Austria: Viennese actor on trial for supporting the Islamist terrorist organisation IS

He is said to have campaigned for an IS supporter, translated Islamist sermons of hate and lectures into German language. He is even said to have been close to the Vienna_assassin Kujtim F.. Now he is on trial. The explosive fact is that the man, who is of Turkish origin, trained as an actor and has performed on Viennese theatre stages.

Eloquent and articulate, a suspected Islamist pleaded “not guilty” to charges of terrorist organisation and terrorist financing before a panel of lay judges at the Vienna Regional Court on Wednesday. The 30-year-old’s confident appearance was no coincidence. The suspected terrorist is training to be an actor and has already performed at two Viennese theatres in the past.

The man with Turkish roots is accused of having participated in the attempt to make the Kurdish Salafist and IS loyalist Halis Bayancuk alias Ebu Hanzala better known in German-speaking countries by translating his sermons, lectures and flyers into German and distributing them. He also allegedly collected donations for the bereaved families of fallen fighters of the radical Islamist terrorist militia “Islamic State” (IS).

Furthermore, in 2018, the accused had contact with the close circle of the later assassin of Vienna, who shot four people in the city centre of Vienna on November 2, 2020. According to the indictment, he chatted intensively in the spring and summer of 2018 with the IS supporter with whom the later assassin set off to Syria in the autumn of the same year to join the IS. However, the two were apprehended in Turkey in autumn 2018, arrested, sent back to Austria and sentenced in 2019.The accused did not deny the chats, but stressed that he had not encouraged the Foreign Terrorist Fighters in their travel plans. The alleged psychological contribution to the crime had not taken place; the two would have travelled without his support. He had known the two – i.e. the later assassin – “from the street, from handing out flyers”. He had met the assassin “in 2017, 2018 on the street”, but only superficially. With his travelling companion – who has been in custody since the terrorist attack as a possible accomplice or co-perpetrator – he had “had contact about five times a year”.

The great vaccination farce: Twice vaccinated Boris Johnson ordered to self-isolate

By Vasko Kohlmayer

Boris Johnson has been ordered to self-isolate… again. The isolation order, however, was not issued because Johnson contracted the virus. Rather he has been sent packing to his country house, because he came into proximity of an individual who tested positive for Covid.

You may well wonder why the British Prime Minister has been so unceremoniously put away given that he should be safe from the virus. If you did not know, in addition to having overcome the infection, Boris has received his two jabs earlier this year and upon accomplishing the feat urged everyone else to do likewise. The promise was that by getting the shots we will be kept safe from the Covid scourge, and our lives will finally return to normal.

Well, it is apparently not true as the case of Johnson clearly demonstrates. It also shows that the powers that be have no confidence in the efficacy of the vaccines to protect their recipients from the virus. Why, otherwise, would they lock Boris away for ten days? And there is no way out for the hapless Premier either. He is not even allowed to take a PCR test after five days as most travellers usually can do. The double vaccinated Johnson must do ten days of hard Covid penance.

This is a farce if there ever was one. It is also a tragedy because the scam is both gross and immense. First, they told us that if we agreed to take the experimental jabs, we would get our freedom and lives back. In the process of injecting the population with their emergency use concoctions, tens of thousands of people have died following vaccination. According to data submitted to the CDC, “there were nearly 12,000 deaths during a seven-month period since the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization by the FDA last December.” Meanwhile across the ocean, the European Union reported 15,472 vaccines deaths and 1.5 million vaccine injuries. It is unconscionable that while inflicting all this suffering the pharma companies raked immense profits and churned out a bevy of happy billionaires.

Paradoxically, it was clear from early on that the effectiveness of their products was questionable due to the mutating tendencies of the virus. I have pointed this out already back in April when I wrote:

“The reason why the current vaccines are ineffective is because the virus that causes Covid-19 has mutated into a multitude of new variants. Some of these variants are sufficiently removed from the original strain to render the vaccines – which were aimed at that earlier version of the virus – useless… In a number of places around the world, the new variants have already become the dominant strains, making the current batch of vaccines on the market largely obsolete. That this type of virus mutates rapidly has always been known, which is why honest scientists have always warned that it is impossible to end this epidemic by vaccinations. Trying to beat this disease with inoculations is like playing cat and mouse, where we can never catch up with ever-new variants of the rapidly morphing virus. In other words, because of its nature, the virus will always be one step ahead in the vaccination game.”

This has now come to pass as Covid wards are being filled with the fully vaccinated.

Listen to a real independent expert explaining why the current vaccines are no good. His name is Knut Wittkowski and his credentials are impeccable. One of the world’s top authorities in his field, Dr. Wittkowski spent 20 years leading the department of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at The Rockefeller University in New York.

