Leftist French Press Magnate Proud To Control Journalists—for a Good Cause

Far-left banker Matthieu Pigasse (pictured here with dictator Denis Sassou Nguesso): ‘I want to involve the media I control in the fight against the radical right’. Screengrab

The year 2024 was marked in France by a rare campaign against media owned by the conservative Catholic billionaire Vincent Bolloré. His media outlets were accused of disseminating false information, manipulating opinion, and breaching the ethics of ‘journalistic neutrality.’ But it seems the rules are not the same for everyone: at the start of 2025, the French left-wing media have no qualms about publicly unveiling their agenda to control public opinion—this time, on their terms and in the service of their ideas—and they see no reason to be concerned about it. 

The French media—particularly the press and television—have over the last few years undergone a massive process of consolidation and are now in the hands of a few large fortunes that own and more or less tightly control the majority of the private press outlets and television channels, which also receive public funding. 

In this landscape, one man has set about methodically shattering the consensus of political correctness: Vincent Bolloré. Born into an old Breton family known for its involvement in the service of Free France during the Second World War, and with deep roots in the Brittany region, Bolloré has built a reputation as a solid man who cares little about what people say—or about pressure from the mainstream media. 

With his undeniable business acumen, he runs successful companies, which, in the eyes of the Left, is one of his greatest flaws. In recent years, he has focused on the media, building a small empire that allows him to broadcast an alternative viewpoint to that of public service outlets. After setting his sights on television with the CNews channel, which has become France’s leading news channel ahead of the established BFM TV channel, he has conquered prime positions in radio with the Europe 1 station. Finally, he challenged the print media by buying the widely circulated Le Journal du Dimanche, typically used by politicians of all stripes to communicate with the French public through interviews. 

Crimes such as these are not easily forgiven by the dominant media court. Throughout 2024, the attacks on the ‘Bolloré galaxy’ multiplied, to the point of leading to a parliamentary enquiry into its ‘actions’ and the danger it allegedly represents to French democracy. His group’s media outlets have been hit with a host of sanctions, including warnings from the ARCOM media regulatory authority and the eviction of one of his channels from the DTT network

Bolloré has taken note of this decision but is not a man to be taken lightly. In retaliation, Bolloré announced that he was withdrawing all his pay-TV channels from DTT—including those that had not been convicted—thus saving more than €20 million each year in fees and taxes. Bolloré is a free man, and his dazzling success obviously gives him the means to achieve this freedom. 

The owner of CNews has also become the prime target of attacks by the leftist media, draped in the dignified toga of the defender of democracy in danger. And any means are justified to accomplish this supposedly noble goal—including the use of the very weapons they accuse their adversary of employing. 

Case in point: on Monday, January 13th, a lengthy interview with newspaper owner Matthieu Pigasse by left-wing newspaper Libération. Pigasse, a former investment banker, is a key figure in the French media landscape since he is the co-owner of the newspaper Le Monde, considered in France to be the daily reference in management circles. In this interview, Pigasse reveals his game with startling clarity. He explains: “I want to bring the media I control into the fight against the radical right.” 

Every word of this statement needs to be weighed and assessed at its true value. Such words from Vincent Bolloré would have caused a major scandal. “I want”; “the media I control”; “the fight.” The objective is clearly stated, the ideological offensive carried out without shame or hidden agenda. Pigasse openly acknowledges what everyone already knows: the left-wing press, which hides behind the label of a generalist press with supposedly benevolent neutrality, is waging a merciless war against ideas it deems ‘nauseating.’ But he has the right to do so because he is on the side of ‘good’—which is obviously not the case with Bolloré. 

Matthieu Pigasse produces a number of news programmes on the French public television network, including “C à vous,”“C ce soir,” and “C dans l’air,” with another media magnate, Xavier Niel, a former friend of socialist President François Mitterrand. He has no qualms about “controlling” the journalists who appear on these programmes, which are also publicly funded, and putting “his financial interests at the service of his ideas.” Neutrality is clearly not a requirement for everyone.

