Greeks fed up with migrant vandalism

Residents of Malacca in Greece are demanding the closure of a nearby asylum center in the face of regular crimes by immigrants. The members of the small village of five hundred inhabitants, forty kilometers from Athens, wrote a letter to the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum, calling on the government to relocate thousands of immigrants who had repeatedly committed acts of violence in the village.

According to Greek newspaper Ethnos, residents of the facility recently threw stones at the house of an elderly man, causing significant damage to the property, and attempted to set fire to several churches. Apart from recent cases, residents complain of ongoing vandalism, such as damage to public spaces, thefts, violence against women and the elderly, and violations of hygiene and public health rules.

“The Malacca community has run out of patience in receiving immigrants”, the mayor of the village, Costantinos Litzas wrote in a letter. He also drew attention to the fact that it is ridiculous for such a small community to hold nearly three thousand illegal immigrants.

“Our settlement of five hundred inhabitants has carried on its back the weight of a community of an average of 2,600 refugees over the past five years”, the mayor wrote, demanding the closure of the facility and the displacement of immigrants.

In May, the government of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced plans to relocate immigrants living in the country on the islands of Lesbos and Chios once new facilities are built.

Compared to its left-wing predecessor, the Conservative government, which took office in the summer of 2019, is taking a stronger and tougher line against the influx of migrants flowing into the country.

As a result, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 4,172 immigrants arrived in Greece in 2021, mostly from Afghanistan, compared with 15,696 in 2020, and 74,613 in 2019.

Iceland: Vaccines do not work

Iceland has been a vaccine paradise: Some 90 percent of people between the ages of 40-70 and 98 percent of those over 70 are fully vaccinated. On June 26, it abolished all lockdown rules. “Thank you for this joint struggle,” the Health Minister told citizens. Now the country could be heading for new lockdown restrictions for the next five, ten or fifteen years.

Iceland is setting daily records for new infections, mostly among the vaccinated. Epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason announced the bad news that restrictions would persist for perhaps decades because vaccines do not work.

Asked if there was no clear path out of the epidemic, now that measures are being proposed despite vaccinations, Guðnason said the virus was “unpredictable and something new comes up that changes what you thought a few months ago”.

He also said that the protection of vaccines against infection was “lower” than previously thought.

He said that the new lockdown measures he proposed should take effect as soon as possible. “I believe that if people decide on certain actions, then there is nothing left to wait for. Then I think people should make it take effect as soon as possible.”

At the information meeting is was highlighted that those who were vaccinated with Janssen would receive another vaccination product. The Pfizer vaccine would be used as there was a sufficient amount of it in the country.

“I think it’s safe to say that most of the results suggest that these vaccines are all so fundamentally similar, even though there is only a difference between studies, and the effectiveness against people getting infected is maybe around 60 percent. This means that 40 percent can still be infected.

“The activity against serious illness is maybe about 90 percent, but this only varies and there is also new information coming from Israel that the activity is probably somewhat less than this.”

Data from Israel now show that people are seven times as likely to be infected after being vaccinated than if they have already recovered.

Muslims under surveillance, Islam criminalised: Marwan Muhammad spreads conspiracy theories on Turkish television

In the studio of a Turkish public TV channel, it should seem delicate to give lessons in civil liberties and tolerance. But that is exactly what Marwan Muhammad, the former French president of the Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France (CCIF), did on Saturday July 24. In a conspiratorial television report uncovered by the weekly MARIANNE, the Islamist activist gives an implausible description of the situation of Muslims in France. According to him, during the Eid-el-Kebir festival, the French authorities “sent police everywhere on the streets to monitor France’s Muslim communities”.According to him, the aim was “to see if Muslims sacrifice sheep, celebrate Eid or how they organise themselves. “Today, in France, the very practice of his religion is stigmatised and criminalised,” Muhammad continued, referring to the case of imams who were expelled from France “because the Ministry of the Interior disagreed with their statements”.

Marwan Muhammad refers to the imams of the mosques of Saint-Chamond (Loire) and Gennevilliers (Hauts-de-Seine), who were expelled from France after making extremist comments during religious sermons – especially against women. As MARIANNE emphasises, it is hardly surprising that Marwan Muhammad supports these imams. His career as an Islamist lobbyist in France has been going on for a while. As early as 2013, the weekly recalls, he showed up at the side of the Salafist imam Nader Abou Anas. After becoming president of the CCIF, he defended the theories of the Muslim Brotherhood and stood up for the defunct Baraka City association, whose founder, Idriss Sihamedi, refused to shake hands with women.Even worse, recalls MARIANNE, Sihamedi had refused to condemn the 2015 attacks – without losing Marwan Muhammad’s support – in a broadcast on Canal+ in January 2016. Since the Baraka City case, Idriss Sihamedi has gone into exile… to Turkey, a known “human rights country”, from where Marwan Muhammad eventually called for “an international investigation into the situation of Muslim communities”. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Turkey allows IS fighters living there to keep slaves

