Polish priest sentenced in Germany for “inciting hate”

Professor of theology Dariusz Oko, who is also a Polish priest, published an academic article in the “Thelogisches” magazine concerning a criminal group within the Catholic church whose activities are connected with homosexual practices. The group worked in detriment to youth and also abused clergy who were dependent on it.

A court in Cologne sentenced Oko for this article, charging him with “incitement of hate”. Polish Deputy Justice Minister Marcin Romanowski emphasized that, through this verdict, the German court has trampled on academic freedom.

“We are dealing with a situation in which a prominent academic, Dariusz Oko, along with a German theologian with substantial scientific achievements, have published an academic article which has uncovered the activity of a group of homosexual rapists within the Church, and this was deemed ‘incitement of hate’ by a German court,” he stated. The German professor in question is 90-year-old old Father Johannes Stohr, who is the editor-in-chief of “Thelogisches”.

Minister Romanowski added that the court has shown that it cares more about the abusers than the victims themselves. He stressed that the verdict shows anti-Polish prejudice and the madness of leftist gender ideology.

“This is a reminder that we cannot permit such paranoia in Poland. We cannot let this political correctness, which has become absurd, to not only limit academic freedom but to also put perpetrators above victims,” Romanowski said.

The article explained the mechanisms which led to the rise of the shamed Cardinal Theodore McCarrick to the highest positions within the church. The text also pointed to the consistent opinions of Pope Francis, former Pope Benedict XVI, and other Church hierarchs on the matter.

Polish Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture was Dariusz Oko’s defender in court.

In an interview for TVP Info, Father Oko explained that the text was written based on vat amounts of knowledge from all around the world: from ordinary people, police, and secret services.

“I have collated well-known facts about homosexuals in cassocks. I speak about the structure, the system, and how the ‘lavender mafia’ plays the same role as the one in Sicily,” he said.

Father Oko emphasized that “when one comes in conflict with the mafia then one must be prepared for its response and punishment”. He declared, however, that no matter what, he had to defend the Church.

“I must defend young boys, the clergy, and young priests, because I have much information about how they are threatened, molested, and even raped by members of the ‘lavender mafia’,” he stressed.

The legal basis for the sentence is Article 130 of the German penal code, which mentions “inciting hate”. Ordo Iuris pointed out, that fragments of the article were taken out of contex.


Cash limits: Austria rebels against the EU Commission

Austria’s government has opposed a cash limit demanded by the EU Commission. Cash is a sensitive issue in Austria and of fundamental importance for the citizens for the feeling of security and freedom, said Finance Minister Gernot Blümel (ÖVP) according to the German Press Agency on Monday in a conference with colleagues from other EU countries.

In addition, Austria sees no additional benefit from binding limits, which is why it has spoken out against it. The EU Commission presented its plans against money laundering and terrorist financing last week. Bills amounting to 10 000 euros or more must no longer be allowed to be paid in cash. Exceptions are provided for transactions between private individuals or people without a bank account.

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin were also targeted by the Brussels authority. According to the legislative package, transactions with the digital coins must be fully traceable. Anonymous digital purses – called wallets – are to be banned. In addition, the EU Commission wants to equip the new anti-money laundering authority ALMA (Anti-Money Laundering Authority) with far-reaching competencies and, for example, be able to take over the supervision of certain financial companies if there is an increased risk of money laundering or terrorist financing.

Austria had already rejected cash limits in the past. The AfD in Germany also expressed fears that the anti-gold laundering law was a further step towards the abolition of cash. Notes and coins are a popular means of payment, especially in Austria and Germany. In several EU countries there is already an upper limit for cash payments, but not in Germany and eight other countries.

In Germany, however, an ID must be shown if a sum of 10 000 euros or more is paid. If you plan to buy gold or silver in cash, you must show your ID to the dealer for a sum of EUR 2 000 or more.


France: Notorious Mayor Grosdidier wants to create a Mecca in Metz

François Grosdidier (LR), Mayor of Metz and President of Metz Métropole, is close to the Grand Imam of Metz. Hence his proposal to help build a huge mosque in Metz.

Sitting in the sun during the heatwave, the LR Party mayor of Metz, François Grosdidier, had a vision. Allah appeared to him in the sky above Metz. One of those once-in-a-lifetime apparitions. Immediately during the opening of the Eid Al Adha celebrations in the football stadium with the Grand Imam of Metz, François Grosdidier (LR), former Member of Parliament and Senator, Mayor of Metz and President of Metz Métropole, decided to speed up the construction of a mega-mosque in Metz.

This project of a gigantic building with a floor area of 5,649 m2 on a plot of 11,843 m2, equipped with a museum for immigration but also an institute for the Arab world, with a minaret 34 metres high that can host 1,500 Muslims at a single prayer, is said to be a competitor for the largest mosque in Europe, which is being built in Strasbourg. These technical elements were confirmed by a local official from the technical services of Metz City Hall, who was contacted by telephone on Monday. She added: “François Grosdidier signed the building permit for the mosque several months ago.

Of course, people on the river Moselle have become accustomed to pharaonic spending on Muslims and migrants, with no return on investment.

Mayor François Grosdidier has crossed the red line several times

Before this “religious trance”, François Grosdidier, who is close to President Jacques Chirac, was rather known for his trouble with the judiciary, as a good client of investigating judges. Very often involved in court cases, François Grosdidier was fined €6,000 on April 19, 2021 for “misappropriation of public funds”.

