Black feminist math equals lowered IQs

Graphic: Book cover scan. Author

By Mike McDaniel

It is often observed that students across the nation, but particularly in the schools of large cities and blue states, are learning little. It’s not uncommon to discover huge portions of kids in those cities can’t read, write or do math and many graduate from high school functionally illiterate. That this is on purpose is horrifying:

A recent study suggests that, for the first time in nearly 100 years, Americans’ average intelligence quotient (IQ) is declining. 

The professors who authored the study theorize that the quality of education could play a role in reversing the IQ gains enjoyed by previous generations.

No! You think? Actually, it’s worse than it seems:

Professors from Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., and the University of Oregon in Eugene explain the Flynn effect: starting in 1932, average IQ scores increased roughly three to five points per decade. In other words, “younger generations are expected to have higher IQ scores than the previous cohort.”

Data from the sample of U.S. adults, however, imply that there is a reverse Flynn effect. From 2006 to 2018, the age groups measured generally saw declines in the IQ test used by the study, the International Cognitive Ability Resource (ICAR).

It has also been apparent that girls and some minorities–not Asians–do particularly badly in STEM fields, and most don’t enter them at all. This might indicate why that’s true:

A group of educators has published a guide on implementing “Black Feminist Mathematical Pedagogies” in classrooms, arguing that such an approach is necessary because minorities—especially Black girls—face “violence and trauma” in math education.

“When Black female students are repeatedly disciplined for being social, loud, or goofy in the mathematics classroom, they experience mathematical violence,” claim the authors of Designing Mathematics Curricula That Center Students’ Brilliance.

Normal Americans, including math teachers, understand math is math. There is no “black feminist” mathematics any more than there is a white male mathematics. One either understands the theories and processes of mathematics that lead to correct answers or they don’t. They either do the hard work of math, or they don’t, and race or gender have nothing to do with it. But the authors think otherwise:

“As a culture, whiteness is toxic in society and in education. More specifically, in society, whiteness presents through norms including—but not limited to—perfectionism, a sense of urgency, individualism, and objectivity.

They argue that these cultural values place an “additional burden” on minority students, making them feel unwelcome and alienated in math classrooms.

Many Americans born without the math gene have experienced discomfort in math classes, but it may be a bit excessive to say they’ve been traumatized. Are generations of American really that weak-minded? The authors suggest requiring kids to be quiet, pay attention and do their work is “mathematical violence.”  This is a type of lunacy all too common in contemporary American education, which largely buys the idea that disciplining unruly kids, and particularly black kids, is somehow racist and wrong. Never mind that their disruptions prevent attentive, polite kids from learning and make schools dangerous places. 

In any competently conducted classroom, there must be a sense of urgency—there is never enough time to cover any curriculum—and if kids aren’t seeking perfection they aren’t learning as much as they should and can. This is particularly true in math where there is one right answer, though people like the authors always deny that too.

A University of Delaware Professor, Casey Griffin, is onboard:

Griffin argues that women’s sense of belonging in math is hindered by values such as ‘objective’ and ‘rational thought.’

Imagine that: a female professor opposing objective and rational thought.

“Given that the U.S. system of education—particularly secondary and postsecondary institutions—was created by men, for the sole purpose of educating men, it is not surprising that it was developed with ‘masculine’ qualities.” 

Female math teachers might find that surprising.

“I hypothesized that incorporating feminist [teaching methods] into math classes might support women’s retention in STEM. Feminist pedagogies aim to position not just the instructor, but all students, as sources of knowledge.”

This too is a common, anti-intellectual approach in American education. Teachers must not actually teach, but must stand aside and “facilitate” each student’s innate brilliance. As Ben Franklin noted, the wise learn from everyone, but that’s not remotely what these people are advocating.

In schools where merit is ruthlessly suppressed and social and sexual pathologies are the focus of the curriculum, it’s unsurprising things like “feminist pedagogies” are the order of the day. That’s far easier on teachers and students than preparing to effectively teach, behaving like civilized people and doing assignments to build bigger, better brains.

These methods have produced predictable results: generations of less intelligent, less capable, but supremely entitled people with high and undeserved self-esteem and little ability to be productive citizens. Is fixing this yet another urgent, Trump project?

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GERMANY: Transgender Neo-Nazi Sues Child Safeguarding Advocate For Referring To Him As A “Man”

Sven Liebich [L] and Josefine Barbaric [R]

A notorious neo-Nazi in Germany has announced his gender transition and is actively pursuing women who “misgender” him under the nation’s new self-identification law. Sven Liebich, who now goes by the name “Maria-Svenja,” is a convicted criminal with a history of violence and “incitement to ethnic and racial hatred.”

