Social media influencers, bots used to force vaccine compliance

The White House and local authorities are massively promoting vaccination on the Internet. To combat aversion among young people, the government is even recruiting “influencers”. These are mobilizing their followers to get vaccinated.

In addition to the efforts by the White House, state and local governments are paying “local micro influencers” — those with 5000 to 100 000 followers — up to $1000 a month to promote Covid-19 vaccines to their audiences.

Armies of bots have been rolled out as well. One particular bot-generated message that has been designed to instill fear in the unvaccinated, was disseminated verbatim across Twitter. In it, a “concerned healthcare worker” states: “I just left the ER. We are officially back to getting rushed by COVID-19. Delta Variant is running rampant and it’s MUCH more transmissible than the original virus. 99% of our ICU admits did NOT receive a vaccine.”

This message was sent out across several social media accounts, using fake bots to psychologically pressure the unvaccinated into compliance.

Radical Islamist Turkish organisation sues German professor of Islamic Studies in court and loses

“Critics of Islamic organisations are repeatedly intimidated with lawsuits and injunctions,” says Islamism expert of the University of Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Susanne Schröter. Now it happened to her herself.

When Islamic associations repeatedly try to silence journalists and critics of their controversial actions and intimidate them with lawsuits, it is necessary to help those affected. It is all the more gratifying when this also coincides with successful lawsuits against the controversial organisations.

Susanne Schröter heads the Research Centre Global Islam and calls on German politicians to act quickly. She was recently appointed as a member of the expert group “Political Islamism”. The expert group is to “analyse current and changing manifestations of political Islamism from a scientific perspective and develop recommendations for action to supplement security authority measures with socio-political and scientific approaches”, explains the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI).

In a guest commentary for the newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Schröter also discussed the Milli Görüs movement, which is partly monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The latter was not amused: “The Neue Zürcher Zeitung article by Ms Schröter is defamatory and contains untrue factual allegations,” declared the Secretary General Mr Altas of the German-based association Islamische Gemeinschaft Milli Görüs e. V. (IGMG), which felt it had been targeted, and filed a lawsuit.

The NGO “Meinungsfreiheit im Netz” supported Ms Schröter. IGMG lost before the Munich Regional Court and before the Munich Higher Regional Court. In the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), there is a passage in the article “Der Jihad der Anwälte” (The Lawyers’ Jihad) which precisely explains the actions of the Islamic associations and at the same time also explains the motivation for our support.

“Author Heinisch, who is also a member of the scientific advisory board of the Austrian Documentation Centre for Political Islam, tells the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) that there is a method behind this procedure. Our case, but also numerous others, show that the aim is to intimidate the media with lawsuits,’ says Heinisch. Even if Islamists lose their lawsuits, trials mean personnel expenditure and costs for a newspaper. This would make authors who deal critically with Islamist actors and organisations an incalculable risk that editors would no longer be willing or able to take. Lawsuits thus have a deterrent effect, regardless of the truthfulness of the articles.”

This is all the more true if the Islamic associations do not target the publisher but the author personally. Their support is therefore absolutely necessary.

Syrian blows up seven people and flees to Germany

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office had a man arrested in Berlin on Wednesday on charges of war crimes, murder and assault committed in Syria. He allegedly fired a grenade from an anti-tank weapon into a crowd in a square in the capital Damascus in March 2014. At least seven people were killed. At least three were seriously injured, including a six-year-old child. They were civilians waiting for food parcels from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East.

The accused Syrian was a member of the group “Free Palestine Movement” at the time, as the authority in Karlsruhe announced. Previously, he had belonged to the “Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command”. These armed militias had exercised control over the affected district of Damascus, which originated from a Palestinian refugee camp, on behalf of the Syrian regime. In the meantime, the area had been completely sealed off. The result was a lack of food, water and medical care.

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office accuses the man of war crimes, seven counts of murder and three counts of dangerous bodily harm. An investigating judge of the Federal Supreme Court was to decide on Wednesday whether he would be remanded in custody. Officials of the Berlin State Criminal Police Office had also searched the accused’s flat in the federal capital during the morning raid.A spokeswoman for the police in Berlin added that the Federal Prosecutor General had called on the Berlin State Criminal Police Office 2020 to investigate the case. The arrest warrant against the 54-year-old accused Syrian was issued on Wednesday morning in the Berlin district of Treptow and executed by investigators of the State Criminal Police Office (LKA).

No deportation for Afghan multiple rapist of German underage girls – The judges refuse to comment

He fled Afghanistan as a youth and came to Germany in 2015. But of all places, the country that became a place of refuge for Khodai R. (23), he repeatedly turned into a crime scene.


