‘Spain’s establishment parties have abandoned the Canary Islands to mass immigration,’ archipelago’s president claims

Abandoned migrant boats on a beach in Gran Canaria, Spain. (Shutterstock)

A humanitarian crisis is unfolding on the Spanish Canary Islands, and political leaders in Madrid have ignored repeated calls for help in tackling mass illegal immigration, the president of the archipelago has claimed.

In a scathing interview with El Mundo, Fernando Clavijo accused Spain’s major political parties — the left-wing Socialists (PSOE) and center-right People’s Party (PP) — of leaving his territory in a “state of abandonment” and urged them to form a “great migratory coalition” to address the ongoing migration crisis affecting the islands.

Clavijo denounced both Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and opposition leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo for what he described as a lack of support and political will, leaving the archipelago in a “state of abandonment.”

“The Canary Islands have always been there for others. But now, for the first time in democracy, we face a national emergency, and Spain has turned its back,” he told the Spanish newspaper. “We have a feeling of abandonment and loneliness. It hurts, especially because every time there has been an emergency in another territory, the Canary Islands have shown solidarity, assuming our share and our responsibilities.”

As the Canary Islands face a renewed surge of migrant arrivals, Clavijo emphasized the severity of the situation, calling it Europe’s deadliest migratory route.

NGOs estimate over 10,000 migrant deaths in 2024 alone while Remix News reported earlier this month that a record 46,843 migrants came to the islands last year, beating the previous record of 39,910 set in 2023, according to figures published by the Spanish Interior Ministry.

Clavijo criticized Spain’s failure to secure adequate European Union assistance, including the deployment of Frontex resources, the European Union’s border agency.

“Spain has not formally requested European support. The Commission told us directly that there has been no formal request for the deployment of the European Asylum Agency or Frontex. This inaction is shocking.”

Clavijo slammed both the PSOE and PP for exploiting the crisis as an electoral tool rather than addressing the root causes. He accused Sánchez of neglecting the Canary Islands, while claiming Feijóo and the national PP have “left the islands behind” and undermined their regional coalition with the Canary Coalition (CC).

“The PP and PSOE are using this as an electoral weapon. I will continue fighting because lives are at stake, and this cannot be about politics,” he added.

It isn’t just about the lives being lost at sea, however. Tens of thousands of undocumented adult male migrants are landing on the islands — a popular route to Europe due to their proximity to the African mainland and the hospitality offered by the Spanish government compared to, for example, that of Giorgia Meloni’s administration in Italy.

The Canary Islands are currently hosting over 5,800 unaccompanied minors, a burden Clavijo argued has not been shared equitably with other regions of Spain. He welcomed tentative support from parties like Junts for an equitable distribution of these minors but criticized the slow progress in finalizing agreements.

Social conservatives like the rising right-wing VOX party, however, while sympathetic to and supportive of the Canary Islands’ plight, are firmly against relocating scores of illegal immigrants to the Spanish mainland and have called for mass deportations.

Clavijo advocated for longer-term solutions, including revising Spain’s immigration laws and fostering development and cooperation with Africa, whose population is expected to double in the next 30 years. He rejected detention centers in third countries as inhumane and counterproductive, calling instead for comprehensive policies that address migration at its roots.

“We need rational management that respects human rights,” Clavijo stressed, emphasizing that Europe’s focus on fortifying the Mediterranean has only shifted pressure southward, intensifying the crisis in the Canary Islands.

Despite Clavijo’s claims, there is ample evidence of the Spanish government taking migrants en masse from the islands and housing them in hotels and reception centers on mainland Spain, as evidenced by the journalist work of migration expert Rubén Pulido and others.

Pulido has consistently warned that adopting a policy of relocating illegal immigrants to mainland Europe “will once again severely punish the Canary Islands and turn the whole of Spain into a paradise for traffickers.”

However, traffickers aren’t the only concern. As reported by La Gaceta earlier this month, citing Frontex sources consulted by the news outlet, Spain is facing a “high degree of jihadist threat” due to the origin of the majority of its newcomers.

