For enslaving two Yazidi women: Widow of IS terrorist sentenced by German court

In the Hamburg trial for the enslavement of two Yazidi women, 37-year-old Omaima A. was sentenced on Thursday to a total term of imprisonment of four years.

The Hanseatic Higher Regional Court was convinced that the widow of IS terrorist and rapper Denis Cuspert (“Deso Dogg”), as a member of the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS), aided and abetted a crime against humanity in the form of enslavement under the International Criminal Code.Included in the total custodial sentence was an already final sentence of three and a half years. After a plea bargain, the defendant had admitted at the beginning of the trial that she had her flat in the Syrian city of Rakka cleaned by enslaved Yazidi women of a friend in 2016.The German-Tunisian, who was born in Hamburg, distanced herself from the IS and regretted her “misconduct”.

Swedish court reduces sentence of LGBT activist convicted of raping male asylum seekers

An LGBT activist who was convicted of raping and sexually abusing several male asylum seekers has had his prison sentence reduced by a Swedish court following an appeal. 

Pablo Leiva was handed a four-year prison sentence after being convicted of five rapes and two counts of sexual assaults on male asylum seekers between 2018 and 2019, while he worked as a migration consultant for the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Rights (RFSL) in Stockholm, SVT Nyheter reports.

The district court’s judgment noted Leiva’s victims were under the impression that he had decisive influence over whether their asylum applications were approved, and that he used his position of authority along with the plaintiff’s anxieties to take advantage of them. According to one of the prosecuting lawyers, the victims had “been given the impression that participation in intercourse was a prerequisite for receiving such help and advice”. 

Last week, however, the Court of Appeals – after taking into consideration that Leiva had lost his job as a result of the case – announced that his prison sentence had been reduced to three years and four months. Moreover, the appeal court questioned whether two of the rape counts had been voluntary or not, saying the evidence, which mainly consisted of oral evidence in the form of interrogations with the victims and witnesses, failed to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the asylum seekers participated unwillingly. As a result, those two counts were ultimately dropped.

“Even though we have come to the conclusion that the situation for the asylum-seeking men does not reach the requirement for a particularly vulnerable situation, the RFSL employee has in a proposal and ruthlessly taken advantage of the difficult situation the men have been in,” said prosecutor Christina Brobacke in response to the court’s verdict.

Majeed Alnashi, the lawyer representing one of the plaintiffs whose accusations of sexual assault were dismissed, lamented the court’s decision, saying that he would be taking his client’s case to the Swedish supreme court for further examination.

Before his arrest last December, Pablo Leiva had been employed at RFSL Stockholm’s office for multiple decades. More specifically, Leiva had been working in the organization’s project “Newcomers”, which “offers activities, information, and counseling in a safe place” for LGBTQ asylum seekers and immigrants.

According to a separate report from the Swedish state-funded broadcaster SVT, management at RFSL first became made aware of Leiva’s behavior when an asylum seeker reported the abuse in July of 2019. Despite this fact, however, the organization didn’t file a police report until ten months later, citing a lack of witnesses and evidence.  

Earlier this year in March, when the case first made headlines, a volunteer at RFSL told the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet that, as far back as 2017, he heard from asylum seekers that they refused to visit the Leiva’s office without company, because “otherwise he closes the door and insists that you do sexual things with him”.

German district deliberately switched off flood warning sirens

The flood disaster in Germany is being blamed by the mainstream on the “climate”. But human lives were deliberately endangered and sacrificed for that end, it appears.

As t-online noted: “The sirens did not go off for a reason. […] If we had triggered the sirens while the media wasn’t reporting, everyone would have called 112.” It was feared that the inquiries would paralyze the emergency number. The siren alarm can “only be triggered hand in hand with media coverage,” explained an official, referring to the late and much criticized reporting by WDR on the night of the flood. “Otherwise the alarm would cause panic.”

As a further reason for the lack of sounding the alarm, the official admitted: “Nobody expected it to take on such proportions.” Thus the sirens were deliberately not triggered to avoid panic among the population.

But arguably, people need to “panic” to flee for their own safety. Or would they rather have people drown “calmly”?

Usually journalists criticize politicians, but at the federal press conference politicians were furious because Germans on social media had dared to criticize the fact that the government was poorly prepared after the flood disaster and had no answer to important questions about the safety of citizens.

But anyone who has a highly paid spokesman post in a federal ministry and appears in front of the press, must expect some criticism.

Notably, there were no differences between the main political actors at the press conference with Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) in Berlin. Above all, the SPD candidate for chancellor never left any doubts as to what the cause of the floods were: It was “obviously a consequence of man-made climate change”.

Scholz then made a corresponding demand: “We have to stop man-made climate change!” It remains an open question as to how one country, Germany, would act to stop what they described as a global problem, but no media representatives present were curious to know that.