Christian cemetery vandalized in Dillenburg, Germany

POL-LDK: ++ Grabmale beschädigt ++ Skoda zerkratzt ++
POL-LDK: ++ Grabmale beschädigt ++ Skoda zerkratzt ++
Photos: Polizeipräsidium Mittelhessen
Polizeidirektion Lahn-Dill

Unknown persons knocked over six high-quality gravestones, some of them more than 100 years old, in the Old Cemetery in Fronhäuser Street in Dillenburg (photos above). Some of the gravestones broke in the process. The damage caused between Monday, August 24 and Sunday, September 6 is estimated at about 30,000 euros. The Dillenburg police station is asking for information in this matter by calling 02771/90-70.

Germany: Iraqi stops patient transport and attacks the driver with a knife

A 15-year-old Iraqi man caused a major police operation last Friday after he suddenly stepped onto the Lazarett Street in Essen, thereby disrupting a patient transport. After the car came to a halt, the 15-year-old spat in the direction of the driver and then gave him the finger.Thereupon the driver got out to confront the Iraqi, who suddenly pulled a knife and threatened with it. A physical confrontation resulted, in which another witness helped to finally restrain the 15-year-old. Even when several policemen arrived, the man from Iraq behaved aggressively and disrespectfully. The knife was confiscated, he is now awaiting criminal charges. /

German professional footballers fell victim to the GDR State Security (Stasi)

There is, for example, the enigmatic traffic accident of the former GDR soccer player Lutz Eigendorf (photo above) in 1983. Four years earlier, he had not returned to the GDR after playing in the Federal Republic. He was a passionate driver, his driving style risky, noted the spies of the Stasi in the west. Shortly before his traffic accident, the Stasi stopped his driving time and the exact route of his daily route from the stadium to his home.
Two years ago, new information appeared on the course of the accident. Was Eigendorf deliberately blinded? In the poison files of the Stasi it says:. Flash, Eigendorf .. Had Eigendorf secretly been given a pupil dilating agent?
The Berlin public prosecutor’s office cannot answer any questions about this since an autopsy has not been ordered, even after the new Stasi documents have appeared.

Jörg Berger (photo above), football coach Alemannia Aachen:
Everything is said here!
The Stasi knew that Berger was afraid of a possible contract murder to keep other footballers from fleeing:
.BERGER allegedly stated (…) that he should not fare as EIGENDORF ..
The Stasi believed that Berger was the mastermind behind the flight of several footballers from the Republic. When Berger was on the move to the 1st Bundesliga as a coach in the mid-1980s and the GDR athletes Falko Götz and Dirk Schlegel set off for West Germany, Berger seemed to be intolerable for the GDR.
.In the operative process .Ball. was operationally worked out that BERGER had a significant part in the betrayal of GÖTZ and SCHLEGEL ..
Jörg Berger, football coach: It can also be seen in these statements that they wanted to incapacitate me or that I wanted to be put out of work in the direction that I no longer work as a coach, so that I might no longer be influenced by players or maybe even by coaches to have..
In 1986 Berger suffered from mysterious symptoms of paralysis. The attempt at explanation back then: a virus infection. On behalf of report AUS MÜNCHEN, the legal doctor Prof. Wolfgang Eisenmenger analyzed medical files against the background of Toxdat Berger. Now it seems certain: Berger was poisoned.
Prof. Wolfgang Eisenmenger, Inner City Clinic of the University of Munich, Institute of Forensic Medicine:
If one critically evaluates the laboratory chemical findings from the hospital, one has to say that in retrospect there is nothing to suggest that the virus has gone through. Since the heavy metal poisoning has not been specifically investigated, it cannot be ruled out based on laboratory findings. (…) Coming. if you appreciate the clinical picture. especially heavy metals from the group of lead compounds and arsenic compounds.
Instructions to disguise arsenic poisoning. again delivers the GDR toxdat toxicity study.
Earlier Stasi employees also wanted to switch it off, believes Hartmut Büttner from Hanover. In 1995 he had a mysterious car accident that almost cost him his life. After reunification, the MP had researched the backers of the .Toxdat. Study and worked very hard for the Gauck authorities to disclose the Stasi files.
Hartmut Büttner, CDU member of the Bundestag in 1991:
I think it is scandalous that the old socialist, who was cheating with the champagne glass, has completely displaced the inmates of Bautzen.
When Büttner ´95 crashed on a straight, dust-dry road, no filigree inspection of the car takes place. The police release the scrap car while he is in a coma. A forwarding company hastily pays six times its value. Buttner was informed:
Hartmut Büttner, CDU member of the Bundestag: “This car has indeed been sent abroad. In this case to Poland. And in Poland this car was reported stolen after a week.
Many accidents and illnesses of former GDR system critics still do not seem to be resolved.