Pigasse is revealing his cards because he has a vague feeling that the game is not as easy to play as it used to be. At the global level, the tide is turning under the blows of a triad he denounces, “MMT”—for Milei, Musk, and Trump. In Europe, Musk’s management of the X platform is forcing the European Union authorities, destabilised by a discourse that is no longer unequivocal, to openly admit that they, too, want to control public opinion

In France, the conservative camp, strengthened by the success of Bolloré and his emulators, no longer intends to let this happen. Last summer, the activist group Les Corsaires, fighting for freedom of expression, attacked the TMC channel and its mainstream programme “Quotidien”—known for its merciless treatment of right-wing contributors—for its misleading coverage of a press conference by Jordan Bardella. Les Corsaires succeeded in obtaining at the very least a formal reprimand from ARCOM against the presenter, on the grounds that he “violated the integrity of the information.”

This week, MEP Laurence Trochu, who belongs to the Identité-Libertés movement founded by Marion Maréchal, referred the Matthieu Pigasse interview to ARCOM, the media regulatory authority, since Pigasse admits to using French people’s money to support his own ideological struggle. 

Will ARCOM go after Matthieu Pigasse, a prey of a different calibre than the “Quotidien” host? It is to be feared that he will not be disturbed and that he will continue to receive public funds for the media he ‘controls,’ which dutifully distil the authorised doctrine. But let’s rejoice: we can already say that the dominant consensus of political correctness has now been broken. 


A student from the Ivory Coast, who advocates jihadist content and propagates terrorism, plotted a terrorist attack in a Paris train station and is acquitted due to his illness

A ‘victim of his illness’: the student was arrested in front of the Élysée Palace and put on trial for glorifying terrorism.

The strange personality of a law student from Crépy-en-Valois (Oise) kept the judges in Senlis busy for a long time on Wednesday. The young man, who had been accused of glorifying terrorism at his university in Paris, suffered from psychological problems and was finally acquitted.

On October 26, 24-year-old law student Yann N., who has Ivorian nationality and lives in Crépy-en-Valois (Oise), was arrested by the Garde Républicains at the gates of the Élysée Palace. The services specialising in counter-terrorism had taken an interest in this young man, who had been put on the alert the previous day by the dean of his law school in Paris following a message posted in a WhatsApp group by students. In a PDF document, Yann N. commenced with long, unclear statements in which he apparently praised the attacks of 9/11 in New York and that of October 7, 2023 on Israeli soil.

The inconspicuous student quickly deleted the post, but his fellow students were so shocked that they alerted the dean, who then filed a complaint and submitted screenshots to the police. Yann N., who was not at his home in Crépy-en-Valois, was eventually arrested in front of the presidential palace, where he had planned to visit an exhibition on French know-how. Investigators found numerous search queries on his computer relating to terrorist attacks and Islamic State videos. A draft plan for a hypothetical terrorist attack in the Châtelet-Les Halles metro station was discovered on his mobile phone, complete with a schedule and instructions.

[…] Le Parisien

French Leftist Theater Lets in 250 African Migrants for Free Show. Now They Won’t Leave. Could there be a more perfect metaphor for Europe’s suicide?

(La Gaîté Lyrique: La Gaîté LyriqueCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

The Daily Mail reports that Paris’ Gaîté Lyrique theatre, known for radical shows and exhibitions, staged a conference on December 10 titled “Reinventing the Welcome for Refugees in France.” The free event featured talks by top academics and Red Cross officials. More than 250 migrants, mostly from France’s former west African colonies, were invited. When the conference ended, the migrants decided the theatre made a good winter shelter and refused to leave.

The theatre’s Left-wing management issued a statement last week noting that the number of people occupying the venue is “continuing to increase” to around 300 people (Streetpress.com puts the number at 340). The theatre had to cancel all performances until at least January 24, and now faces bankruptcy after an estimated “several hundred thousand euros in direct losses” of ticket sales.

