A recent case from the UK’s High Court presents a bewildering mess of contradictions. According to The Times:
A British sharia council was given credibility by the High Court when a judge used one of its fatwas to decide a case. The Islamic Council, founded by the hardline preacher Haitham al-Haddad, issued a religious ruling forbidding a health trust from allowing a brain-damaged child to die. Secular campaigners said using fatwas in civil courts undermined liberal democracy.
The story is getting a lot of attention as American influencers seem to have discovered the horrifying story of the Rotherham rape gangs in the UK for the first time. The grotesque details of the systematic rape of thousands of white British girls by primarily Pakistani gangs is sparking intense outrage despite the scandal being several years old and reigniting the debates about multiculturalism and Islamic immigration that always smolder just beneath the surface of society.
Thus, the cultural context of this case is fascinating. Sharia courts — which are made up of panels of paid Islamic scholars who issue religious rulings on a variety of cases — have become a growing phenomenon in the UK. According to a recent investigation by The Times, Britain is the Western capital for “sharia councils” and has more than 100 of them. The Islamic Council, the sharia “court” cited by the High Court, handles up to 900 cases each year and “has expanded into Germany and North America.” From The Times:
Haddad’s sharia council issued a fatwa which was used by an English judge in a life-or-death decision involving a sick child. Tafida Raqeeb, then five, was suffering from brain damage with no chance of recovery and was facing withdrawal of treatment by Barts Health NHS Trust in London which would have led to her death.
Her Bangladeshi parents obtained a fatwa from the Islamic Council of Europe, as it was then called, in 2019 that it was “absolutely impermissible for the parents, or anyone else, to give consent for the removal of the life-supporting machine from their child … This is seen as a great sin that has a multitude of grave consequences for them (in) this life and the hereafter.”
In response, Mr. Justice Macdonald stated that he accepted the fatwa, as prolonging treatment for the girl “permits Tafida to remain alive in accordance with the tenets of the religion in which she was being raised and for which she had begun to demonstrate a basic affinity.” The child was then flown to a Vatican-owned hospital in Italy for treatment. Haddad’s sharia court was triumphant, calling the judge’s acceptance of their fatwa (or ruling) a “landmark case” for the Islamic Council on an issue of “deep ethical and religious concern.”
The Islamic Council noted that “The fatwa issued was based on the sanctity of life, a fundamental principle in Islam. The advice provided sought to protect the child’s life while respecting the family’s wishes, consistent with Islamic ethics and compassion.” This has predictably bothered atheist activists such as Stephen Evans of the National Secular Society, who told the Times that “Fatwas issued by Islamic councils must not hold any authority in English courts. Allowing harmful ideologies to gain legitimacy in our legal framework would fundamentally compromise secular law and the liberal democratic values upon which UK society is built.”
Other critics pointed to the misogyny inherent to sharia courts; feminist writer Rahila Gupta asked whether the High Court’s use of the fatwa constituted an undue respect for religion. “Would the case of a secular family similarly arguing for the extension of a child’s life, be weaker?” she asked. It is a good question — although the problem is not that the Islamic view on the sanctity of life was taken into account but because the sanctity of life is so frequently ignored by the UK courts more generally. The parents of infant girl Indi Gregory, for example, were not permitted to take her to Vatican City’s hospital for treatment despite the support of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Melonia. She died last November.
In 2018, in a case that attracted international attention, the parents of Alfie Evans were also blocked from taking their little boy to Italy for offered treatment; they were even denied the right to take him home to die after he stunned doctors by surviving for four days without a ventilator. He died held captive in Alder Hey Children’s Hospital on April 28, 2018. The year before, 11-month-old Charlie Gard was blocked from going to the United States for therapy trial that his parents had fundraised for; doctors would not permit him to leave. He died on July 28, 2017. In another case, 12-year-old Archie Battersbee died after UK courts denied his parents the right to take him for treatment offered by doctors in both Italy and Japan.
This makes the case of Tafida Raqeeb stand out. Why did her parents succeed in taking her out of the country where so many others failed? It appears that the fatwa from the sharia court had a lot to do with that. I’m happy that her parents succeeded, but the double standard being exposed here is justifiably concerning. Unlike the atheists and immigration critics sounding the alarm over “what this means,” however, I would say that devout belief in the sanctity of life should be carefully considered in all cases, not ignored in most cases but treated with respect when it comes from an Islamic “court.”
This story lends itself to a host of possible “takes”: The Islamization of the West; the prioritizing of foreign religions over Christianity; the battle to defend the sanctity of life in a secular society; the fact that Muslim newcomers often hold views on moral issues that hew closer to traditional Christian norms than liberal ones. Ultimately, this single story contains many of our post-Christian era’s most potent contradictions.
The German city of Magdeburg was written into the sad history of terrorist attacks by Muslim migrants, when Saudi Arabian terrorist Taleb al-Abdulmohsen drove 200 meters into a crowded Christmas market on December 20, murdering a nine-year-old boy and four women, while wounding more than 200 people, 40 critically.
