A nation committing suicide: Sweden

by Giulio Meotti

At the end of May, a crowd of around a hundred young people from African or Middle Eastern minorities began fighting in a square in Hjallbo, a suburb of Gothenburg, Sweden’s second largest city.

A man in a grocery store was shot in the back of the head.

Then a policeman in Biskopsgarden, another suburb of the city, was killed.

A few days later a man was murdered in a barber shop in Frolunda, another suburb.

To add to this litany of recent violence, two young children were lucky enough to survive last week after being caught in the crossfire of another gang shooting, this time in Visattra, on the outskirts of Stockholm, the capital.

Thus opens a dramatic account in the weekly The Economist on Sweden. According to a recent report by the National Crime Prevention Council, Sweden has recorded the highest death rate from shootings in Europe in the past 15 years. Analyzing data on 22 European countries provided by Eurostat and the World Health Organization, council researcher Klara Hradilova-Selin calculated that Sweden ranks first. Most of the victims are men between 20 and 29 years old.

“The murder rate per firearm in Sweden is two and a half times the European average”.

One of the once most modern, inclusive and welcoming countries in Europe is collapsing due to state multiculturalism and mass immigration. “In Hjallbo, 70 percent of the residents were born abroad. Some analysts blame the drop in the number of policemen on duty on the streets of Sweden’s darkest suburbs, despite a higher overall number of policemen. In 1980, the Gothenburg police solved 80 percent of all murders. Today the figure is a measly 20 percent ”.

All this due to a radical demographic revolution underway and blessed by the state. “The Riksdag unanimously decided in 1975 that Sweden is a multicultural country,” writes Kyösti Tarvainen, a professor at Aalto University in Helsinki, n the Swedish newspaper Folkbladet. “At that time, more than 40 percent of the immigrants were my compatriots, Finns. The situation has changed: in 2019, 88 percent of immigrants were non-Western and 52 percent Muslim. Therefore, there has been a huge cultural shift in the immigrant population, as its largest group went from being Finnish to being Muslim. Ethnic Swedes will be a minority in 2065 with unchanged immigration ”.

Sweden has gone from being a low-crime country to having murder rates significantly above the Western European average, Swedish journalist Paulina Neuding wrote in Politico. “Social unrest, burnt cars, attacks on rescuers and riots are a recurring phenomenon. The shootings in the country have become so common that they no longer make headlines. News about the attacks are quickly replaced with headlines about sporting events and celebrities, readers have become desensitized to violence. “

On Unherd, the Somali-born essayist Ayaan Hirsi Ali has already recounted how Sweden has become “the European capital of rape”.

Meanwhile, as the country imploded, Foreign Minister Ann Linde published the photo of the Armed Forces with the flag. Not the national one, but the rainbow.

While Imam Basem Mahmoud, who has a history of hatred against Jews and others whom he considers “infidels” and who preaches in the al-Sahaba mosque in Rosengård, tells the Expressen newspaper which said that the Swedish flag should not be honored: “Whoever carries the cross is a heretic”.

In 2050, up to 30 percent of Sweden could be Islamic, according to a report by the American Pew Forum.

And then its flag will be black.


Germany: Afghan woman murdered for western lifestyle – Her brothers arrested

A murder unsettles Berlin! Two brothers (22, 25) from Afghanistan allegedly brutally murdered their sister (34) because of her western lifestyle. This is the suspicion of the public prosecutor’s office in Berlin.

The brothers have been in custody for two days. Now investigators have probably found the young woman’s body in Bavaria.

Flashback: On July 13, the young mother of two children was reported missing in Berlin. Since there was no sign that she had left the children voluntarily, the investigators did not rule out foul play from the beginning.

After evaluations of radio cells and video cameras in public places and locations, the suspects were recorded at a long-distance train station in Berlin.

According to the public prosecutor’s office on Friday, they allegedly took the body in a suitcase by German Rail to the 25-year-old’s place of residence in Bavaria on the day of the crime and buried it there.

Upon request, a justice spokesperson confirmed the murder. According to information from the newspaper BILD, a buried body was discovered on Thursday. The investigators assume that it is the missing mother.

Defence lawyer Mirko Röder (56): “This will be a conflict-ridden and lengthy trial.”

An autopsy is to clarify the identity, the cause of death and details of the commission of the crime. According to the arrest warrant, the two suspects had felt offended because the life of their divorced sister had not corresponded to their moral standards.


