France: At Eid, the Imams go all out to stigmatise women!

Obviously the reality is a bit less glamorous!

Muslim women, of course, but also all the others who don’t dress properly, for example.

So in Saint-Chamond :
In public, in #saintchamond:
“You Muslim women, try to obey your husbands’ command, stay in your homes and don’t flaunt yourselves like women did in the time before Islam.”
Very enlightening. #EidAlAdha

Isabelle SURPLY (@IsabelleSurply) July 20, 2021.

An Arabic speaker speaks the same thing in Arabic from 35 seconds into the video and then repeats it in French.

Jeanne (@D4rc_) July 20, 2021

To continue with the imam of Genevilliers!
He believes that women “lack modesty” and some are “inhabited by the devil”: an imam of the mosque is said to be in the crosshairs of Interior Minister Darmanin !

Somewhere, on July 20, Darmanin must have made a mistake!

On the occasion of Eid-el-Kebir, I wish all Muslims in France a happy feast day.

Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) July 20, 2021

Obviously it’s not the women’s!

And as for the sheep, sorry to bring it up, but given the consequences of Eid!

Evecquemont: They slaughtered sheep in their pavilion.
Two men were arrested in a pavilion while sacrificing sheep in the middle of the Eid festival. A practice, however, that is becoming less and less common ( you can bet Charles). Read the rest.

Villefranche-sur-Saône: They slit a sheep’s throat in the bathtub.
They are kind enough to offer the sheep a bath before they are killed!
A woman and her brother-in-law face up to 6 months in prison and a €15,000 fine (promises, always promises for those involved).

Aïd festival: About sixty sheep are illegally slaughtered in the north of the Oise region.
Two illegal slaughterhouses were discovered on Tuesday in Boulogne-la-Grasse and Pimprez, north of Compiègne.

Nantes. Two sheep had their throats cut by a fence on the street in the Bellevue district.
The two animals were discovered on Tuesday July 20, the day of Eid-el-Kebir, in the Bellevue district of Nantes. Four people were arrested in the Rue du Bois-de-la-Musse.
And what is reassuring: “the sheep did not suffer when they were directed to Mecca”, another miracle of the Koran!

The news of this July 20.
Mulhouse: a father and his son in custody after the slaughter of a sheep in front of a slaughterhouse .

And one who almost ended up as a sheep!
Basque Country. A man who was attacked with a knife near the lighthouse in Biarritz was rescued by passers-by…

Austria: The Afghan murderer and rapist of 13-year-old Leonie is not 16 years old as he claimed but already 20 years old

Asylum seekers who have long outgrown their teens make themselves appear younger for good reason. Those who are considered minors increase their chances of being granted asylum or subsidiary protection. This is a problem of which Austria is aware. But why don’t the authorities act accordingly?

Attorney Flatz asks the justified question why the age of asylum seekers without identity papers is not medically verified. It has already been shown several times that people like to cheat on their age.

“The youngest alleged perpetrator in #Leonie’s case is said to be 20 years old, not 16. This is typical that the majority of asylum seekers make themselves seem younger in order to increase their chances of #asylum and to bring their family along.The age of everyone must finally be medically checked!”

Sen. Klobuchar Proposes Exciting New Bill Eliminating Free Speech for COVID “Misinformation”

Dems have a fever and the only cure is abolishing the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

They tried getting cute by calling speech they don’t like “misinformation” and trying to build a corrupt infrastructure of media fact-checkers dictating to Big Tech monopolies which opposition speech should be removed.

Now they’re stopped pretending.

White House communications figures are openly telling Facebook what to take down and describing themselves as targeting “conservative” content and the woman who eats salad with a comb has an exciting new bill to abolish the First Amendment when it comes to COVID “misinformation”.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar introduced a bill Thursday that would strip online platforms such as Facebook Inc.  and  Twitter Inc.  of liability protections if their technology spreads misinformation about coronavirus vaccines or other public-health emergencies.

The bill, which Ms. Klobuchar (D., Minn.) has previously telegraphed was in the works, would create an exception to the law known as Section 230 that shields internet platforms from lawsuits for content generated by their users and other third parties.

This, like everything that comes out of Amy’s mouth, is insane gibberish.

Klobuchar, who was Hennepin County’s chief prosecutor, either doesn’t understand the most basic parts of the law, doesn’t care, or is prepping for some future totalitarian abolition of the First Amendment.

Or it’s simple intimidation.

It’s not against the law (yet) to claim that the vaccines will turn you into a werewolf. So there’s no criminal liability here. Liability in injury lawsuits would have to involve some idiot suing Facebook because he got took advice that someone else posted on the platform.

This would be a tall order even if said idiot were suing NBC News over bad health advice, let alone a platform that hosted it.

The bill would designate HHS to determine what constitutes health misinformation and to act after consultation with other federal agencies and outside experts. 


Klobuchar plans to have the government determine what speech is allowed and then suspend the Bill of Rights in the case of a public health emergency to be declared by the government.

What is her actual plan

And at the same time, the misinformation on the internet, which is something I’m personally taking on is outrageous. These are the biggest richest companies in the world that control these platforms, and they’ve got to take this crap off. We’re in a public health crisis — we still are — we’ve seen major improvement thanks to the vaccines, the ingenuity of people, Biden administration getting this out, but this is holding us back. Two-thirds of the people that are not vaccinated believe something that they read on the internet. That’s all the facts I need. That’s from a Kaiser Foundation Report.

