France: Africans attack two plain clothes policemen because they mistook them for homosexuals

On Saturday July 24, at around 5 am, two police officers were attacked in the streets of the Oberkampf district in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. According to our information, the two officers, who were off duty, were attacked by two men. Described by a police source as “African”, the two attackers are said to have mistaken the police officers for homosexuals without knowing who they were really attacking.

According to our information, the injuries of the two policemen are not life-threatening, but one of them suffers from “a head trauma”, while the other reports pain in his chest. And there is a reason for this: one of the attackers allegedly jumped on the policeman’s chest. The two attackers fled in a car that a witness was able to identify.

German double standards: No ban, no masks, no distance at Berlin’s gay parade

German critics of the Corona measures are now almost routinely denied the basic right to gather peacefully in the open air. Anyone who wants to hold a counter-demonstration against such rallies can also expect it to be approved.

This was the case on Saturday in Kassel. A planned demonstration by opponents of the vaccine measures was banned – their opponents, on the other hand, were allowed to march unhindered. At the same time, there was also a “temporary” mask requirement in downtown Kassel to target potential demonstrators. The suspicion was confirmed that arbitrary rules are deliberately being applied in order to hinder critics of Merkel’s official Corona policy.

The competent administrative court ruled that anti-Covid measures “will again be violated when the registered meeting is held”. The local newspaper HNA quoted the judges : “Since the applicant assumes around 3000 participants, the police cannot effectively counter such violations. Therefore, there is a ‘danger to life and limb of the general public through the further spread of the delta variant of the Coronavirus’.”

At the same time, 65 000 participants were counted at the Christopher Street Day (CSD), an annual European LGBTQ+ celebration and demonstration held in various cities across Europe, and Germany’s and Switzerland’s version of Gay Pride or Pride Parades.

The LGBTQ adherents were able to take to the streets in Berlin. And non-compliance with the hygiene rules was apparently not a problem there at all. Previously anti-Corona measures had been strictly applied to government critics at demonstrations in the capital. And such participants without a mask were regularly taken into police custody.

German media, notably the Tagesschau on ARD misled its viewers by fading in a picture in the introduction under which it was written that there had been a distance requirement. But actual footage of the event showed a completely different picture. The reporter on site even claimed that most of the participants had complied with the mask requirement, which turned out to be a bare-faced lie.

Despite this completely obvious two-tier right to demonstrate, the spokesperson for Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Federal Press Conference regularly reminds his audience how important, indeed sacred, the right to demonstrate is to them. He once also complained bitterly about other countries in which anti-vax demonstrations critical of the government had been banned.

If double standards were drops of water, the Chancellery and many of the authorities responsible for rallies would have to be closed due to flooding…

French anti-vax marches are gaining momentum

More than 160 000 people demonstrated on Saturday, July 24 in various cities of France against the health pass and the vaccination obligation of caregivers, with cries of “Liberty, freedom”, according to the Interior Ministry. In every major city in France, people marched against the new measures.

This is a significant increase because on July 17, the Ministry said 114 000 people had demonstrated. Not all demonstrations were declared in prefectures, but a Facebook page “Mouvement Citoyen Sans Étiquette” lists dozens of marches, suggesting that the numbers were far higher than officially recognized.

Images of masses of people angry about the #PassSanitaire circulated on social media. Health Minister Olivier Véran earlier tried to minimize the opposition to President Macron’s forced vaccination campaign, describing them as an “ultra minority”.

The biggest marches took place in Paris, but also in the south of France, in Marseille, Nice, Montpellier and Bordeaux. In the capital, the demonstrators split into three distinct groups.

Essentially made up of Yellow Vests, a first group gathered at the Porte de Champerret. Along the way, sporadic incidents pitted police and protesters in the 9th arrondissement, then near the Champs-Elysées after the march had ended, according to AFP journalists. Nine people were arrested, said Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin.

On the Place du Trocadéro, in the 15th arrondissement, several thousands of people, rarely masked, gathered at the call of Florian Philippot.

The French Senate voted last week to allow Covid vaccinations for 16-18 year olds without parental authorization. Florian Philippot, Member of the European Parliament (MEP), former Vice President of the National Front from 2012 to 2017 and founder of a new party, The Patriots in September 2017, said the French were cancelling their subscriptions to theaters, planning more huge demonstrations and also strikes as in Montelimar.

He commented dryly that the harsh measures in France against Covid “produces antibodies in the face of an oligarchic aggression of unheard-of violence”.

Véran has promised that “we will end the #PassSanitaire as soon as we can” but as Philippot pointed out, the criteria on which this will be decided remains a mystery.

