A Moroccan who calls in public in Montauban, France, to ‘kill the Jews’, invoking Allah, is acquitted due to a procedural error

The accused allegedly shouted the reported sentence on the Place Nationale in Montauban. Miroir d’eau – Google Maps

El Mofaddal was on trial in Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne) on Tuesday January 14 , 2025 for ‘direct public provocation to commit a crime’. On October 14 , 2023, on the Place Nationale, he is alleged to have uttered the phrase ‘Allah Akbar: the Jews must be killed’. He was acquitted on procedural grounds. The words are unequivocal. ‘Allah Akbar, the Jews must be killed’. El Mofaddal, 46, is said to have uttered this phrase drunk on October 14, 2023, in the early evening in the Place Nationale in Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne). Exactly one week after the atrocities committed by Hamas on Israeli territory and the start of the war between the Hebrew State and the terrorist organisation.

La Dépêche

Somali jailed for raping multiple elderly victims in their own homes while employed as a caregiver in Sweden, but won’t be deported

Wikimedia Commons, Stefan Kühn  (1975–)  , CC-Zero

A Somali national in Sweden has been jailed for eight years for multiple aggravated rapes against elderly women under his care, but cannot be deported after he attained Swedish citizenship.

Baasim Yusuf, 28, was sentenced this week by the Uppsala District Court after being convicted on two counts of aggravated rape, three counts of aggravated sexual assault, and five counts of possessing offensive photography after filming his victims in compromising positions, in addition to minor drug offenses.

The crimes pertain to his employment at Förenade Care’s home service in Uppsala from December 2023 to August 2024 during which he would visit vulnerable elderly clients to provide domestic care.

The court heard how he targeted four women aged between 77 and 88, two of whom suffered from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and forced them to commit sex acts and also forced himself on them.

During the trial, the public prosecutor described the offenses as particularly heinous due to Yusuf’s abuse of his position of trust, accusing the Somali of predatory behavior and exploiting the victims’ age, health, and dependence on him as their caregiver.

During one assault, Yusuf subjected a 77-year-old woman with dementia to a violent rape and filmed the ordeal. An 88-year-old victim with Alzheimer’s reported that Yusuf continued to rape her despite her pleas to stop, later demanding money and making taunting remarks.

In another instance, Yusuf forced a victim to perform sexual acts on him, acts that he also recorded. The assaults were part of a pattern of abuse that included five instances of offensive photography, where Yusuf filmed his crimes for his own gratification.

Yusuf’s behavior during the investigation further highlighted the brutality of his actions. During his initial police interview, he laughed when confronted with the charges. Although he admitted to certain actions, he denied intent to commit crimes, claiming that the victims had consented to intercourse and that he hoped to be compensated financially. These claims starkly contrasted with the victims’ testimonies, which described immense physical and emotional pain.

During sentencing, Uppsala District Court remarked on the particularly reckless and exploitative nature of Yusuf’s actions, stating that the severity of the crimes warranted a penalty exceeding the minimum for such offenses.

Yusuf received an eight-year prison sentence but cannot be deported under current laws due to holding Swedish citizenship since 2018.

Rapes committed by foreigners have been a talking point in Sweden this week following a report published by a research group at Lund University which showed that between the years of 2000 and 2020, 63.1 percent of all those convicted of rape, aggravated rape, or attempted rape were first or second-generation immigrants.

Just over half, 50.6 percent, were born abroad.

“It is a strong overrepresentation,” the report’s lead author Ardavan Khoshnood, an associate professor at the university, told Samnytt.

Somali jailed for raping multiple elderly victims in their own homes while employed as a caregiver in Sweden, but won’t be deported

Swedish government tightens naturalisation requirements with focus on ‘honest living’

Minister Carl Johan Henrik Forssell. Screengrab youtube

Sweden’s government has called for toughening the country’s citizenship requirements by increasing the necessary time in the country to eight years and introducing a citizenship test.

“Citizenship must be earned, not be handed out unconditionally,” said migration minister Johan Forssell, announcing results of a new government study into naturalisation.

