Radical Islam must be stopped or it will take control of France, warns French parliamentary report

All of France, with the exception of the Western part of the country, is affected by radical Islam, warns a commission of French politicians in a report about the spread of radical Islam and the effects of Islam on how society functions.

“Radical Islamism is multi-faceted and influences all aspects of social life to the point where it asserts itself at the expense of individual freedom,” said Republican Senator Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio.

“We must react now or never,” the senator said. If the French state does nothing, she estimates that in a few years, districts and entire territories will break out of the French Republic and radical Islamism will take control of them, according to the report.

“Recently, the most significant symptoms [of advancing Islamism] are candidate lists for municipal elections, which, by the way, is very difficult to detect. The infiltration is real. We know about more and more cases where a spot on the candidate is promised in exchange for the votes of the mosque. This is a very dangerous mechanism because it is initially an alliance with radical Islamism, which will then take control,” described Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio.

According to Novinky.cz, the Commission founded in November 2019 formulated 44 recommendations in the fields of the economy, education, social affairs, and culture to prevent “Islamists from controlling part of the French population”

According to the parliamentary report, the answer cannot be just police measures.

The 30-member Senate commission interviewed scientists, journalists, university professors, politicians, and many more people from a number of fields. A total of 60 hours of hearings were held, and 67 respondents pointed out that part of the population is radicalizing in the name of Islam and this phenomenon continues to grow.

The report recalls that the Muslim Brotherhood has grown its influence in the country since the 1990s by around 50,000 members. The Commission recommends banning the preaching of the Muslim Brotherhood or mass street prayers.

According to senators, any association that wants to use local subsidies and support would have to commit to “signing statutes that respect the values of the republic.” Religious associations should also have transparent accounting.

Politicians further recommend to train special agents in order to monitor the radical Islamist movement. Besides that, the report draws attention to the problem in schools, where the spread of discriminatory and hate speech full of violence against children should be prevented. The proposed measures should apply not only to children in schools but also to those who are educated at home.

France is currently undergoing demographic transformation, with one-in-five French newborns having Arab-Muslim names. Despite opposition from both conservative and nationalist parties, the French government is moving forward with plans to teach Arabic in schools.

Last year, a French teenage girl was placed under police protection after receiving death threats for criticizing Islam. The country has also been plagued by Islamic terrorism that has led to dozens of high-profile attacks that have killed hundreds.


Germany: Because a 14-year-old girl did not let herself be pestered by an Iranian, he kicked and spat on her

A girl (14 years old) was kicked and spat on by a man on Sunday evening ( July 19) at 9.30 pm on the street Friedrich-Ebert-Straße in Düsseldorf. Based on the description of the man, the previously unknown perpetrator could be identified by federal police officers at Düsseldorf main station following a theft. Criminal proceedings were initiated against the 18-year-old.

The 14-year-old German and her girlfriend (16 years old) were addressed by the 18-year-old Iranian. When they told him that they did not want to deal with him, he kicked the 14-year-old in the buttocks, spat on her leg and left the scene of the crime.

In order to file a criminal complaint against the stranger, the two young women went to the Federal Police station at Düsseldorf Central Station. They described the suspect in detail so that he could be identified at 11:40 pm at the Düsseldorf main station in the case of a committed theft. In this case, too, he behaved very aggressively towards an employee of the supermarket in Düsseldorf Central Station.After the personal data had been investigated, the 18-year-old was dismissed and criminal proceedings were initiated for the theft and assault. The two girls were picked up by their parents at the federal police station. The 14-year-old remained uninjured.


Germany: Infamous asylum seeker ‘King Abode’ remains free despite 7 convictions

“King Abode” giving the middle finger in a video posted to Youtube.

The 22-year-old migrant “King Abode”, whose real name is Mohamed T., was supposed to be deported back to Libya, but now the district court of Dresden lifted an eight-month prison sentence against the permanent asylum seeker on Wednesday and referred the 2018 case back to juvenile court.

“King Abode” received an eight-month suspended sentence in 2018 for insulting, threatening, and biting a train passenger in the arm. His self-proclaimed name translates to “King Stay” in English, and is meant to highlight Germany’s inability to remove him from the country.