The fuction of the GDR “Reisekader” (cadres approved by the state for travel were allowed to go)

The “cadres approved by the state for travel were allowed to go” (Reisekader) were a privileged minority that was characterized by a special political loyalty to the SED state. Nevertheless, the ” system of Reisekader” was an instrument that helped control and discipline the entire scientific and economic elite in the GDR and brought the circle of beneficiaries into a state of dependence.It is assumed that these cadres were also involved in the planning and execution of murders of refugees from the GDR as well as GDR critics.

Was Angela Merkel a “Reisekader” ?

Angela Merkel is also accused of various trips abroad. In 1974 she participated in an exchange with physics students in Moscow and Leningrad. In addition, she completed a Russian course in Donetsk and a research stay of several months in Prague. It is also known that she traveled illegally to the south of the Soviet Union in 1983, was discovered during this trip and remained without any trouble after her return. In 1986 and 1989 she was also allowed to travel privately to the Federal Republic of Germany for several days. Finally she was in Poland several times. Are these indications of IM (Stasi, Ed.) activity? […]

During her last return trip, on August 12, 1981, unexpected problems occurred at the border. During an inspection by the GDR customs authorities, they found a Solidarność magazine in Angela Merkel’s pocket between two books and a badge of the independent trade union in her wallet. The customs officers also found two photos of a Solidarność monument in Gdynia. All these objects were confiscated. But while the Stasi brutally investigated the import of such materials in other cases, Merkel was allowed to continue her journey home unhindered. On the Internet, this is the cause for far-reaching suspicions.

Islam will become the majority religion in Austria according to a study

According to a study by the “Vienna Institute of Demography”, the Roman Catholic Church in Austria continues to suffer from a sharp decline in Christian membership. The number of Muslims, on the other hand, is growing strongly. If the trend continues in this way, Islam could be the majority religion of all under 15 year olds in 30 years.The present study examines all religions in Austria up to the year 2051, taking into account the fertility rate, the religion-specific net migration and the conversion rate between the religions.According to a report in the Freilich Magazine, it states that the proportion of Catholics will fall from 75 percent in 2001 to less than 50 percent by the middle of the century, unless current trends in fertility, secularization or immigration change.On the other hand, the Islamic population, which has grown from one percent in 1981 to four percent in 2001, will, according to the study’s estimates, make up about 14 to 26 percent of the population in Austria by 2051. If, on the other hand, the current fertility trends continue as they have been, Islam could be the majority religion of all under 15 year olds by 2051.

Germany: Iranian Turkish wedding convoy sits on the roofs of cars while driving on the highway

The Cologne police stopped a wedding convoy using several police cars last Friday afternoon on the federal highway 4 at the Kerpen intersection. After informing the public prosecutor’s office, the police confiscated the driving licenses of five drivers (24, 26, 26, 27, 29 y/o) of the Iranian-Kurdish wedding party at the Elsdorf junction. According to testimonies, occupants of the cars on the highway are said to have leaned out of the windows and sat on the roof while the car was being driven. In addition, the men are said to have jointly slowed down the traffic in the direction of Aachen to about 60 km/h and to have overtaken each other at risk. For the trip to the wedding celebration, the five drivers of the motorcade sat in the passenger seat.

Refugee policy spokeswoman for the German Green Party does not want to talk about misogyny among Muslims

In an interview, Bettina Jarasch, spokeswoman for refugee and religious policy of the Berlin Green Party, tried to square the circle: she did not want to deviate at any price from her Islamophilic, unrealistically ideologized view of refugees – and tried to avoid the accusations of two Green party members who had criticized the misogynistic world view of many immigrants and blamed her Green party of ignorance in this regard.

Jarasch, a do-gooder through and through and, in a way, the cliché of a Green advocate of Islam, seems like a caricature of herself. Who doubts whether there are really people who deny the problems caused by political Islam and the backward state of society in traditionalist countries of origin of many refugees coming to this country: With this Green person they will learn the opposite. Under the motto that “nothing can happen that is not allowed to happen”, Jarasch closes her eyes to any unpleasant confrontation with reality – and practises whataboutism of the most embarrassing kind.Confronted with concrete cases of sexual and domestic violence against women in immigrant families, their chauvinistic upbringing and the macho culture that is particularly prevalent in Arab culture, Jarasch had used phrases such as “Muslims should never be condemned in general” in the newspaper interview in question, published in the “Tagesspiegel” (TS).And she countered the argument that many refugees came from cultures in which “women are considered to be of subordinate importance” by saying that in Germany, too, “patriarchy has not yet been completely overcome” and that “in this matter German men are not blameless.Such arguments show blindness at its highest, in a clearly pathological form.In response to the TS interview with the unconvincable Jarasch, the sparks apparently flew in the party.

