BREAKING: Was he planning an attack in Austria ? Syrian asylum seeker has machine gun in his luggage is now on the run

Explosive: Attentive Hungarian police officers may have prevented the next act of terrorism in Austria. Because when the authorities stopped a smuggler bus that was on its way to Austria carrying 17 immigrants, the Serbian-Austrian driver stated that a Syrian was travelling with a machine gun in his luggage.

Terror alert at the eastern border

However, there is no trace of the “refugee”. When the minibus was stopped by the Hungarian police officers, the strangers hiding in the hold jumped out and fled in all directions. Whether the man with the gun is now trying to cross a green border into Austria is a matter of conjecture. Anything is possible, because the smuggler’s bus was stopped only a few kilometres from the eastern border in the Hungarian district of Vas.

This was also reported by oe24 in a video report:

Numerous arrests of illegals in the district of Mödling

The entry of illegals into Austria thus continues unchecked despite allegedly improved border protection. Especially in the west of the district of Mödling in Lower Austria, there have been numerous apprehensions of smugglers and immigrants in recent months – mostly along the A21 motorway, as the Mödling Freedom Party district party leader Christoph Luisser told

The reason for his statement at the time was an accident involving a tractor-trailer car in Achau, district of Mödling, which crashed into another car. The Hungarian driver then ran away. Six Syrians who were on board the smuggler’s car immediately applied for asylum.

Trafficker flees into the forest

Last Thursday, another case became known in Lower Austria. According to the newspaper Kronen Zeitung, the police seized a trafficker in Eichkogel after he had dropped off 16 “refugees”. The trafficker jumped out of the vehicle and ran away – he did not stop even when the police fired warning shots. The man hid in the forest and is still on the run.

Top AfD candidate does not plan on getting vaccinated

The top candidate of the AfD for the German election, Alice Weidel, does not want to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in the foreseeable future. She also described the testing of returning travelers as “complete nonsense” and accused the federal government of “still having no plan”.

In the ZDF morning magazine on Friday, Weidel described the planned test obligation for travelers returning as a “death knell for tourism”. Discrimination against healthy unvaccinated people was not acceptable.

To introduce an implicit compulsory vaccination that discriminates against healthy unvaccinated people was “unconstitutional” she said. The AfD leader said having the jab was a citizen’s personal responsibility.

She herself has not been vaccinated and will not be injected against Covid-19 for the foreseeable future, said the AfD top candidate. “And I would never allow anything like that to be ascribed to me,” she emphasized.

According to DPA information, Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Hubert Aiwanger, has not been vaccinated so far either. Because of his choice, the head of the Free Voters party has had to endure a lot of criticism, also from coalition partner CSU.

The top politicians of the AfD who say they have had themselves vaccinated include Alexander Gauland, co-leader of the AfD parliamentary group, and the party chairman Jörg Meuthen. Like several federal ministers, they have however spoken out clearly against the introduction of compulsory Covid 19 vaccination.

In an interview with the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, Bundestag President Schäuble has been calling for restrictions on freedom only for the unvaccinated. In order for more people to be vaccinated, according to Schäuble, citizens should exert social pressure on one another: “That should definitely be an issue among friends and acquaintances, so that those who do not participate, although they could, get a guilty conscience. In my opinion, a certain social pressure would not be wrong.”

Weidel responded: “We only know from totalitarian regimes that politicians call on the population to exert social pressure on nonconformists. With his demand, the President of the Bundestag is damaging our parliamentary democracy.

“A constitutional state must not operate with manipulation and pillory, but must respect the fundamental rights to freedom of expression or physical integrity. Every citizen can decide for himself whether he wants to be vaccinated or not, based on information about the effectiveness and side effects of the vaccines.

“The only one who should have a guilty conscience is the President of the Bundestag personally. The governing parties must immediately stop the pressure on healthy citizens to conform!”

The question remains: How much use is a gigantic army of spike antibodies in these vaccines if 80 percent of the vaccine-induced IgA are already gone from the blood after 80 days? And most importantly, they are not found in the mucosa where the virus replicates.

Statistically, two gang rapes are committed every day in Germany, mainly by men from the Islamic world

Statistically, two girls or women are raped by groups of men every day in Germany. This is the result of an enquiry to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). Every second suspect was not a German citizen.

Men from Islamic countries such as Afghanistan, Syria or Iraq were frequently represented. Compared to their small share of the population in Germany, Afghans in particular are disproportionately often found among the perpetrators. In 2018, they made up 0.3 per cent of the population, but were suspected perpetrators in six per cent of gang rapes. The majority committed the crime during the asylum procedure.

According to the newspaper Bild, the BKA recorded a total of 704 gang rape cases in 2020. In 2019, there were 710 and in 2018 659 cases.

Criminologist Christian Pfeiffer (77) explained that he sees an “always the same basic pattern” among the perpetrators: “Frustrated young men who don’t make it.” These come from a culture in which men clearly take the dominant role in society. In Germany, they then live in an underdog role. “They realise that they have a hard time attracting girls.” They can’t find a partner from their own culture because only a few women have fled. Frustration, aggression and violence are the result.