Liebich first began to identify as transgender in 2024, with the knowledge of his newfound gender identity coming to the attention of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in the federal State Saxony-Anhalt. The Office confirmed to BILD that they had been informed of his changes in December of 2024, having observed Liebich for years because of his involvement in extremist groups.

According to the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, the gender changes by Liebich were processed at the registry office in the city of Schkeuditz, Saxony, and have been official since December. But Liebich has not altered his external appearance, and still “presents” as a male. When questioned about this, Liebich claimed it was due to a fear of discrimination.

Since beginning to identify as a “woman,” Liebich appears to have taken immediate advantage of Germany’s new gender self-identification law, which came into effect in November of 2024 and imposes harsh penalties for “discrimination.”

This legislation, also known as the Self-Determination Act, significantly relaxed the requirements for changing an individual’s legal sex marker or name, removing a previous prerequisite of psychological assessments or judicial approval. The Act also imposes fines on those who are found guilty of failing to treat someone as their self-declared gender.

Liebich is now seeking damages for “discrimination” from people who correctly identify him as a biological male. One of his targets, Josefine Barbaric, is the chairwoman of Nein, lass das! e.V. (No, don’t do that!), an association dedicated to protecting children from sexual violence.

After hearing about Liebich’s gender change, Barbaric took to Instagram to address the implications of the Self-Determination Act, expressing concern that violent men now have the ability to request housing in women’s prisons.

Barbaric has now received a letter from Liebich’s lawyers demanding that she remove her Instagram post and cease using male pronouns for him. Liebich is requesting €15,000 in compensation from Barbaric, along with covering the costs of his legal representation.

Reduxx has exclusively obtained the legal threat, sent from the Andreas Wölfel law firm in Tröstau.

n the letter, Liebich is referred to as “Ms. Marla-Sven Liebich.” It states that Barbaric has “violated the legally anchored disclosure ban according to Paragraph 13 of the Self-Determination Act as well as the personal rights of their client” by “inaccurately“ referring to Liebich with male pronouns.

The letter further states that revealing the former sex and name constitutes “serious violations of Liebich’s privacy rights,” leading to “public humiliation” and “significant mental strain.” Barbaric’s Instagram post, they argue, has incited ”feelings of discrimination, humiliation, and reputational damage” for Liebich.

Liebich’s legal team has set a deadline of January 24 for Barbaric to pay €15,000 in compensation for the distress she caused, in addition to €1,375.88 in legal fees. Barbaric is also being ordered to sign a cease-and-desist declaration, which would entitle Liebich to collect a €10,000 fine from her if she were to ever misgender him in the future.

If Barbaric does not comply with all these demands by the end of business day today, Liebich’s lawyers will seek an injunction against her through court.

Speaking to Reduxx, Barbaric speculated that trans activists may have reported her to Liebich, as they routinely target her for expressing criticism of the Self-Determination Act.

Barbaric has spoken out against the Act in her capacity as a child safeguarding expert, noting that correctly identifying biological sex is critical in her line of work as pedophiles have explicit sex preferences in their victims. Barbaric has said that biological sex is part of a pedophile’s paraphilic sexual preference disorder.

Barbaric is a well-regarded advocate for children, and has even published an educational book recommended by police and government officials which helps children develop the confidence to set boundaries around their own bodies.

Josefine Barbaric

“I will not be silenced. Our voice is for the children. This case alone illustrates that in Germany, the abnormal has become the norm. Collective delusion and ideological distortions contribute nothing to the protection of children and women in Germany; indeed, they achieve the opposite,” Barbaric told Reduxx.

Despite currently seeking damages for discrimination, Liebich is currently on trial for incitement and defamation in a separate criminal matter. Last August, he was sentenced to one year and six months in prison without parole for the crimes, but he is challenging the verdict at Leipzig Regional Court.

If sent to prison, Liebich has stated that he will seek to be housed in a women’s correctional facility.

Germany’s radical self-identification law makes it difficult to prevent males, even those convicted of serious crimes, from being moved into women’s prisons.

Prior to the law coming into effect, renowned defense attorney Udo Vetter warned NiUS that only very well-founded exceptions could be made to prevent the transfers after a male declared himself to be a “female.” The burden of proof to refuse such a transfer lies with the state and can only be ensured by court-appointed experts in cases involving very serious crimes.

A recent report by Die Welt revealed that a series of trans-identified male prisoners, incarcerated across Germany, have repeatedly sexually assaulted and harassed female inmates and prison staff.

In Vechta, a women’s prison in Lower Saxony, three sexual assaults were reported between 2023 and 2024 by the same trans-identified male offender. Although the trans-identified man was not named, it is known that he was convicted for possession of images of child sexual abuse.

