Irish government pours money into Soros-backed sex workers ‘anti-Whorephobia’ group

The Irish Government funds the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI), an organisation backed by billionaire George Soros.

Official records of the Irish government’s website confirm that the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth allocated a €9,387 grant to SWAI under the 2024 LGBTI+ Community Services Funding program.

This funding was awarded to SWAI or their “Sex Worker Awareness Training” a programme aimed at educating services on the discrimination and barriers sex workers face, ensuring stigma-free and non-judgmental support.

According to their mission statement, SWAI is an anti-capitalist, anti-ableist, anti-xenophobic, trans-inclusive and anti-white supremacy and acknowledges, and rejects, the ‘whorearchy’ that exists within sex work.

“Whether a sex worker through choice, circumstances, or coercion, any sex worker’s voice is as valuable and necessary as another’s,” the website reads.

They also fight against Whorephobia.

According to the Global Network of Project Whorephobia describes hate speech and overt discrimination against sex workers. It intersects with racism, xenophobia, classism, and transphobia, which often leads to structural discrimination, violence, and abuse.

SWAI celebrated the grant on social media on January 23.

Notably, SWAI has also benefited from substantial financial support from Soros-backed organisations.

The group received money from the Open Society Foundation (OSF).

“The Open Society Foundations, founded by George Soros, are the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for rights, equity, and justice, ” the website reads.

Reportedly Soros has given the OSF €32 billion since its creation.

According to SWAI financial reports, in 2021, SWAI received €10,745 from the Open Society Foundation and €69,869, in 2022, through the Open Society Policy Centre, now known as the Open Society Action Fund (OSAF), a lobbying organisation part of US billionaire Soros’ network.

This is not the first time Soros’ network has financially supported SWAI.

According to the OSF website in 2017, between 2017 and 2019 they granted $100,000 to SWAI “to provide organization level support”.

Reports from Irish Media The Journal show that in 2015, the US billionaire Soros funded the campaign by the SWAI, which opposed The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill of 2015.

The bill wanted to criminalise the purchase of sexual services, but SWAI  argued it would increase violence against women involved in prostitution.

In 2021, the Sex Workers’ Alliance of Ireland (SWAI) also received €135,000 from the Irish State through Rethink Ireland’s 2020-2023 Equality Fund.

According to NGO Rethink Ireland, this €3 million fund “is supported by the Peter Kinney and Lisa Sandquist Foundation and the Government of Ireland.”

In 2020, the Department of Justice previously refused the group funding, citing the sex worker organisation’s refusal to acknowledge that “prostitution is inherently exploitative of vulnerable people,” reported The Irish Examiner.

Despite this, the Irish government’s continued financial backing of the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland raises questions about its alignment with broader international agendas.

The organisation pushes a total decriminalisation of sex work in Ireland based on the New Zealand model.

National Socialism was a leftist ideology, that’s why the Hitler slur isn’t sticking to Elon Musk

By D. Parker

These days the far-left is in big trouble. Like a washed-up magician with nothing but a bag of old, worn-out tricks and linguistic sleight of hand, they have nothing to offer but hoaxes and lies without the merest ring of truth. Their usual deceptions have been exposed, and no one is buying them anymore.  They judge people on the color of their skin instead of the content of their character, and so their racist projections fall on deaf ears.  Their song and dance on climate change has become a punch line covering everything except their credibility.  They’ve become the “Sideshow Bob” of political entities, and at every turn stepping on a rake and getting so justifiably smacked square in the face.  Now that they are shriveling to a pitiful political minority, cancel culture is being shown to be a paper tiger — as it always was.  Still, its being a supposed force to be reckoned with was a bluff.

Their latest failed little scam bit arose when a defender of freedom and free speech made a certain hand gesture that leftists immediately seized upon, or “pounced on” as they like to accuse; one of the sad little hoaxes they’ve always played, which is at once both ridiculous and wrong on multiple levels.  People have always waved their hands, but if you do it in the wrong way, the left will accuse you of sympathies with a certain socialist national worker’s party.

Since this is being written on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we’ll start with the infuriating fact that the ever-so-casual use of these slurs diminishes the horrific crimes of the actual National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Coupled with the fact that far too many ignore the genocide of other socialist and communist mass murderers such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot.