It has been a quarter of a century since German authorities first identified an Islamist terrorist cell in the country. In 2000, that cell was preparing a terrorist attack on a Christmas market in Strasbourg, France. Since then, and especially after German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policy of leaving Germany’s borders wide open to Muslim migrants in 2015, Islamist terrorism has been the major security threat in Western Europe, especially in Germany, where Christmas markets have been an especially coveted target. Author and journalist Douglas Murray calls it, “one of the Continent’s newest traditions: the Christmas market terrorist attack.” In December 2016, an Islamist also rammed a vehicle into a Christmas market in Berlin, murdering 12 people and wounding 50.
What have 25 years of terrorism experience taught German authorities? Apparently, nothing.
The German authorities, and their unofficial spokespeople in the legacy media, would have Germans believe that Abdulmohsen was a hate filled right-winger and ex-Muslim who hated the adherents of his allegedly former religion. While the investigation of his attack is still ongoing, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser nevertheless told reporters, “We can only say with certainty that the perpetrator was obviously Islamophobic.”
“With certainty”? Never mind that Saudi Arabia warned German authorities repeatedly that Abdulmohsen posed a danger. Never mind that he reportedly threatened a terror attack in Germany more than 10 years ago, in 2013, referring to the Boston Marathon bombing. According to The Telegraph:
“Abdulmohsen, angry that a German medical association had requested more paperwork before allowing him to practise as a psychiatrist, threatened the association on the phone with the words: ‘Did you see what happened in Boston? Something similar will happen here too.'”
He made a similar threat a year later, but the German authorities appear not even to have noticed it: In 2016, he was granted asylum in Germany.
Never mind that a Saudi woman in Germany had repeatedly attempted to warn German authorities that he wanted to murder random Germans. Never mind that he made Islamist postings on X, threatening, “We will return Hamas to Gaza and if you like we can bring Hamas to your home so you can taste it.” In fact, Abdulmohsen commented on a post by Nancy Faeser on her own X account that he was going to murder people: “It is likely that I will die this year to ensure justice,” he wrote to Faeser prior to his attack. German authorities, so zealous in prosecuting “hate” on X that they are arresting pensioners, totally ignored a real threat.
While Abdulmohsen posed as an ex-Muslim atheist who was a fan of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and Elon Musk, a few genuine ex-Muslims saw through it and recognized it as taqqiyah – dissimulation to advance the goals of Islam.
“I’ll say it again: many people who have had contact with Taleb, like me, deny that he was ever an atheist or ex-Muslim,” wrote Ali Utlu, a German ex-Muslim.
“He himself claimed to be a Wahhabi. He had open contacts with Hamas people, as well as with supporters of IS.
“He threatened ex-Muslim and secular associations, as well as women who had fled from Saudi Arabia and renounced Islam. The association and the women legally defended themselves against him. He attacked the Central Council of Ex-Muslims as well as me as a member. All the major critics of Islam blocked Taleb because everyone received confused messages and threats.
“He never directly criticized Islam or its associations. While we protested in front of mosques, he fought us. He also repeatedly defended Saudi Arabia. For what?
“Dozens of people are sharing screenshots of conversations where he threatened people because they are ex-Muslims.”
The German authorities – so desperate to prevent “hate” and “misinformation” that they arrest German citizens over innocent internet postings, such as the 64-year-old who had his home raided, electronic devices seized and was arrested for calling Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck an idiot on social media – apparently decided that it would be politically opportune to amplify Abdulmohsen’s taqqiyah as incontrovertible fact. The German government, desperate to keep the AfD out of power, jumped at the chance to make a link between Abdulmohsen and the political party that is threatening the German Left’s hold on power.
Interior Minister Faeser, apart from proclaiming Abdulmohsen’s identity as an “Islamophobe” with “certainty,” appears — as has been customary in the German government since Merkel’s time in office — hell-bent on denying that Germany might have a problem with Islamist terrorism. When, last summer, three people were murdered in a stabbing attack by a Syrian in Solingen, Faeser’s main concern was that the attack not be used to “sow hatred.”
“We will not allow ourselves to be divided in such times, but stand together and will not allow such a terrible attack to divide society,” she said at the time.
Faeser appears to have only one objective in mind: for the German Left to stay in power indefinitely. In September 2023, she proposed that foreigners and migrants who have spent as few as six months in Germany should be allowed to vote in local elections.
The German government, it appears, is covering up an Islamist terror attack at a Christmas market as “Islamophobic.” Perhaps the ruling coalition of Social Democrat and Green parties is seeking new votes in next month’s elections; perhaps it is seeking to pretend away its own massive failure at stopping a terrorist about whom the authorities were warned so many times.
Evidently, the German government does not consider disinformation a problem, so long as it is the German government that is doing it.
I worked for 20 years with a lawyer who was the most brilliant man I’ve ever known. After 9/11, he said something to me that I’ve never forgotten: Islam is all about controlling women for sexual access. Muslim men sequester their women for their private access, and they view all non-Muslim women as available for sexual use by Muslim men. Their war on the West is to maintain their women and obtain Western women. (And, of course, the big ticket item for martyrdom is those 72 heavenly virgins each martyr gets to despoil.)