The study suggested “honest living” as a prerequisite for naturalisation and an increase in the required time in the country from the current five years.

It also called for a new test on Swedish society and values, and a language exam.

The government should “always be clear about what values apply in Sweden”, said Forssell. The country united people from different backgrounds under a “common Swedish identity”.

Gender equality, free choice in marriage, and an equal right of girls and boys to play football or go swimming were examples of these values.

“If you don’t accept that, Sweden is not the right country for you,” said the minister.

“It has been far too easy to become a Swedish citizen. Lax policies have made it possible for, for example, criminals to obtain citizenship in Sweden,” he argued.

The expert commission behind the citizenship study proposed the new rules come into force on June 1, 2026.

Kirsi Laakso Utvik, who chaired the commission, said it will be more difficult for people to obtain Swedish citizenship in the future.

New citizenship requirements would also demand people applying for citizenship be able to support themselves, and exclude criminals and individuals posing security threats.

The “honest living” requirement would also increasingly block administrative offenders and people in debt.

However, some immigrants’ rights organisations argued the new proposals were impractical.

“Research indicates that stricter citizenship requirements do not enhance integration incentives; instead, they foster exclusion,” claimed John Stauffer, head of the legal department at the NGO Civil Rights Defenders, in a statement to the AFP news agency.

Sweden has undergone big shifts in its immigration policies over the past decade.

Once known for an open and welcoming stance towards immigrants, the country has adopted a more restrictive approach after experiencing high crime and rising costs of living.

By 2025, approximately 2.1 million residents, or 20 per cent of Sweden’s population, were born abroad. The most common countries of origin for immigrants were Syria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, and Afghanistan.

In reaction to the results of its previous open border policies, Sweden has shifted to the Right and voted for a new government with the hard-right Sweden Democrats now vowing to restrict migration.

In 2024, Sweden recorded negative immigration for the first time in 50 years, with 44,100 leaving the country, nearly double the previous year.

By the end of September 2024, only around 7,300 active asylum applications were registered, a 25 per cent drop compared to the previous year.

The government also planned to allocate funds for voluntary repatriation, increasing the grant for voluntary return in 2026 to 350,000 SEK (€34,450) per person. This amount is currently only 10,000 SEK (€870).

These policies were popular. Unlike in many other countries, the country’s centre-left Social Democratic Party was now also pushing for tougher laws on migration.

On January 14, the Social Democrats demanded increased deportations of foreigners who had committed rape.

Swedish government tightens naturalisation requirements with focus on ‘honest living’

British Barroom Chats Facing Government Regulation

Wikimedia Commons, Obscurasky, PD-self

Conversations overheard by bar staff could be classified as harassment by ‘third parties,’ according to recent reports—prompting fears that it could be last orders for discussing controversial topics in pubs.

Labour’s proposed changes to employment laws include a ‘workers’ rights’ component, supposedly designed to prevent employees from being within earshot of customers’ controversial or offensive talk.

Under the new proposals, ministers would require employers to protect their staff from harassment (already a criminal offence under existing laws) by customers or clients. Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission has warned that the new rules could “disproportionately curtail” freedom of expression and even cover “overheard conversations”. Classifying political debate as a type of harassment by customers raised “complex questions,” the commission said.

However, an earlier legal ruling protects “the expression of an opinion that may amount to a philosophical belief under the Equality Act 2010 and therefore attract protection from discrimination.” 

When discussing current affairs, will future pub patrons be guilty of harassment or merely expressing a philosophical belief? 

Pub landlords, wary of potential legal trouble with staff, will probably take a cautious route, warning or banning drinkers who they think might be expressing the wrong opinions. Last year, the Southern Belle pub in East Sussex did just this, without needing an ambiguous new law to justify its authoritarianism.

