who say that Islamic terrorism is a consequence of capitalism, colonialism, Israel, white and Jewish supremacy, in short, it is our fault, the West.
The Islamic terrorist who killed the British MP David Amess in the church is the son of a former advisor to the prime minister of Somalia.
Poverty and deprivation are not, as the fatuous John Kerry said, “the main cause of terrorism.” Islam is.
Syed Rizwan Farook, a thirty-year-old Muslim of Pakistani origin, and his Saudi wife Tashfeen Malik, unloaded their semi-automatic rifles on the employees of a center for the disabled in California, killing 14 people during a Christmas party, the favorite season for massacres. Farook was an American citizen and worked as an inspector at the county health department. He earned seventy thousand dollars a year.
A graduate in engineering, his father a public works employee, his sister an elementary school teacher, Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez killed four marines in a recruitment center in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Michael Adebowale, the terrorist who slaughtered British soldier Lee Regby in the heart of London, had a bright future ahead of him. At school, his teachers had chosen him as a “model student”.
Take Aafia Siddiqui, one of Al Qaeda’s Amazons, she is a neurologist who graduated from MIT and was sentenced to 86 years in prison.
And don’t forget the psychiatrist who, shouting “Allahu Akbar”, massacred his comrades at Fort Hood. Thirteen dead. Dr. Nidal Hassan.
The son of a wealthy banker who studied at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, University College London (in terms of academic results, it is the fourth university in the world) and lived in the chic heart of the English capital – that was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the attacker of the Christmas flight Amsterdam-Detroit. He lived on the fifth floor of a building on Mansfield Street. Neoclassical columns, an Art Nouveau door with a large basket of wrought iron roses, a few blocks from Oxford Street, where an apartment costs around two million euro.
And there is Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, one of the terrorists who killed Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal journalist beheaded because he was Jewish. Sheikh is the son of a wealthy carpet merchant and had graduated from the London School of Economics.
Aqsa Mahmood, one of the most high-profile women in ISIS, lived in Pollokshields, one of the rich neighborhoods of Glasgow. Her father is the first Pakistani cricketer in Scotland. All their children went to private school.
Omar Khan Sharif, who blew himself up in a Tel Aviv cafe, attended one of the UK’s most elite schools, Foremarke Hall in Repton, founded in 1557 and whose alumni included writers such as Roald Dahl, Christopher Isherwood and the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Ramsey.
Yet, from the intellectual left to Pope Francis, it is repeated that these Islamic fanatics are being recruited from among the world’s oppressed, from those who, in the words of Karl Marx, have “only their chains to lose.” No, my friends, they are religious fanatics intent on overthrowing the Western society that spawned them.
Faisal Shahzad, the terrorist behind the failed Times Square attack, had a $273,000 house and a father who is a high-ranking officer in the Pakistani army. And what about Abdelkarim Mejjati, the mastermind behind the Madrid massacres, who grew up in the exclusive Gauthier neighborhood of Casablanca to a very rich father and a mother who ran a chain of beauty salons?
Europe and America gave these terrorists everything: educational and job opportunities, entertainment and sexual freedom, salaries and social assistance and religious freedom. These terrorists have never seen a day of poverty in their lives.
The Paris terrorists rejected liberté, egalité and fraternité; the British jihadists rejected the sweet British multicultural lullabies; the Islamist who killed Theo van Gogh repudiated Dutch relativism and Palestinian Arab terrorists want to cleanse the earth of the Jewish presence.
But for those who think that the West deserves it in part and are now in the top echelons of politics, the media, and universities, it is much easier and more seductive to embrace the common belief that we are the guilty ones. Self-hatred, oikophobia, will end up killing us.
With Westerners like that, who needs Islamic terrorism?
‘’Shoot Jews‘’ calls and anti-Semitic agitation on New Year’s Eve in Berlin, Germany

The New Year’s Eve excesses of the criminal Migrantifa in Berlin are not the only thing that causes bewilderment at the turn of the year. Also on New Year’s Eve, unbelievable and more than ugly excesses of Arab Jew-hatred took place once again in the centre of the capital – just a few kilometres from the German Parliament and the Chancellery. At a pro-Hamas rally, the demand to ‘shoot Jews’ was openly proclaimed and chanted. Not even Israelis, but explicitly Jews were the focus of this latest case of extreme Islamo-fascist anti-Semitism.
The Islam critic Ahmad Mansour, himself an Israeli citizen, comments: ‘14 months have passed in which politicians have tirelessly affirmed: ’Anti-Semitism has no place here! 14 months full of vigils, sermons and promises. But none of this seems to impress the very people who will not be dissuaded from their agitation: the anti-Semites.’ And Mansour continues: ‘Patience has run out. The political leadership of this country is now faced with a clear choice: either act – decisively and without excuses – or openly declare its bankruptcy: bankruptcy in the face of the responsibility that history and the present demand in equal measure. It cannot and must not go on like this!’
Unfortunately, developments in recent years show that this will continue after all – because all the most heinous and atrocious excesses of Jew-hatred, such as those brought to light during the ‘Al-Kuz’ days, were not only tacitly tolerated by politicians and the judiciary, but remained just as inconsequential as the pro-Hamas marches by Palestinians and sympathising Arabs after the massacre on October 7, which challenged the state’s right to use force again and again and were supported by large parts of the left. Especially as the German state itself pays millions in ‘aid money’ for Israel’s mortal enemies.
The Israeli army spokesman Sharuz ‘Aro’ Shalicar, who grew up in Germany, writes in the face of Tuesday’s horrific images from Berlin: ‘They are babbling about “guns”, “Hamas” & “shooting Jews”. In the capital of Germany. Why is THIS tolerated? 2025 must be a turning point. must be held accountable. Enough is enough! Time to enforce ‘reason of state’ with action.’
Anti-Semitic rioters attack police, shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ and burn Israeli flags on New Year’s Eve in Munich, Germany