► Case one, September 2018, Langenhagen (Lower Saxony): The then 20-year-old met a girl (11) via social media. During several meetings, he severely abused the child, who had learning disabilities, and passed her on to two Afghan accomplices. The disgusting acts only came to light when the special needs pupil turned to her liaison teacher – charges filed, trial in February 2020!

“A despicable course of action. The girl was degraded to an object of lust. Terrible offences that do not remain without consequences,” said Judge Stefan Lücke at the Hanover Regional Court at the time. But his sentence was a lenient one: two years in juvenile prison on probation! Khudai R. left the courtroom a free man.

Unbelievable: Only one month before the trial, the Afghan had molested another child (13)!

► The second case: January 2020, a village near Gießen (Hesse): According to the newspaper “Gießener Allgemeine”, Khodai R. sneaked into the children’s room of a sleeping girl (13), touched her in the private parts. Another staggering verdict: On July 28, 2021, Judge Heiko Kriewald sentenced the Afghan to one year and eight months imprisonment – suspended for three years. The guilty verdict was a “last chance”. Again!

The sex offender was again given credit for confessing. His alleged integration also had a lenient effect on the sentence for the factory worker. Judge Heiko Kriewald did not answer a BILD question about his sentence.

But why was the asylum seeker not deported?

Because according to section 54 of the Residence Act, a sex offender can in principle be deported after a custodial or juvenile sentence of at least one year.

Should the second judgement of July 28 become legally binding, the authorities could finally take action and order Khodai R.’s deportation.

Refugees gang rape 14-year-old daughter of a German refugee aid worker – The victim’s mother is appalled that they only get suspended sentences for it.

It is a horror that is unimaginable: several men assaulting a woman, brutalising her, humiliating her. The nightmare of gang rape!

According to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), a phenomenon that has increased more and more in recent years. In 2020 alone, 704 cases were reported; on average, two women or girls become victims of such an act every day. Every second suspect is not a German citizen, most of them come from Islamic countries.

Annika R. suffered this nightmare and met BILD reporter Mirko Voltmer for an interview. On BILD-Live she and her mother Monika R. talk about the crime, but want to remain anonymous. Annika was 14 years old when she was raped by two Syrians in the summer of 2016. The juvenile perpetrators got off with a suspended sentence. Even today, five years after the crime, both are suffering – and the mother says: “I want my daughter to live again.”

Particularly perfidious: Mother and daughter cared for refugees at the time, helped them to find their way, supported them.

During a cosy tea, the atmosphere suddenly turned: one of the men held Annika down, the other raped her.

The now 19-year-old says: “How am I…? It would be nice if I felt better again. But I often notice it in everyday life, there are many situations, it starts when travelling on the underground, or when someone comes too close to you at the checkout.” At school, she immediately took out her pepper spray as a reflex when a boy got too “close”.

“It’s little things. It can be a breath too close to the neck or a stupid saying and I already go crazy and have a panic attack.”

Her mother Monika R. tells of how she found out about the crime: “I heard it and it immediately went to my knees. I found myself on the floor again…”

“I have nightmares,” says Annika R. Sleeping for three hours is already a “highlight”: “I then have all the memories back in my head. All the feelings come up again, panic before sleeping. When you wake up, the panic is there because you dreamt it again. Yes, it’s quite hard.”

The therapists advised her not to go to trauma therapy until the court case was over.

Mother Monika R. reproaches herself for perhaps having fooled her children into believing that the world was too ideal. The refugee aid was a “family project”, “out of gratitude for life”: “The people were as close to us as adopted sons. There was no hint of thinking about something like that…”

A year later, Annika went to the police – on the advice of a good friend she had confided in.

The perpetrators were sentenced to a suspended sentence in February 2021. In the trial before the juvenile court – the defendants were adolescents at the time of the crime – the so far unpunished duo denied the crime.

Sentence: two years suspended juvenile sentence for Shadi A. (now 25). For his accomplice Mohamad T. (today 24) 18 months, plus a fine of 500 euros each. An appeal hearing on the case is planned, but there is no date yet.

“It has to be talked about,” says mother Monika R. “The penalties are simply far too low, the damage to people is too high…. I am lucky that my child is alive. But that it is alive is in inverted commas. It’s there, but I would like it to finally start living again.”

Normality, light-heartedness – hardly imaginable until now. “The mother told me that now – five years after the crime – they had laughed together for the first time in the car (on the way to the BILD visit, editor’s note),” reporter Mirko Voltmer reports. “From that you can see how big the shadow is that has fallen on both of them.” But the women felt the need to talk about it: “That things come out, that they are addressed – and that someone listens to them.”

Annika: “I wish they would lock them in a room and play them a video of me every day. How I felt. So that they understand how you feel about something like that.”

German Paper Apologizes for Scaring Kids With Panic-Driven Coverage of Covid

Is CNN Paying Attention?