Putting Communism in the Dock

By Igor Mel’čuk

I might have a slight advantage over most of the brilliant people who write for American Thinker. I am significantly older and from the ex-USSR, so I have lived through and experienced first-hand all the charms of the regime that is now — slowly, but steadily – being installed in America (and, subsequently, in the whole civilized world).

What I am referring to comes under different names and in different clothes, whether it’s today’s American Democratic Party, neo-Marxists, Soviet and international communists, Hitler’s Nazis, Islamists, the Black Lives Matter gang, white supremacists, woke adherents, etc. But the name does not matter; what unites all the people marching under those banners are convinced of three things:

  • A minority has the right to impose its will on any majority by force and in violation of natural and social laws.
  • Contrary and/or dissenting opinions must be quashed and crushed (together, of course, with their holders).
  • To achieve the above state of affairs, power in the respective country must be seized and retained at any price.

A savvy reader will easily recognize here Lenin’s well-known theses. Nothing has changed since 1918.

The people standing for such views – let me call them for short “the Left,” no matter whether they identify themselves as Left or Right — want to destroy our world. And they have raised their ugly heads and are winning one battle after the other.

We must remember that, while one of the strongest and most successful leftist entities– Hitler’s National-Socialist Party — was officially liquidated and buried, all the other branches of this poisonous tree flourish. Why? In my opinion, one of the reasons, if not the main reason, is the 1945-1946 Nuremberg Trial.

The famous First Nuremberg Trial of 1945-1946, and the subsequent trials of the top-level Nazi war criminals — that is, “Nuremberg-1” — firmly established for all time that the Nazi ideology is an absolute evil and taboo for the civilized world. Today, in all probability, most people on the planet do not clearly understand what exactly the Nazi ideology was, but they abhor it anyway and are trying — very legitimately — to eradicate even the smallest manifestations of it.

But one of the four world powers that had organized the Nuremberg trials was the communist Soviet Union. The fact that the communists sat there as judges rather than as accused criminals gave the communist’s ideas and methods international legitimacy.

Joachim Ribbentrop, hanged in October 1946, may have had somewhat of a point when he exclaimed indignantly at the trial: “Why me and not Molotov? After all, he was the first to sign the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact!” That is why I believe that a renewed intellectual attack on communism and the left in general, both in the scholarly literature and the popular culture is badly needed to unravel the confusion created by Nuremberg-1.

People must be brought to understand that Soviet and international Communism is — ideologically, economically, politically, culturally — absolutely the same in its essence as Nazi ideology. The obvious and visible differences are superficial. What matters is how they operated (and, with communist and leftist governments, still operate).

The marching songs in both countries, Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Union, were almost the same. Even the methods of mass killing — the notorious Genickschuss (the shot in the nape), let alone the concentration camps — were, in general, the same. But Nuremberg-1 managed to engrave in the human common psyche the false beliefs that the Nazis were “right wing,” while the Communists and other people of their ilk are “left wing.” “Right wing” is an absolute evil; “left wing” is a perennial good. This is a gigantic lie that must be destroyed now.

Given the longer existence of Soviet communism and the much larger scale of the Soviet communist terror, the communists beat by far all Nazi records for antihuman monstrosities. Yes, the Nazis were pure evil, but they did not kill tens of millions of Germans, while the Soviet Communists did exactly that to the Russians and other Soviet peoples — killing the best, one million after another, destroying the gene pool of the nation, for centuries to come. Chinese, North Korean, and Cambodian Communists turned out to be quite worthy competitors.

Today, we see an incredible surge of the Leftist-Nazi-Communist-Islamist-Globalist-Transgender-Antisemite-Woke… ideas all over the world. For the time being, only statues get decapitated, dissidents are still fired rather than shot, and books are shelved rather than being publicly burnt.

But the furies of terror are easily unleashed, and they are next to impossible to be put back into the storerooms. If the Left continues its course, we will have Cambodia’s killing fields on our Main streets. It may be time to shout, as Romans are said to have shouted at the end of the 3rd century BC (when the Carthaginian army was approaching the Eternal City): Sinistra ante portas! “The Left is at [our] gates!” (The “Left” in Latin is sinister, and this is not accidental: the left side was (and still is) considered by many as something dangerous, evil, malevolent, and toxic.)