But what is worse for the far-left is that while these accusations carried some weight in the past, they are no longer effective, and now the leftist Pravda media is perplexed at why it isn’t working this time around as exemplified in a piece in Axios: 

Musk and Tesla remain untouchable after Nazi salute accusations

Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, standing behind a podium bearing the Seal of the President of the United States, on Monday twice gave what scholars, journalists and rights groups said was a Hitlergruß, or Nazi salute.

It doesn’t seem to have done him (or his company Tesla) any visible harm.

His reaction only served to further inflame much of the glee with which the sign was received within the far right.

Context: Musk has been making inroads into the far right for some time, endorsing the hard-right AfD in Germany, failing to stop the posting or amplification of pro-Nazi content on his social media site X, and responding to an antisemitic post on X as ‘the actual truth.’

Part of the reason this perennial deceit from the far left failed was the fact that you can easily find all manner of images and videos of leftists making similar gestures.  But there can also be a deeper reason all of this is falling apart for the far left — people are no longer intimidated into silence in stating basic historical truths — that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was a socialist workers’ party (Note, we’re not using that other ancient name since it’s been exploited by the left to hide its collectivist ideology).

The lie from the anti-liberty left was that socialism supposedly was popular at the time, so the NSDAP merely included it as a PR move — except that Rudolf Jung, considered to be the “Karl Marx of Hitler’s National Socialism” or chief ideologist and who reportedly coined the phrase Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz (‘the common good comes before self-interest’) wrote in the 2nd edition of the book National Socialism Its Foundations, Development published in 1922 on page 56 stated that:

The unedifying conditions in the Pan-German movement, which was originally conceived of as a grass-roots movement, inevitably led to the evolution of a unique political and trade-unionist tendency. This tendency reached its consummation in 1904 with the founding of the ‘German Workers’ Party.’ In its principles, the thus-named Trautenau Programme, the party demanded – as the National Socialists do today – a partial socialization in the form of economic nationalization and provincialization. One would therefore be perfectly correct in regarding this programme as a socialist one.

This additional quote cements the point that National Socialism was socialist:

In 1918 – in the interim no Party Conferences were able to take place – this finally occurred; at the same time, the party’s now more clearly-defined socialist character was also reflected in the adoption of its new name.

This is from the 1920s, when the left was just starting with their big lie, and we have three data points that blow it out of the water.  So, when a leftist regurgitates the old “read a book” throwaway line, they should probably start with this one.  All of this was recently summarized in a TIK history video.

Further proof of the fact that National Socialism was socialist and leftist can be easily found in chapter 5 of Adolf Hitler’s Second Book that states NSDAP Is Socialist And Nationalist.  In the German version of the book, Adolf Hitler openly states: “Ich bin Sozialist.” I am a socialist. See a translated passage below:

I am a socialist. I see no class and no social estate before me, but that community of the Folk, made up of people who are linked by blood, united by a language, and subject to a same general fate.   

Of course, that’s not the only time that plain fact is stated, as explained in the video that also noted that Hitler was a socialist and leftist: What Modern Socialists Don’t Want You To Know About Hitler, Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, the author of a groundbreaking book on Hitler’s National Socialism, went through all of his speeches and utterances in writing the book.

We can also see the same admission that Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP were leftist in the quote from the Toland biography:

We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Thus, it’s easy to see why this perennial deception from the left is no longer a weapon in their little culture war. Enough people have picked up that this has always been a complete contradiction, and now with all of the facts coming out in the open, their game plan falls apart before the opening round.

UK: Labour minister Sir Stephen Timms has been urged to “come clean” after attending an event hosted by the Muslim Council of Britain which backed proscribed Palestinian terror group Hamas

Sir Stephen Timms , screengrab youtube

Labour minister Sir Stephen Timms has been urged to “come clean” after attending an event hosted by the Muslim Council of Britain – in the face of a Government pledge not to engage with the group.

Timms, alongside at least three other Labour MPs, all attended the MCB’s annual leadership dinner last week – despite a recent Whitehall vow not restore to ties with the group after cutting them in 2009.

The MCB has been kept at arm’s length by successive Governments since 2009, when then-communities minister Hazel Blears suspended ties with the group after a senior member of the body backed proscribed Palestinian terror group Hamas.

The group said: “We remain committed to building bridges and contributing constructively to the national conversation, regardless of government engagement.”

Writing to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper on Monday, Timothy said: “All this raises serious questions about the Government’s policy towards the MCB.

“Can you confirm that it is Government policy that no minister should engage with the MCB?

