Austria sends 400 troops to the border due to illegal migration

Despite the fences on the south-eastern border of Hungary, thousands of migrants continue to pass through its territory to neighboring Austria. This year alone, 15,000 migrants were detained on the Hungarian-Austrian border. The alarming situation forced the federal government to send another 400 troops to the border, Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer and Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner announced on Saturday.

“The European asylum system has failed. We need to ensure that the welfare state does not collapse,” said Interior Minister Nehammer, stressing that the situation is serious.

While authorities recorded 21,700 illegal border crossings last year, this year the number already has reached 15,000. About 200 smugglers have also been arrested this year.

Both members of the federal government announced that the ministry of the interior and the ministry of defense agreed on the deployment of another 400 troops that will operate at the borders, increasing their number to a total of 1,000 soldiers. According to Nehammer, the two ministries will “continuously evaluate” the necessity of this measure over the next few months.

Furthermore, an intelligence and monitoring (Lagezentrum) center is to be built in Burgenland on the border with Hungary. It is necessary “because smugglers are also increasingly conducting preliminary surveys and constantly adapting their routes,” Nehammer noted. The minister did not spare criticism towards the EU. He emphasized that the European Commission had repeatedly failed to respond adequately. “The EU leaves us in the lurch,” Nehammer said as the federal government is in the process of forming a “coalition of the willing” with other states, including Germany, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

Who were the guns meant for? Police discover weapons in illegal migrant camp in Serbia

Illegal migrants are being apprehended more frequently at Austria’s borders. On Sunday, more than 100 people were caught in the state of Burgenland within 12 hours. The overwhelming majority of them came from Afghanistan. According to observers, the “Balkan route” has also been busy again recently. Explosive: Serbian police found an illegal migrant camp full of weapons there. Did they want to travel to Austria carrying these weapons?

The police in the area of the settlement Srpski Krstur in the municipality of Novi Kneževac report an operation called “Strand”. The aim: to track down illegal migrants and identify persons for whom there are indications of human trafficking, theft, extortion.

According to reports, the officers came across an illegal camp full of migrants and weapons. Apparently, these were to be smuggled to Europe.

The Minister of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vulin, who took part in the police action, pointed out that illegal camps and gangs are not tolerated in any part of Serbia. He stressed that the Serbian police will do everything to make our citizens feel safe and protected.

“The migrant crisis is not caused by Serbia, Serbia will not solve it, but on our territory migrants must act in accordance with the law and the law applies to everyone. As it applies to our citizens, it also applies to migrants,” he continued.

Serbian Commissioner for Refugees and Migration Vladimir Cucic pointed out that Serbia is seriously addressing the migration problem and that there are not many interior ministers in Europe who participate in and personally support actions in the early hours of the morning.

Violent altercation at French amusement park over valid health pass

A violent clash between a customer and the director of the Walygator park in Maizières-lès-Metz (Moselle) erupted during the verification of the visitor’s health pass.

The regional daily Le Républicain Lorrain  reported that on Sunday July 25, while the managers of the Walygator amusement park in Maizières-lès-Metz were checking the health passes at the entrance, a visitor whose pass was not deemed valid became angry. The director of the site, Laurent Muller, paid the price for this fit of rage, since the furious visitor grabbed him by the collar before throwing him on the ground.

The security agents employed by the park immediately intervened to control the visitor. He was later taken away by the gendarmerie.

The problem is that the man had been rightly annoyed. The management of the park has since discovered that the Internet application TousAntiCovid Verifused to scan the famous QR Code, had declared certain passes invalid when they were in fact valid.

The perpetrator explained that he had received his second dose more than seven days earlier, but the manager refused to let him in. The park director was lightly injured in the scuffle. He lodged a complaint on Monday.

The prefecture of Moselle meanwhile warned citizens on Twitter not to become violent and condemned “very strongly the acts of violence against those responsible for implementing measures to combat the epidemic”.

How safe are jabs if vaccinated still get infected and transmit Covid-19?