So I’m going to introduce a bill to limit the misinformation on vaccines by saying you guys are liable if you don’t take it off your platforms.

Liable for what?

The government dictating content to a social media monopoly that controls 80% of social media is de facto government censorship.

And that’s an attack on the Constitution.

Austria: Policewoman misogynistically insulted and seriously injured by Afghan prisoner awaiting deportation

In the course of serving food at the police detention centre at the Roßauer Lände in Vienna on Wednesday, a female police officer was brutally beaten down by a 28-year-old Afghan prisoner awaiting deportation and verbally abused with misogynistic statements.

The Afghan then defended himself with massive blows and kicks against the police officers who rushed to her aid. However, the man was finally overpowered and secured. The policewoman was so seriously injured by the attack that she had to be admitted to hospital. The suspect was taken to a prison.

France: Muslims threaten Brigitte Bardot for her criticism of the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice Eid-el-Kebir

A fierce opponent of the ritual feast of Eid el-Kebir, Brigitte Bardot said on Friday July 16 that she and her animal welfare foundation had faced Islamist threats. “I will never give in to a threat,” the actress promised. In a statement issued by the foundation, Brigitte Bardot denounced the “bloody ritual” as well as the ” abomination” that is the sacrifice of a sheep slaughtered on the day of Eid el-Kebir. According to her, this practice is “imposed” by Muslims on France, which “rejects this custom but nevertheless bows to it”.She also reports that her foundation intervenes to save sheep that are sometimes slaughtered in illegal slaughterhouses “without prior stunning”. “Subsequently, on July 15, we received a disturbing Islamist threat addressed to me personally and to my entire foundation team,” the statement reads. “Our lawyer immediately informed the authorities,” including the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI), it said.”I have always had the courage to face the worst and I will never bow to a threat, but I wanted to warn my friends in France and the animals that if something happened to me, I would fight my battle to the end,” Brigitte Bardot concluded. Several illegal slaughterhouses were uncovered by the authorities on Tuesday July 20, despite the fact that they are licensed establishments.


‘Vast majority’ of Covid-19 cluster in Cape Cod were vaccinated

In Cape Cod, a geographic cape extending into the Atlantic Ocean in Massachusetts, the vaccinated are falling with Covid-19. The American town with one of the highest vaccination rates in the state, now has the highest rate of new cases.

An official told ABC News on Monday that the “vast majority” of the 132 Covid-19 cases were among vaccinated individuals.

At least 33 people in a nursing home in Yarmouth on Cape Cod have tested positive for SARS-Cov-2. Most of the residents that tested positive were vaccinated, reported the Boston Globe. Health authorities “working closely with the CDC” tried to minimize the outbreak while local outlets like the Cape Cod Times blamed unvaccinated people.

According to the Boston Globe, “at least 35 Covid-19 cases in Boston residents have been traced back to Provincetown” and the newspaper reported that the overwhelming majority of those had been fully vaccinated. A fully vaccinated Boston resident who had fallen ill while in Provincetown recently, told the Globe: “For two days, I was the sickest I’ve ever been in my life.” The same resident nevertheless hailed the initiation of vaccine passports.

ABC News meanwhile downplayed the outbreak on Cape Cod among the fully vaccinated, but another individual who had fallen ill, admitted that “it’s definitely not what I expected being fully vaccinated”.

Dr. Janet Whelan, a member of the Provincetown Board of Health, confirmedthat the vaccinated could be spreading the Coronavirus: “The most interesting thing to me about this cluster of cases is so many of the people infected were vaccinated, which sort of means that a lot of the people that are vaccinated who are exposed to it may feel safe, but may also transmit it to others.”  ABC News however dismissed the spread as being “not a major concern”.

Officials in Cape Cod’s Provincetown has issued a new mask rule for all the unvaccinated, including children under the age of 12. Unvaccinated people will be required to wear masks both outdoors in crowded areas as well as in all public indoor spaces, despite the fact that vaccinated people make up most of the active cases in the town.

Provincetown authorities are also demanding that large venues require entrants to show proof of their vaccination status.

The President of the United States has meanwhile been telling Americans that the vaccines offer complete protection against Covid-19.

France: Mosque bans women from entering due to Covid-related measures, only men allowed in mosque

For months, Muslim women have not been able to go and pray at the Sunna Mosque in Roubaix. As La Voix du Nord reported on Wednesday July 21, the place of worship is only open to men because of Covid-19, limiting the number of worshippers who can gather. Instead of adhering to the order of arrival, mosque officials decided to invoke the texts of the Quran, which would give priority access to men. “It is a shame that in the 21st century this kind of mentality still exists. What kind of image are we giving of our religion?” said one woman who was denied entry to the place of worship. As the symbolic day of Eid El-Kebir was celebrated on Tuesday July 20, some women hurled insults to make their feelings about the injustice known.

In defence of this decision, Kamel Amrane, Sunna’s vice-chairman, asserted that it was not a question of “exclusion” but a “space problem”, while adding that it was “better (for women) to pray at home” and that prayer was voluntary, unlike for men for whom it was obligatory, especially on this feast day. A false justification for one of the Muslim women who countered, “Eid day is an exception, the Prophet has commanded that we come to the mosque. According to the local daily, Kamel Amrane explained that women among the 2,500 regular worshippers might well start praying again from September. “The regulars who come to us know that. As for the others, if it bothers them, they can go somewhere else,” added Mohamed Miloudi, the association’s treasurer.

Roubaix : à cause des jauges liées au Covid, la mosquée ferme ses portes aux femmes