The reason the Dresden court dropped the case and referred it to juvenile court is that it claims “King Abode” should not have been sentenced as a an adult, a spokesman for the regional court confirmed a report of the Bild newspaper on Thursday.

When he first entered Germany in 2014, Mohamed T. stated that he was 18 years old and born on February 4, 1996. However, standing before the Bautzen Youth Court in another case, he said that he was born on August 4, 1997, more than a year later. The court accepted his claim that he was younger, and he was sentenced as a juvenile instead as an adult, which resulted in the court slapping the amateur rapper to only 16 months of probation for 24 crimes.

If the judge in the juvenile court also recognizes his supposedly younger age of the case of 2018, the eight-month prison sentence could now be reversed, leaving Mohamed T. free once again. “King Abode”, who claims to be a Libyan citizen, is well known to the police and the judiciary. The authorities have already initiated more than 60 cases against him, at least nine of which went to trial. He has been convicted seven times.

In one instance in 2018, he was released from custody only to steal a boy’s cellphone three days later. He smugly told the press at the time that “nothing happens to me anyway” in response to that arrest.

The immigrant should have been deported a long time ago. His asylum application had already been rejected in September 2016. Since then, he has managed to stay in Germany by initiating a variety of court cases.

“King Abode” was also involved in riots between asylum seekers and Germans on the Bautzen market during summer 2016. The German press has labeled him the “riot refugee” and numerous articles have been published about him over the years.

He later attracted attention when he posted a video of himself on social media with a Kalashnikov assault rifle. In another incident, a special task force had to overpower him on the roof of an asylum-seeker accommodation building.

The attention the “King Abode” case has served to highlight the disproportionately large role migrants play in crime statistics in the country, including for the most serious crimes of murder, assault, and sexual assaults. At the same time, the case highlights German authorities’ inability to successfully deport even those migrants who have committed a variety of crimes.

The uncertainty over “King Adobe’s” age is also not unique a unique case. In fact, there are over 400,000 migrants in Germany who have unknown birth dates, with the Alternative for Germany party indicating that many of them have lied about their age to gain access to more benefits under the German system and avoid deportation.

Concerns have been raised in the past that migrants have lied about their age in order to gain entry into Europe. For example, 84 percent of “child migrants” tested by Swedish health authorities were actually adults aged 18 or older, according to a report from the BBC. In another study from Belgium released by the government this month, 73 percent of “migrant children” were actually adults.

According to a study by the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Münster, a large proportion of underage immigrants lied about their age upon entering Germany. The university clinic’s forensic specialists examined around 600 so-called unaccompanied minor refugees on behalf of the courts where their age was questioned. The institute determined that around 40 percent of them were demonstrably 18 years of age or older, according to the study available online.


Germany: 4 Afghans have raped a German woman

Today, a rape is said to have been committed in the early hours of the morning in an apartment in the street Georgenstraße in Eisenach. According to the current state of knowledge, a 19-year-old (German) woman is said to have consumed alcohol together with one of the perpetrators at the market shortly before and to have gone into an apartment together. There she is said to have been forced to have sexual intercourse against her will by four Afghan perpetrators aged between 23 and 36 years. The perpetrators could be arrested by the police for the time being. The investigations were taken up by the criminal investigation department.


Swedish mother of three brutally attacked by migrants, slams Swedish prime minister

Victim Rebecca Andersson shares photos the injuries she sustained during an attack from migrants. Facebook

While trying to enjoy a night out with their husbands, 24-year-old Rebecca Andersson and her sister were brutally beaten by a gang of immigrants in central Uppsala on Saturday night when they were on their way home from a restaurant.

The young mother of three described the incident on Facebook and shared photos of her battered body in a post that has been shared tens of thousands of times. In the message, she also mocked the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, writing, “Please share [my post], so maybe it will reach Löfven how safe Sweden is.”

On Friday night, Rebecca Andersson said she and her husband Fredrik hired a babysitter so that they together with Rebecca’s sister and her husband could go to a restaurant together for a night out. After playing shuffleboard, they were heading home a couple of hours later when they were brutally attacked by an immigrant gang.

“My friend and I went a little behind and talked and the girls went a bit ahead,” told Fredrik Andersson told Swedish newspaper Fria Tider.

