Austria: In the case of 13-year-old Leonie, who was raped and killed by 4 Afghans, there are now doubts about the age of another suspect

As reported, an expert opinion has now established that the alleged 16-year-old Afghan suspect who claimed to the police that he was the boyfriend of the murdered schoolgirl is at least 19, if not 20 years old. Ali H. had arrived in Austria a few months ago as part of a family reunion, where his mother and sister already were living. He is one of a total of four men currently suspected by the police of having drugged and brutally raped the schoolgirl at the end of June. She eventually died as a result. The scene of the crime is said to be the social flat of an 18-year-old Afghan in the Donaustadt district of Vienna. And there are also reasonable doubts about his age.

He had also arrived in Austria as an unaccompanied minor refugee, which gives him special protection status. However, he had long since forfeited this status after several previous convictions and was already facing deportation. His last job was as a kitchen assistant in a pizza parlour. A neighbour told eXXpress very early on that he thought it was impossible that the Afghan had just reached the age of majority: “I would have estimated him to be 28, not 18. And on photos in social media, the man also looks much older. The police are still searching for a fourth suspect. He is said to have absconded abroad.

The herd immunity through vaccination experiment has failed

The single most important objective of mass vaccination with Covid-19 vaccines was to achieve herd immunity. This is no longer within reach. Now “experts” not only blame disappointing vaccine coverage rates but also the unvaccinated.

Herd immunity is achieved when an infection no longer encounters enough hosts to allow it to spread further. Herd immunity is also generally achieved through post-infection immunization and vaccination. With some diseases, such as smallpox or measles, the vaccination works perfectly, with others, such as respiratory diseases, only to a limited extent or not at all. This is particularly the case with SARS-CoV-2.

The new UK technical briefing, which reports deaths and hospitalizations by vaccination status, paints a terrible picture. Over the last month, fully vaccinated people made up over half of new deaths for the first time – 106 out of 203.

For every infectious disease there is a threshold above which herd immunity is achieved. How much this is depends on how infectious the virus is and how a society is organized. As a rule of thumb, the formula 1-1/R0 applies, where R0 is the reproduction factor. With an R0 of 2,5 to 3, as can be assumed for SARS-CoV-2, the threshold for herd immunity would be reached at a degree of mechanization of 60 to 67 percent.

The threshold is always below the result of this formula, because it only applies to homogeneous societies where everyone has the same number of contacts with others. But that does not exist in practice. An immunized person with a large number of contacts contributes significantly more to herd immunity than a hermit.

Those who understand how current vaccines work have been explaining this for almost a year. Antibodies are produced, but these circulate in the blood, as do the even more important specific T-cells.

The crucial antibodies and T-cells to prevent infection, namely those in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract – nose, mouth and throat – cannot be produced by this type of Covid-19 vaccination since it requires an infection through these upper respiratory tracts.

And it has been confirmed by practical experience. In the countries with high percentages of vaccinated people, it is clear that the distribution of infections between vaccinated and unvaccinated people corresponds to the ratio of vaccinations. In fact, in countries where there are few people who have been vaccinated, the number of infections is low.

Vaccination does not even protect against hospitalization and serious illness as claimed by the approval studies of vaccine manufacturers and politicians as data from Israel shows. Politicians are nevertheless calling for more vaccinations, compulsory vaccination or at least disadvantages for unvaccinated people. Only – the data show that vaccinated people are infected about as often as unvaccinated people.

This is the view of Geert van den Bossche. “It is, indeed, quite unbelievable that some advising experts pretend that although we won’t achieve herd immunity, we will still be able to exchange the pandemic for an endemic situation. When does that happen? The answer is: never.”

In refusing to recommend and use cheap, available effective treatments, the WHO, EMA, CDC and other national and international health authorities have caused millions of deaths, some of them directly from the vaccinations themselves. Notably the public health institution NHS England has put out a £3,2 billion tender for blood clot treatment, one of the side-effects of the vaccines.

The ethicist Ruth Baumann-Hölzle warned in an interview in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung that the most basic conflicts around vaccination were not being openly discussed. When it comes to vaccination, the state is pretending that it offers protection which it does not, she pointed out.

The effectiveness of Pfizer’s vaccine against Covid-19 infection has fallen to 39 percent in Israel, the national health ministry said on Thursday. This rate is significantly lower than 64 percent measured between June 6 and July 3 and 94,3 percent measured between May 2 and June 5.

Israel and the UK have had one of the most effective vaccination campaigns in the world, with nearly 57 percent of Israelis fully vaccinated.