“If that is so, why was Mr Timms at the dinner on 23 January? Does this reflect a change in Government policy or did Mr Timms defy collective responsibility?”

He later wrote on social media: “The Government says it does not engage with the Muslim Council of Britain.

“But last week a minister attended the MCB annual leadership dinner, and MHCLG refuses to publish documents that allegedly discuss restoring ties.

“Why won’t they come clean?”

A Government spokesman said: “There has been no change to Government policy on non-engagement with the Muslim Council of Britain.”

French Government Obsessed with Migrants—and Own Survival

Immigration is once again at the heart of French political debate. Éric Lombard, the minister for the economy, made his presence felt by explaining on television that France needed more and more immigrants. When Rassemblement National (RN) president Jordan Bardella presented his own New Year’s greetings to the press, he spelled out how the left-wing temptations of François Bayrou’s government is putting its survival at risk more than ever.

While Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau is struggling to get the country out of the all-immigration impasse it has been locked in for decades, his colleague Lombard, has just cruelly rebuffed him. Retailleau, like two thirds of the French people, believes that immigration “is not an opportunity for France,” Lombard, however, sticks with the exact opposite. In a TV interview, he argued that “we can have different assessments within a government.” and that France must “of course” remain a country of immigration, which remains necessary “to fill jobs in companies, factories and hospitals.”

Eugénie Bastié, a journalist at Le Figaro, described the comments as “cynical and irresponsible.”

Migrants are seen as cannon fodder for society’s dirty work. For these petty technocrats, populations are interchangeable boxes on Excel spreadsheets, and they ignore the cultural dimension of immigration, its security consequences and the identity divides it creates. Our Western economies, focused exclusively on services and consumption, are addicted to immigration. This addiction is unsustainable in the long term and we are already paying the price.

On the morning of Monday, January 27th, Bardella also voiced such concerns during his 2025 address to journalists, in the face of a government that is constantly giving “pledges to the Left” and plunging the country into “worrying inertia” with a “façade of soft consensus and compromise that satisfies no one.”

While Bardella believes that the minister of the interior is “sincere” in his firm stance on immigration, he adds that “his communication effects, which are designed to put the RN electorate to sleep, won’t fool anyone.” Bardella is firmly in favour of holding a referendum on immigration—an idea shared by Retailleau but condemned by the rest of the government.

Bardella did not make a clear statement on the prospect of the Bayrou government facing censure on the budget issue. “For us, censure is not a toy. And for us, censure is not an end in itself,” he reiterated.

Marine Le Pen’s party is calling for a new dissolution of the National Assembly to end the instability—which constitutionally cannot take place before the summer of 2025. “Only a return to the people will give the country a stable majority,” Bardella insisted. With this in mind, the RN is getting ready and has already started to select its candidates.

On the evening of January 27th, Prime Minister Bayrou, as guest on the LCI news channel, being aware of these tensions, tried to find a cautious point of balance that would be satisfactory to listeners. Let us add, a minority of whom now intend to follow the minister of the economy down the path of ever more immigration. Bayrou explained that immigration “is one of the most important issues before us.”

While there are, in his view, jobs that no French are willing to fill, François Bayrou pointed out that “foreign contributions are positive for a people provided that they do not exceed a certain proportion.” The PM continued along the same path: “The meeting of cultures is positive, but as soon as you have the impression of submersion, there is rejection. In France, we’re getting close to that.” His comments were almost instantly condemned by the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet.

Of course, all this verbiage remains at the level of declarations of intent, justifying Bardella’s description of the team in place as a “ministry of words.”

Hungarian city ready to host the unwelcome statue of Joan of Arc in Nice, France

Mátészalka, in Hungary’s north-east, has offered to be home to a statue of Joan of Arc (Jeanne d’Arc), which is to be removed from France’s Nice, the co-ruling Christian Democrat party (KDNP) said in a statement.

Joan of Arc is one of the patron saints of France. This 15th-century military leader led a demoralized French army to several key victories in the Hundred Years’ War with the English before being imprisoned and burned at stake by her opponents at the age of 19.

Three months after his unveiling, a huge bronze statue of Joan of Arc was ordered to be removed following a court ruling that Nice had breached public procurement rules.

The city’s conservative mayor, Christian Estrosi, commissioned the €170,000 (£144,000) sculpture from Atelier Missor. This local sculpture group focuses on French patriotic heroes and has been criticised by some for its right-wing bias.