In Rebecca Andersson’s Facebook post, she said out of the blue, one member of a group of young men called her and her sister “twats”.

When her and her sister asked why he would call them like that, the attacker became aggressive.

“I beat girls and I come from Gottsunda,“ the man answered.

The aggressive man then launched a furious attack against the women whose husbands were walking behind them when the attack started.

“I remember blows and kicks against me and my sister’s head,” Rebecca wrote on Facebook.

Fredrik and the other man immediately hurried forward to intervene against the violent man, but then the attacker had a number of men join him in attacing the group.

“Suddenly, three or four people pulled up in a car and were coming, taking off their belts. They started beating on us instead of our spouses,“ said Fredrik Andersson.

According to Fredrik, the gang of immigrant men who attacked them were in their 20s and looked like they came somewhere from the Middle East.

“They were not totally dark-skinned, but of some foreign descent for sure,“ he added.

The abuse was stopped fairly quickly thanks to the fact that security guards saw what was happening and came out running to help.

The police confirmed that they were alerted to an assault in central Uppsala on Saturday night involving two women beaten by a gang.

“As far as we know, the police detained three. They also told my husband that we were lucky we weren’t stabbed, so they obviously had knives with them,“ concluded Rebecca Andresson on Facebook.

Responding to Rebecca’s post on Facebook, a number of women voiced outrage over the incident in the comments.”Disgusting, f**king disgusting… I hope they get what they deserve, and then I do not mean Sweden’s cowardly legal system without someone taking the law into their own hands! Get well soon,” said Denise Hallen. 


ACAB rioters battle police in Frankfurt

During the night to Sunday, rioters fought street battles with the police on Frankfurt’s Opernplatz. The security forces were able to arrest 39 people who “predominantly have a migration background”.

Frankfurt police chief Gerhard Bereswill confirmed on Sunday afternoon that five officers were injured in the operation.

Initially, up to 3 000 people celebrated on the square in the center of the Main metropolis. At around 1 am the mood had turned and became aggressive. When the police arrived at about 3 am to pick up the victim of a brawl, the opponents of the conflict mobbed together and attacked the officers. Bottles were thrown from the crowd of around 500 people. The police finally cleared the place. Several police cars were damaged.

Bereswill was particularly dismayed that the onlookers cheered the bottle-throwing at the security forces and chanted “ACAB” [All Cops Are Bastards]. He described this as a negative culmination of a recent political developments.

In recent weeks, left-wing politicians and journalists have repeatedly accused the police of latent racism. Among other things, the fact that investigators in Stuttgart checked whether the rioters had a migration background after similar incidents, was heavily criticized. The Turkish-born journalist Mely Kiyak even described the German police as a “resentment-controlled, armed security risk”.


Muslims and Leftists in Germany celebrate the arson to the cathedral in Nantes

Foto: Screenshot/Youtube

Following yesterday’s cathedral blaze in Nantes, there was a further source of vexation that has been seen in the commentary columns of social media platforms, especially Facebook, ever since the Charlie Hebdo murders: Muslim people, mostly of Arab origin, and their left-wing supporters in Central Europe are expressing their excitement and malicious joy on the net.Yesterday evening, even on the Facebook pages of the public broadcasters, the sympathisers of Islamisation bluntly celebrated their satisfaction – and expressed what they think of burning Christian places of worship, of the disintegration of the European “Leitkultur” (guiding culture) by means of laughing smileys or “Like” clicks:


In addition to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are also popular “playgrounds” for this type of expression of opinion, which typically does not lead to the deletion and blocking of the users concerned by the social media teams of the public broadcaster ZDF (whereas masses of comments are deleted as “hate speech”, which suspect a not too distant connection between the recent fire and Islamization) in addition to Facebook as well on Twitter and YouTube.The use of similarly sardonic emoticons is known from other occasions: For example, reports of Palestinian attacks on Israel, of Israeli settlers or IDF soldiers killed, of IS terror attacks or of Kurds killed by jihadists or Turkish soldiers. Here, too, Muslims and/or Turkish nationalists optionally showed their ugly grimace of contempt for humanity – through Likes and cheerful smileys.