Anti-Semitic rioters went on the rampage in Munich on New Year’s Eve. According to police reports on Thursday, police officers were attacked when they tried to prevent the burning of Israeli flags in the Pasing district. Up to ten masked rioters attacked with fireworks, firecrackers and bottles and repeatedly retreated into the crowd of bystanders.
The police received emergency calls from passers-by at around midnight: Several people were burning an Israeli flag in the street. When the police arrived at the corner of Scapinelli, Lortzing and Bodensee streets, they were immediately attacked. One Israeli flag had already been completely destroyed, another was ready to be burnt – next to it was a petrol canister. According to information from the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, shouts of ‘Free Palestine!’ and ‘Allahu akbar!’ could be heard repeatedly.
The police called in massive reinforcements, including the Support Squad (USK). Around 60 police officers were eventually deployed. Even when they issued orders to leave, the situation did not calm down at first. On the contrary, there were further attacks. It was only when the officers threatened to use pepper spray that the crowd of around 60 people dispersed. According to the police, a 49-year-old man from Munich, who was not actually involved in the riot, objected strongly when the personal details of those involved were to be taken. Pepper spray was used against him.
No officers were injured during the operation and there was no damage to the police cars. The state security department of the criminal investigation department is now investigating numerous offences. The police station 45, which is responsible for prosecuting politically motivated offences related to foreign ideologies, is looking for witnesses to the riot in Pasing.
‘Such incidents will be rigorously investigated’, promised Thomas Schelshorn, the new head of the press office at Munich police headquarters, on Thursday. On Wednesday, Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) had already spoken of attacks by ‘anti-Semitic chaos’ on the Munich police, without explicitly mentioning the Pasing incidents. ‘We cannot and will not tolerate such excesses of radical left-wing and anti-Semitic violence,’ Herrmann wrote, also referring to similar scenes on the Wittelsbacherbrücke. ‘There will be no Berlin conditions in Bavaria.’
Another attack with a possible anti-Jewish background was reported in the Schwabing district on New Year’s Eve. Four window panes of the ‘Tams Theatre’ in Haimhauserstrasse were smashed at around 3 a.m. – directly above a poster with a quote from Shoah survivor Margot Friedländer. ‘Be human. Be human,’ reads a banner with the name of the 103-year-old eyewitness below it.
‘We are dismayed and very worried,’ says Anette Spola, director of the Tams Theatre. ‘There is a strong suspicion that this was an anti-Semitic attack.’ The police were informed during the night. They say they are investigating in all directions. Similar acts of vandalism have been committed in the street before.
Meanwhile, pro-Palestinian groups have announced campaigns on social networks. The Munich branch of the ‘Palestine Speaks’ network, which is being monitored by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, shared a ‘New Year’s resolution’ on Instagram, which literally states: ‘We will take active action against any Zionist propaganda we encounter.’
Just before Christmas, unknown persons sprayed a graffito measuring almost eight square metres on the listed façade of the Philologicum University Library on Ludwigstraße, which read ‘Israeli precision – 14,000 children killed’. And below it, the silhouettes of a person running away and a soldier shooting after them.
HALF of UK Mosques Run by EXTREMIST Muslim Sect. Witchcraft Returns to Britain. Rafe Heydel-Mankoo
Britain is The West’s LEADING country for Sharia Law. Historian, broadcaster and NCF Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo joins Connor Tomlinson and Harrison Pitt on this week’s #NCFDeprogrammed for a deep dive into Britain’s integration crisis.
Trans-Identified Male Inmate Launches Human Rights Lawsuit Against Washington Women’s Prison After Being Accused Of Sexually And Physically Assaulting Female Inmates

A violent trans-identified male inmate currently being held in a women’s facility in Washington is suing multiple Department of Corrections officials after they recommended he be transferred back to a men’s prison. The recommendation was made after Nonnie Lotusflower, 38, was accused of physically assaulting one female inmate, and sexually assaulting another.
In a December 26 filing obtained by Reduxx, Lotusflower claims that multiple staff members at the Washington Correctional Center for Women (WCCW) are responsible for violating his eighth amendment rights against cruel and unusual punishment. Lotusflower, born Nathan Goninan, is serving a 10-year sentence for the brutal murder of a teen girl.
In his complaint, Lotusflower says that he was placed in solitary confinement for an extended period of time, putting him at risk of self-harm and mental health episodes. He alleges a conspiracy in which multiple WCCW staff members intentionally “targeted” him for mistreatment in order to make him “blow up.”
The alleged “mistreatment” stemmed from what Lotusflower called a “fake” Prison Rape Elimination Act case in which he was cited for sexually assaulting a female inmate in 2021. Lotusflower claims multiple WCCW staff falsified infraction reports and photo evidence of the female inmate’s injuries, leading to him being designated a high risk, maximum security inmate.