I thought of my friend’s insight when I read an essay from The Telegraph entitled “How the grooming gangs scandal was covered up.” The subtitle is, “The child victims of rape were denied justice and protection from the state to preserve the image of a successful multicultural society.” (I do not believe the essay is behind a paywall, but if it is, you can also find it here.)
The article offers some insights into how Muslims believe non-Muslim women deserve to be treated—and you’d better have a strong stomach:
The following paragraph makes for difficult reading. But you should read it, if you can. It’s drawn from Judge Peter Rook’s 2013 sentencing of Mohammed Karrar in Oxford.
Mohammed prepared his victim “for gang anal rape by using a pump… You subjected her to a gang rape by five or six men. At one point she had four men inside her. A red ball was placed in her mouth to keep her quiet.”
In Telford, Lucy Lowe died at 16 alongside her mother and sister when her abuser set fire to her home in 2000. She had given birth to Azhar Ali Mahmood’s child when she was just 14, and was pregnant when she was killed.
Her death was subsequently used to threaten other children. The Telford Inquiry found particularly brutal threats. When one victim aged 12 told her mother, and the mother called the police, “there was about six or seven Asian men who came to my house. They threatened my mum saying they’ll petrol bomb my house if we don’t drop the charges.”
(The above stories, of course, are just the tip of the iceberg. They were repeated across England, with horrifying variations on these themes.)
In addition to highlighting at least a little of the horrible abuse visited on young British children (mostly girls, but occasionally boys), with estimates ranging from tens of thousands to a million children being trafficked over thirty years, the other point the article makes is that both local governments and the national government were terrified of making their Muslim residents angry, lest it harm multicultural cohesion. Thus, to placate Muslims, who sometimes made up as little as 3% of a local community at the time, and to support the lie that multiculturalism (as opposed to assimilation) is a net benefit, British institutions willingly sacrificed British children.
Another thing comes through in the essay, although it’s subtle and never clearly stated: The trafficked British children mostly didn’t have fathers, or their fathers were cowed by the police or by threats from Muslim men.
Multiple pathologies were operating there: The pathology of the war on the nuclear family, the pathology of people so lacking in cultural values that they were unable to stand up for them, the pathology of a culture in which free speech is forbidden against those whom the political class values (i.e., Muslims), and the pathology of a disarmed society, which means that the government is the master, not the servant, of the people.
We in America are still clinging by our fingertips to guns and free speech (and we can thank Elon Musk for the latter), but we, too, have broken nuclear families while our elite and academic classes are relentlessly chipping away at our constitutional, Judeo-Christian, American values and replacing them with a mindless reverence for “multiculturalism.” The UK is falling into the abyss; we are teetering on the edge.
The other day, when I wrote about this, I suggested that Elon Musk, by bringing to light the way British institutions are trying to bury the rape gang story, might bring down Prime Minister Starmer’s vile Labour government, paving the way for Nigel Farage and his Reform UK party to come to power. I’ve since changed my mind.
A British government falls and calls immediate elections when a vote of “no confidence” comes from within the party. But in this case, everyone in the party is complicit either in the cover-up (including, possibly, Starmer himself) or in the values that led to the pass given to Islamic sex depredations against British children. Because the government is the problem, it cannot solve the problem.
Nor will pressure from the people change that. The people are helpless, having willingly (and often smugly) given up their arms. They pose no threat to the government, so their rage is ineffectual in changing the status quo.
And lastly, I can assure you that King Charles will not touch this whole thing with a ten-foot pole. He is a leftist, and there’s no indication that he is a morally courageous man. The demand that he dissolve the government will fall on deaf ears.
At the end of the day, Muslims fight for sex, and the British government fights for the Muslim right to rape British teenage girls. A country that once believed in itself and practiced muscular Christianity is now nothing more than a sleazy pimp for Islam.
A prominent trans activist in Chile has been revealed as a child sex offender after unsuccessfully petitioning a court to hide his past. María López Barrera, formerly known as Rodrigo Alejandro López Barrera, claimed any media discussion of his disturbing history of child sexual assault was a violation of his rights.
López Barrera has been active in Chile’s LGBT scene for decades, and began campaigning for “transvestite rights” under his birth name in the early 2000s after he was made the president of the Aconcagua chapter of TravesChile.
In January of 2004, LópezBarrera was the subject of an Amnesty International notice condemning the authorities in Chile for not doing more to protect the rights of trans activists. The notice revealed that he had been threatened and shot at in December of 2003, and suggested it was in retaliation to complaints López Barrera had filed complaining about discrimination against transvestites in the region.
Using masculine pronouns for López Barrera, Amnesty went on to demand that “authorities to take immediate steps to ensure his safety, so that he can continue his legitimate work with TravesChile without fear of harassment.”
But just one month after the Amnesty notice was published, López Barrera would be arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a young boy and infecting him with HIV. At the time, López Barrera worked at a brothel called Tower 10, and met the 14-year-old boy when he came to find his mother, who was being prostituted in the building.
According to Fuerza Informativa Aconcagua (Radio Aconcagua), López Barrera pulled the child into a room and locked the door. The boy screamed for his mother and fought against López Barrera, but was overpowered and brutally anally raped by him. The child would later be diagnosed with HIV as a result of the assault.