Penalties might start off retroactively, with pub owners kicking out anyone they think is being “offensive,” to avoid staff suing them for not stopping harassment. This application of landlords’ ‘right to refuse admission’ (ROAR) would likely extend to permanently banning guests feared to express the ‘wrong’ opinions from the premises—in a further blow to a trade that struggles already, due to the smoking ban, competition from supermarkets, hyperregulation of live music, and historic COVID-19 restrictions.

According to UK Hospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls

These are complex legal issues, which employers are not equipped to navigate and could impose disproportionate restrictions. We agree with the EHRC’s concerns and we don’t believe that the burden of policing these issues should fall upon employers.

Likewise, a statement to The Times from the British Beer and Pub Association said:

Any legislation must be carefully drafted to make sure it does not have unintended consequences, such as pub workers expected to decide whether private conversations between customers constitute a violation of law.

Despite (the myth of) an informal British etiquette about not discussing politics or religion, such activity does take place in public houses. It would be a disaster to lose this space under restrictive government legislation.


German hospital introduces employee bodycams after rising violence

A sign by the entrance at the Klinikum Dahme-Spreewald regional hospital in Konigs Wusterhausen, Germany.Achenbach-Krankenhaus | Klinikum Dahme-Spreewald GmbH – Google Maps

A German hospital announced plans to issue bodycams to all its employees, after a rise in violent attacks on staff by patients and their relatives.

The small cameras, which employees would wear as part of their uniform, can help to “de-escalate” conflicts, said Michael Kötzing, from Klinikum Dortmund in North Rhine Westphalia

“We want to see whether bodycams have the same effect in the hospital as they do for the police”, Kötzing continued.

German hospital workers across the board have seen a sharp rise in violent attacks in recent years.

73 per cent of all clinics said the number of violent incidents against hospital employees had risen over the last five years.

In a recent survey by the Association of German Hospitals (DGK), the majority of respondents said a “loss of respect for hospital staff” was behind the trend.

In September 2024, an attack on medical staff at a hospital in Essen in North Rhine Westphalia attracted national news.

After a relative died in the emergency room of the Elisabeth Clinic, members of a Turkish-Lebanese family began hitting and kicking clinic employees.

A 23 year-old woman was gravely injured, with five other employees sustaining light injuries.

Some of the aggressors were apprehended by police but were later released.

The incident marked a “turning point”, said Peter Berlin, manager of the Elisabeth Clinic.

“Here we observed an unseen level of aggression and violence towards our staff,” he said.

Souad Layas, deputy medical director of the hospital in Dortmund, told local media employees at his hospital had been hit as well as bitten.

The hospital employees in the Dortmund clinic will be able to decide themselves whether they want to wear the bodycams.

However, hospital staff will only be allowed to activate the body cameras in case of an altercation, due to data protection concerns.


GERMANY: New Report Reveals That Trans-Identified Male Inmates Have Been Sexually Assaulting, Harassing Female Inmates In Women’s Prisons

AI generator

A number of trans-identified male prisoners who have been locked up across Germany have repeatedly sexually assaulted and harassed female inmates and correctional officers, according to a new survey by Die Welt. The survey, conducted in the 16 state justice ministries across the country, confirmed a number of incidents involving trans-identified male inmates who had been housed in women’s prisons.

In Vechta, a women’s prison in Lower Saxony, three sexual assaults were reported to have taken place by the same transgender perpetrator between 2023 and 2024. While the trans-identified male was not identified, it is known he had been convicted of the possession of child sexual abuse material. In North-Rhine Westphalia, another trans-identified male was involved in a physical assault on a female inmate.

One of the most egregious incidents that the survey learned of had first come to public attention in December of last year, when the Saxony state government finally admitted that throughout 2023 and early 2024, a trans-identified inmate had repeatedly ambushed and stalked multiple female inmates in the Chemnitz correctional facility, demanding sex and threatening to beat them if they didn’t comply. The man also repeatedly forced both female inmates and female correctional officers to watch him masturbate. According to the Freie Presse, the male inmate was eventually transferred back to a men’s prison.