Despite his claims of a conspiracy, the allegation was marked as “substantiated” after an investigation took place.
In addition to the rape investigation, Reduxx also found that Lotusflower had been cited for physically assaulting a female inmate in April of 2023.
According to a WDOC infraction report, CCTV footage showed Lotusflower punching a female inmate in the face while both had been out in the recreation yard.

Following the assault, Lotusflower then contacted both the victim and multiple other inmates in an apparent effort to compel them to provide false testimonies denying or downplaying the assault. He was ultimately found guilty of the violations, and was sentenced to a loss of privileges for 120 days.
In July of 2023, Lotusflower was referred to transfer back to a men’s prison as a result of his repeat infractions.

In response to his maximum security designation, Lotusflower reportedly threatened a member of WCCW staff, screaming: “I will beat your ass. I will block your fucking face out. You’re an ugly fucking slut!” Lotusflower then also threatened another individual involved in making the decision, loudly declaring that he would “end her fucking life” and murder her family.
Lotusflower contacted the Washington Department of Corrections, complaining of “unfair treatment” and decrying his proposed transfer back to a men’s prison, and received a response from Deborah Wofford, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Women’s Division.
In her response, Wofford noted that Lotusflower had been an “unmitigated threat to the safety of other incarcerated individuals” and had also made serious threats of bodily harm towards staff. Wofford states that “such overtly threatening and aggressive behavior is not typical with individuals incarcerated at WCCW.”

In response to both the threat of transfer back to a men’s prison, along with the solitary confinement he had been subjected to for his repeat incidents physical violence, Lotusflower is suing multiple staff members at WCCW, alleging a violation of his human rights.
In his complaint, he maintains that every allegation made against him was falsified, and that he is the victim of a widespread conspiracy aimed at painting him in a bad light in order to force him back into a men’s facility.
Lotusflower is seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for “cruel and unusual punishment,” and has invoked the assistance of the ACLU. While it is unclear if the organization has formally taken on this particular iteration of case yet, the ACLU has assisted Lotusflower in the past with other suits.
As previously reported by Reduxx, Lotusflower is currently serving a 10-year sentence for the brutal murder of 17-year-old Jessica Franklin.
The violent criminal targeted Franklin just hours after being released from prison for another conviction in 2007, strangling her to death. Her body was found beneath an underpass in Bellingham, Washington, and a forensic examination revealed signs she had been sexually assaulted. Lotusflower was convicted on second-degree manslaughter charges.

In 2009, while serving his sentence for Franklin’s death, Lotusflower was charged with attempting to break out of prison with another inmate.
In 2017, Lotusflower launched a lawsuit against the Washington State Department of Corrections citing discrimination on the basis of his ‘gender identity,’ and demanding access to ‘gender affirming’ surgeries. The ACLU entered the complaint in support of Lotusflower in 2018, and the suit was ultimately successful.
Speaking to a source within WCCW in 2023, Reduxx learned that Lotusflower had apparently been gifted a costly Victoria’s Secret bra by the Washington Department of Corrections after undergoing his taxpayer-funded breast implant surgery.
Washington’s prison gender self-identification policies have been under fire since 2021 when a whistleblower came forward to reveal that 150 male inmates were being assessed for transfer to the female estate.
Since then, a number of violent male offenders have already been moved. Among them, notorious serial killer Donna Perry, who was convicted of murdering 3 women in a 4-month timeframe in 1990, but claims to have murdered many more.
Other male transfers include Brett David Sonia, who was convicted in 2005 and 2006 on dozens of charges related to the sexual exploitation of a young girl, and Jolene Charisma Starr, born Joel Thomas Nichols, who was convicted of two horrific sex attacks on young girls.
As previously reported by Reduxx in May, another trans-identified male inmate at WCCW had also been accused of sexual assault. Reduxx spoke with an anonymous inmate on the incident, who reported that in April of 2022, transgender inmate Christopher Williams asked to be moved into her cell.
The female inmate stated that she became increasingly uncomfortable with Williams’ behavior towards her, which had a near-constant sexual undertone. At one point, Williams appeared to become frustrated with her lack of interest in him, and started issuing disturbing threats of sexual violence. One night, after the inmate had taken sleeping medication, she woke up to find Williams touching her body.
The female inmate said she was voicing her concerns to staff throughout her ordeal, but was “pretty much being ignored.”