López Barrera (second from left) meeting with the Provincial Presidential Delegate of San Felipe (center). INSTAGRAM
López Barrera was ultimately sentenced to 15 years in prison, which he served in different male facilities both in the north and south of Chile. He reportedly had extreme behavioral issues during his incarceration, resulting in him consistently losing various inmate privileges, and even attempted to sue the state for housing him with other men. In 2015, López Barrera was allowed to alter his name and legal sex, a change that would have required the approval of a court as Chile’s Gender Identity Law had not yet come into force.
After being released from prison in 2019, López Barrera renewed his trans activism and quickly regained prominence in the LGBT community. Today, he acts as the director of both the Organization for Diverse Women and Aconcagua’s LGTB Housing Committee, which manages a substantial amount of state funds. In these capacities, he regularly meets with politicians and lobbies for legislative changes that favor the LGBT community.
Throughout 2024, López Barrera hosted “solidarity lunches” for a government-funded initiative titled “Diversity in your Neighborhood: All Together.” During a closing ceremony intended to mark the end of the project, López Barrera hosted multiple politicians, including the Regional Councilor of the Province of San Felipe and the Regional Councilor for the Province of San Felix of Aconcagua.
López Barrera at the Diversity in your Neighborhood: All Together closing ceremony. INSTAGRAM
But despite maintaining a robust public profile as an advocate, López Barrera filed for an order of protection last year, demanding the court prohibit press from being able to reveal his previous name or details on the child rape he had committed in 2004. While the request was initially granted by the Court of Valparaíso, the decision was challenged by Fuerza Informativa Aconcagua (FIA), a small news outlet and radio station operating out of López Barrera’s region of San Felipe.
“In summary, the magistrates pointed out that the 15-year sentence that López Barrera had served for having raped and infected a minor with HIV, is a public fact,” FIA stated. “Commenting on it in media does not violate López Barrera’s rights, since it is done in an informative way and arouses citizen interest.”
FIA stated they had reached out to multiple politicians and public officials who had supported López Barrera to question their reaction to the revelations of his past, and while some denied any knowledge of his sex offense, others refused to comment. FIA also notes that because it has been more than 20 years since López Barrera was convicted, he no longer appears on the National Registry of Pedophiles and effectively has a “clean” criminal record.
Biden awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to man photographed with Trump would-be assassin Ryan Routh
Joe Biden spit in the face of every American on Saturday as he awarded Hillary Clinton and George Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom – the nation’s highest civilian honor.
Other undeserving recipients include Bill Nye the [Communist] science guy, Denzel Washington, Anna Wintour and Chef Jose Andres, the man who was photographed with would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh.
“José Andrés is a renowned Spanish-American culinary innovator who popularized tapas in the United States. His World Central Kitchen provides large-scale relief to communities affected by natural disasters and conflict around the world,” Biden said in a press release.
Biden is just rubbing it in our faces now.
In September federal prosecutors charged Ryan Routh with attempted assassination of a major presidential candidate after he pushed the muzzle of his rifle through the fence line at Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course.
Ryan Routh was previously charged with two federal gun crimes: Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession (max penalty of 15 years in prison and $250,000 fine), and receipt of a firearm with an obliterated serial number (max penalty of 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine).
Ryan Routh traveled near Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course and his Mar-a-Lago residence multiple times in the month leading up to his arrest.
Routh set up a sniper’s nest in the shrubbery outside the perimeter of Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach.
Ryan Routh Sniper nest: Go-Pro, AK-47, backpack found on perimeter of Trump golf club in Florida
In the area of the tree line from which Routh fled, agents found a Go-Pro, two backpacks, a loaded SKS-style, 7.62×39 caliber rifle with a scope, and a black plastic bag containing food.
One of the backpacks contained ceramic tiles police believe could have been used as a shield/body armor.
Ryan Routh pleaded not guilty to federal charges stemming from his attempted assassination against President Trump.
A Catholic teacher has been fired and banned from the profession for two years after taking part in pro-family and anti-COVID measures rallies.
Nelsi Pelinku, an Austrian teacher whose parents immigrated from Albania, told LifeSiteNews that he was fired from his teaching job in a public school in the federal state of Salzburg in August 2023 after the school found out that he attended several rallies between 2019 and 2022, including the pro-family March for the Family, protests against the draconian COVID-related measures, and anti-mass-migration rallies. The events in question all took place before Pelinku was a teacher at the school.
Pelinku believes he was ousted from his job for his worldview, which goes against the mainstream leftist hegemony. He also stressed that his convictions are based on his Catholic faith.
“I am convinced that this LGBT agenda, which is now being pushed in the West in Europe, including in schools, is simply not good for the human soul, but that the traditional teachings of the Church are what is good for the human soul,” he told LifeSiteNews.
In 2022, Pelinku was “doxxed” on a website run by a far-left group that shared photos of him at the rallies and called for his firing at St. Michael Secondary Music School in Lungau, Salzburg. After the school principal learned about the site, she commissioned the left-wing, state-funded organization DÖW (Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstands) to conduct a report on Pelinku and issue a judgment on whether he publicly displayed “fascist, anti-Semitic or racist ideas.”