Despite the Chemnitz incident being first reported in January of last year, the Saxony government only confirmed it following an initiative from Lasst Frauen Sprechen (Let Women Speak) seeking the figures on how many male sex offenders were being housed with women. A subsequent information request from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) sought data on the number of people with “deviating gender identities” that had been in the state prison system since January of 2020. Prior to this latest survey from Die Welt, all 16 state justice ministries denied that any incidents had taken place as a result of housing trans-identified males in women’s prisons.

Speaking to Reduxx in December, Hanna-Katarina Zippel of Lasst Frauen Sprechen said that she was “shocked” that men had been moved into female prisons before Germany’s radical Self-Determination Act had officially come into force in November. The law streamlined the process for an individual to change their legal name and sex, and imposed harsh punishments for those who fail to treat individuals in accordance with their self-declared gender identity.

“In order to fight for the withdrawal of self-identification law, it is crucial to educate people, especially women, about what it really means for them and to show them real-life examples,” Zippel told Reduxx at the time. “I hope that with our research we have reached many people who were not aware of the consequences of the new German self-ID law and that we have encouraged many people to speak out critically, so that hopefully one day no woman will have to endure being incarcerated with a man anymore.”

Across Germany, the number of trans inmates reported varies dramatically from state to state. In Berlin, 24 were found to have been incarcerated with women since 2020, with 15 of those being recorded just in the last year alone. In Hesse, there have been eleven since 2020, while Mecklenburg-Vorpommern declared there to be only four, the same number as in the city state of Hamburg by July last year.

Other states had older data, with Baden-Württemberg recording eight trans prisoners in February 2022, and Bavaria only having data from 2019, which noted that they had six. Some states, such as Brandenburg and Saarland, do not have any data available.

While the survey provides some insight into the consequences of housing trans-identified males with women, the full picture is impossible to discern. This is due to the fact that transgender and non-binary identifying prisoners are only recorded as such if they demand special accommodations due to their gender identity.

Speaking to Die Welt last year, René Müller, Federal Chairman of the Association of Prison Officers in Germany, said that not every incident would have even been recorded to begin with.


Starmer’s Plan to BAN Pub Banter & Chats on Islam, Trans etc in Pubs & Bars

Pubs could ban customers from speaking about contentious beliefs such as religious views or transgender rights over fears of falling foul of Labour’s workers rights reforms. The government has been warned by the equalities watchdog that rules could “disproportionately curtail” freedom of expression and be applied to “overheard conversations”. Ministers have proposed that employers must protect workers from being harassed at work by “third parties” such as customers or clients. If they fail to do so they could be sued. Our Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo discussed this with Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk TV.

France: An Algerian migrant is put on trial for the rape of a minor and vulnerable girl, his lawyer pleads ‘the weight of tradition’

AI generator

Attorney General Sylvaine Schumacher emphasised the credibility of the plaintiff, who was 17 years old at the time of the crime on November 7, 2021, and her ‘courage’ to appear as a witness. On the other hand, the numerous contradictions of the defendant El Bachir Rahmouni convinced the prosecution of his guilt. His lawyer referred to ‘the weight of tradition’ and pleaded that the sexual relationship was voluntary but not wanted by the young woman.

When the closing words were announced, the accused broke into loud sobs before collapsing in the courtroom and trying to vomit and moan. He interrupted his lawyer Said Benhamed, who had just started his plea. A ten-minute recess was ordered and the lawyer continued. Lawyer Said Benhamed, who pleaded for acquittal, emphasised ‘the weight of tradition’ to justify the assumption that the plaintiff had consented but was unable to ‘take responsibility in front of her family’. […]

La Provence / Aubagne (13): un migrant Algérien est jugé pour le viol d’une jeune fille mineure et vulnérable, son avocat plaide “le poids des traditions” – Fdesouche

‘Spain’s establishment parties have abandoned the Canary Islands to mass immigration,’ archipelago’s president claims

Abandoned migrant boats on a beach in Gran Canaria, Spain. (Shutterstock)

A humanitarian crisis is unfolding on the Spanish Canary Islands, and political leaders in Madrid have ignored repeated calls for help in tackling mass illegal immigration, the president of the archipelago has claimed.