Is Turkey a new haven for former fighters of the Islamic State? In Ankara, Istanbul or Kirsehir, the country’s main cities, hundreds of veterans of the Daesh or former Free Syrian Army (FSA), which became the Syrian National Army (SNA), whose ranks are filled with jihadists and which is notoriously under Turkish control, have been living for several years. However, according to the Journal du dimanche (JDD), several hundred Yazidi slaves, a religious minority particularly persecuted by the EI, are still in the hands of their retired captors.”After the Daech was weakened, many of their fighters went to Turkey with their families to be safe,” explains Abdallah Shrem, 46, who says that as a smuggler on the Syrian-Turkish border he rescued nearly 400 Yazidi hostages. The man estimates that between 400 and 450 more Yazidi slaves are still being held in Turkey today. And freeing them is complicated: If they are held by ordinary fighters who are quite remote and live alone, the hostages – often children – can still be rescued.

In February this year, police in Ankara freed a Yazidi girl from the possession of an Iraqi, a former member of the Daech, who had tried to sell the child over the internet. This is the kind of operation the Turkish government likes to talk about… to better hide the hidden side of the iceberg. Most of the Yazidi slaves still in Turkey are held by former Islamic State fighters who have joined the ANS, which is said to be completely subservient to Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s central power. A fact that Abdallah confirms:”Some members of the Daech have joined the NSA while keeping their hostages, and when the captives are in the hands of the NSA, it is more difficult to negotiate their release because it is backed by Turkey. An Ottoman grace that testifies to the fact that there are still traces of the friendly feelings Ankara showed towards the EI until 2015 – until that date, the GE reminds us, it was common knowledge that Turkey opened its borders to any would-be jihadist who wanted to join the caliphate that disappeared in 2019. A geopolitical stance that has changed since the first EI attacks in Turkey in 2016, but of which certain ties still persist.

Germany: African vandalises a cross of a church – a knife was also found at the scene of the crime

The Dillenburg police are currently investigating a 30-year-old man from an African country for what is known as “malicious damage to property”.
According to the police, a witness observed the man throwing a wooden cross onto the street at the church in Mühlgasse in Dillenburg on Sunday morning. A Dillenburg police patrol arrested the 30-year-old a short time later. At present, the officers assume that he had torn the cross from the church grounds out of the anchorage in the ground of a flower bed. The police also seized a kitchen knife at the entrance door of the church. It is not known at this time whether it belonged to the arrested man. The man was released after his personal details were taken.

Second French hospital calls unlimited strike against forced vax

On July 23, the SUD Santé Social union section of the Édouard-Herriot hospital in Lyon submitted a strike notice which will begin on July 29 at 6 am “for an unlimited period”, which is only supposed to end if “the outcome of negotiations is favorable to the claims”.

The strikers oppose the compulsory vaccination of caregivers– announced by President Emmanuel Macron on July 12 and due to come into force in September – by demanding “the non-dismissal of unvaccinated hospital workers”. This potential sanction has since been rejected by Parliament, but staff members refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19 will risk a work ban and suspension of pay.

In a letter addressed to the hospital management published on the union ‘s Facebook page, the striking staff also demanded that the Covid-19 be systematically recognized as a work accident and called on management to “respect the public service mission accessible to all”.

As was reported by Le Progrès, the staff oppose the discrimination against patients based on their vaccination status: “We refuse their classification at the entrance of our public health establishment.” The threat is authoritarian and it is infantilizing, said the union.

“It’s too brutal,” according to Chaïbia Khaif-Janssen, secretary of the union. She spoke about the obligation to vaccinate caregivers on BFM Lyon: “It stigmatizes, it penalizes, it punishes the hospital workers who for more than a year and a half have worked so hard to fight against this pandemic and this is the result. The fact that we threaten them pushes them to their limits. Some are waiting for the Sanofi vaccine, others want to wait until they have a little perspective on messenger RNA vaccines, and there are lots of other reasons too. But the threat is authoritarian, it is infantilizing. It’s too brutal.”

This is the second unlimited strike notice filed in France. The same notice was recently filed at a Montélimar hospital. The CGT section of the Portes de Provence hospital group, in the Drôme, filed an unlimited strike notice in order to oppose the compulsory vaccination of caregivers.

“We refuse the vaccine obligation, we ask for more transparency, we lack perspective vis-à-vis this vaccine,” said Elsa Ruillère, deputy secretary of the CGT of the Portes de Provence hospital group (GHPP), in Montélimar in the Drôme, speaking to France Bleu. The day before, the union official had commented on this decision during a televised intervention on RMC, during which she had, among other things, denounced “discriminating” and “sectarian” government measures.

The CFDT, the majority union, for its part refused to follow the strike. Currently some 300 to 400 people are already vaccinated, out of a total workforce of around 2000 caregivers.

“The majority of the members have agreed to strike, there will be some in all the services,” the CGT trade unionist underscored however. “We have caregivers who resign, decide to reorient themselves, abandon their vocation. I ask the government this question: what are you going to do if 40 percent of caregivers resign?”