German News service, BILD, releases appology for in any way being a part of the massive government propaganda and misinformation campaign that is Covid and the Vaxx program

 As this was sent to us by one of our German to English translators, we assume the subtitles are correct/

German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries

The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of their vaccination. Schirmacher expressed alarm over his findings.

The regional daily Augsburger Allgemeine reported: “Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated – a politically explosive statement in times when the vaccination campaign is losing momentum, the Delta variant is spreading rapidly and restrictions on non-vaccinated people are being discussed.”

The Merkel administration quickly moved to respond to this “politically explosive” statement from Heidelberg. According to the German Press Agency (dpa), the Paul Ehrlich Institute announced that Schirmacher’s statements were “incomprehensible”. The Chancellor’s lackey, senior German immunologist Thomas Mertens dismissed the findings right away: “I don’t know of any data that would allow a justifiable statement to be made here and I am not assuming an unreported number.”

The immunologist Christian Bogdan from the Erlangen University Hospital, member of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO), also contradicted Schirmacher’s assumption of a “high number of unreported vaccination complications or even deaths”.

The pathologist however received support from his own ranks, and the Federal Association of German Pathologists stated that more autopsies of vaccinated people who died within a certain time frame after vaccination should be performed.

The head of the “Autopsy Working Group” in this association wanted to make general practitioners and health authorities aware of this. In other words, doctors of the patients who die within a few days or weeks after vaccination should apply for an autopsy in case of doubt or the health authorities should take action.

The Federal Association of Pathologists had already requested this in March in a letter to Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), but it went unanswered.

Schirmacher’s warning could of course ruin a multi-digit long-term billion-dollar business for various pharmaceutical companies, while the already low willingness to get the jab in the remaining unvaccinated group could further decrease dramatically and ultimately the entire pandemic strategy of the federal government could unravel.

But the seriousness and reputation of the director of the Pathological Institute at the University of Heidelberg are unassailable.

Schirmacher himself is already leading an autopsy project on people who have died from Covid-19, which is subsidized by the state. He himself then expanded the focus and also autopsied more than 40 deceased vaccinated people. Even if his results are only a snapshot, it is a dramatic one: 30 to 40 percent died from the vaccination itself. The pathologist cited “rare, severe side effects of the vaccination – such as cerebral vein thrombosis or autoimmune diseases”.

Schirmacher responded to the criticism from some colleagues. He denied a lack of competence: “The colleagues are definitely wrong because they cannot assess this specific question competently.” Moreover, he has not tried to spread panic, and he is not an opponent of vaccinations – Schirmacher himself has been vaccinated.

The Robert Koch Institute meanwhile refers to the regular safety reports of the Paul Ehrlich Institute on its website. However, should it become apparent in the coming weeks that politics, science and the media are campaigning against Schirmacher and his alarming results are being completely ignored, it would be another red flag regarding the safety of the products.

Twitter meanwhile suspended the account of former New York Times science correspondent Alex Berenson for sharing details of a Pfizer clinical trial with similar findings which completely obliterates the narrative of the political establishment.

According to Pfizer: “During the blinded, controlled period, 15 BNT162b2 and 14 placebo recipients died; during the open-label period, 3 BNT162b2 and 2 original placebo recipients who received BNT162b2 after unblinding died. None of these deaths were considered related to BNT162b2 by investigators.” It stated that the causes of death were balanced between BNT162b2 and placebo groups: 15 people who took the vaccine died and 14 people who took the placebo died.

But tons of people who were in the placebo group have now taken the jab, thus “the trial blind is broken now” and “this is all the data we will ever have,” Berenson pointed out.

The real danger for France is not Covid, but Islam

A year and a half after the arrival of Covid-19 in Europe, Macron and our politicians show that they are still not ready to control an epidemic! The year 2020 was disastrous in every way: health, economic, social… While the French continue to suffer the consequences, the year 2021 and the future in general seem even more at risk. The appearance of the Delta variant and the new restriction measures (health passport, ban on entering the West Indies) show that in a year and a half, the government has not taken any measures to prepare us with serenity for new waves of epidemics. This is extremely worrying. And not only in terms of health. Because alongside the media campaigns describing Covid-19 as the cholera of the 21st century and proclaiming the vaccine as a miracle cure, another reality is gaining a foothold on our soil: the rise of Islam, which is conquering more and more of our society every day.

On Monday July 18, hundreds of thousands of young sheep were slaughtered under deplorable hygienic conditions as part of the Islamic festival of Eid-el-Kebir, without the population noticing. The silence of the media and politicians on this issue is a clear indication of the habituation of most of our compatriots to this barbaric practice. They have been carefully prepared for it over the past decades. The practice of throat cutting is widespread in Islam. It is not only about animals: in the attacks of November 13, 2015, many victims had their throats cut by the Bataclan attackers while they died on the ground. On Sunday July 25, our country sadly commemorated the 85-year-old priest Father Hamel, who was murdered by the same custom in 2016 while on duty. Our politicians are proving as inept at fighting the Islamic scourge as they are at fighting the pandemic. The media continue to conceal the daily violence, describing, for example, the slitting of Frenchmen’s throats as ” injuries caused by a weapon “.