The aggressive promotion of Covid vaccine passports and draconian vaccine mandates by globalists are not going as smoothly as they had hoped. Vaccinated people can still get infected and transmit disease, so this clearly eliminates the argument that the unvaccinated bring harm to others. And how safe are the jabs?

In the case of one of the products being foisted on millions, Moderna, the US government is co-patent holder through the National Institutes of Health, which is a clear conflict of interest. And without the suppression of cheap and treatments, the US would not have been able to legally grant Emergency Use Authorization to these jabs or shield the manufacturers from injury claims globally.

The new safety report from the Paul Ehrlich Institute in Germany has shown serious thromboses, heart infections, unusual bleeding and the autoimmune disease Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can lead to severe paralysis and even death. For the first half of the year, after around 75 million vaccinations, 107 000 suspected cases of side effects from Covid-19 vaccinations were reported. Every tenth reaction was severe, with more than 1000 people dying. The Pfizerr/BioNtech vaccine reported the most serious side effects and deaths.

The AfD member of the Bundestag Paul Podolay, a member of the Committee on Health, commented on the report: “The risk-benefit balance of experimental vaccines is slowly becoming imbalanced, even at the Paul Ehrlich Institute. Even by skilfully distorting data in the new safety report, the unpleasant facts can hardly be concealed.

“On the one hand, there are increasing reports of fully vaccinated people who contract Covid-19 and, on the other hand, the number of reports of serious vaccine side effects is increasing in the databases of the European Medicines Agency, the US database VAERS and the Paul Ehrlich Institute.

“After more than 1000 deaths, the Paul Ehrlich Institute can no longer maintain that there is only a temporal connection between vaccination and death, but must begin to systematically analyze the cases of severe vaccination reactions in order to protect our population. ”

Officially, 11 140 deaths from the Covid vaccine had already been reported in the US alone recently, but adverse reactions may be under-reported. Now a whistleblower has filed an affidavit stating that the real deaths from these vaccines are around 45 000. Before taking her oath, the whistleblower was a computer programmer who had developed more than 100 different algorithms for fraud in the healthcare sector.

Michael Ballweg, founder of the anti-vax Querdenken movement (Lateral thinkers), said the movement in Germany was planning a large anti-vax demonstration in Berlin on August 1. A ban on such a demonstration would obviously be illegal because it would contradict the principle of equality after the gay pride march was allowed, said Ballweg. As a precautionary measure, the movement has already filed a declaratory action with the competent administrative court so that, as with many demo bans, there would be no need to file a complaint in the greatest haste beforehand.

According to Ballweg, the government has “its back against the wall” because the support of the population for Corona restrictions is crumbling. He described the Merkel administration’s efforts to contain the movement as “political persecution”. Ballweg also rejected the impression that the protest movement had lost its vigor.

A US survey conducted jointly by research firm YouGov and mainstream media outlet Yahoo News, has found that more than a quarter of Americans who were not vaccinated, believed that the products posed a greater threat to their health than the Coronavirus itself.

New facts have indeed surfaced that could explain the rising concern world-wide. To hide the extent of the damage caused by the vaccines, the US data on vaccine hospitalizations or deaths, ignores partly vaccinated people. They are lumped with those who have never received a dose as “unvaccinated”, said journalist Alex Berenson. He added that it was no longer even clear whether “vaccine” was the right term to describe these therapies.

Dr. Peter McCullough, American professor of medicine and vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University and lecturer at Texas A&M University, and an epidemiologist, cardiologist and internist, called the experimental shots “bioweapons”. He has testified before the Texas State Senate on Covid-19 treatments and holds the distinction of being the most widely cited physician in the treatment of Covid-19 with more than 600 citations in the US National Library of Medicine.

McCullough harshly criticised his colleagues in the medical community. “But, what we had learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn’t even communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell, almost as if they are hypnotized right now.

“And doctors, good doctors, are doing unthinkable things, like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathological spike protein into pregnant women. I think when the doctors wake up from their trance they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people.”

He also commented on some planned lawsuits in the US: “We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC. We think we have 50 000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It’s basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection.”