“In 2024 alone, almost 15,000 illegal immigrants have arrived in the Canary Islands from Mali, where the struggle between jihadist cells is constant,” warned a spokesperson for the European Union border agency. They further noted that illegal immigration from the region is being used as a “major financing engine for Islamic fundamentalist networks.”


Venice’s submission to Qatar

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by Giulio Meotti

Qatar has given 50 million euros to the Municipality of Venice “to meet the pressing needs of the city in managing a unique and extremely complex heritage, which transcends borders and represents a treasure for humanity”. This is the pact signed by the emirate with the Venetian administration.

A Qatari national pavilion will be created at the Gardens of Biennale. “The pavilion”, they say from the Municipality, “will ensure that Arab voices are represented among the nations present in the Giardini”.

We are talking about a country that has given a billion dollars to Islamist organizations, many in the West. 90-year concession and it is the first new Venetian pavilion since 1995.

Qatar’s influence on Europe can be felt from the Claridge Hotel to Al Jazeera to the 2022 World Cup, from hacking attempts to corruption scandals in Brussels. But there is one area that is very little explored: culture.

And only an ignoramus can fail to see the symbol: the Battle of Lepanto by Venice was the first major victory of a Western Christian army against the Ottoman Empire. Today they want to take over Europe with money and propaganda. And they certainly don’t hide it.

Just take a look at the website of Qatar Charity, the Emir’s NGO: “We have built 9,063 mosques around the world.” Hundreds of these in Europe, 140 in Italy alone, the country where the Emir invests the most.

In Italy, no one raises the issue.

A few years ago, the very weak prime minister Enrico Letta, visiting Qatar, called for the creation of an Islamic museum on the Grand Canal in Venice. Why not a mosque?

The book “Qatar – France, une decennie de diplomatie culturelle” tells how the emir paid for trips and awarded prizes to former ministers of culture and practically all the left-wing intelligentsia: philosophers, writers, journalists.

Le Figaro reported one of these extraordinary evenings: “Dozens of guests crowded into the Place de l’Étoile, at the Landolfo Carcano hotel, home to the Qatari embassy. In the gold-paneled rooms with mosaics and frescoes of languid nymphs, a total of 66 French cultural figures were decorated by Qatar. They all left with a check for 10,000 euros.”

Qatar has become the world’s largest buyer of art. The emir sponsored Damien Hirst and purchased Cézanne’s The Card Players for over 250 million. The highest price ever paid for a work of art. Qatar spends a billion dollars on works of art every year. To give you an idea, the Museum of Modern Art in New York invests 21 million dollars, fifty times less than the Islamic emirate.

A study revealed that from 2001 to 2021, American universities received 4.7 billion dollars from Qatar. These are not free gondola rides: this money is used to influence chairs, teaching subjects, to bring Islamization.

They will sell us submission as a form of inclusion.


‘Irresponsible!’ Welsh Refugee Council sparks backlash after using 12-year-old girls to ‘welcome’ migrants

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A Welsh Refugee Council (WRC) video showing schoolgirls welcoming refugees to Wales has sparked outrage after resurfacing amid the furious grooming gangs row.

The video shows two schoolgirls highlighting the help that asylum seekers can expect from the WRC and other agencies in a video produced by their school in South Wales.

Though the video was taken down by the school just days after it was posted last year, copies of it have now caught the attention of senior politicians – as well as tech tycoon Elon Musk.

Musk claimed that the footage was being used to “entice migrant men to come to Wales”.

The video shows schoolgirls highlighting the help that asylum seekers can expect from the WRCX

In the video, one of the girls says: “Wales is seen as a nation of sanctuary. We welcome anyone and everyone. We recognise your skills and talents.”

While the other adds: “The Welsh Refugee Council offers a lot of support.”

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Philp said in response to the reemergence of the video: “It was deeply irresponsible for the Welsh Refugee Council to share a video featuring only young girls in the first place, especially in light of the long-standing grooming gangs scandal.

“It is right that they took it down, but they should never have shared it in the first place.”