“The sanitary conditions are deteriorating day after day and the teams are facing this situation alone,” the statement read. “Although this occupation is forced, it is unthinkable for the Gaîté Lyrique to throw these people out onto the street in the middle of winter.”

It’s actually not unthinkable. There are lawful means to evict these squatters who are likely in the country illegally anyway, and driving the theatre out of business and poisoning the premises with unsanitary personal practices to boot. It’s only unthinkable to the theatre management because the multiculturalist Left always prioritizes the comfort and whims of illegal non-Western migrants over even their own survival.

So the theatre blames government inaction instead. According to the Daily Mail,

Paris’s Socialist-led council, which owns the building, claims it has looked for accommodation for the migrants but that none was available.

It has called for the government to deal with the problem, but President Macron’s centrist cabinet is said to have ignored the request and is reluctant to get involved in the debacle.

Businesses surrounding the 19th century venue are suffering losses too. The bistro next door, a popular spot for theatregoers to eat and drink before and after shows, has reported €30,000 in lost revenue so far.

“They are ruining my business,” the bistro manager, herself the daughter of Algerian migrants, told The Times:

They hang around outside my terrace, smoking joints and fighting among themselves. Not only do we no longer get theatregoers because the theatre is shut but we don’t get passers-by either. They’re being frightened away by all these young men.

How young? Well, the migrants all claim to be under the age of 18, meaning they are considered unaccompanied minors and under French law have the right to be housed and assisted by local authorities.

“We are here to claim our right to housing, health, and education,” Précieux, a Congolese migrant who claims to be 16, told the French news agency AFP.

But local officials insist the migrants are adults who already were known to the authorities and had been sleeping on the streets prior to taking advantage of the theatre’s invitation to entrez vous. “This is an illegal occupation of a building by recognized migrants,” authorities said in December.

This illegal occupation was organized by Collectif des Jeunes du Parc de Belleville, or the Youth Collective of Belleville Park (named after the Paris park they previously occupied). The Collectif bristles at the age test, calling it “racist.”

The Daily Mail notes that the group describes the theatre occupation as a focal point for its “antiracist and anticolonial struggle.” (Wait – I thought it was about “housing, health, and education”?) The collective puts on daily demonstrations on the steps of the theatre which begin with the banging of drums and the blaring of slogans through megaphones as they block entry to the theatre.

Could there be a more perfect metaphor for the mass migration that Western European countries from the UK to Scandinavia to Germany have facilitated from Africa and the Middle East, a tsunami of ungovernable hordes of mostly military-age Muslim males that has overwhelmed tiny villages as well as major urban centers?

In the Gaîté Lyrique theatre as in France at large, self-righteous, virtue-signaling, Left-wing activists who despise their own countries and civilization, and who reject having children of their own out of a self-loathing passion to save the planet, welcomed a steady stream of migrants from cultures that are actively hostile to the host culture, and who are now occupying the continent and demanding their “right” to sponge off the prosperity and freedoms of the West, even as they refuse to assimilate.

France’s recently installed interior minister Bruno Retailleau has vowed to crack down on illegal migration: “The French people want more order in the streets, order at the borders,” he said in September. But this vow is too little, too late unless his own government, and other Western authorities, kick out the globalist elites who got their citizens into this situation in the first place. They must somehow muster the political and cultural will to do whatever it takes to reclaim their civilization from a migrant invasion that threatens to replace Western values, liberties, and institutions with sharia law and other barbarisms.

A good, small first step would be the swift, unapologetic eviction of the “anti-colonialist” squatters from the Gaîté Lyrique theatre, and then from the country of France itself. That would send a powerful message of strength and hope to French citizens and the people of other Western countries who are struggling with this subversive crisis.

Make France and the rest of Europe Great Again.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior


Norwegian Trans-Identified Men Charged with Gang Rape of Young Girl

Three Norwegian men, two of whom identify as transgender, have been charged in relation to the ongoing sexual assault and rape of a girl while she was between the ages of 13 and 14.