The DÖW report claimed the March for the Family and a protest against a “drag queen story hour” that Pelinku attended have an “openly homophobic agenda.” The report also suggested that the Catholic teacher was a “far-right extremist” because he attended multiple anti-immigration rallies organized by the Identitarian movement.
However, the DÖW also stated that none of Pelinku’s actions violated the freedom of opinion or speech in Austria.
After the report, Pelinku was fired from his job several months later. In the termination letter, viewed by LifeSiteNews, the educational directorate of Salzburg named several reasons for the teacher’s dismissal, among them that Pelinku criticized some of the teaching methods used in the school, such as the “team teaching” format.
Another reason was that the teacher ripped up a leaflet of the “homosexual initiative” that was displayed in the school. Pelinku told LifeSiteNews that he was furious because the organization offered to come into the school and “teach” children about LGBT issues and that they wished to be alone with the students without a supervising teacher, even though that would be illegal in Austria. Pelinku apologized to the principal for ripping up the leaflet. However, he stressed that he did not change his position on the matter.
The letter of dismissal furthermore claimed that the teacher suggested to a group of students that solar radiation could turn them “gay.” Pelinku said that this was a lie, and the students who made the claims made contradictory statements in the court after court proceedings. The allegation was therefore found not credible by the judge.
The educational directorate also claimed that Pelinku had displayed “public behavior contemptuous of press freedom” by using an umbrella to block the sight of leftist photographers at some of the rallies he attended. Photos taken by these leftist activists are often used to denounce and “doxx” participants, as happened in Pelinku’s case.
The dismissal letter also claimed that the Catholic teacher showed the “White Power” hand sign (commonly known as the “OK” sign) at some of the rallies. Pelinku said that the hand gesture is commonly used as a joke. He himself has darker skin than the average European, and his parents were immigrants from Albania. Even the notoriously left-wing Anti-Defamation League (ADL) states in an article that the use of the “okay” hand gesture as a sign of white supremacy was a “hoax by members of the website 4chan” in 2017 that subsequently became “a popular trolling tactic on the part of right-leaning individuals.”
Pelinku sued the federal state of Salzburg for wrongful termination. In its verdict on July 11, 2024, the court found that the teacher was within his rights according to the freedoms of speech and assembly contained within the European Convention of Human Rights and Austrian constitutional law and that there was no serious breach of his duty as a teacher. Therefore, the court found the termination of his employment was unjustified.
The educational directorate of Salzburg appealed the decision, and the appeal was upheld by the second-instance court for a technical reason. After his dismissal, Pelinku applied to two public schools run by the state of Salzburg and stated in his application that his employment at the St. Michael Secondary Music School had ended on August 31, 2023. The court found that this meant the teacher had implicitly accepted his dismissal as legitimate, forfeiting his right to sue for wrongful termination.
Having lost the case, Pelinku now has to cover around 24,000 EUR (24,752 USD) in legal fees and cannot work as a teacher in public schools in Austria for two more years.
The Catholic teacher said that his faith carried him through the tough times of the past two years.
“I can highly recommend praying the rosary to everyone,” he said.
Visit this donation site to help the Catholic teacher cover his legal fees of 24,000 euros due to his unjust firing.
Austria’s conservative chancellor Karl Nehammer broke off coalition talks with the Social Democrats to form the country’s next government on Saturday, saying they couldn’t find agreement on key issues.
Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer says he will resign in the coming days after talks on forming a new government fail.
The People’s Party and the Social Democrats continued coalition talks after the liberal Neos party’s surprise withdrawal from talks Friday.
Wir haben lange und redlich verhandelt. In wesentlichen Punkten ist mit der SPÖ keine Einigung möglich. Die Volkspartei steht zu ihren Versprechen: Wir werden leistungs- und wirtschaftsfeindlichen Maßnahmen oder neuen Steuern nicht zustimmen. Daher beenden wir die Verhandlungen… pic.twitter.com/evKgQbtTwq
“We have tried everything up to this point. An agreement on key points is not possible, so it makes no sense for a positive future for Austria,” Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer from the conservative People’s Party was quoted as saying by Austrian broadcaster ORF.
Neos, alongside Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer’s conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) and the centre-left Social Democrats (SPÖ) had been trying to forge a three-party ruling coalition after right-wing Freedom Party won national elections in September.
Talks had dragged on after all other parties refused to work with the leader of the Freedom Party (FPÖ), Herbert Kickl, who came first with 29.2% of the vote, forcing the ÖVP and the SPÖ to try and recruit a smaller party to bolster their majority.
A fresh election is now the next step. The right-wing FPÖ immediately welcomed such a possibility as opinion polls indicate their support has only grown since the election. In a survey commissioned by newspaper Der Standard, the FPÖ increased their support to 35% of the vote according to prospective voters in December.
Reduxx has learned that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health referenced a fetish forum co-founded by a convicted pedophile while crafting their most recent standards of care. Thomas Pidel, whose forum was sourced by WPATH, was sentenced to 15 years in prison after he was discovered to have been involved in a pedophile ring.
In 2021, WPATH released a draft of its 8th edition of its Standards of Care, a guideline used for transgender health care and legislative policy. As previously revealed by Reduxx, WPATH referenced a castration fetish forum in the Standards of Care, which the association used to outline a “eunuch” gender identity.