Senior German diplomat lauds “Palestinian Israel hater with the highest of praises

How would an influencer fare who, in front of an audience of millions, commented on the deaths of people in the Mediterranean with the witty words that they should not have tried to drink it all? And how would it fare for a diplomat, who in any case is not entirely insignificant, who shortly before had publicly lauds this influencer with the highest of praises and recommended him as a role model?

Europe Day” is an annual holiday invented by the European Union to commemorate a speech by the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman on May 9, 1950, and to celebrate “peace and unity in Europe” for which he laid the foundations. Europe Day” was also recently celebrated by the European Union Representation in “Palestine”.

Its leader, the German diplomat Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff, also bowed to Mohammed El-Kurd, a young “Palestinian”, in a speech to his audience, which he declared to be his ” family”, because he had achieved some fame on the internet. It was “of great importance” that Mohammed El-Kurd had “taken up the fight” to tell “the world” “what is happening here”.

And what does this commendable young man have to say to “the world”, how does this representative of “young Palestine” see “what is happening here”? For example, like this: “And it’s ‘Free Palestine’, regardless of whether the country was occupied in ’48 or ’67. If you have a problem with this, drink the sea.” Just what one says as a “member of the family” of Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff.

Afghan prisoner awaiting deportation beats Austrian policewoman to a pulp – Now Chancellor Kurz warns that there must be no deportation stop to Afghanistan

A prisoner awaiting deportation attacked and seriously injured a policewoman with punches and kicks while serving food at the Roßauer Lände police detention centre in the Vienna district of Alsergrund on Wednesday. In the process, the 28-year-old Afghan insulted the officer with misogynistic statements. The seriously injured woman has since undergone surgery on her hand.

Even when other police officers came to help, the Afghan defended himself with massive violence. In the end, however, the man was overpowered. The policewoman was seriously injured by the attack on her neck and especially on her hand and had to be admitted to hospital.

Now Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz ( Austrian People’s Party) has also spoken out about the incident and revived the discussion about deportations to Afghanistan: “I wish the injured policewoman a speedy recovery! It is unacceptable when people come to us to seek our protection but neither abide by our laws nor accept our values. Incidents like this show why there must be no deportation stop to Afghanistan,” said Kurz.

In the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, dangerous Islamists are granted a firearms licence, while law-abiding sport shooters are denied this licence

You can’ t make it up: As of February 2, 2021, there were 24 persons in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with a firearms licence, despite knowledge of their links to Islamist activities!

In the case of twelve of these persons, the revocation of the firearms licence could not even be enforced. This was revealed by the Ministry of the Interior in response to a question by Markus Wagner, chairman of the AfD parliamentary group in North Rhine-Westphalia. And this statement does not make us feel comfortable either.

There is “no case” in which a firearms licence has been refused on the basis of an official suspicion of Islamism. Markus Wagner comments:

“Of course it is not the case that Islamists need a legal weapons permit to do bad things. They also get their weapons illegally. Nevertheless, it is irresponsible that suspected Islamists are allowed to keep weapons, while it has been increasingly difficult for law-abiding sport shooters and hunters to possess them for years.”

Inquisition, cyberstalking and cancel culture in journalism during a crisis

It was in Munich, in 1971, that the journalists’ unions from the six countries then constituting the European common market (Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) adopted the “Declaration of the duties and rights of journalists” at the initiative of a French journalist, Paul Parisot (1917-2007).

The latter, elected president of the Syndicat des Journalistes Français in 1964, became one of the main architects of the creation of the National Union of Journalists’ unions in 1966 and finally the Munich Declaration five years later. Rereading this founding text 50 years later, highlights the depredation in journalism.

In its preamble, the Munich Declaration begins by affirming that “the right to information, to free expression and to criticism is one of the fundamental freedoms of every human being”, that this “right of the public to know the facts and opinions” determines “all the duties and rights of journalists” and that all this “takes precedence over any other responsibility, in particular towards their employers and the public authorities”.

Parisot himself notably led a fight against the growing influence of the politician and press boss Robert Hersant (1920-1996), whose media companies are now largely owned by the Dassault group.

This Munich Declaration sets out the 10 duties that “every journalist worthy of the name” must respect, including:

Defend the freedom of information, commentary and criticism
Not to use unfair methods to obtain information
To oblige to respect the private life of the people
Rectify any published information which proves to be inaccurate
Refrain from plagiarism, slander, defamation, unfounded accusations as well as receiving any advantage as a result of the publication or deletion of information
Never confuse the profession of journalist with that of advertiser or propagandist; not to accept any instructions, direct or indirect, from advertisers
Accept editorial instructions only from those responsible for the editorial staff

The least that can be said is that many of these virtuous principles have been totally forgotten during the “health crisis” over the past year and a half, and that the two great prejudices of the founders of modern journalism (awareness of government propaganda and the influence of “money powers“) have all but disappeared.