Former Welsh Conservatives leader Andrew RT Davies accused Welsh Labour ministers of using schoolchildren as “propaganda” to promote an “ideologically motivated project”.

He added that it was “highly inappropriate for a political organisation to be going into schools and using children in propaganda like this”.

But on Monday, the WRC said it was “concerned” about the spreading of “misinformation by individuals in positions of influence”, which it said could “escalate threats and unwarranted attention toward our organisation, staff and others”.

The council has said it is in the process of referring Davies’ comments to the Senedd’s Standards Commissioner.

But Davies has hit back, saying: “Britain has a track record helping those in need, but schoolchildren should not be used in videos like this. I make no apologies for calling it out.”

The WRC’s chief executive Andrea Cleaver said: “In 2023, a video from a school, welcoming refugees was released. It was never intended as an advert to encourage migration and was uploaded by the school to social media to show the positivity of pupils.

“The Welsh Refugee Council would like to clarify that we did not create or commission the school video being circulated. While we were not involved in its production, we shared it as a positive example of young people championing messages of compassion and inclusion.

“In 2023, the video was subsequently taken down by the school, as were our social media messages which had shared it. What is being circulated since, are videos that people have taken of that video.”


The West Doesn’t Even Know That It’s Committing Suicide: We can either fight it or we better start learning the Qur’an

Certain trends threaten the very existence of Western nation states that we have taken for granted for the past several hundred years.

A friend once told me a story that occurred just prior to the 1967 Six Day War. Israel took a group of officers and tasked them with determining what Israel needs to do to win the upcoming war with Egypt, Syria and other Arab states. Egypt’s Nasser had been on the warpath and the only question was when hostilities would begin. The officers determined that the most important task for Israel was to wipe out Egypt’s air force. Without air cover, all of the invading armies would be open to attack. Israel determined the optimal moment to attack and preemptively wiped out Egypt’s Russian-supplied air force. The outcome was that after six days, Israel had added the Sinai peninsula, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights.

If the U.S. were to take a bunch of geniuses and similarly lock them in a room and ask what the West needs to do to remain viable, it would probably make some very important observations and suggestions. Two might include the following:

The first would be to get birth rates up. One of the major drivers for bringing in large numbers of illegal aliens and causing social instability, increased crime and lower wages is because the locals are not producing enough kids. All Western countries other than Israel are well under the accepted 2.1 children per woman for the population size to remain as is. In the U.S., all of the growth in population is due to uncontrolled immigration. More people entered the U.S. via the southern border than were born in U.S. hospitals last year. Let that sink in. Governments have very few real buttons to push to make the people bring more babies into the world. Sure, they can offer tax breaks and subsidize education and other expenses. But the prospect of not sleeping for a few years and changing one’s life patterns may simply outweigh any potential handouts. Increased religiosity tends to lead to more children. Ultraorthodox Bnei Brak is one of the poorest cities in Israel and it also is home to the largest average family size in the country. The final way to get the people to make more children is to create an economic and security environment where people feel comfortable bringing more children into the world. The parents’ income can cover expenses and war and famine seem distant. The Baby Boom period included incredible post-war confidence.

Another recommendation is dealing with Islam. I remember after 9/11, there were discussions as to whether American Muslims themselves could police their brethren to prevent “radicalization” and future attacks. Based on continuing attacks by Islamic terrorists and the never-ending anti-Israel and anti-Western protests that often turn violent, the answer is no. Like most religions, Islam would appear not to be monolithic. I can attest that when we traveled to Dubai last year, we were treated with respect and kindness. Israelis are not welcome in many Muslim countries, and even the ones that do have relations with Israel are often quite unfriendly. Egypt and Jordan have never been major vacation destinations for Israelis, except for southern Sinai which has very good scuba diving. Israelis used to flock to Turkey; today, there are no flights between the countries, and their leader is Hamas’ biggest cheerleader. What will be the future of Islam and the West?