Criminal charges against the men include sexual intercourse with a child under the age of 14, and an instance of gang rape in which “the act [was] committed by several people together… in a particularly painful or particularly offensive manner.” Hordaland court records reviewed by Reduxx state that the victim was an at-risk youth due to “life challenges,” and that the three men “exploited her vulnerable situation.”

Of the three charged – two are men who identify as transgender. Damien “Damia Rose” Baar, 43, and Even “Eevee” Seberg, 35, are accused of “repeated sexual intercourse” with the young girl, in addition to a scenario that involved both men sexually abusing the victim together at the 2024 Pride Festival in Bergen after plying her with alcohol.

The sexual abuse of the child first came to the attention of authorities after a third man, Kenneth Langvatn Aakre, 44, was spotted kissing the victim on the mouth and grabbing her genital area while on public transport as they were leaving the Pride festival on the night of June 3.

Kenneth Langvatn Aakre

While Aakre is also facing charges of sexual activity with a child under the age of 16, he has not been accused of participating in the rape or gang rape of the girl. Baar and Seberg are also accused of producing images of child sexual abuse involving the victim.

With the assistance of a concerned citizen, Reduxx was able to locate social media profiles belonging to the three men and verified that two of the accused are claiming to be transgender women.

Seberg describes himself on X as “trans fem,” and “pansexual,” and frequently interacts with transgender and hentai pornography accounts. In one disturbing post dated October 2024, Seberg said he “prefer[s] to get raped by girldick.” On Facebook he refers to himself as “a bit odd, but kind.”

Baar and Seberg are mutual contacts on the world’s leading fetish network FetLife, where Seberg describes himself as a “trans woman” with a “perverted stream of consciousness.”

Among the fetishes listed on Seberg’s profile are bondage, BDSM, and abduction play. He participates in multiple crossdresser and trans-related groups on the fetish site, as well as one group dedicated to “gang bangs.”

“Eevee appears deceptively norm-core, but within harbours a mind corrupted by 2000’s internet content, hentai, games, comics, and their own creative ability to turn anything NSFW / NSFL [not safe for work, not safe for life],” reads Seberg’s profile.

“This creature is shy and hesitant at first, but that changes rapidly when Eevee grows more familiar and feels more at ease, accepted and wanted. Then the true force of personality will emerge… When I get hormones, I’m gonna go full-on kinky bitch mode.” Seberg named himself after a popular character from the Japanese Pokemon franchise, and describes his genitals as a “grower sub-type.”

In a journal entry posted to FetLife in October last year, just four months after he and Baar allegedly raped the young girl, Seberg wrote, “Have you ever seen a girl ad thought not just that she is pretty, but that you wish you could be her? Well, most of us that have that experience are trans girls, but not everyone arrives at the realization at the same time.”

“I’m Eevee, a chubby, 35 year-old trans girl who came out as trans the 3rd of June, 2023. I had two suicide attempts, I was depressed, and had complex PTSD, but coming out as my real self was the best thing I could ever do.”

Baar is similarly active in BDSM-themed groups on FetLife, and claims that he “came out as trans” in February 2021.

“I guess I’m more Finic than Lesbian,” reads Baar’s profile. “Finic is a term for people on the multisexual spectrum who have a preference towards people who are feminine in nature (FIN). This can refer to people who are attracted to feminine or woman-aligned genders, such as people who are fingender or fiaspec. It can refer to people who are attracted to a feminine gender presentation (regardless of the person’s actual gender).”

Baar describes himself as a voyeur, exhibitionist, sadist, and “brat tamer,” and lists “group sex” as one of his fetishes. Other fetishes listed by Baar include “pain,” “screaming,” and “tearing off clothing.” On Instagram, Baar has shared photos of himself edited with FaceApp to resemble a young girl.

In 2013, Baar was one of the last people to have spoken with a woman who went missing after a night of drinking at a nightclub. Eeva Maria Sieppi disappeared on May 17 that year. Baar told Bergensavisen that he had invited Sieppi to sleep at his apartment after she was kicked out of the venue for drunkenness.