Swedes afraid of rise in migrant crime

Once again, children were hit in Sweden by criminal gangs shooting at each other in broad daylight. The Social Democratic government is trying to curb organized crime by preventing and tightening penalties. Crime indicators are becoming increasingly worrying in the Scandinavian country, and the situation of police officers needs to be addressed.

On July 17, a five-year-old girl and a six-year-old boy were accidentally shot by gang members attacking each other in a southern suburb of Stockholm called Flemingsberg. Fortunately, the two children survived, but what happened shook the public. EU Observer recalled that although crime rates are generally low in Sweden, clashes between gangs are still a growing concern, with innocent passers-by also falling victim to the fighting.

Last year, a 12-year-old girl was the victim of a shooting on the outskirts of Stockholm; three people have just been charged in recent days.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg told the TT news agency regarding the recent shooting that the gangs show no empathy. As he said, this is not something that Swedes should get used to – he understands that people are angry and afraid.

The Economist recalled that at the end of May, about a hundred young men, mostly Africans and Middle Easterners, clashed on the outskirts of Gothenburg in the Hjällbo suburb. The clash of rival gangs was caused by a stolen moped. Two days later, a man was shot in the back of the head at a nearby store, probably in retribution. Then, in another suburb, Biskopsgården, a policeman was shot dead.

Only a few days later, a man was killed in a barbershop on the outskirts of Frolunda. The paper recalled that in the last fifteen years, Sweden had the highest ratio of deaths from shooting in the European Union. According to UN and Eurostat statistics comparing data from 22 European countries, Sweden was second behind Croatia between 2014 and 2017, but jumped to first place the following year. The victims are typically men in their twenties. The number of fatal shootings in Sweden is two and a half times the European average.

In addition, there are more and more shootings in the Scandinavian country, while in the rest of Europe there are fewer and fewer. A full 80 percent of fatal shootings in Sweden are linked to organized crime. This ratio is high compared to the European average, and increased from 30 to 50 percent in the early 2000s, while it was only 20 percent in the early 1990s.

According to a crime show on Swedish public television, at least 12 innocent people have become victims of gang wars in the past six years.

Most cases took place in suburbs, which the authorities call “socially disadvantaged” – where unemployment is high, schoolchildren perform below average, and a large percentage of families live on social assistance. In practice, these are mostly neighborhoods inhabited by immigrants.

Today’s Chamberlain ‘will work with the Taliban’

by Giulio Meotti

Britain “will work with the Taliban if they regain power in Afghanistan,” British Defense Minister Ben Wallace told The Telegraph. Just fifteen days have passed since the withdrawal of the last British soldier.”All peace processes require you to come to terms with the enemy,” said Wallace of the fundamentalist group that ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until the start of the Afghanistan war in 2001 and is now reconquering the country. He urged the Taliban “to reunite Afghanistan”.Reunite? Are we talking about the same Taliban that killed 457 British soldiers and beheaded 17 people just because they sang and danced?

The Financial Times reports that the Islamist group has already conquered areas and taken control of important border posts, depriving Kabul of a fundamental source of income and leaving it almost exclusively dependent on foreign aid.

The Taliban flag was hoisted last week along with Pakistan’s at the Spin Boldak border crossing in Kandahar province, one of seven international crossings that Islamist rebels have taken since June.

Ahmed Rashid, author of books on Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Taliban, says that “what holds the Taliban together is the prospect of capturing Kabul, not the prospect of having a peace agreement with Kabul.” If this continues, the British won’t have to wait long.

Missiles were fired at the presidential palace in Kabul during prayers. The video is shocking and says it all. Former General David Petraeus, who commanded US forces in Afghanistan, just said the country is “disintegrating”.

The Embassy of Afghanistan in Australia has released a series of videos showing the appalling atrocities committed by the Taliban. Public employees working for the Afghan government beheaded. A man subjected to brutal torture in a square. A woman whipped for breaking “modesty” laws.

“All imams and mullahs in captured areas must provide the Taliban with a list of girls over 15 and widows under 45 to marry Taliban fighters,” reads a Taliban fatwa. The German BILD has been told by a Taliban judge of the amputations and assassinations they are already inflicting on those who violate Sharia law.