In a shocking example of media honesty, the editor-in-chief of Germany’s top newspaper, Bild, has apologized for the news outlet’s panic-driven coverage of the China flu. He specifically singled out children who were told “that they were going to murder their grandma.”

Editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt videotaped his apology and told the children of Germany he was sorry for Bild’s coverage, which was “like poison” and “made you feel like you were a mortal danger to society.”

Julian Reichelt, the editor-in-chief of @BILD– one of the largest newspapers in Germany, apologized to the children of Germany for the COVID-19 coverage in his newspaper that made them “victims of neglect, isolation and loneliness.”

FACT-O-RAMA! You won’t see this in most news reports, but the Delta variant of COVID is less dangerous than the variant that China released in 2019. It has caused far fewer deaths and hospitalizations.

“To the millions of children in this country for whom our society is responsible, I want to express here what neither our government nor our Chancellor dares to tell you. We ask you to forgive us,”implored Reichelt.

Reichelt directed his apology to kids who have been terrorized by media fear porn, which has increased child depression and suicides worldwide.

Here are some excerpts from the apology :

  • “To the millions of children in this country for whom our society is responsible, I want to express here what neither our government nor our Chancellor dares to tell you. We ask you to forgive us.”
  • “Forgive us for this policy which, for a year and a half, has made you victims of violence, neglect, isolation, and loneliness.”
  • “We persuaded our children that they were going to murder their grandma if they dared to be what they are, children. Or if they met their friends. None of this has been scientifically proven.”
  • “When a state steals the rights of a child, it must prove that by doing so it protects him against concrete and imminent danger. This proof has never been provided. It has been replaced by propaganda presenting the child as a vector of the pandemic.”
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

A pediatric study showed that the increase of American kids committing suicide could be attributed to COVID stresses. Way to go, Don Lemon. We know you knew about the COVID-related depression in kids–CNN reported it last February.

“Months with significantly higher rates of suicide-related behaviors appear to correspond to times when COVID-related stressors and community responses were heightened, indicating that youth experienced elevated distress during these periods,” the report, which looked at people between the ages of 11 and 21, noted.

Rather than pull the Bat-chute on their admittedly over-the-top COVID panic button, CNN posted the advice of Lisa Furst, chief program officer of Vibrant Emotional Health, which runs the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

“If there’s a gun in the house, get rid of it for a while.”

Meanwhile, Back at der Bauernhof

Germany has seen violent anti-lockdown protests that are reminiscent of the 1930s.

Israel: Early jab recipients twice as likely to catch Covid

Israelis who were vaccinated before late February are twice as likely to catch the Coronavirus than those who received the shot later, according to new research. The data suggests that the vaccinated have now involuntarily signed up for a lifetime of “booster” shots if they survive the vaccine.

“We looked at tens of thousands of people tested in the month of June, alongside data on how long had passed since their second shot, and found that those vaccinated early were more likely to test positive,” researcher Dr. Yotam Shenhar told The Times of Israel.

The study was published by healthcare provider Leumit, and is one of many Israeli studies showing a decreasing vaccine effectiveness. It looked specifically at waning vaccine protection, dividing the vaccinated population into early recipients and late recipients.

According to the Israeli Health Ministry those people vaccinated in January now only have 16 percent protection against infection currently, while in those vaccinated in April allegedly have 75 percent coverage. They offered this as a justification of rolling out a third booster shot. It is therefore not surprising that Covid-19 vaccines have created at least nine new billionaires.

The waning effect is seen across all age groups. For those aged 40-59 early vaccinators were 2,1 times more vulnerable. The level of antibodies drops at a rate of about 40 percent per month, researcher told the newspaper.

It now appears that antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) from these injections were planned by the manufacturers to secure their monopoly as this data hides another shocking development. Examining the trend among serious illness in older vaccinated people, the rate of cases has risen 12-fold in a month. On July 4, fewer than 1 older vaccinated person in 100 000 became seriously ill. Currently, the rate is 10 in 100 000. Rates of serious illness among the vaccinated are now as high as they were among the unvaccinated only two weeks ago. As a reminder, some 85 percent of adults over 30 are fully vaccinated.

Meanwhile in fully vaxxed Gibraltar they are seeing a 2500 percent spike in Covid-19 cases. Notably, they are almost all Pfizer cases with the manufacturer clearly taking a lead among failing vaccines.

The products, funded by public money and presented as a global public good, has instead been a private profit opportunity. To coincide with the fact that non-stop “booster” shots have now become inevitable, both Pfizer and Moderna have raised the prices of their products in their latest European Union supply contracts, the Financial Times reported. The new price for a Pfizer shot is 19,50 euros, up from 15,50 euros previously.