“She didn’t want that, and asked me to leave. She never liked it when I said she had drunk too much,” Baar told the local news. He said that the next day he sent her a text message, and she didn’t reply.

“I sent her a message during the day on 17 May to which she did not respond. I didn’t really react to that. It was the kind of message I didn’t expect a response to.”

Left: Eeva Maria Sieppi, a friend of Baar’s who was found dead in 2013.
Right: A filtered image of Baar posted to his Instagram account in 2022.

Sieppi’s body was discovered on May 30 a short walk away from the club in a lake at the center of Bergen, Lille Lungegårdsvannet. The cause of her death remains unknown, but her sister, Ulla Maija, has asked the police to reopen the case and conduct a murder investigation.

The trial is expected to commence in May at the Hordaland District Court.

This is the second court case in Norway within the past three months centered on charges of child sexual abuse against men who claim to be transgender.

In November, a Norwegian man who was found in possession of 10,800 videos that sexualized children or depicted the sexual abuse of children was spared a prison sentence on the basis “having personal difficulties.”

The man, who identifies as transgender, was reported in national press as being a “woman”. His identity was withheld, despite the fact that he had expressed a desire to have a child of his own to abuse, and encouraged others to have sexual intercourse with children under 14 years of age.


Mumford and Sons’ Winston Marshall Slams Two-Tier Justice System for Conservatives in UK

Marshall (left) and Mumford in 2010. Wikimedia Commons,Rob D, CC-BY-2.0

Winston Marshall, the former banjoist for the band Mumford and Sons, has called out his native Great Britain for creating a two-tier justice system that holds conservatives, populists, and other anti-establishment thinkers to a different standard than the rest of the population — one of the many unfortunate consequences of the country’s far-left swerve in recent years.

In a recent interview with PragerU, Winston Marshall held forth on a number of issues, including his run-in with left-wing cancel culture that ultimately resulted in his departure from Mumford and Sons. He also spoke about the rise of antisemitism in Europe.

During the conversation, Marshall addressed the many cases of British citizens facing prison sentences over social media posts that the government has deemed racist, while crimes committed by migrants and other favored groups receive relatively light sentences, or none at all.

“It’s so astonishing that I need to get these details right because you wouldn’t believe them,” he said, later adding: “This is the sense of ‘two tier’– one group are getting treated well and getting off the hook.

“He said the two tiers have been divided between “those who are culturally British against those who are not culturally British” — which he said doesn’t mean skin color or ethnicity, but rather a mindset and willingness to assimilate and embrace western values.

Unfortunately, those who fall in the culturally British category — especially white Christian males — are being subjected to unfair treatment under the law, he argued.

Marshall also discussed his departure from Mumford and Sons more than three years ago as a result of the leftist cancel culture mob that targeted him after he endorsed a book by journalist Andy Ngo exposing the inner workings of the violent left-wing group Antifa.

The attacks became so vicious that Marshall decided to leave the band to spare his bandmates the barrage of hostile publicity.

But Marshall said the unfortunate incident ultimately proved to be for the good.

“Since then, having made that sacrifice, I decided I’m going to speak out I’m going to say what I think and my life’s all the better for it,” he told PragerU.  “It took a long time. It took years to rebuild  — this is three and a half years ago — and the Lord rebuilt the temple and it’s  amazing.”

He added: “It takes time. I worked extremely hard… I feel very blessed, I’ve got a wonderful girlfriend who I wouldn’t have met if not for all of this and the Lord works in mysterious ways.”

Marshall addressed the surge in anti-semitism in England following the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel.

“England is not the same for October 7th,” he said “It’s made apparent how divided we are as a nation in the year since. There’s been over 20 protests through London, deeply anti-semitic protests I know because I’ve witnessed them. I’ve seen it for my own eyes — deeply anti-Israel.”

“They will claim now it’s ‘pro-Palestine’ and there are definitely ‘pro-Palestine’ members amongst them, but it is deeply anti-Israel anti-Zionist.”

Marshall discussed the rise of populism in the west in opposition to globalist elites, as embodied by World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab. He said the left’s effort to turn “populism” into a dirty word has failed.