Reduxx identified several individuals who had high-ranking memberships or administrative privileges on the forum, revealing that a number of them were academics who had worked closely with WPATH. Reduxx also found that the forum, known as the Eunuch Archive, hosted thousands of pieces of fictional child sexual abuse fantasies that involved the erotic castration of little boys.
It has now been learned that one of the founding members of the forum is a convicted pedophile who was involved in a child sexual exploitation ring.
Thomas Pidel, who once operated a youth hostel, was sentenced to 15 years in prison and classified as a Level 3 sex offender in 2005 after his disturbing activities were uncovered by police. The predator was linked to over a dozen individuals who had subscriptions with a Belarus-based child pornography enterprise which sold thousands of paid memberships internationally to access child sexual abuse content.
Reduxx identified Pidel by corroborating archived websites and Usenet forum posts with historical news reports and court records.
Thomas Pidel. Photo Source: The New York Sex Offender Database
Pidel, who described himself as a “boy lover,” was active in multiple Usenet groups dedicated to pedophilia activism and castration fetishism in the years just before his arrest in 2004. Some of the groups Pidel was active in during this time were alt.support.boy-lovers, alt.fan.prettyboy, and alt.eunuchs.questions.
The group alt.eunuchs.questions was created in 1996 in order to promote a sexual interest in voluntary castration. Initially, the group was supported by Canadian Shannon Larratt, creator of the website Body Modification Ezine (BME). Larratt was himself a eunuch with an interest in sexual “body modification play.” In addition to graphic content depicting erotic genital torture, BME also hosted personals ads and BDSM fetish porn.
During the early formation of the Eunuch Archive community in the late 90’s, Pidel worked with founding Eunuch Archive site administrator Larratt in order to draft an FAQ primer for new members in which he instructed participants on how to share pornographic sadomasochistic content.
Pidel also stated that the intended purpose of the group was to connect “cutters,” amateur genital surgeons, with “wannabes” seeking to undergo illicit surgical castration.
In response to the question, “What happens to the testicles/scrotum after they are removed?” Pidel remarked that surgical pornography of castration procedures often depicts acts of cannibalism. “Many SM scenes include eating the testicles, raw, or more commonly, cooked — they can be quite tasty lightly cooked in a mushroom sauce,” Pidel suggested, before going on to describe the flavor of the ‘meat’ and how its texture is impacted by prior scrotal torture.
“Some castrators (and eunuchs) are also ‘trophy hunters’,” Pidel continued. “Testicles will be ‘pickled’ in formaldehyde, and scrotums may be tanned and kept as satchels. There are trophy hunters who have collections with literally hundreds of testicles.”
Reduxx has learned that the world's top transgender health authority collaborated with a fetish group frequented by a sadistic pedophile.
Jack Wayne Rogers, who had photos of young boys in bondage, was also an unlicensed "gender surgeon."https://t.co/NgEgQx9Tvk
Reduxx has previously identified one such “trophy hunter” as another member of the Eunuch Archive. Jack Wayne Rogers, a sadistic pedophile convicted on charges related to the possession of child pornography, interacted with Pidel in the Eunuch Archive Usenet forum. Rogers was also a “cutter” who performed surgical castrations while filming the procedures as pornography.
Prior to his arrest for the sexual abuse of a child and distribution of child sexual abuse materials, Pidel had also shared a brutally graphic penectomy video within the group, in a move that was defended by Larratt, Rogers, and by academic Krister Willette, whose research directly contributed to WPATH’s latest Standards of Care.
Pidel’s sexual interest in witnessing the violent castration of a man was also defended by the Eunuch Archive’s administrator and director of the group’s Fiction Archive, or graphic erotica section. Keith Lawson, who uses the screen name “Paolo,” is cited in research published by WPATH’s International Journal of Transgenderism, and to this day is active in a leadership role within the Eunuch Archive.
Other content shared by Pidel to the eunuch group included video footage of chemical castration and requests for the drug Leuprolide, now commonly used to halt the pubertal development of minors and referred to as a “puberty blocker.”
Pidel was simultaneously participating in the internet’s longest-running pro-pedophilia forum, Boy Chat. He referenced the group in a July 1998 post to alt.support.boy-lovers while claiming that the online group deterred pedophiles from offending.
“I told my family all about my having sexual urges to boys when I was in my mid teens. Of course they did not take it easily, and still today I have my mother on my back all the time to get ‘help’ for it, even though I have already spent more than a decade and a half in therapy on it, on and off, with various therapists, programs, ministers, priests, and even chemical castration, I am not on that anymore by the way,” Pidel wrote.
“I stopped going to therapy because I was not getting any better, but in fact was getting worse, partly because of that therapy. In fact, finding [Boy Lovers] and [Boy Love] sites on the Internet, like Boy Chat, has done more for me in the last two years than a lifetime of therapy has done for me. I am even less at risk for going to boys for sex than ever in my life, because of the BLs and BL sites on the net, contrary to popular myth that it makes a pedophile more likely to offend or have the sex.”