While the survey provided some insights into the implications of housing trans-identified men with women, comprehensive data is impossible to obtain. This is because so-called “trans- and non-binary identifying inmates” are only recorded as such if they request special provisions due to their gender identity.

The Most Censored COVID-19 Theory is Now the Official View: The lab leak theory is now official

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There was a time when simply mentioning that COVID-19 came from a Chinese lab got you banned on Facebook and YouTube. Now with the CIA’s endorsement of the lab leak theory, it’s now the official view.

Notably, the FBI already supported the lab leak theory, so did figures in the Defense Intelligence Agency, but an official linked to WHO, which Trump just withdrew from, managed to bias the official Intel Community assessment.

The CIA assessment isn’t even a product of the new Trump administration but took place under the Biden administration. It’s just being released now by the new incoming Trump administration team.

Within a matter of years we’ve gone from the lab leak theory being so dangerous that even mention of it had to be banned, to the FBI and the CIA both endorsing it.

Oxford and Cambridge accused of ‘dumbing down’ university courses to boost grades of minority groups

Wikimedia Commons , Andrew Dunn, CC-BY-SA-2.0

Top British universities are set to offer “inclusive assessments” for minority groups to yield better results.

The Office for Students (OfS) has approved plans proposed by Russell Group universities to replace in-person, unseen exams with open-book tests and take-home papers popularised during the pandemic.

Institutions are being encouraged to close the attainment gap between the number of Firsts and 2:1s awarded to white, middle-class students compared with other groups, the Daily Mail reports.

Traditional exams are seen to put ethnic minorities, poorer groups, and those with mental health issues and disabilities at a disadvantage.

The Access and Participation Plans (APPs) have been approved by the OfS.

Universities must ring up a list of ways they have been supporting their students from disadvantaged backgrounds in order to keep on the regulator’s register each year.

The University of Oxford’s proposals are to “use a more diverse and inclusive range of assessments” to “improve the likelihood” of those from “lower socio-economic backgrounds” obtaining quality degrees.

More explicitly, pledges by Cambridge include “’improving outcomes” for “Black-British and British-Bangladeshi students” and mentions that “assessment practices” might be the root cause for “awarding gaps”.

However, King’s College London has set out plans to “diversify assessment” to make the process “fairer” while keeping some semblance of traditional exams.

Currently, data from the regulatory body revealed a 22 per cent difference between white and black students achieving 2:1s, while there is an 11 per cent between advantaged and disadvantaged students.

A spokesman for the OfS said: “Through APPs, we encourage universities to consider whether their assessments are working properly for all students because we know that some students are more likely to attain lower grades than their peers, even when their prior academic performance is the same.

“Where there is evidence that current assessment models may not be fair, it is appropriate for universities to trial and evaluate changes in the way they grade students.”

However, he maintained that programmes must continue to be “academically robust, credible, and a reliable reflection of students’ hard work”.

Afghan named as main suspect in The Hague explosion that left 6 dead, 4 others injured

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The Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) has identified the four suspects in the deadly explosion at Tarwekamp in The Hague last month after a deliberate blast targeting a bridal fashion store caused catastrophic destruction resulting in the death of six people and leaving four others seriously injured.

In a statement on Friday, the OM named Afghan-born 33-year-old Moshtag B. as the main suspect, who is believed to have been aided and abetted by Ilyas (23), Mourad (29), and Adil (33).

De Telegraaf newspaper reported the men as being from Rotterdam, Roosendaal, and Oosterhout. No further details about the identities of the men or their migration background were disclosed.

Reporting restrictions surrounding the suspects were lifted on Friday.

According to the OM, Moshtag B. initiated the attack targeting the bridal fashion store. The suspect allegedly knew the store owner and sought help from his three accomplices. Together, they prepared and executed the arson and explosion on Dec. 7, and the three accomplices were reportedly offered €500 each to torch the premises.

The blast left six people dead, four others seriously injured, and displaced dozens of residents who are still unable to return home and are unlikely to be able to do so for months due to the extensive structural damage inflicted.

The suspects had reportedly planned to carry out the attack earlier, on the night of Dec. 1. However, their plans were thwarted when police stopped their van in a parking lot in Oosterhout at 2:15 a.m. The vehicle’s suspicious behavior prompted officers to conduct a search, during which they found heavy fireworks and jerry cans filled with gasoline.

The men were arrested on suspicion of preparatory acts for arson, and the items, along with their van and phones, were confiscated. The suspects, however, were released after questioning while authorities continued analyzing the evidence that enabled the attack a week later.