“Just on language, populism for me is is a positive word. ‘Patriotism’ is definitely a positive word,” he said.


Police officers affiliated with AfD face dismissal under government decree, leaked memo reveals

Officials who are involved in the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party will be removed from service with the federal police, according to an internal memo leaked to the German newspaper Junge Freiheit.

The memo refers to a decree issued by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, of the Social Democrats (SPD). Faeser has warned federal police officers against sympathizing with the AfD and also stated that they should not join the party as members.

“They should expect to be fired,” said Faeser.

The federal police have 54,000 employees, of whom 45,000 are police officers. It is unclear how many officers are currently members of the party, however, many police are members of other parties, which means the decree and threats from Faeser are not about maintaining political neutrality.

For example, the president of the federal police, Dieter Romann, is a member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). A screenshot taken from the police intranet was shared exclusively with Junge Freiheit, which reads: “If membership in such a party becomes known, there are sufficient actual indications that justify the suspicion of a disciplinary offense, at least if the officer is actively involved in such a party.”

Finally, there is an open threat of termination for officers found to be members of the party. “If disciplinary proceedings are initiated in these cases, officers must expect disciplinary consequences up to and including dismissal,” the intranet site reads.

To underline the threat, the words “disciplinary consequences up to and including dismissal” are marked in bold in the text.

The police source who spoke to Junge Freiheit, and wishes to remain anonymous, told the paper: “For me, this represents a significant restriction on the free formation of my own will as a police officer. In my opinion, making involvement with a party that represents more than a fifth of the population a criminal offense is an unacceptable curtailment of the basic rights of civil servants — even taking into account the obligation of neutrality. Any activity for the AfD is prohibited.”

The internal memo is entitled: “Candidacy for a confirmed right-wing extremist party? Not a good idea as a federal civil servant!” It is clear, therefore, that this does not only apply to the police but a range of civil service professions.

Dismissal from the civil service is not only sought in the case of candidacy but also for “other behavior that requires a targeted adoption of the political content of such a party.” This is “to be regarded as activism in this sense.”

The memo reads that the constitutional state “cannot tolerate” this because “the free democratic basic order is rather endangered if the constitutional state remains inactive and allows officials who are entrusted with state tasks and who are obliged to stand up for the free democratic basic order to question the constitutional order in its absolute core.”

In this internal warning, the German Federal Police explicitly refers to a decree of the Federal Ministry of the Interior dated Aug. 29, 2024. This provides for the “mandatory initiation of disciplinary proceedings” if one runs for the AfD, which is classified as “certainly right-wing extremist” in the German states of Saxony and Thuringia.

Furthermore, the provision applies not only to membership in the AfD but also to membership in “right-wing extremist groups such as the ‘Free Saxons’ or the AfD’s youth organization, ‘Young Alternative.’

“In order to enable the new disciplinary measures against politically undesirable officials, according to the memo, Police Service Regulation 100 (“Leadership and deployment of the police”) was amended. The Federal Police informs its officers that section 1.5 “Leadership and Cooperation” has been revised.

The AfD is expected to become the second largest party in the Bundestag after the federal elections on Feb. 23 with polls currently placing them on 22 percent — its highest level of support for over a year.


A Moroccan who calls in public in Montauban, France, to ‘kill the Jews’, invoking Allah, is acquitted due to a procedural error

The accused allegedly shouted the reported sentence on the Place Nationale in Montauban. Miroir d’eau – Google Maps

El Mofaddal was on trial in Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne) on Tuesday January 14 , 2025 for ‘direct public provocation to commit a crime’. On October 14 , 2023, on the Place Nationale, he is alleged to have uttered the phrase ‘Allah Akbar: the Jews must be killed’. He was acquitted on procedural grounds. The words are unequivocal. ‘Allah Akbar, the Jews must be killed’. El Mofaddal, 46, is said to have uttered this phrase drunk on October 14, 2023, in the early evening in the Place Nationale in Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne). Exactly one week after the atrocities committed by Hamas on Israeli territory and the start of the war between the Hebrew State and the terrorist organisation.