In January 2004, according to court records, federal investigators searched Pidel’s residence in Pine Hill, New York, and discovered “hundreds of computer images of actual minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct”, some of which involved children under the age of 12 being sexually abused. By his own admission, the child pornography was obtained by Pidel via Usenet newsgroups such as alt.svens.house.of.12year-old.lust.
In addition, in the period between January 1999 and March 2003, Pidel had taken sexually explicit images of a 9 year-old boy at the youth hostel, Belleayre, that he ran in Pine Hill. Court records state that Pidel “had been engaging in oral sex with this minor and touching the minor’s genitals.”
After his arrest in 2004, Pidel provided information confirming that he was connected with approximately 15 men who were part of a group called “boyloversunited,” which was devoted to the sexual exploitation of young boys. However, altogether, over 40 men were arrested in connection to the pedophile ring.
Poughskeepie Journal, January 18, 2004
“These individuals chatted often in Yahoo chat rooms and communicated on Yahoo bulletin boards. This group participated in two camping trips in 2003 at a camp ground near Six Flags Amusement Park in New Jersey. During these trips, two young boys, age 12, were present and sexually abused. One of the boys was the son of one of the members. This member not only abused his son, but allowed other men to do so,” states the March 2005 sentencing report.
“These men also met at [Pidel’s] youth hostel one Thanksgiving holiday with one of these boys. It appears that this boy was abused by one of the men during this holiday. Further, the defendant informed the government that members of ‘boyloversunited’ also have held other meetings in Michigan, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.”
One of the men in “boyloversunited” who had raped at least two 12 year-old boys was also behind the creation of a website, boylovers.org, which hosted a chat group. Pidel had supplied this man, who went unnamed in court records, with child pornography videos, and he attended various trips and excursions to the youth hostel where Pidel worked.
Boylovers.org stated its mission was to “foster a friendly & supportive community for boylovers and those who support them. In addition is it our ambition to facilitate an environment which conveys the true nature of boylove to both follow boylovers and general society.”
Additionally, the site was described as “a place where boylovers can come to make friends, find support, and feel accepted,” with a goal “to help strengthen the boylove community in ‘real-life.’”
Courier Post, October 14, 2004
One of the men arrested following federal officers’ investigation into Pidel was truck driver Robert Pelle, who had adopted a boy to sexually abuse. It is likely that this is the child referenced in court records as the “son of one of the members” who was handed over to the other men for abuse.
Pelle’s computer had previously been seized on suspicion of possession of child pornography, but law enforcement neglected to search the device for months – during which time, the young boy was returned to the care of the child sexual abuser.
For his role in the production and distribution of child pornography, and for the abuse of a minor, Pidel received a prison sentence of a combined 271 months, or 22 years. The investigation had also linked “boyloversunited” to a Belarus-based child pornography enterprise, and a money laundering scheme “involving thousands of paid memberships to 50 pornography Web sites,” as reported by Poughskeepie Journal.
Reduxx has located a website Pidel had designed in 2000 which details his “fixation on castration.”
“Tom’s Self-Extreme Page” praised “emasculation” by means of castration as “the final frontier,” and provided his date of birth, e-mail address, and location, thereby confirming his identity as Pidel.
“The farthest back I remember all this starting was when I was as young as 8, possibly 9. I don’t know how it started, just that it did. I have a vivid memory of looking at my balls and thinking of them being cut off and how I would look then, like a girl,” Pidel confessed.
“I am not a transsexual, nor do I crossdress, and I don’t fantasize about being a girl, but at that age I wondered what it would be like to have no balls or penis, and when I saw pictures of nude girls (young ones) or saw a nude girl (nudism lifestyle) I would use that vision as how I would look if I cut my balls and penis off, and I liked that.”
Pidel described how discovering the Eunuch Archive was, for him, “like Blackbeard finding a sunken ship full of treasure,” while noting that content depicting “real life castrations” of participants were shared within the forum’s chat group. Reduxx has also seen video footage of castration surgeries offered for sale through the community. The video footage is often used by members for sexual gratification in the same manner as pornography.
Image shared by Pidel on his website of the various surgical equipment he used on himself for sexual pleasure.
The convicted pedophile referenced, as a role model, one of the members of the forum, known only as “Gay Gelding,” who performed clandestine genital surgeries for sexual pleasure.
Last year, Reduxx unmasked another member of the Eunuch Archive community as a sadistic pedophile who had performed a makeshift “gender reassignment surgery” on a young man and claimed to have conducted over 100 similar procedures. Jack Wayne Rogers is currently incarcerated at the Federal Corrections Institute in Miami after investigators discovered child pornography on his devices that included sadistic abuse of prepubescent children.
One man who was chemically castrated as a minor after participating in the Eunuch Archive forum has since gone on to become a psychiatrist and registered member of WPATH.
Dr. James ‘Jame’ Agapoff said, in a video he published to YouTube, that he was an adolescent, aged “less than fifteen,” when he began participating in the Eunuch Archive forum. Through the website, Agapoff initiated an email correspondence with Dr. Felix Spector, who wrote him a prescription for Medroxyprogesterone, and stated that he believed Agapoff would be a “good candidate” for a castration procedure in the future.