A total of 37 criminal complaints have been filed with authorities in relation to the attack, including declarations from residents, relatives, and local business owners who have suffered loss.

“The havoc and the victims were never the intention. My client regrets everything,” said Gerard Spong, defense counsel for Moshtag B., as cited by De Telegraaf.

The suspects are scheduled to appear in court on March 14 for a preliminary hearing.

BREAKING: A man armed with a knife stabs a customer in a supermarket in Apt, France, while shouting ‘Allah Akbar’

Today, Saturday the 25th of January 2025, a 32-year-old man known to the police attacked a customer in a supermarket in Apt (Vaucluse) and shouted ‘Allah Akbar’, as Valeurs actuelles has learned from police sources. He was overpowered by a security guard.
A violent attack took place in a supermarket in Apt (Vaucluse) on Saturday the 25th of January shortly after 6pm, as Valeurs actuelles learned from police sources. A man armed with a kitchen knife entered the supermarket and shouted ‘Allah Akbar’. He immediately approached a customer at a checkout and attacked him, stabbing him in the ear, followed by several punches. The attacker was quickly incapacitated by the security guard present at the scene.

The attacker, identified by police forces as Mehdi B., is a 32-year-old man who was born in Apt on the 12th of July 1992 and is well known to the police. He is recorded in the file for the prevention of radicalisation with a terrorist background (FSPRT) and is also listed in the criminal history record (TAJ) for 16 offences, including acts of violence, forming a criminal organisation and manufacturing explosives.

The victim, a customer whose identity was not released, was quickly attended to by emergency personnel. He suffered an injury to his ear, but according to initial information, his life was not in danger.
The local authorities have launched an investigation to determine the exact circumstances of the attack and the attacker’s motives. At this stage, the investigators have not ruled out any of the possible backgrounds.

[Info VA] Apt : un homme armé d’un couteau blesse le client d’un supermarché en criant “Allah Akbar” – Valeurs actuelles

“I Think It Could Decide the Entire Fate of Europe, Maybe the Entire Fate of the World” – Elon Musk Speaks to AfD Rally in Germany – Goes All-Out to Convince People to Vote AfD (VIDEO)

Elon Musk urges Germans to vote AfD for the sake of Germany and the future of the world.

The world’s richest man Elon Musk spoke today to AfD members in Halle, Germany, via video feed.

Elon’s image was broadcast live at the AfD rally in front of thousands of excited AfD members.

Elon stressed that the coming election “could decide the fate of Europe, and maybe the fate of the world.”

Elon did not hold back.

Elon Musk:  I think we we should fight for an exciting, bright future where people can be optimistic about what’s going to happen, where you wake up and you look forward to the future.

And the way to the best way to make the the best way to ensure the future is good, you have to fight for a good future every day, and it will be great. And we’ll have a very exciting wonderful future. So, and so I think this election coming up in Germany is incredibly important.

I think it could decide the entire fate of Europe, maybe the fate of the world. That is the significance of this election. So that’s why it’s very important to talk to your friends and family and convince them to consider voting for AfD.

And then and just go with it like a chain reaction, convince 1 friend, talk to another friend, and say, guys, do you want this do you want more of the last 10 years, or do you want something different? And I think the people in Germany run something different.

Read more:

Scotland’s National Health Service Seeks To Ban A Nurse From Referring To A Transgender Doctor As A “Man” During Employment Tribunal Hearing

A Scottish NHS Trust is seeking to ban a nurse and her lawyers from referring to a trans-identified male doctor, who used the female changing rooms multiple times, as a “man” during the course of an employment tribunal.

Nurse Sandie Peggie is going up against NHS Fife in a legal battle set to take place next month. The case relates to interactions between Peggie and Dr. Theodore “Beth” Upton, a trans-identified male doctor, at the Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy in 2023.

Despite being a biological male, who Peggie asserts “looks like a man” to hospital patients, the two encountered each other in the female changing rooms at the hospital multiple times after they first met in August 2023. On at least one of those occasions, Peggie had been in the process of changing and was only wearing her bra and trousers when Upton entered the changing room.

During another interaction on Christmas Eve of 2023, Upton declared that he had “as much right to be there as her,” leading to an argument that resulted in Peggie being suspended from work and an investigation into her for “bullying.”

Before the 10 day employment tribunal into Peggie is set to begin on February 3, the lawyer representing NHS Fife and Upton demanded that Peggie and her legal team not be allowed refer to Dr. Upton with male pronouns at any point. The lawyer has claimed that her “gratuitous misgendering” of him had caused him “pain” and “harm.”