Let us be realistic. Yes, the Covid-19 can be dangerous for the elderly, the infirm or those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. But this should not make us forget that the real danger that threatens us is not one of health, but of security and civilisation: it is the ongoing Islamisation of our territory, with the collusion of many of our “elites”. To be clear: the Coronavirus is insignificant compared to the Quranavirus!

Alain de Peretti

Already 21.7% of all first names are of Muslim origin in France


Did you say Great Population Exchange ? Come on, calm down, it’s just an “impression” of the Great Exchange.

They have hired a few Moroccans. The communist CGT union is installed in the workplace and a sector that was doing well and had a good working atmosphere is now being attacked for discrimination.

It is the France of the Arab Mououd. French people, get ready to fight back, because it will fall on you like hail on the vineyard.

Bernard-Henri Lévy, son of a family loved by the banks, after the turn of the millennium (Le jour et la nuit), the fall of Gaddafi, the chaos in Libya and the opening of the main valve of the migratory invasion that is choking us, now attacks the French he hates from the bottom of his heart, from the left-wing artists’ quarter of Rive gauche. Because of your hats, berets, folk dances and Basque pelotas, The fictional philosopher Botul is at work!

Yikes! These nurses are determined to get their hands on this woman’s baby

By Andrea Widburg

There’s an old saying: He who pays the piper calls the tune. In England, doctors, nurses, and hospitals get their paychecks from the government. That’s all that matters to them, rather than the fact that it’s the British people who pay the taxes that fund those paychecks. With their loyalty to the British government that writes their checks, rather than to the public that funds those checks, a gaggle of nurses earnestly told a pregnant mother that she had no rights in her baby once it was born – and it was getting a COVID test or the British version of Child Protective Services would be all over that family. This is what Democrats want for you.

Summit News explains what’s happening, which is otherwise a little confusing because the people are talking over each other and the mum and dad have strong Cockney accents:

A video out of the UK shows NHS nurses demanding to COVID test a newborn baby, claiming it’s not the mother’s property once outside the womb and then threatening to report her to social services for refusing.

The shocking video, which was posted to Twitter, shows a heavily pregnant mother in a hospital bed being lectured by nurses about how it’s mandatory for the baby to be given a COVID test immediately after birth.

“It is my property,” states the mother, to which one of the nurses responds, “so you will…while the baby’s in your abdomen.”

“So you’re saying once the baby comes out it’s not my property no more, yes it is, I gave birth to it, it’s got my blood running through it,” the mother asserts.

The mother, who apparently is close to giving birth, is getting more and more upset. The nurses, instead of offering an explanation for the policy, empathy, or even sympathy, continue to insist that the baby is getting tested whether the other likes it or not. This is a peculiar stance given that “most newborns who test positive for the coronavirus have mild symptoms or none at all, and recover,” although “serious cases have occurred.” Since January 4, 2020, here in the U.S., only 124 children in the entire 0-4 age group have died, although it’s unclear whether they died with or from COVID, and how many were newborn infants. Every child’s death is a tragedy but that’s 124 children out of roughly 23.6 million children 5 and under (in percent form, 0.0005% died).
The baby’s father eventually says that they’re leaving the hospital, at which point the nurses make the ultimate threat: The parents’ objections are going to be documented and passed along to the “Safeguarding team,” which is their version of Child Protective Services.
I have issues with Child Protective Services (“CPS”). Although I never had a run-in with them, I’ve known several loving parents who found themselves embroiled with CPS for infractions such as taking a blow dryer away from a teenage girl using it over a sink full of water; punishing a boy by giving him water, instead of milk, for one lunch; and struggling with a child suffering from night terrors. In each case, CPS instantly conceded that the parents’ action was not wrong – and in each case, CPS nevertheless dogged and second-guessed these parents for years. Worse, the children learned that they could get anything they wanted from their parents by threatening to call CPS – and they taught their school friends that cool trick too.
Meanwhile, a friend fought his local CPS for years to recover a child from a mother who was drug-addicted and prostituted herself, often taking the child with her to bars to pick up business. CPS refused to act because of the bias in favor of mothers. (In that jurisdiction, the rule was, if she aborts it, no problem; if she abuses it, also no problem.)
But most importantly, if you put yourself within the National Health Service, you have no rights. They can kill you if you’re old and, when you bring your children in, you have no say over them. Of course, much the same is true in Democrat enclaves all over America, where abortions and birth control pills are freely available to tweens and teens without parental knowledge or consent.
The thing to remember is that the state does not love you. As long as the state has money, it will keep its promises to care for you – as was the case in Europe when America took care of its defense costs during the Cold War, leaving European nations more money to fund their medical care. However, the moment the money starts running out, the state does not have an incentive to be efficient, inventive, or courageous. Its only interest is in keeping its paychecks going, and to heck with you.
If you doubt me, look at the teachers’ unions across America the moment COVID hit our shores. They’ve destroyed children’s education and, often, their emotional health, without ever having a break in their paychecks. Their priority is not your children.