Fewer and fewer Greens are apparently willing to accept the denial of reality by hard-line ideologues in their own ranks. Walter Otte, chairman of the group of the “Secular Greens” (a green “fringe group” that takes a relatively critical stance towards Islam), explained to the TS: “There are clear problems due to an upbringing background, there is a cultural macho culture, you have to deal with that. If these problems are not clearly mentioned, the AfD will be given a point of attack. One should not try to dismiss the problem.Likewise, Otto’s predecessor at the party group, the Green Party member Jürgen Roth, sharply attacked Jarasch: “Such an uncritical approach – also of orthodox-reactionary excesses – will almost inevitably result in the conclusion that we are dealing exclusively with a growing conflict between Islam and the majority society”. There is no point in suppressing everything unpleasant in order to justify the false conclusion that nothing has anything to do with Islam.

Germany: Migrants kick and stab a man because he refused to shake their hands

At the start of a trial on the charges of a life-threatening attack on a passenger on a platform in Neu-Anspach ( Hochtaunus district), the defendants did not comment on the allegations. This would possibly happen during the course of the trial, the lawyers of the three men said on Friday during the hearing at the Frankfurt Regional Court.A 24-year-old Syrian and a 23-year-old Afghan are charged with, among other things, attempted manslaughter, and an 18-year-old German with a migration background is accused of dangerous bodily harm. The wife of the presumed victim, who was present at the station during the crime in November 2019, recognized the men.The 24-year-old woman from Neu-Anspach said that the Syrian had held a blank gun to her husband’s face and threatened to shoot him. According to the prosecution, he is also said to have stabbed the man four times in the back with a knife. The 18-year-old is said to have beaten him, tore him to the ground and held him there. The Afghan is said to have used this situation to kick the 25-year-old in the face with full force. “Just like kicking a ball,” the woman said. She had been plagued by nightmares since the crime.The man from Afghanistan is said to have started the fight because he demanded a handshake from the man when he got off the Taunusbahn and the man refused. The victim was brought to a hospital after the attack, seriously injured. The trial will continue into October.

Insulted and threatened: Bus drivers do not want to work on the line to the first reception center for asylum seekers in Suhl, Germany

The bus drivers of the Suhl/Zella-Mehlis Municipal Transport Company (SNG) no longer want to serve on the evening routes to and from Friedberg, where the country’s initial reception center for asylum seekers (EAE) is located, for fear of assault and to protect their physical integrity. This was confirmed on Friday by members of the supervisory board and managing director Eberhard Smolka of our newspaper. The number of incidents with EAE residents has reached a scale that is no longer acceptable and cannot be tolerated by the drivers, he said, backing his staff. “Either the situation will be clarified and remedied, or we will have to stop the line in the evening hours,” he says plainly after consulting the supervisory board.It could not be that drivers were insulted and threatened by groups of drunk and stoned refugees when they asked for tickets. Some could not stand this constant fear and had called in sick. “These are no longer isolated incidents – it happens almost every second evening now,” says Smolka.The spitting at a bus driver in August, the throwing of the fare in pieces of pennies at his feet, or the violent quarrel about putting on a face mask last weekend are only the tip of the iceberg, he says, because many things are no longer reported to the police.”Many drivers have given up and say nothing more. They are happy when their evening rides, where they are often alone in the bus with such chaotic people, come to a smooth end,” says Smolka, describing the situation. This has nothing to do with the origin of the passengers or even racism. “The only thing that matters is safety on the bus.To this day, there has been no response to the cries for help addressed to the state government after the spitting attack and the demand to provide free tickets to the residents of the EAE. “We feel left alone,” Smolka states. The Suhl police force, which is working at the limit, cannot be constantly present in buses. It is possible that the SNG will resort to self-help and have physically strong security men accompany the bus drives in question.

Source:  In Südthüringen /

WATCH: After a mass brawl between Syrian extended families, the inhabitants of a small German town are horrified

A dispute between two families escalated on Monday evening in Kirn. Now the authorities want to mediate between the conflict parties to prevent further fights.This is the result of a crisis meeting on Friday, which was attended by the police, representatives of the municipal association, the municipality, the department of public order, refugee assistance and District Administrator Bettina Dickes ( Christian Democratic Union). According to the mayor of the Kirner Land municipality, Thomas Jung (independent), talks with the two Syrian families in dispute are planned. They live only a few hundred meters away from each other, and the children attend the same school. In order to de-escalate here, concrete ideas have been developed, but these will first be discussed with the families, said Jung.According to the police, 20 people beat each other with wooden and iron bars in the street on Monday evening. Stone slabs had also been thrown. The police was on duty with a large contingent. Initial investigations revealed that there was a dispute between the families.In Kirn the uncertainty is large, said mayor Frank Ensminger ( Liberals) in the run-up to the discussion. It could not be accepted that such a quarrel escalates in such a way and on the road is fought out. According to own statements the police has clearly increased its presence in the city and beside increased patrols and service dog handlers also civilian forces in the employment.

A brawl on such a massive scale is a new phenomenon in Kirn, an official said on Tuesday morning. There had never been anything like it before. Now the investigation is continuing and witnesses as well as participants are being questioned. For this purpose, the criminal investigation department of Bad Kreuznach has set up an investigation team.

Persons who have observed something are to report by calling 06752-1560.