Jane Russell urged employment judge Sandy Kemp to force Peggie and her legal team to refer to Upton in “neutral terms” throughout the case. She claimed it was “simply a matter of courtesy” to use the preferred pronouns of someone, and that it was “troubling” to have Upton “repeatedly and deliberately” misgendered.

“I’m afraid the way the claimant and her representatives are conducting this case is a form of activism, that in my submission, is contributing to a climate of hostility and hatred towards trans people, which is actively harmful and has actively harmed the second respondent. It shouldn’t be allowed,” Russell argued.

Upton prior to his “transition.”

“It is simply not acceptable for a party to litigation and a witness to face harassment in the course of a tribunal hearing,” she continued.

She further claimed that due to non-binding guidelines that state that courts should not be “a forum for abuse,” any further misgendering would be tantamount to “state-sanctioned harassment.”

In response, Naomi Cunningham, representing Peggie, argued that the fact of Upton’s biological sex is “right at the heart” of her case. “The claimant can’t put her case, clearly and forcefully, without using correct-sex pronouns, as opposed to preferred pronouns,” she said.

“We don’t seek to police Ms. Russell’s language, they are entitled if they wish to use preferred pronouns, even if they are counter-factual,” she added. She further confirmed that Peggie’s legal team was not attempting to force the other side to use male pronouns, in what would be a similarly “wholly unreasonable” attempt to police language, but did want the court itself to refer to Upton only in neutral language, or as the “second respondent.”

Judge Kemp said that he would issue a ruling on the judgement prior to the tribunal commencing on February 3. He has already ruled out a previous request from NHS Fife and Upton’s team to hold the proceedings behind closed doors and keep Upton anonymous.

Afghan alleged killer remained as refugee in German due to ‘admin error’, media reports

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An Afghan who is alleged to have killed two people in Germany was in the country due to an “administrative error”, German media has reported.

Bavarian interior minister Joachim Herrmann reportedly claimed the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) had mishandled the case.

News outlets also reported that the suspect had been allegedly terrorising other residents of the refugee shelter where he lived and attacked another refugee with a knife.

On January 22 in the town of Aschaffenburg, in northern Bavaria, the Afghan citizen allegedly killed a 41-year-old man and a 2-year-old child in a knife attack and was then arrested.

According to German authorities, the 28-year-old suspect suffered from “psychiatric problems” and had remained in the country due to a series of administrative errors related to his asylum process.

In June 2023, the BAMF rejected the man’s asylum application and ordered his deportation to Bulgaria under the Dublin Regulation.

Issues arose when Bavaria’s immigration office received notification from the BAMF only six days before the legal deadline to execute the deportation on August 1, 2023.

“It’s impossible to organise a deportation in six days, especially without preparation,” Herrmann stated to German media.

‘The responsibility lies with the BAMF,” he said at a press conference in Munich on January 23 to report on the progress of the investigation.

Once the deadline passed, the asylum procedure then had to be reopened. It remained unresolved in December 2024, two years after the suspect arrived in Germany.

The detainee had reportedly voluntarily requested to return to Afghanistan but was unable to do so due to a lack of documents from the Afghan consulate.

Furthermore, the country faced significant challenges in deporting individuals to Afghanistan because of lack of diplomatic relations with the Taliban regime, although one deportation flight to Kabul was organised in 2024.

Bavaria’s Christian Social Union (CSU) has criticised the federal government’s migration management and demanded urgent reforms at the BAMF.

The CSU argued that individuals holding residence permits in Germany should secure employment; failure to do so should result in losing their right to remain in the country.

Furthermore, anyone found guilty of multiple offences should be expelled from Germany. For those unable to leave or be deported, the party proposed indefinite detention pending deportation.

“You may leave for your home country at any time, but you will no longer regain freedom within Germany,” Alexander Dobrindt, the CSU’s regional chairman, told Die Welt on January 6.

Germany’s opposition leader Friedrich Merz vowed on January 23 to ban people without proper documents from entering the country and increase deportations if he was elected chancellor in the February 23 elections.

Merz promised that if he became chancellor, he would order the interior ministry on his first day in office to permanently take control of all of Germany’s borders and “reject all attempts at illegal entry without exception”.

The case echoed a recent terrorist attack in Magdeburg, where a Saudi citizen, Taleb Jawad al-Abdulmohsen, allegedly carried out a deadly assault.

Saudi Arabia had requested his extradition from Germany but that was not acted upon.

Taleb had arrived in the country in 2006, obtaining refugee status 10 years later.

Both cases have seemed to highlight what many saw as flaws in Germany’s immigration system, where administrative errors and a lack of co-ordination seemed to have allowed individuals with problematic histories to remain in the country.