Germany: African beheads homeless man

Savage bloody deed in a homeless shelter in Regen in the Bavarian Forest! According to information from the newspaper BILD, a “mentally ill” man (21) decapitated a fellow resident (†52) with a knife!The terrible crime was committed as early as Monday morning. The police headquarters of Lower Bavaria initially spoke of a violent crime and reported that “a 52-year-old man was found dead in a homeless shelter in Regen. A suspect was arrested. He was admitted to a district hospital”.BILD knows the terrible background of the crime. The suspect, Mersad T. (21, name altered, known to the editors), allegedly murdered his flatmate Alex K. (†52) in the accommodation after an argument with a knife, even cutting off his head.An employee of the social organisation Tafel had discovered the decapitated body on Monday morning.A short time later, Mersad T. was arrested near the accommodation. According to information from BILD, the African is seriously mentally ill and has been hospitalised and treated several times in the psychiatric ward in Mainkofen (Lower Bavaria). He is already known to the police for bodily harm and property offences.The motives for the crime are unclear. However, a political motivation is ruled out. A spokesperson for the police headquarters of Lower Bavaria did not want to comment on details of the crime.,view=amp.bildMobile.html

Germany: IS terrorist convicted of 26 attempted murders sentenced to psychological forensic treatment and dance therapy

Few mainstream media are reporting on Friday’s verdict by the Munich Higher Regional Court against IS terrorist Muharrem D., who committed a series of attacks in Waldkraiburg, Upper Bavaria, in 2020, approvingly accepting the deaths of at least 26 people.

However, the newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung and some Turkish media.

The indictment against Muharrem D., who is of Kurdish-Turkish origin, was extraordinarily extensive – but according to a familiar pattern: attempted multiple murder, aggravated arson, violations of the explosives law and the preparation of a serious act endangering the state. As a “precautionary measure”, the Munich public prosecutor’s office found D. to have a “significantly diminished responsibility” and had demanded that the alleged perpetrator be placed in a psychiatric hospital because of his schizophrenia, at the expense of the German taxpayer.

Perpetrator of Turkish origin acted out of “hatred of Turks”

The now 27-year-old Kurdish-Turkish Muharrem D. had admitted to being responsible for the series of attacks in Waldkraiburg last year which caused a sensation in many nationwide media. There, a “right-wing” crime background out of xenophobia was generally implied at first, so was the left-wing extremist “taz” report. Among other things, the self-proclaimed IS terrorist had set fire to a Turkish greengrocer’s shop and put 26 people in the flats of the house in concrete danger of their lives. They could only save themselves by warnings from neighbours in the middle of the night.

Muharrem D. also committed attacks on a hairdressing salon, a kebab snack bar, a pizzeria and the “Sultan Ahmed Mosque” in Waldkraiburg. Because the door there did not open, he threw his incendiary device into a paper dustbin right next to the imam’s home, where the man was sleeping with his family. Only because the flames went out, nothing worse happened. The prosecution considered this an attempted murder of the family.

Muharrem planned many more crimes and murders

The quick arrest of D. on May 8, 2020 may have prevented further crimes. When the police intervened, he had pipe bombs and kilos of explosives in his possession, which he had previously stored for a long time in his car in an underground car park in Garching on the River Alz. In court, the accused admitted that he had planned other crimes as well: Attacks on several mosques of the Islamic association Ditib, on the Turkish consulate general in Munich and the Ditib central mosque in Cologne.

According to the indictment, since 2017 D. had – surprise! – “seemingly out of the blue” radicalised himself. He listened to Salafist sermons on the internet and quickly became a follower of the terrorist organisation Islamic State, like so many ” refugees” that the Merkel regime has imported into the German social systems from all the archaic cultures of the world since 2015. Muharrem developed an incomprehensible hatred against Turks, even though he himself is of Turkish origin.

“The foundation on which schizophrenia is saddled”

According to the court, the accused is schizophrenic. “Without schizophrenia, the attacks committed by the accused in Waldkraiburg would be inconceivable,” said the presiding judge. However, they were “equally inconceivable without the Islamist-jihadist ideology”. This was “the foundation on which the schizophrenia was saddled”. Muharrem D. has had a schizophrenic disorder since 2019.

In the judgment, the judge elaborated at length on the “childhood and upbringing” of the would-be mass murderer: Muharrem D. grew up in Garching. He was always treated politely by his quaint surroundings in Upper Bavaria and was perceived as restrained. He had grown up in a well-integrated, hardly religious family. However, he turned to Salafism in 2013 at the latest. At first, he only sympathised with IS ideologies, but since the Merkel year of 2015/16, he has also identified with them. Since then, he had seen himself as a strict IS fighter. Until 2018, he had radicalised himself exclusively via the internet. From autumn 2018, he moved to Munich for a few months to live in the “Al-Salam Mosque”, a mosque with Salafist leanings, according to the judge. Over the years, the judge said, Muharrem D. had then developed “a bizarre-seeming private ideology” – with a hatred of all people of Turkish origin. He had wanted to bring about “war-like conditions”.

Radical Islamic Instagram account: Videos of executions

The Munich Higher Regional Court analysed in particular the Instagram account of the assassin. The expert confirmed that it was “clearly Islamist”. Muharrem D. had posted videos of executions. He had also regularly transferred money to the family of an IS fighter in Turkey. Since 2018, he had repeatedly been in contact with well-known Salafists in Munich.