Germany: Previously convicted Afghan asylum seeker who repeatedly abused underage girls is only sentenced to probation following another sexual abuse of a 13-year-old girl

In the middle of the night, around 2.30 a.m., the young man sneaked into the nearby children’s room of a 13-year-old girl, unzipped the sleeping girl’s trousers and grabbed her pants. Sexual abuse and sexual assault is what the lawyers call this – a serious criminal offence. Before a juvenile jury at the Giessen district court, R., now 22 years old, admitted the crime without any fuss or quibble.

Beyond that, however, the accused did not give any further details about the incident in the early morning hours of January 19, 2020 in a village in the district of Giessen. The adolescent girl, who had filed a complaint jointly with her family, was forced into a months-long ordeal, the family’s legal counsel explained in his role as joint plaintiff in court. The girl is undergoing therapeutic counselling. “She has to deal with the event for the rest of her life,” said the joint plaintiff’s representative. He demanded a harsh punishment – at least not a suspended sentence. Especially since R. did not utter a word of apology or regret in court.

However, the court decided in favour of a suspended sentence – and had not made it easy for itself, as Judge Heiko Kriewald explained in his reasoning: “The – albeit short – but clear confession of the perpetrator was probably the decisive factor for the sentence, which otherwise might have been harsher.

Judge Kriewald sentenced him to one year and eight months in prison, suspended for three years. In addition, the young man has to participate in sexual therapy sessions and pay 1000 euros to the association “Wildwasser” with its counselling centre against sexual abuse.

Why is the prison sentence suspended? The court credited the man for his unapologetic admission of the crime and for showing understanding – even at the risk that this could have brought him to prison and ruined his residence status in Germany. R. left his home country Afghanistan as a teenager in 2013 and came overland via Turkey to Greece – and from there to Germany in 2015. He quickly learned the German language, went back to school and then went to work, today as a plant operator in an industrial company. He supports his family in Afghanistan with his income. In the event of a harsh judgement, R. could risk his status as a refugee under immigration law.

With the sentence, the court fully backs the prosecution’s case. The public prosecutor, Dr Volker Bützler, had also indicated that he would be more lenient and had pleaded for giving the young man “one last chance”. Because with his confession, R. had spared other witnesses and also the victim of his assault from appearing in court.

According to the public prosecutor, the accused is also supported by the fact that he has made great efforts to arrive in Germany since his entry almost six years ago and is well integrated professionally. The prosecutor’s motto: “favourable social prognosis”.

R.’s defence lawyer also pointed out that his client had built up social ties here, was successfully pursuing his profession and had already spent three months in pre-trial detention between February and May after the crime.

But why the emphasis on “last chance”? R. has already attracted attention once before, he was already on trial in Lower Saxony last year. At that time, he was also charged with sexual abuse and sexual assault. He had met an eleven-year-old girl from Hanover for sex several times at a railway station. However, as it appeared in court, these meetings were “consensual”. Since the underage girl had also sent pictures of herself to R., it also brought him a charge of possession of child pornography – and in 2020 a juvenile sentence of two years, which is also suspended.

In view of the second incident of this kind, the public prosecutor as well as the court consider therapy “necessary and appropriate”. Only “one more minor violation of the conditions, such as not attending therapy or some other offence – and the probation will be revoked”, Judge Kriewald gave the young man on his way.

Italian deputies disrupt parliament over health pass measures

Italian deputies from the Brothers of Italy party disrupted the session on Thursday, July 29 reported the daily La Repubblica.

As the lower house of parliament was to vote on a proposed clause for the decree on the new Covid measures, several deputies raised signs saying “No Green Pass”. As a result, the session was postponed. In turn, the deputies of the Democratic Party responded with cries of “Shame!”. Shortly after, members had to be called to order.

It was on July 22 that the Italian government decided to impose a health pass to enter bars and restaurants, swimming pools and sports halls, museums, cinemas, theaters and game rooms. The measure, which will take effect from August 6, will also apply to large gatherings in Italy. A fine of between 400 to 1000 euros will be issued for violation of the law.

As in France, there is another concern linked to the health pass. Due to the fact that it is based on a model adopted in the European Union, Italian citizens and foreigners vaccinated with vaccines not recognized in the EU will not be able to obtain it. Of particular concern are many Russians living and working in Italy, as well as all inhabitants of the Republic of San Marino, where the Russian vaccine Sputnik V has been used.

Meanwhile, thousands of demonstrators, including high-ranking politicians, protested against the Green Pass in Rome again on Wednesday. Lega MEP Antonio Maria Rinaldi said he went to the European Commission on Wednesday to clarify some points related to the Green Passport. “There are many points that have to be viewed critically and are discriminatory.”

“The Green Pass is terrible both in Italy and in France. It creates two categories of citizens. It is against freedom and represents a system of discrimination. We are fighting against the Green Pass in Italy and France,” commented Florian Philippot, French presidential candidate and leader of the Patriots party. He pointed to fresh headlines saying that “new data suggests that vaccinees can transmit the virus”. A few weeks ago it had been forbidden to say so, he said.

The demonstrators in Rome carried banners that read “This is not a vaccine. It is a deadly long-term weapon.” The protests against it have been going on for several days.