In a scathing interview with El Mundo, Fernando Clavijo accused Spain’s major political parties — the left-wing Socialists (PSOE) and center-right People’s Party (PP) — of leaving his territory in a “state of abandonment” and urged them to form a “great migratory coalition” to address the ongoing migration crisis affecting the islands.

Clavijo denounced both Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and opposition leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo for what he described as a lack of support and political will, leaving the archipelago in a “state of abandonment.”

“The Canary Islands have always been there for others. But now, for the first time in democracy, we face a national emergency, and Spain has turned its back,” he told the Spanish newspaper. “We have a feeling of abandonment and loneliness. It hurts, especially because every time there has been an emergency in another territory, the Canary Islands have shown solidarity, assuming our share and our responsibilities.”

As the Canary Islands face a renewed surge of migrant arrivals, Clavijo emphasized the severity of the situation, calling it Europe’s deadliest migratory route.

NGOs estimate over 10,000 migrant deaths in 2024 alone while Remix News reported earlier this month that a record 46,843 migrants came to the islands last year, beating the previous record of 39,910 set in 2023, according to figures published by the Spanish Interior Ministry.

Clavijo criticized Spain’s failure to secure adequate European Union assistance, including the deployment of Frontex resources, the European Union’s border agency.

“Spain has not formally requested European support. The Commission told us directly that there has been no formal request for the deployment of the European Asylum Agency or Frontex. This inaction is shocking.”

Clavijo slammed both the PSOE and PP for exploiting the crisis as an electoral tool rather than addressing the root causes. He accused Sánchez of neglecting the Canary Islands, while claiming Feijóo and the national PP have “left the islands behind” and undermined their regional coalition with the Canary Coalition (CC).

“The PP and PSOE are using this as an electoral weapon. I will continue fighting because lives are at stake, and this cannot be about politics,” he added.

It isn’t just about the lives being lost at sea, however. Tens of thousands of undocumented adult male migrants are landing on the islands — a popular route to Europe due to their proximity to the African mainland and the hospitality offered by the Spanish government compared to, for example, that of Giorgia Meloni’s administration in Italy.

The Canary Islands are currently hosting over 5,800 unaccompanied minors, a burden Clavijo argued has not been shared equitably with other regions of Spain. He welcomed tentative support from parties like Junts for an equitable distribution of these minors but criticized the slow progress in finalizing agreements.

Social conservatives like the rising right-wing VOX party, however, while sympathetic to and supportive of the Canary Islands’ plight, are firmly against relocating scores of illegal immigrants to the Spanish mainland and have called for mass deportations.

Clavijo advocated for longer-term solutions, including revising Spain’s immigration laws and fostering development and cooperation with Africa, whose population is expected to double in the next 30 years. He rejected detention centers in third countries as inhumane and counterproductive, calling instead for comprehensive policies that address migration at its roots.

“We need rational management that respects human rights,” Clavijo stressed, emphasizing that Europe’s focus on fortifying the Mediterranean has only shifted pressure southward, intensifying the crisis in the Canary Islands.

Despite Clavijo’s claims, there is ample evidence of the Spanish government taking migrants en masse from the islands and housing them in hotels and reception centers on mainland Spain, as evidenced by the journalist work of migration expert Rubén Pulido and others.

Pulido has consistently warned that adopting a policy of relocating illegal immigrants to mainland Europe “will once again severely punish the Canary Islands and turn the whole of Spain into a paradise for traffickers.”

However, traffickers aren’t the only concern. As reported by La Gaceta earlier this month, citing Frontex sources consulted by the news outlet, Spain is facing a “high degree of jihadist threat” due to the origin of the majority of its newcomers.

“In 2024 alone, almost 15,000 illegal immigrants have arrived in the Canary Islands from Mali, where the struggle between jihadist cells is constant,” warned a spokesperson for the European Union border agency. They further noted that illegal immigration from the region is being used as a “major financing engine for Islamic fundamentalist networks.”