This what he had to say in a recent interview:

“This vaccine does not seem to be that good either. And here we actually know why: because the virus has already mutated so that the vaccines that we have is a vaccine against a virus that does not exist anymore.”

There you have the truth from one of the world’s leading epidemiologists. As you may have guessed, Dr. Wittkowski has been cancelled by YouTube some time ago.

By the way, would you like to know who was the Covid positive individual who caused Boris’ prompt removal to the British countryside? He was no other than his new Health Minister Sajid Javid. And guess what: Sajid Javid is also fully vaccinated.

So here you have two fully vaccinated individuals deep in the Covid pickle: one who has tested positive and the other in forced quarantine.

And yet the government, pharma companies, media and their collaborators in both public and private sphere still feverishly urge people to get vaccinated with the same substances that have already wrought so much havoc and that have been of no help to Johnson or his health minister.

Do you now see why this whole vaccination theatre is a farce? Do you also see why it is also a tragedy?

The question is: what for? Why would anyone in their right mind want to get injected with the dangerous concoctions whose long-term effects are unknown that will not keep one from Covid or the quarantine?

Why are so few people asking this question?

One cannot avoid the feeling that we have been had. While most of the population suffer under self-contradictory, senseless and life diminishing policies and procedures, some people are happily laughing all the way to the bank.

Welcome to the new Covid world.

Vaccines may be introducing graphene-based ‘neuromodulation’ technology

Spanish researchers claim that they have found graphene oxide in the vaccine from BioNTech and Pfizer. According to these medical experts, the substance could have a devastating effect on the body. The new analysis comes from an interim report by Spanish scientists from June 28, 2021.

The team led by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra, researcher at the Universidad de Almeira, has found that the Corona vaccine from BioNTech and Pfizer (Comirnaty) contain 99,2 percent graphene oxide (747 ng / ul), but only contains 0,8 percent mRNA (6ng / ul).

The graphene oxide content in Cormirnaty was detected in Spain with the help of a transmission electron microscope, and the quantities determined with an absorption spectrometer. According to the manufacturer, the vaccine should contain 30 micrograms of mRNA per 0,3 milliliter, embedded in lipid nanoparticles.

Nanoscale graphene-based materials are extensively used for designing targeted and stimuli-responsive drug delivery systems through either external stimulus (such as temperature, light, ultrasound waves, magnetic and electric fields) or internal stimulus (such as pH and enzymes).

It is interesting to note that vaccine manufacturer Moderna, creator of the mRNA Covid vaccine, has described its technology as an “operating system” that can be updated and reprogrammed at any time.

While a company such as INBRAIN Neuroelectronics may not be engaged in any nefarious activities nor in Covid vaccines, graphene-based biocircuits are real and raises a number of ethical questions. This technology is able to “read” a human brain, detect specific neurological patterns, and even alter brain function because it is the “thinnest known material to perfectly adapt stimulation to targeted brain anatomy”.

As reported by, a group called La Quinta Columna, found that graphene oxide is being introduced in vaccines in large quantities.

The extremely interesting properties of graphene such as its great mechanical strength, high electrical, thermal and magnetic properties, and unique optical properties have made it a potential candidate to be used in several fields of engineering. Because of biocompatibility, great optical properties together with straightforward bio-functionalization of graphene and its derivatives, several researchers in several fields of biomedical engineering like drug/ gene delivery and tissue engineering, have expressed their enthusiasm.

Notwithstanding, what occurs inside the body after injecting the graphene carriers, has not been adequately studied. The new papers considering the interactions of graphene and cells, plus in vivo effectiveness of these carriers in animals are not sufficient. The use of these compounds is currently associated with high risk. Recently, these materials were put into the list of hazardous agents by The European Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR).

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Ex-Vice President of Pfizer, along with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former head of a health department, have meanwhile called for the immediate stop of genetic vaccinations at the EMA, the European approval agency for drugs, while Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi described the vaccinations as unnecessary and harmful, especially since the long-term effects have not been adequately researched.

Migrants loot in German disaster areas

In the meantime, criminal proceedings have been initiated against five persons for three criminal offences in connection with the reported looting in Stolberg near Aachen, which was severely affected by the floods.Upon request, the police in Aachen named the nationalities of the suspects as Iraqi and Lebanese once each and Romanian three times.The police also made it clear that it was not because of the “looting” that more police were sent to the area, but that they were already there because of the crisis situation and would continue to be there.The police ask possible witnesses of such incidents to call 911 immediately so that the police forces on the scene are able to intervene quickly. The potential danger for all can be minimised.According to our own reports, the police were very quick to respond to reports of burglaries and helicopters were also monitoring the scene.