La Dépêche

Somali jailed for raping multiple elderly victims in their own homes while employed as a caregiver in Sweden, but won’t be deported

Wikimedia Commons, Stefan Kühn  (1975–)  , CC-Zero

A Somali national in Sweden has been jailed for eight years for multiple aggravated rapes against elderly women under his care, but cannot be deported after he attained Swedish citizenship.

Baasim Yusuf, 28, was sentenced this week by the Uppsala District Court after being convicted on two counts of aggravated rape, three counts of aggravated sexual assault, and five counts of possessing offensive photography after filming his victims in compromising positions, in addition to minor drug offenses.

The crimes pertain to his employment at Förenade Care’s home service in Uppsala from December 2023 to August 2024 during which he would visit vulnerable elderly clients to provide domestic care.

The court heard how he targeted four women aged between 77 and 88, two of whom suffered from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and forced them to commit sex acts and also forced himself on them.

During the trial, the public prosecutor described the offenses as particularly heinous due to Yusuf’s abuse of his position of trust, accusing the Somali of predatory behavior and exploiting the victims’ age, health, and dependence on him as their caregiver.

During one assault, Yusuf subjected a 77-year-old woman with dementia to a violent rape and filmed the ordeal. An 88-year-old victim with Alzheimer’s reported that Yusuf continued to rape her despite her pleas to stop, later demanding money and making taunting remarks.

In another instance, Yusuf forced a victim to perform sexual acts on him, acts that he also recorded. The assaults were part of a pattern of abuse that included five instances of offensive photography, where Yusuf filmed his crimes for his own gratification.

Yusuf’s behavior during the investigation further highlighted the brutality of his actions. During his initial police interview, he laughed when confronted with the charges. Although he admitted to certain actions, he denied intent to commit crimes, claiming that the victims had consented to intercourse and that he hoped to be compensated financially. These claims starkly contrasted with the victims’ testimonies, which described immense physical and emotional pain.

During sentencing, Uppsala District Court remarked on the particularly reckless and exploitative nature of Yusuf’s actions, stating that the severity of the crimes warranted a penalty exceeding the minimum for such offenses.

Yusuf received an eight-year prison sentence but cannot be deported under current laws due to holding Swedish citizenship since 2018.

Rapes committed by foreigners have been a talking point in Sweden this week following a report published by a research group at Lund University which showed that between the years of 2000 and 2020, 63.1 percent of all those convicted of rape, aggravated rape, or attempted rape were first or second-generation immigrants.

Just over half, 50.6 percent, were born abroad.

“It is a strong overrepresentation,” the report’s lead author Ardavan Khoshnood, an associate professor at the university, told Samnytt.

Somali jailed for raping multiple elderly victims in their own homes while employed as a caregiver in Sweden, but won’t be deported

Swedish government tightens naturalisation requirements with focus on ‘honest living’

Minister Carl Johan Henrik Forssell. Screengrab youtube

Sweden’s government has called for toughening the country’s citizenship requirements by increasing the necessary time in the country to eight years and introducing a citizenship test.

“Citizenship must be earned, not be handed out unconditionally,” said migration minister Johan Forssell, announcing results of a new government study into naturalisation.

The study suggested “honest living” as a prerequisite for naturalisation and an increase in the required time in the country from the current five years.

It also called for a new test on Swedish society and values, and a language exam.

The government should “always be clear about what values apply in Sweden”, said Forssell. The country united people from different backgrounds under a “common Swedish identity”.

Gender equality, free choice in marriage, and an equal right of girls and boys to play football or go swimming were examples of these values.

“If you don’t accept that, Sweden is not the right country for you,” said the minister.

“It has been far too easy to become a Swedish citizen. Lax policies have made it possible for, for example, criminals to obtain citizenship in Sweden,” he argued.

The expert commission behind the citizenship study proposed the new rules come into force on June 1, 2026.

Kirsi Laakso Utvik, who chaired the commission, said it will be more difficult for people to obtain Swedish citizenship in the future.