Since Islamic institutions cannot regulate their members to prevent harm to other Americans or Westerners, then the government will have to step up its game to keep its citizenry safe:

1. Eject anyone from a Muslim country who in any way violates his or her visa—from jaywalking on up.

2 Eject anyone from a Muslim country who participates in protests demanding Sharia replace the local laws and customs. Foreigners do not benefit from Constitutional protections on freedom of speech. Anyone found to support “intifada revolution” or the like should be given an expedited one-way ticket back home.

3. Local Muslim populations need to be monitored and infiltrated by law enforcement. While the U.S. has been a bastion of freedom of religion, it has never faced a religion that has expressly stated its desire to destroy the democratic nature of the Republic. No branch of Christianity or Judaism has as a plank demanding the takeover of the U.S. government and converting it into a religious theocracy run solely according to its religious tenets. Tough times require tough measures. My grandparents in New York, as alien residents, had to have their papers on them at all times. On the Sabbath, when one is generally prohibited from carrying things outdoors, my late grandfather put his documents in the band of his fedora in the event that he was stopped by a cop.

The same suggestions for the U.S. would normally apply to Europe. But Europe is lost. It’s like those few seconds when we saw the second plane approaching the World Trade Center tower. The impact had not happened yet, but everyone knew what was about to happen. Europe could eject its problematic Islamists and encourage the pursuit of traditional values. But as we see in England, the Labor government will not even allow for an investigation into the recruiting and sexual abuse of hundreds of thousands of white British girls at the hands of Pakistani men. Europe does not have the moral fortitude or belief in its own past and institutions to fight for its future. Le Pen, Reform and AfD will all come to power, but through a combination of too little/too late and EU bureaucratic hurdles, the countries will not be able to right the ship in time. I am not a prophet and I hope that I am wrong. But I think that Europe is too far gone. Look at the violence and hatred in Germany against the locals on New Year’s Eve. It will only get worse as the countries don’t have the internal fortitude to throw out trouble makers and use deadly force to end the rioting. The “right-wing” Meloni in Italy has not stopped the boats or ejected illegal aliens from her country.

The U.S. can still change course. It will have to remove Muslims who wish to make the U.S. a Sharia state, and it will have to monitor Muslim citizens and institutions. There is no alternative. It does not sound very American to have the FBI putting listening devices in American mosques or educational institutions. But burying 3,000 citizens killed by Islamic terrorists does not sound very American either. It’s either one or the other.

Islamic supremacism will not change. Just last week, Recep Erdogan said that Jerusalem still belongs to Turkey because it was part of the Ottoman Empire so many years ago. As long as there are Islamic supremacists, then there will be violence to gain control of the West. Either we can fight it or we had better start learning the Koran.


France: A young Russian convert to Islam is convicted of spreading jihadist propaganda, inciting attacks and possessing over 1,500 child pornography files

A 22-year-old man of Russian origin from Durningen had run several Telegram channels between 2023 and 2024 in which he spread jihadist propaganda and called for terrorist attacks. He also possessed more than 1,500 child pornography files. He was charged before the criminal court in Strasbourg on Thursday, January 9. (…)

His indoctrination was slow, in contrast to his orthodox baptism. First he read the Quran, then he converted before choosing a Muslim first name. He started watching radical content on TikTok to deepen his so-called religious knowledge. He likes the songs of the Islamic State (IS) and listens to them from morning till night. He then plans to join IS to become a fighter and calls for massacres. (…)

DNA / Un jeune russe converti à l’islam – vivant dans le village de Durningen (67) – condamné pour diffusion de propagande djihadiste, incitation à commettre des attentats et détention de plus de 1.500 fichiers pédopornographiques – Fdesouche

France: Afghan refugee with contacts to Islamists, calls himself a Nazi, plants a bomb in the office of the asylum centre, threatens to blow up his home commune and to cut his girlfriend’s throat if she is unfaithful to him

He describes himself as a member of the Nazi movement and ‘regularly uses the Nazi salute’. He also claims to be in contact with Islamist groups via social networks. Hatam A., a 20-year-old Afghan, was arrested last Wednesday, January 8, at the reception centre for unaccompanied minors in Toulenne (Gironde).