Dr. Felix Spector, now deceased, had advertised his services on his website, where he stated that he specialized in “the treatment of the transgendered and those with overactive sex drive,” and boasted of decades of experience working with “the transgendered and those in need of libido control.”
Photo released of the 24-year-old suspect now in police custody.
Dutch police announced on Friday the arrest of a 24-year-old man suspected of fatally shooting three people in the city of Rotterdam over the past two weeks.
According to Prosecutor General Hugo Hillenaar, there is no indication the shootings were motivated by any specific agenda or personal grudges. The victims, none of whom appear to have had any connection to one another, were allegedly chosen at random — sowing fear throughout the port city, which is unaccustomed to such indiscriminate violence.
On Thursday evening, police apprehended the man — who has no fixed place of residence — after identifying and photographing him in connection with the shootings.
A weapon was recovered at the scene of his arrest. During a press conference, Hillenaar stated that the suspect was born on the Caribbean island of Curaçao and later grew up in the Netherlands. As a constituent island country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, citizens of Curaçao do not need any special visa requirements to move to the country.
Although the suspect was known to authorities for minor offenses, investigators so far have found no clues pointing to a motive for these alleged murders.
“It’s a nightmare for everyone in Rotterdam, but also for me personally and for all professionals involved, because someone was walking around freely shooting victims randomly,” Hillenaar remarked.
The violence began on Dec. 21 when a 63-year-old man was shot in the head, eventually succumbing to his injuries. One week later, a 58-year-old man was shot and killed under similar circumstances in the same neighborhood. Authorities announced that a third victim, whose identity has not been released, was also shot in the same area, leading police to believe the killings were connected. All three incidents showed similar patterns, adding to the sense of alarm in Rotterdam.
While gun violence in the Netherlands often has links to organized crime, the apparently random nature of the shootings fueled public concern.
The spate of shootings prompted warnings from local officials. Rotterdam authorities, especially within the southeastern IJselmonde district, urged residents to stay vigilant and avoid going outside alone at night or in secluded areas.
“Do not go outside alone, especially in dark, secluded places. If you see a suspicious situation, call 112 immediately,” read an official statement from the Rotterdam Police.
Mayor Carola Schouten expressed her relief at the suspect’s arrest, saying it brings a measure of reassurance to a city that had been gripped by fear. However, she and other officials caution residents to remain vigilant until the investigation fully concludes.
Nederland anno 2025: “Ga niet alleen de straat op.”
Natuurlijk moeten we de verstandige adviezen van de politie altijd opvolgen en dus zeker ook nu!
Maar in het algemeen zou ik zeggen: haal al dat tuig, die criminelen, van onze straten AF. Opsluiten en als het kan uitzetten! https://t.co/534ioQIYt0
Geert Wilders, leader of the governing Party for Freedom (PVV), weighed in via social media, highlighting the police advice and calling for stricter measures against crime.
“Of course, we must always follow the sensible advice of the police, especially now! But in general, I would say: Get all those scum, those criminals, off our streets. Lock them up and deport them if possible!” he wrote.
Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) co-leader Alice Weidel will be the guest of social media CEO Elon Musk in a discussion forum on his platform X, formerly Twitter. The informal interview not only undermines the efforts of other German political parties to establish a cordon sanitaire around the right-wing party but also provides the AfD chief with a worldwide audience.
Save the date: On January 9th at 7pm CET, the announced Space with Elon Musk and me will go live on X. We are looking forward to having this exciting conversation and a great audience!
Vormerken: Am 9. Januar ab 19 Uhr findet der angekündigte Space mit Elon Musk und mir auf X… pic.twitter.com/JUm0H9umiv
Weidel is a strong candidate for the federal election, at the head of an organisation which built up a significant electoral presence in 2024 and continues to perform strongly in regional and national opinion polls. Most other parties have ruled out any form of coalition or co-operation with the AfD, while the legacy media operates an informal ban.
Late last month, Musk for the first time indicated a possible online encounter between him and the AfD’s Weidel:
Wait until Alice and I do an 𝕏 Spaces conversation. They will lose their minds 🤣🤣
Also, in an opinion piece for Welt am Sonntagpublished on Sunday, December 30th, Musk wrote:
The portrayal of the AfD as right-wing extremist is clearly false, considering that Alice Weidel, the party’s leader, has a same-sex partner from Sri Lanka! Does that sound like Hitler to you? Please!
German politicians responded with fury even at the suggestion, treating it as foreign interference in their national elections. Failed traffic-light coalition leaders vice-chancellor Robert Habeck and German chancellor Olaf Scholz, who Musk called an “incompetent fool” after the most recent attack on a German Christmas market, both spoke out against the South African-born billionaire ahead of the February 23rd national elections.
Establishment hostility to foreign intervention has yet to extend into criticism of the European Union for its rule-of-law ‘lawfare’ against such member states as Hungary, Slovakia, or Poland under its previous Law and Justice (PiS) government.
The announcement follows a growing number of political commitments from the Tesla CEO, from supporting Donald Trump in the US presidential election to a rumoured pending record-breaking donation to Nigel Farage’s Reform UK.
The live chat will be streamed on X on Thursday, January 9th, at 7 p.m. CET.