I am neither a politician nor a social philosopher, and I am not in a position to discuss the actions to recommend for stopping the modern Nazis, but I have a deep-rooted idea that I am ready to share:

The world needs a Nuremberg-2, not one in which people are tried for their ideas (God forbid, for a show trial itself would be the worst of leftism), but one in which the ideas themselves are exposed. The whole salad of Leftist-Nazi-Marxist-Communist-Islamist-Globalist-Woke ideas, slogans, and the problems resulting from the ideas’ implementations would be in the dock.

In this exposé, the “prosecutors” would:

  • Demonstrate the perfect unity of so-called Leftists/Rightists/Marxist/Black-Lives-Matter-ists/Democrats/Progressists/Woke, you name it.
  • Convincingly show the danger of the anti-human Woke (Marxist) ideology for the existence and the evolution of humanity.
  • Internationally condemn and delegitimize these ideas and policies.

Let me reiterate: Nuremberg-2 would try ideology, rhetoric, and the acts of the collective left, not people. It must be 100% transparent, i.e. open to a large public, and meticulously logical. At the end, the Left and the Right would finally be accurately defined!

I am not sure how to prepare for such an event and make it happen. However, the more people that share these considerations, the higher the probability that somebody will come up with an idea.

There are no chances that governments could support or organize Nuremberg-2. No, this must be a general-public action guided by non-governmental bodies and financed by some reasonable millionaires—or by public subscription. And, of course, it is crucial that it take place in Nuremberg.

It will have no “physical” force — nobody will be arrested or sent to jail — but it could morally destroy and bury the so-called Left, along with its lethal ideology.


Exceptional Germany: Superiority behind a mask of political correctness

Today, Europe certainly does not suffer from German weakness; on the contrary, it is a victim of German strength in the service of the belief in superiority over others. The difference from the past is that Germany now looks pro-European, neoliberal, and progressive, writes former Deputy Foreign Minister Petr Drulák.

Ten years ago, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said he was more troubled by German weakness than by German strength. As a representative of a nation that has repeatedly faced German expansion throughout history, he has gained pan-European attention. At the time, he wanted to break Germany’s passivity in security matters and direct it against Russia.

But Sikorski underestimated the real reasons for Germany’s security passivity, how widely German security works in Europe, and where Germany is headed ideologically. The past decade has reminded us of both things. Europe certainly does not suffer from German weakness; on the contrary, it is a victim of German strength in the service of the belief in its own superiority over others.

Unlike in the past, German supremacy is politically correct, pro-European, neoliberal, and progressive. It builds on economic performance confirmed by global exports and on the unconditional support of progressive “values” – green, rainbow, migrant.

But it looks with contempt at those who do not manage or reject what Germany does. Years ago, it was felt economically by Greece and Italy; it is felt today in Poland and Hungary due to different values.

The lack of security interests is not a manifestation of German weakness, but the result of a long-term constellation of interests. Germany leaves security to the Americans, whose priorities it seeks to promote globally. Nevertheless, it can also clash with the USA, as it does currently in the case of Russia and China.

Geopolitically speaking, the US are a natural gas supplier and a key export market for Germany. Berlin then tries to redeem itself from political quagmires, for example with money for Ukraine. The relationship suits both parties. While Americans complain that Europe and especially Germany should invest more in “security” (that is, increase purchases of American weapons), they are still better off than if an autonomous strategic actor emerged in Europe.

Berlin is the master of the European Power Game

Germany itself invests in its competitiveness, in combating climate change, in migration, and above all in European integration. Berlin is the master of the European Power Game. It makes its own rules and controls the institutions.

At the same time, it often remains hidden behind European institutions or smaller allies showing off. Take for example the Netherlands – such progressive values and neoliberal capitalism is indefensible. Years ago, Germany excluded the Greeks from Europe; today, the Hungarians. With such an ally as the US, Chancellor Angela Merkel can act as a prudent seeker of compromise, especially when she has the European Commission in her pocket.

The Juncker’s Commission was de facto run by Martin Selmayr, a third-generation member of the German military establishment, and now is headed by a former German politician whose only qualification is unconditional devotion to the chancellor. Under Juncker, Dutch Vice President Frans Timmermans has become the main face of pressure on Hungary and today is the guarantor of the green transformation.