The man had been reported by the centre, where he had threatened to ‘stab’ several employees before planting a bomb in the management office. The suspect had also threatened to blow up the village of Langon and ‘’to cut his girlfriend’s throat if she cheated on him‘’. (…)

Le Figaro

(…) The accused was brought to court on Friday for ‘repeated threats of serious physical violence against people’, ‘violence with stabbing weapons’ and also for ‘death threats’ against his girlfriend and the director of the centre for unaccompanied minors, reports Le Figaro. Hatam A. had no previous criminal record. He was remanded in custody until the results of the psychiatric reports are available.


Toulenne (33) : un migrant afghan de 20 ans, se disant nazi et islamiste, interpellé après avoir menacé d’égorger sa copine, poser des bombes et de « planter » le personnel de la maison d’accueil pour mineurs isolés – Fdesouche

AUSTRIA: Children Expelled From Kindergarten After Their Parents Objected To Poster Depicting Naked Trans-Identified Male Displaying His Penis

A kindergarten in Austria has expelled two children after their parents expressed concerns about graphic, sexual posters that had been hung in the facility. The posters, depicting nude trans-identified males, were reportedly created to “facilitate discussions in kindergarten settings.”

The incident occurred at a corporate kindergarten and daycare in Vienna open for the children of employees of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation. After enrolling their two kids in the kindergarten, a mother and father became aware that the class had decorated a wall in the classroom with a disturbing poster. Speaking to Kronen Zeitung, the father says they first learned about the poster after his 4-year-old son reported seeing “strange pictures” on the walls.

Investigating for himself, the father went down to the kindergarten and noted a poster had been installed featuring illustrations of nude individuals accompanied by the phrase: “Bodies naked and bare, vulva, penis, breasts, butts. You decide for yourself, indeed! Bodies are cool!”

One panel on the poster appears to depict an obese male in the shower with a young boy, while another features a trans-identified male with an exposed penis and breasts. The final panel of the poster shows two nude children taking a shower with an adult.

A photo of the poster displayed in the facility.

The parents then filed a complaint with the kindergarten and requested the removal of these illustrations, noting they appeared to be inappropriate for such young children.

As a result of the complaint, the father and his wife were summoned for an initial discussion with the regional management, followed by a meeting with the kindergarten’s CEO, Thomas-Peter Gerold-Siegl. Despite having no pedagogical background, Gerold-Siegl reportedly insisted that children aged 1 through 6 required “sexual education,” something the mother objected to immediately.

Following the discussion, the kindergarten placement for both of the children were terminated, and they have since been blacklisted from any facilities operated by Kinder in Wien (Children in Vienna, or KiWi), which not only oversees the corporate kindergartens of the Austrian broadcaster but also manages 93 additional kindergartens and after-school programs throughout Vienna.

“Because we dared to voice criticism against the practices of premature sexualization,” the parents explained to Kronen Zeitung.

The poster was found to have originated from a picture book titled Bodies Are Cool by American author and illustrator Tyler Feder. The book is purportedly designed to “facilitate discussions in kindergarten settings” about body perception, and encourage children “to accept others as they are.”

The cover of the book features a trans-identified female with mastectomy scars and a beard, while the naked trans-identified man with breasts is depicted with a heart-shaped tattoo of a trans flag. As previously reported by Reduxx, the pink-blue-white flag was designed by crossdressing fetishist Robert Hogge, who once penned a story about marrying a little girl who never ages.

Curiously, in the American edition of Bodies Are Cool, the page featuring the nude illustrations displayed in the Austrian kindergarten was completely omitted, but was exclusively available in the German edition.

News of what happened at the kindergarten has sent shockwaves through Austria, with the chairman of the Freedom Party of Austria FPÖ, Dominik Nepp, demanding the withdrawal of all funding from both the City of Vienna and the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation.

In a press release, Nepp wrote: “It is particularly scandalous that legitimate complaints from parents result in their children being excluded from kindergarten.”