Yep, sharia law… In England, not Kabul, there are hundreds of perfectly legal courts regulating Islamic law in British communities. The British are not ready, but very ready, to “work” with the Taliban. A shopkeeper from an area of ​​London where the British Taliban impose their unofficial Sharia law told The Times: “If we keep it up, England will be more like Afghanistan.”

After the surrender to the Taliban, Europe itself must avoid becoming a new Kandahar.

France is outraged: A veiled Muslim girl rekindles the flame of the Unknown Soldier – The French see this as an attack on the national concept of secularism

A controversy on the day of his inauguration. On Thursday July 22, the new Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Thierry Burkhard, led the ceremony of relighting the flame of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The successor to senior officer François Lecointre thus paid tribute to “the heroes of France of yesterday and today”, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of the Armed Forces on July 23. It mentions that he was accompanied by “the Chiefs of Staff of the Army, Navy and Air Force, the Major General of the Armed Forces, military staff, representatives of the Committee of Flame, cadets of the military academies”, but also “students of the town of Noisy-le-Grand”. In a photo posted on Twitter by the new Chief of Staff, General Burkhard can be seen reigniting the flame together with two young teenagers. The boy is wearing jeans, a T-shirt and trainers. The girl is dressed similarly, with a long-sleeved top and a veil.

Since Thursday, July 22, this picture has been causing an uproar on social networks. While some internet users have taken offence at the young man’s casual outfit, it is mainly the second participant’s veil that has come in for criticism. “I find it so indecent that it becomes a provocation,” wrote one user. Another went further: “Spit in the face of those who sacrificed their lives. This is another humiliation that we will not forget. This “ostentatious religious sign” was also seen as “a bit inappropriate”, according to one Twitter user, who quipped: ” Consider putting on a monk’s robe in general next time to be at peace with yourself, thanks.”

“If this ceremony was meaningful to these two young people, could they wear something other than denim sneakers T-shirt? If the republic has a meaning, should we really choose a veiled girl and not another girl who better represents the values of secularism?”

Two million vaccine doses stolen: Muslim Brotherhood office in Tunis burns and is besieged by angry Tunisians

Donations and equipment from Egypt and Saudi Arabia should have arrived in Tunisia. Among them were two million Covid 19 vaccine doses. But the shipment never arrived. The accusation: the Muslim Brotherhood allegedly stole the goods – directly on the way from the airport to the hospitals.

Explosive statement from security circles to eXXpress: “The Muslim Brotherhood is stealing from and defrauding the Tunisian people under the supervision of the president and the head of government”.

According to the insiders’ assessment, these acts of sabotage only serve to continue destabilising the country and to collect money from the EU.

It is the “appendix of the permanent theft of goods and money by the Muslim Brotherhood from the Tunisian people. And the tax money of the Austrians and the EU”. The precarious assessment: “As a result, this money is used to raise a terrorist organisation that has as many heads as the Hydra, one head is cut off in Austria and a new one grows back”.

In rapidly spreading videos on social media, angry people are seen in front of a building. It is said to be the offices of the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunis.

Germany: Anticonstitutional Islamic Centre Hamburg allegedly smeared with slogans

The Islamic Centre Hamburg (IZH), which is classified as anti-constitutional, reports that its building has been smeared with “Islamophobic slogans”. The Arabic graffiti allegedly means: “Shame on Islam”. Why the Islamophobes chose the Arabic language of all languages to malign Islam, however, remains a mystery…

Unknown persons have graffitied the walls of the Islamic Centre Hamburg (IZH). As the police confirmed to the Evangelischer Pressedienst (epd) on Sunday, Arabic characters were painted on the walls on Saturday. The spokesperson could not give an exact translation. At present, it is suspected that the wording could mean “Shame on Islam”. The State Security Service is investigating.

On July 16, the Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution had substantiated its classification of the IZH as an anti-constitutional body with reference to new information and documents that had not been presented to the public before. The IZH had rejected the accusations and wanted to take legal action.