New citizenship requirements would also demand people applying for citizenship be able to support themselves, and exclude criminals and individuals posing security threats.

The “honest living” requirement would also increasingly block administrative offenders and people in debt.

However, some immigrants’ rights organisations argued the new proposals were impractical.

“Research indicates that stricter citizenship requirements do not enhance integration incentives; instead, they foster exclusion,” claimed John Stauffer, head of the legal department at the NGO Civil Rights Defenders, in a statement to the AFP news agency.

Sweden has undergone big shifts in its immigration policies over the past decade.

Once known for an open and welcoming stance towards immigrants, the country has adopted a more restrictive approach after experiencing high crime and rising costs of living.

By 2025, approximately 2.1 million residents, or 20 per cent of Sweden’s population, were born abroad. The most common countries of origin for immigrants were Syria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, and Afghanistan.

In reaction to the results of its previous open border policies, Sweden has shifted to the Right and voted for a new government with the hard-right Sweden Democrats now vowing to restrict migration.

In 2024, Sweden recorded negative immigration for the first time in 50 years, with 44,100 leaving the country, nearly double the previous year.

By the end of September 2024, only around 7,300 active asylum applications were registered, a 25 per cent drop compared to the previous year.

The government also planned to allocate funds for voluntary repatriation, increasing the grant for voluntary return in 2026 to 350,000 SEK (€34,450) per person. This amount is currently only 10,000 SEK (€870).

These policies were popular. Unlike in many other countries, the country’s centre-left Social Democratic Party was now also pushing for tougher laws on migration.

On January 14, the Social Democrats demanded increased deportations of foreigners who had committed rape.

Swedish government tightens naturalisation requirements with focus on ‘honest living’

British Barroom Chats Facing Government Regulation

Wikimedia Commons, Obscurasky, PD-self

Conversations overheard by bar staff could be classified as harassment by ‘third parties,’ according to recent reports—prompting fears that it could be last orders for discussing controversial topics in pubs.

Labour’s proposed changes to employment laws include a ‘workers’ rights’ component, supposedly designed to prevent employees from being within earshot of customers’ controversial or offensive talk.

Under the new proposals, ministers would require employers to protect their staff from harassment (already a criminal offence under existing laws) by customers or clients. Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission has warned that the new rules could “disproportionately curtail” freedom of expression and even cover “overheard conversations”. Classifying political debate as a type of harassment by customers raised “complex questions,” the commission said.

However, an earlier legal ruling protects “the expression of an opinion that may amount to a philosophical belief under the Equality Act 2010 and therefore attract protection from discrimination.” 

When discussing current affairs, will future pub patrons be guilty of harassment or merely expressing a philosophical belief? 

Pub landlords, wary of potential legal trouble with staff, will probably take a cautious route, warning or banning drinkers who they think might be expressing the wrong opinions. Last year, the Southern Belle pub in East Sussex did just this, without needing an ambiguous new law to justify its authoritarianism.

Penalties might start off retroactively, with pub owners kicking out anyone they think is being “offensive,” to avoid staff suing them for not stopping harassment. This application of landlords’ ‘right to refuse admission’ (ROAR) would likely extend to permanently banning guests feared to express the ‘wrong’ opinions from the premises—in a further blow to a trade that struggles already, due to the smoking ban, competition from supermarkets, hyperregulation of live music, and historic COVID-19 restrictions.

According to UK Hospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls

These are complex legal issues, which employers are not equipped to navigate and could impose disproportionate restrictions. We agree with the EHRC’s concerns and we don’t believe that the burden of policing these issues should fall upon employers.

Likewise, a statement to The Times from the British Beer and Pub Association said:

Any legislation must be carefully drafted to make sure it does not have unintended consequences, such as pub workers expected to decide whether private conversations between customers constitute a violation of law.

Despite (the myth of) an informal British etiquette about not discussing politics or religion, such activity does take place in public houses. It would be a disaster to lose this space under restrictive government legislation.