Thomas-Peter Gerold-Siegl, the CEO of the largest private provider of kindergartens and after-school care in Vienna, Kinder in Wien (KiWi), has reportedly defended both the removal of the children from the kindergarten and the poster, with a spokesperson for KiWi stating the that it was put up with the aim of fostering diversity, self-acceptance, and a positive body image in children.

Thomas-Peter Gerold-Siegl

In 2024, the Kinder in Wien Journal, published by Gudrun Kern and Thomas-Peter Gerold-Siegl, addressed the issue of “sexual education in kindergarten and after-school care.” In the journal, it is claimed that “children are born as sexual beings” and that a so-called “sexual identity” develops from birth.


Vandalism at the Basilica of Saint-Aubin in Rennes, France: a smashed statue of the Virgin Mary, broken doors, overturned chairs

The statue of the Virgin Mary, located at the edge of the choir, was found broken on Monday the 13th of January 2025. | PAROISSE NOTRE-DAME DE BONNE-NOUVELLE

A nasty surprise on Monday morning, the 13th of January 2025, at the Basilica of Saint-Aubin in Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine): A smashed statue of the Virgin Mary was found in a chapel of the church, which is located on Place Sainte-Anne in the old centre of the Breton capital.

‘This statue was made of plaster, it has no particular patrimonial value, but it is a statue representing Notre-Dame de Lourdes. So many visitors remain in front of it to pray, to make a prayer intention…’ […].

Ouest France / Rennes (35). Vandalisme dans la basilique Saint-Aubin : statue de la Vierge Marie brisée, portes forcées, chaises renversées – Fdesouche

Germany: Violent Iranian migrant with 27 identities can’t be deported despite setting movie theater on fire

The 38-year-old Iranian migrant, Hassan A. N. has committed a massive amount of violent crimes both in Germany and France, and was able to trick authorities across Europe with his 27 different identifies, but he cannot be deported back to Iran.

This hardcore criminal set fire to the Cinemaxx theater at Krefeld main train station last year, resulting in police shooting the man. He caused only a minor fire and smoke in the theater, but it forced an evacuation and could have easily killed many theatergoers if it had not been spotted in time.

Video of police responding to the theater was widely distributed on social media. Despite being observed by security services as a potential threat, the man was still able to participate in the arson attack against the theater.

“Repatriation to Iran is currently.. not an option,” said North Rhine-Westphalia Refugee Minister Josefine Paul, who is a Green Party politician. The statement was released due to an AfD request, which asked about the migrant’s status in Germany.

According to the refugee ministry, Hassan A. “does not have any travel documents and has not cooperated in obtaining his passport in the past.”

Iran is also working against deportations back to the country and will only accept those who “voluntarily” return.

Police say the man first entered Germany in 2002 and was recognized as a “tolerated” migrant despite being in the country illegally. However, the man applied for asylum all over Europe, including Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, according to a report from Bild. The man also had 27 identities, which he used all over the continent.

He also lived in France for several years where he had various arrests. He committed serious crimes while there, spending four years and six months in prison starting in 2010 for previous bodily harm, attempted rape, property damage, and resisting arrest.

Despite being sentenced to “23 prison terms” in France, he still made it back into Germany, according to the NRW interior ministry.

France does not want him back either, with requests from NRW rejected “without further justification” when they attempted to pass him back to French authorities.

Instead of deporting him back to Iran, the interior ministry in the German state is now looking to send him back to France once again.

“We have already contacted the French authorities again on this matter,” the ministry stated.


France: ‘Allah Akbar’, a Guinean with refugee status is arrested for glorifying terrorism and sent to prison

On Friday January 10, at around 11.15 a.m., police officers from the prefecture of Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) arrested a person who shouted and chanted ‘Allah Akbar’ several times, as Valeurs actuelles learned from police sources. The 20-year-old Guinean citizen is known in the database of the law enforcement authorities (TAJ) and must leave French territory. At the end of his police custody, the accused will be placed in a centre for administrative detention pending deportation.

[Info VA] Pau : « Allah Akbar », un Guinéen sous OQTF interpellé pour apologie du terrorisme et placé en CRA – Valeurs actuelles