Jean-Marie Le Pen, a politician who died this month at the age of 86, has adopted Joan of Arc as the symbol of the far-right National Front.

Critics accuse Mr Estrosi of spending considerable public money for political gain on the memory of a man who became a symbol of French nationalism.

Christian Democrats would welcome the statue

“Jeanne d’Arc’s fight and martyrdom goes on,” KDNP leader Zsolt Semjén, group leader István Simicskó, and Mátészalka mayor Péter Hanusi said in the statement. “The changes that have taken place in America will hopefully arrive in Europe soon … KDNP supports any endeavour aimed at saving our Christian-based Western culture,” they added.

About Mátészalka

Mátészalka is a town in north-eastern Hungary, in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, near the Romanian border. It is historically significant as a regional trade centre around Satu Mare. Often called the “City of Light”, Mátészalka was among the first Hungarian towns to introduce electric street lighting. The town presents a blend of traditional Hungarian culture and modern amenities, hosts local festivals and supports a vibrant market. The town is 280 kilometres from Budapest.


Hamas kills Arabs? No Jews no news

by Giulio Meotti

In September, the bodies of six hostages kidnapped during the Hamas attack on October 7 were found at the end of a tunnel in Rafah. The conscience of the “ceasefire” and “Free Palestine” was clear: the death of the six Israelis was “the responsibility of Benjamin Netanyahu” who did not want an agreement.

This time the executioners in the video are once again wearing Hamas uniforms, but the victims are six Arabs of Gaza. Six alleged “collaborators with Israel”. They were put against a wall and shot. The video, shared by the Gaza Now channel which boasts 1.7 million followers on Telegram, is titled “The moment of punishment of the agents of the Zionist occupation”.

There are no reports of complaints from the “special rapporteur” Francesca Albanese or the International Red Cross. No Jews no news?

The “Free Palestine” hordes don’t seem to care much. A bit like the 127 death sentences carried out in Iran from December 21 to today (774 since the “moderate” Pezeshkian became president).

And then you must realize that Hamas has to demonstrate that it is still in charge in Gaza by publicly executing a group of locals. In 2007, Hamas took power in Gaza against Fatah. 600 Palestinian Arabs dead: 188 in one week, some thrown from rooftops.

For the “Free Gaza” group, the end of the “Israeli occupation” was to be celebrated. Now that there is a “ceasefire”, the massacre of Palestinian Arabs at the hands of other Palestinian Arabs can be ignored. Intrafada, not Intifada until victory.

When the war stops and Hamas kills Palestinian Arabs, the “ceasefires” fall silent. In October, Hamas terrorists killed Islam Hijazi, the director of the NGO Heal Palestine, after she refused to hand over the charity funds raised to the terrorist group. Again, nothing to report. Did you hear about it?

No Jews no news.

In November, Israel released a shocking video of Hamas agents torturing Palestinian Arab detainees under interrogation. The video, filmed by CCTV cameras inside a Hamas base in Jabaliya, contains thousands of hours of interrogation sessions. Detainees were hooded, tied to floors and ceilings, beaten.

Again, no Jews, no news.

A few days ago, a report by the Israeli Ministry of Health was released and presented to the United Nations. Two Israeli teenage girls held hostage were forced to perform sexual acts on each other and their captors sexually abused them. The report is on the desk of Alice Edwards, the UN special rapporteur on torture. Again, little news. The victims were Jewish.

Hostages burned and beaten, starved and humiliated. Some had their hair torn out. Women tied to beds. The captors also tortured the wounded hostages by performing painful procedures without anesthesia. They denied them access to the bathroom, forcing them to defecate on themselves. The adult hostages lost an average of 10-17 percent of their original body weight.

But these are Jews and the brutality of Hamas against Jews for fifteen months is downplayed, in any case “contextualized” to use the language of the woke rectors. For the “ceasefire” people in the West, the Arabs killed by Hamas, to use Yahya Sinwar’s words, are a “necessary sacrifice”.

Idiots are those responsible for the deaths of too many people who wear colorful bracelets of friendship between peoples.

Insane: German Funeral for Victims Murdered by Afghan Migrant, Including a 2-Yr-Old Child Is Marred by Antifa

At the memorial service for the 2-year-old boy and the man stabbed to death by an Afghan migrant in Aschaffenburg, Germany, Antifa activists insulted family members and friends, calling them ‘fascists’.

As reported by Robert Spencer, a well-known expert on Jihad and militant Islam, a funeral for Germans murdered by an Afghan migrant was interrupted by Antifa.