“Among the numerous lawsuits that have affected François Grosdidier, we mention, when he was a senator, the financing of defence costs in a court case with the Grand Orient de France and a lease with an option to buy a car”, confided to us by telephone this Monday July 26, a police commissioner from Metz specialised in financial matters, who prefers to remain anonymous. “Because the man has important connections,” added this top police officer specialised in financial crime.

According to the Messin police officer, “François Grosdidier was also convicted of aiding and abetting the illegal taking of interest, as three of his deputies did not leave the city council meeting during the vote on subsidies in non-profit associations in which one of their relatives was involved… There are many other cases. In February 2013, Philippe Mousnier, a close friend of the right-wing MP Jean-Louis Masson, filed a complaint against François Grosdidier after he found him involved in a conflict of interest in the use of his deputy’s funds. During his time as a deputy, he used it to finance the Valeur Écologie association, which he heads. He paid €100,000 to this association in 2009 and €60,000 in 2011. In February 2019, François Grosdidier was charged with “illegal representation of interests” and “misappropriation of public funds…”. In short, an “honest man”.

Is the Metz mega-mosque subsidised by the city council?

In Metz, people fear that the mayor will orchestrate and vote for a municipal subsidy for the construction of the mega-mosque. The mayor’s enthusiasm for this giant mosque, which will be a “mockery” of the people of Strasbourg, is so obvious.

Mayor Grosdidier wants to speed up the project. “I have called for a mobilisation in the autumn to make a success of the construction of the great mosque, which is absolutely necessary so that worship can take place in dignified and safe conditions,” the mayor of Metz wrote on Facebook, reporting on his visit for Eid.

Once built, the great mosque in Metz will rival the mega-mosque in Strasbourg (the largest mosque in Europe, bigger than the one in Geneva (3)…), in a region governed by the Concordat.

Unlike other regions of France, Moselle is sinking into increasing public Islamism.

Metz and Strasbourg rival for the largest mosque in Europe

It is like a nightmare. After the race to build supermarkets and hypermarkets, now comes the marathon of hyper-construction. On March 22, the Strasbourg City Council voted to approve “in principle a grant” of 2.5 million euros for the construction of the Eyyub Sultan Mosque with a total budget of 32 million euros.

Imams in mosques are now trained at our expense

The two mega-mosques in Metz and Strasbourg are inextricably linked to the state-paid training of imams at the University of Strasbourg. The idea was launched in 2015 by Unistra president Alain Beretz and strengthened in its implementation by his successor as president, the theologian and Catholic priest Michel Deneken. We can see how the principle of secularism is respected in this huge Islamic-left university that is Unistra.

The University of Strasbourg has created two Master’s programmes in Islamology, Law and Management. But that was not all. The same Islamogauchists opened a degree in History and Civilisation of Muslim Worlds. This degree, which aims to study Muslim reality, will enrol one hundred students at the beginning of the 2021 academic year, “selected from among 200 candidates, many of whom are foreigners”, according to an administrative official at the university.

The current president of the Strasbourg universities, the Catholic priest Michel Deneken, added: “The University of Strasbourg had to be part of it”, regretting certain hesitations. He praised “the dean of the history faculty who makes this teaching possible as part of a university approach. The teachers are not necessarily Muslims.

With shouts of “Deneken, monkey trader”, President Michel Deneken (in the middle of the photo) was recently antagonised by many students at the University of Strasbourg.

The first academic recruited to train imams is Anne Sylvie Boisliveau, a researcher and specialist in the Qur’an. “There is no teaching without research. This raises the question of the relationship with the founding texts and their interpretation in relation to their time. The Qur’an is neither below nor above the Bible,” adds Michel Deney with full enthusiasm. Michel Deneken, a Catholic priest in the diocese of Toul and professor of dogmatics at Unistra, emphatically underlines this.

In addition, Al-Azhar University in Cairo has initiated academic cooperation with the Catholic Institute in Paris and the University of Strasbourg. Unistra President Michel Deneken: “If the state decided that the intellectual training of imams, as with priests and pastors, should take place at the university, that would be a service to Islam. As you can see.”

All these official commitments in favour of Islam come at a price and are paid for by the taxpayers of the Moselle region, the Alsatian departments and with a share of the taxes of all French people. Even those who live outside the Concordat area.

Journalist and writer


Germany: 3 Muslims gang rape 18 year old teenager – The victim is in an extremely critical mental state

A young woman (18) was apparently lured into a flat in Leer, beaten and raped several times by three men (18, 20, 21).

According to initial investigations, the crime took place on Saturday night in an apartment building in the southern part of Leer. “We do not want to disclose further details – also for victim protection reasons,” said police spokeswoman Frauke Bruns.

Traces were sighted, the victim’s clothes were seized and the woman was gynaecologically examined. According to information from the newspaper BILD, the woman is in an extremely critical mental condition.

The public prosecutor’s office in Aurich issued an arrest warrant on Monday, but all three suspected perpetrators did not have to be taken into custody. According to BILD, the suspects are two Syrians and an Iraqi.


Switzerland: 71 hospitalized after being double vaxxed and 17 died, 37 more also died after only one dose

Last weekend, the FOPH indicated that 223 people in Switzerland had been infected with the coronavirus despite having already received their second dose for more than two weeks. This Friday, the German-speaking information site nau.ch is relaying additional figures provided by the FOPH. Of these 223 people, 71 were hospitalized and 17 eventually died. In addition, 37 other people suffered the same fate, but they had received only one dose.