German leadership is becoming less and less acceptable to Central Europe

Hang on a second, you say – in the end, isn’t it good for someone to run Europe? Sure, but German leadership is becoming less and less acceptable to Central Europe, both economically and in terms of values. Although we have benefited from involvement in the German export machine, the position of secondary suppliers does not give us the opportunity for further development, and German pressure for green transformation threatens even the little we have achieved.

We need a different economic policy to change this, but the German (and therefore the European) setting of rules and interests will not allow us to do so. Most Central Europeans are also concerned about the growing demands of progressive ideology, especially if they restrict freedom of expression, give in to aggressive activists, destroy industry and the countryside, and encourage new migration.

Today’s Germany will not do much about it. Although the pro-export model leads to an increase in economic inequality, and there is growing resistance to progressive policies, the ruling elite does not allow alternatives. The rich continue to grow rich, and export success, along with progressivism, replaces the lack of national pride.

The attempt at a pan-German identity after unification one hundred and fifty years ago degenerated into criminal chauvinism, which subsequently discredited any attempts at natural German patriotism. But Germany today defends its progressivism with the same superiority and resentment that once accompanied Pan-Germanism.

This was last shown at a football match of the European Championships in Munich when local organizers tried to give the Hungarians a moral lesson by lighting the stadium with rainbow colors. These were not just progressive activists. The rainbow was also supported by the Bavarian Catholic Conservatives, who were once the bastion of conservatism.

The European problem is not that Germany is too passive or weak. Through Bismarck’s unification, it outgrew European conditions but did not grow into world ones. Reunification after the Cold War was a mistake which can be fixed.

In an integrated Europe, the existing German federation could be further disintegrated into several autonomous states. The Germans could stop tormenting themselves and others by seeking their uniqueness, whether in crimes, economic performance, or social experiments. They could subscribe to the multitude of regional and historical identities in Europe -not to dominate, but to bring their enormous cultural and economic potential.


Thanks to Chechen dictator and “Allahu Akbar”: Austrian “bronze medal refugee” Borchasvili causes a stir

“A refugee has won our second medal,” all of Austria rejoiced over precious metal in Tokyo. Judoka Shamil Borchashvili (26) sensationally captured Olympic bronze. The native Chechen had fled to Austria at the age of nine. But a video now raises doubts about his loyalty. There he is said to dedicate his success to the Chechen people, also thanks Chechen dictator Kadyrov and ends with “Allahu Akbar”.

“I am so grateful. And so happy for Austria that I won the medal,” cheered the tearful Borchashvili in Tokyo, wrapped in a red-white-red flag. On Thursday, however, a video emerged that could give the likeable athlete a difficult time explaining himself. The well-known “Islamist hunter” Irfan Peci even writes of the “true face of the Austrian bronze medallist Borchashvili”.

Peci says: “The Austrian bronze Olympic champion and native Chechen Shamil Borchashvili pays homage to the President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov in this video! He dedicates the victory to “the Chechen people”, thanks “our leader Ramsan” and ends the greeting video with the greeting “Allahu Akbar” used by Islamists and a raised right index finger! In recent days, the media have stylised Borchashvili as a hero and presented his life as the success story of a refugee par excellence! Now the reason for fleeing turns out to be completely false, because the family can hardly have fled from Kadyrov’s reign of terror if he at the same time hails him as “our leader”. The same media that portrayed Borchashvili as a model refugee repeatedly report how Kadyrov has opposition members murdered, kidnapped and tortured and, above all, persecutes homosexuals”.In fact, homosexuals in particular are said to be systematically persecuted and tortured in Chechnya. When asked by eXXpress, Peci assured us that the translation in the video had been secured by two independent Chechens. The video was leaked by Chechen opposition activists. In addition, Russian media are already reporting on the case. A request to the IOC remained unanswered until the publication of this article.


Austria: Police catch human smugglers – and are directly presented with asylum applications

The police caught a people smuggler (62) in the Vienna district of Favoriten. At the scene was also a group of Syrians who filed asylum applications with the officers on the spot.

According to the report, the officers had checked a group of men in Vienna’s 10th district who had gathered around a car and thus obstructed traffic. During the check, the driver (62) claimed that he was a taxi driver and did not know the men. They were Syrians, who then applied for asylum directly to the police officers.

The alleged taxi driver got entangled in contradictions, which is why the suspicion of smuggling was reinforced against him. He also had 4200 euros in cash on him. He was temporarily arrested.