Well done ! Red Bull Fires Three Execs Who Called for Company to Make a Statement in Support of BLM

Stefan Kozak, CEO of North America for the Austria-based company, and Amy Taylor, North America president and chief marketing officer were let go, the energy drink company confirmed on Tuesday.

Kozak and Taylor had lobbied in recent weeks for more diversity in the company and were blamed for the leak of a letter that criticized Red Bull’s ‘public silence’ on Black Lives Matter.

Florian Klaass, the Austrian-based head of global head of music, entertainment, and culture marketing, was also fired.

All three were told they were losing their jobs on Monday, Business Insider reported.


German Army infiltrated by Turkish agents?

According to media reports, four Bundeswehr soldiers of Turkish origin are suspected of being members of the extremist Turkish organisation Grey Wolves. They are also suspected of collaborating with the Turkish secret service MIT.

The federal government assumes a membership potential of about 11 000 people. Experts estimate this to be even higher. The Turkish secret service MIT [Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency, ed] is said to have countless agents and informants, mostly of Turkish origin, in Germany alone.

According to experts, the MIT’s espionage network extends to authorities, travel agencies and other companies.

According to the ARD magazine Report Mainz, a parliamentary inquiry by the Left Party in the Bundestag indicated that the German government assumes that there are regular meetings between the Grey Wolves and members of the MIT. The organisation is also called the Ülkücü movement.

A judicial disciplinary procedure is currently underway against at least one suspect. “There are actual indications of extremist aspirations among the other people,” the German government said in response to the inquiry.

It is “therefore likely that such contacts are also used by the MIT to promote intelligence matters”, it concluded.

According to an analyst in the Australian Green Left Weekly, the Grey Wolveshave largely unofficial presence in Turkey’s major universities, but their “real power is on the streets, among disaffected poor people in predominantly Turkish Sunni neighbourhoods.” One source claimed that a political party, the MHP and Grey Wolves “retain strong support within the military” the Middle East Eyereported.

The most important Grey Wolves-affiliated Turkish organisation in Germany is Türk Federasyon which has around 200 member organisations. It numbered around 7 000 active members a decade ago while the National Democratic Party (NPD) had 5 000 members.

Today there are at least 20 000 Turkish adherents in Germany and around 5 000 in Austria, but the numbers of supporters are on the rise. Some young wolves from Europe even travelled to Syria as “God’s warriors” according to researcher Thomas Rammersdorfer.

Cemal Çetin, the chairman of the umbrella organisation of the Gray Wolves in Europe, has had his organisation classified as extremist. Çetin, an elected Turkish MP for the MHP, was a member of President Erdogan’s delegation in Brussels for the NATO summit 2018. The fact that the leading figure of the Gray Wolves was traveling with Erdogan was also widely reported in the Turkish media.


African Immigrant Arrested for Burning Nantes Cathedral

A man has been taken into custody as part of an investigation into a series of fires, which are believed to have been started deliberately, at the Cathedral of St. Pierre and St. Paul in the western French city of Nantes.

The 39-year-old man was arrested at his home on Saturday afternoon, and the prosecutor revealed that he was in custody on Sunday morning.

According to local media reports, the individual is understood to be a Rwandan man who worked for the diocese as a volunteer. He was not previously known to police, according to the Europe1 news outlet.

On Saturday, prosecutor Pierre Sennes revealed that three fires had been started at the church. The blazes completely destroyed the cathedral’s grand organ, smashed a prominent stained glass window on the building’s facade, and ravaged a valuable 19th-century painting that had been sent from Rome.

Prosecutor Pierre Sennes revealed that three fires had been started at the church and authorities were treating the incident as a criminal act. He declined to give further details.

An eyewitness who lives near the cathedral earlier told the LCI news outlet that he was woken up by “a very strange sound of bells” and he could see the fire from his home. “From what I can see, there is more and more smoke,” he said.

The roof of the Catholic cathedral previously suffered fire significant damage in 1972 when a blaze broke out. The impressive building had to be closed for three years to allow the necessary restorations to take place. The church was also partly destroyed during World War Two when it was bombed by Allied forces in 1944.

The fire comes just over a year after Notre Dame fell victim to a massive blaze, which destroyed its main spire and caused extensive damage.