On Wednesday, an Afghan migrant who was living in an asylum center was arrested for stabbing to death a two-year-old child and 41-year-old man on a playground. Two others were injured in the knife attack.

28-year-old Enamullah O had a history of violent attacks and was in Germany despite having an order to leave the country.

Workers at a nursery, or what we call a daycare center here in America, noticed the man acting suspiciously and decided to move the children inside. It was at that moment that the Afghan migrant attacked the children killing a two-yer-old and then killing a 41-year-old man who attempted to rescue the children.

It was the latest mass killing by a migrant in Germany.

Then, at the funeral, Antifa showed up and reportedly insulted family members and friends, accusing them of being fascist.

Sadly, this well-known tactic of the left frequently works in silencing critics of mass migration and militant Islam.

Tragically, like most of Europe, Germany is being overrun by migrants from third-world Islamist societies.

The good news is the race card, and the accusations of fascism are not stopping the rise of conservative populist parties and politicians throughout The Western hemisphere.

The population in Western countries is tired of importing the third world and seeks to preserve their countries and protect their populace from Islamist terror and migrant crime.

Migrant crime in Europe frequently means Islamic terror, honor killings and rape. In the United States, it’s usually violent cartels.

With President Trump, there is hope of putting this to an end, and in electing conservatives in Europe, there is hope they will go the way of Hungary with an end to migrant crime.

A Muslim shouts ‘Allah Akbar’ in the street in Nice, France, holding a gun and threatens to kill everyone

On Sunday evening at 8.20 pm, a frightening scene took place in the centre of Nice for passers-by. On the corner between Avenue de la République and Rue Leotardi, a man suddenly held a gun in his hand.
In front of numerous witnesses, the perpetrator shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ and threatened to kill everyone. At the time, it was not known whether the weapon was a dummy or not. The state police intervened.

During the transport, he continued to be threatening, shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ several times again and threatening to kill the police officers, claiming that he had ‘memorised their faces’.

The 56-year-old man, who lives in the neighbourhood, was taken into police custody.

The Nice public prosecutor’s office confirmed to Nice-Matin that an investigation has been opened. According to Maud Marty, deputy public prosecutor, the police custody could be extended.


German authorities thwart another attack by Afghan asylum seeker in Hanau

German authorities thwarted another potential terror attack after an Afghan asylum seeker was arrested in Hanau, Hesse, with multiple weapons and inflammatory writings calling for violence against Germans.

The 33-year-old suspect, identified in a state parliamentary report by the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party as Hassibullah A., was apprehended last Friday following a tip-off from city officials.

The suspect first raised concerns during an appointment at Hanau’s Citizens’ Service office, where he displayed erratic behavior while attempting to deregister his residency and declare voluntary departure from Germany. After he left, staff alerted the police, who later found him at his asylum accommodation on Ludwigstrasse in Hanau-Steinheim (photo).

A search of his belongings recovered two kitchen knives, a balaclava, an axe, a hammer, and written materials allegedly containing threats against Germans. The AfD report claims that phrases such as “Death to you Germans” and “Long live Afghanistan” were among the notes, though police have not officially confirmed the wording.

Following his arrest, the suspect was transferred to a psychiatric clinic, where he remains under police guard. The incident has raised significant security concerns, with the AfD suggesting that a potentially deadly attack was only narrowly averted due to the swift actions of Hanau city officials and law enforcement.

“It cannot be ruled out that it was only thanks to the quick reaction of the Hanau city officials and the police that the next serious act of violence by an Afghan with unknown victims was prevented literally at the last minute,” the report stated, as shared on X by local AfD MP Klaus Gagel.

“It remains unclear and remains to be clarified why the public was not informed about the incident in a timely manner,” it added.

The official AfD parliamentary request to the Hessian state government sought further clarification on the suspect’s background and his movements in Germany.

Authorities are continuing their investigation into the suspect’s intentions and whether he acted alone or had connections to extremist networks.

The case has sparked renewed debate over asylum policies and public safety ahead of next month’s federal elections, particularly in light of recent attacks.

Last week, a 28-year-old Afghan national was arrested following a brutal stabbing spree targeting a group of daycare children and their teachers in the Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg.

A 2-year-old child died after multiple stab wounds while a 41-year-old man was also murdered as he attempted to intervene in the attack. Two others sustained serious injuries, including another young child and a daycare worker.