It is not for nothing that the most prestigious of the prizes coveted by any self-respecting journalist was the Albert Londres Prize, named after the man who, in the 1920s, was one of the very first to reveal the reality of the Bolshevik regime, French convicts in Guyana and the mentally ill in metropolitan asylums.

Today, print journalism is practiced almost exclusively in an office by shameless sycophants with a computer, an internet connection and a mobile phone. Worse still, as the media treatment of the health crisis shows, is that the “reputed” press has indulged in an unprecedented advertising campaign for Big Pharma, its lackeys in government, as well exhibited gross neglect in particular in the coverage of scientific controversies related to vaccine injurieschild vaccination campaigns and the case for lockdowns.

Contemporary journalism is in deep crisis and one of the reasons is the upheaval of its traditional economic model. The arrival of the Internet saw advertising revenues collapse. This situation, which places journalists in a relationship of double dependence on the billionaires who own the titles and the state that helps them operate – the GAFA ecosystem (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple) – has been the downfall of the profession.

In France, the agency AFP is the main source of information for all French media. Thanks to funding from Facebook, AFP has developed a service called “AFP Factual”, which represents more than 30 journalists worldwide, with more than 200 articles published per month.

The great controversy that surrounded the IHU in Marseille and its director Didier Raoult illustrates the point. No one bothered to ask this accomplished epidemiologist about what should be done to best manage the epidemic. Instead they attacked his personality, his funding sources and his success in treating seriously ill patients.

The media treatment of the IHU in Marseille revealed that almost all of the journalists who spoke about it had either never set foot there, or had only seen the director’s office. And this is not trivial, because Raoult runs a public institution bringing together a hospital and several research centers where hundreds of people work and study. Not knowing anything about it can obviously only contribute to misrepresenting his viewpoint or fueling the most ridiculous fantasies.

The very rare Parisian journalists who took the trouble to see what was really going on have moreover written a very different story. But it is well-known in France that Raoult had contradicted a global biopharmaceutical company, Sanofi’s discourse. And so-called “fact checking” is no more than a sham of journalism amounting to lecturing the public rather than criticizing power.

So-called “scientific” journalists relayed the idea that Raoult’s drug of choice, hydroxychloroquine, was a dangerous or even deadly drug, which in fact constitutes one of the biggest lies observed during this crisis. The same unfair treatment by the “scientific” press was seen with Ivermectin at the beginning of 2021, even when it is probably the most effective drug of all. Doctor Gérard Maudrux has shown this by closely examining the way in which these mainstream journalists treated the case of India.

This week, Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries, announced that the efficacy of Pfizer vaccine was down to only 39 percent protection against a Covid infection in the last month. The manufacturers however repeatedly claimed that it was over 90 percent for their product. Despite this, a French advisor to the government this week declared: “It will be supremacy for the vaccinated and a life of shit for the unvaccinated.”

Those who pose as “journalists” in the mainstream press also know that shouting “conspiracy”, “populism” or “extreme right” nourish the Manichean categories on which the financial and political powers rely today.

Hundreds of trans activists are threatening to kill me, says J. K. Rowling

The author of Harry Potter books, J. K. Rowling, has become the target of threats from trans activists. The threats follow her concerns about transgender women, namely that their identity is not obvious at first glance. People threatened her with death on social media, the writer, who is otherwise known for her left-wing views, said. However, for some progressivists, Rowling is not revolutionary enough.

On Twitter, Rowling wrote that she was the victim of serious threats because of some of her comments.

“Hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me,” the writer wrote in her post.

“I wish you a very nice pipebomb in mailbox,” @queerqegaard wrote to the author after she made several comments about the trans community in recent months.

The author of the Harry Potter books is known for criticism of transgender people. In particular, she criticizes some of the practices that she said are being abused. For example, she does not agree that men should be allowed to use women’s restrooms just because they say they are transgender. Rowling finds it dangerous to other women in public restrooms as, according to her, any man could enter the space on this ground. She addressed this issue in June on her blog.

“When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman – and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth,” the author wrote.

Before this article, Rowling wrote a post on Twitter that read: “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people.”

Because of this tweet, she faced criticism from her fans as well as trans activists.

“Got to get back to my chapter now, but to all the people sending me beautiful, kind, funny, and supportive messages, thank you so much,” Rowling concluded the tweet, in which she drew attention to the threats sent by trans activists.