Many of the Waldkraiburg tenants who were trapped by the fire at night still suffer from psychological problems today. One affected person says that for months he lay in bed thinking he smelled smoke and that there was a fire. Apart from the psychological problems, there were also organizational problems for the victims: 27 people had to leave their homes after the fire – for months. Some were accommodated in a municipal emergency shelter. Helga Rittersporn, who was affected, said she had lived for ten months, partly with her daughters, partly in a hotel. Only then did the property management allow her to return to her flat. Rittersporn tells of a five-year-old neighbour’s child: “When she sees me, she always says: Helga, why was that man so bad, why did that man do that?

“He always had a smile on his face”

In an interview, the public broadcaster Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation (BR), which is financed by one billion euros, lets the parents and the football coach of the terrorist have their say in a “conciliatory” manner:

“At a large table with pastries and coffee, Muharrem D.’s father slaps his hands in front of his face. ‘I’m totally exhausted,’ he says. For him and his wife, drugs are the reason why their son Muharrem allegedly committed the offences […] They openly show their feelings to the reporters of the BR political magazine Kontrovers. ‘It’s really hard,’ says the father, who keeps crying. The mother tries to remain objective. Muharrem’s former football coach is also at the table. He says Muharrem was a very nice boy: ‘He always had a smile on his face and took part in every nonsense. But he never really became abusive.’

The father can still remember the moment when he discovered his son in a Munich mosque in Sendling. ‘I said to him: Muharrem, it doesn’t work like that. Sister and mum are outside. Come, let’s talk to each other.’ But his son Muharrem had not wanted to come along.”

The imam of the mosque did not want to talk about Muharrem D.. However, he confirmed that he had been summoned as a witness in the trial. Muharrem D. testified in court that at the time of the attacks he was no longer in control of himself. His tax-funded lawyer, Dr Christian Gerber, assumed that his responsibility was severely diminished:

“Shortly after his arrest, there were already clear signs of psychosis. That has improved, but you can see from his statements and contradictions that he is ill and needs to be treated.”

Hence, no doubt, the lenient sentence against the “very nice boy” Muharrem: Nine and a half years in psychological forensic treatment and Upper Bavarian dance therapy.

Johannes Daniels – ://

Amsterdam’s Green municipality concealed a report on immigrant homophobia

A study commissioned by the municipality of Amsterdam showed that the perpetrators of verbal and physical violence against homosexuals in the capital are mainly young people of foreign origin. The result is not surprising, but it was deemed so undesirable for the city council that they kept it under wraps for six months.

Some 25 years ago the first Gay Pride took place in Amsterdam with street parties and a boat parade. Today, verbal attacks and physical violence against homosexuals have become serious problems in what once was a safe haven for non-heterosexuals around the world.

At least fifteen years ago, as early as 2006, the COC reported that a gay couple had been kicked out of Amsterdam’s Diamantbuurt. Unpleasant experiences and feelings of insecurity have since multiplied, reported Dutch daily De TelegraafCOC Nederland is a Dutch organisation for LGBT people which originally stood for Cultuur en Ontspanningscentrum [Center for Culture and Leisure] a name intended as a “cover” for its real purpose. Founded in 1946, it is the oldest existing LGBT organization in the world.

The recent study commissioned by the municipality showed that intimidation and violence were mainly committed by young people of Moroccan origin. Homosexuals continue to leave Amsterdam but the city has refused to address the origins of homophobia.

Fear of stigma is an excuse for politicians, the media and interest groups like the COC to do nothing about the rising violence. The television appearance of far-left Mayor Femke Halsema, who even wept over the rise in anti-gay violence without once mentioning the perpetrators, is a case in point.

Gays in Amsterdam live in terror because even walking hand in hand is a risky decision. But leftwing Alderman Rutger Groot Wassink was in no rush to present the results of the study. He received the report around February 1, but waited until the city council’s summer recess to make it public, hoping that nobody would notice it.

Meanwhile, homophobia remains rampant in the capital, thanks to cowardly administrators who think they can “fight” the violence by ignoring the perpetrators.

Germany: Two sheep tied to bicycle stands in front of refugee accommodation – Police suspect connection with Muslim Feast of Sacrifice Eid

These two sheep were discovered tied to bicycle stands in front of a communal refugee shelter. ©Offenburg Police Headquarters

Two sheep tied to bicycle stands were discovered in Freistett on Tuesday morning. Initial investigations have shown that the sheep were possibly intended to be slaughtered on the occasion of a sacrificial feast.

Employees of the Freistett municipal department have discovered two apparently abandoned sheep in the street “Im Viehgrund” on Tuesday morning, the police reported. The two animals were tied to the bicycle stand of a communal accommodation there at around 10.40 am.

Initial investigations with the residents revealed that the two sheep were possibly to be slaughtered on the occasion of a sacrificial feast, according to the police. Where the sheep came from and who led them to the property is still unclear and the subject of police investigations. According to the police, the animals were taken into care and kept safe for the time being.

Police ask for information

Officers from the local police station are now investigating on suspicion of theft and violation of the Animal Welfare Act. Persons who can provide information about the origin of the sheep are asked to contact investigators by calling 07844 911490.